Heaven Sent:The Reunion

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Heaven Sent:The Reunion Page 7

by Tynessa

  “Man, fuck this! I’m not about to sit here and go back and forth with you about that shit. I know I was wrong and don’t need you adding fuel to the mothafucking fire. I have other shit to worry about right now,” Ali said, getting off the bed. He loved his wife to the death of him but he wasn’t about to let her make his feel worse than he already felt. Ali knew without a doubt that she would find it in her heart to forgive him being that it was before her time. But he couldn’t say that about Zylen.


  “You mothafucking bastard!” La-La yelled, bringing him out his thoughts.

  The stinging sensation across Ali’s face caused him to snap back into reality. Just as it registered that he’d been slapped by his wife, La-La punched him right in the mouth.

  “Fuck is wrong with you, girl?” he screamed at her as he grabbed her swing arms, pinning her to the bed. Ali looked into his wife’s teary eyes asking her what her problem was. Why the fuck was she so angry when they weren’t even together back then? Yeah they had fucked once, but a relationship they weren’t in.

  “Get the fuck off me, you dirty dick bastard!” La-La tried to wiggle out his hold.

  “Let you go, why? So you can hit me again? Man, you already know I don’t play that hitting shit, Layla. Don’t fucking touch me! I should beat yo’ fucking ass for hitting me in the mouth like you crazy. Now calm yo’ ass down. What the fuck is wrong with you?” Ali was heated and La-La knew it because he hadn’t called her Layla in a year since when they were arguing about the twins and she swung on him and Ali knocked the shit out of her.

  “That’s why that bitch killed my fucking babies. The shit is all making sense now. It was never about Zylen or Heaven. I knew it was a fucking reason behind that shit. There Heaven was thinking she was the cause and all along you were the reason for it. That bitch killed our babies because of you, Ali!” La-La cried out.

  Ali couldn’t do or say shit. He badly wanted to console his wife but her words cut him too deep. La-La was right and it was all making sense to Ali as well. What he didn’t understand was why though?! Why go after La-La when they weren’t in a relationship or had no intention of being in one? It was just a onetime thing he and Tamar shared. Hell, she didn’t even let him know that he could possibly be the father of her child that he nor Zylen knew about. Snatching his keys, Ali left out the house with no destination in mind. He left La-La right on the bed crying her heart out.

  Chapter 14

  Zylen had been out of town for the past three days on business and he wasn’t due to come back home for another day. Tamar had been partying since the day he stepped foot out the door headed to the airport. Unbeknownst to her, Zylen had Ali keep an eye on her while he was away. Though Zylen loved her with his whole heart he still felt as if he needed someone to look after her while he was gone. He was in the game and had to protect what was his, but on the other hand, knew how much she loved to party and he didn’t need her on no slick shit by having niggas running up in his crib. He might’ve loved her but he didn’t mind going off in her shit if she disrespected him like that.

  It was four in the morning and Ali was on his way home from the strip club he’d seen Tamar and her girls at about 30 minutes prior. Why they were hanging at the strip club was beyond him. Maybe she was into chicks too. Whatever floated her boat. Who was Ali to judge?

  “Yo?” Ali answered his ringing phone without looking at the screen. He was beyond tipsy and wasn’t trying to take his eyes off the road for shit.

  “Ali, I need you to come let me in the house. I already know you have a key and I lost my shit at the damn club and can’t get in the house,” Tamar screamed into the phone. Her words was slurry so he knew she was fucked up also.

  “Man, shit Tamar. How the fuck did you lose some fucking keys? Damn, I’m fucked up and I don’t feel like coming all the way back over that way,” Ali fussed. He never cared about Tamar. He dealt with her because of Zylen and that was the only reason.

  “Really, Ali? You only live like 15 minutes away from us. Damn, if it makes you feel any better you can stay here and sleep on the couch or in one of the guest bedrooms. Just bring yo’ ass on. Damn!” With that she hung up in his face. Ali was beyond pissed as he headed in the direction of their house.

  When he pulled up Tamar was sitting on the steps with her head slouched over, asleep. It took everything in Ali not to leave her ass sitting right where she was. Going against his better judgment, he got out the car. Shaking his head, he unlocked the door before picking her up, carrying her in the house, and laying her down on the couch.

  “Thanks, Ali,” she said with her eyes still closed and her arms stretched out for a hug. Ali frowned and slapped her arms down.

  “Man, yo’ ass is tripping. Since you woke come lock the fucking door,” he said as he started to walk away.

  “I thought you was staying?”

  “Man naw, I’m taking my ass home. Fuck I look like staying here while my bruh is out of town? Come lock the fucking door and set the damn alarm, Tamar,” he ordered.

  Tamar stood and as they got closer to the door she walked around Ali and stood in front of it. Her licking her lips seductively caused Ali’s dick to jump. He knew it wasn’t right and he shouldn’t have been thinking of Tamar in the matter but she was sexy as fuck. He might not have cared for her but he couldn’t take that away from her.

  “But what if I want you to stay?” she asked, looking him directly in the eyes. Ali chuckled and shook his head, seeing so much lust in her eyes.

  “Man, what the fuck is wrong with you? I knew yo’ ass wasn’t shit. Get yo’ drunk ass out my way.” Ali tried to push her out the way without hurting her. Tamar wasn’t budging though.

  Running her hands down Ali’s chest, she grabbed his dick, giving it a tight squeeze before stroking it through his jeans. Ali ran his hand down his face as he bit down on his bottom lip, trying hard not to enjoy Tamar’s tiny hand around his muscular stiff dick; even through his jeans that shit sent chills down his spine.

  “Man, fuck Tamar!” Ali said in a low husky voice while shaking his head. “This shit can’t go down. We both had a lot to drink tonight. Please just move out the way so I can go home. I can’t do this shit with you,” he begged.

  Tamar stopped briefly and eased her dress off along with the G-string she had on. She looked up into Ali’s eyes and knew she had him. Unbuckling his belt buckle, his pants fell down and she dropped to her knees. His dick was already standing at attention through the split of his boxers.

  Ali didn’t know what Tamar was doing but her head game was vicious. He then knew why Zylen was blinded by love and why she did no wrong in his eyes. The shit was like something he’d never experienced before. His eyes were rolling to the back of his head as he fucked the back of her throat. He hated to admit it but that shit had him floating on cloud 9. Just as he was about to bust down her throat she stood up.

  “Fuck me, Ali,” she whispered in his ear as she massaged his dick.

  “Man, I can’t Tamar. I have to go,” he mustered the words as she bit and sucked on his neck. “Fuck, girl!” That was Ali’s spot and he was unable to control himself. Picking Tamar up, he fucked her right then and there with her back against the front door. The whole time they were fucking all Ali could say over and over was, “This shit is fucked up, man!” with each and every thrust he gave her until he released his seeds inside Tamar’s womb.

  Ali had been staying at a hotel for a week. He just needed some time to himself to sort some things out. He felt he betrayed and hurt his loved ones in the worst way. He wasn’t answering any calls from anyone up until a few hours prior. He answered for Fred and had him to call up Zylen and meet him at the sports bar they chilled at often. Once they were there he let Zylen know what was up. To say Zylen was pissed would’ve been an understatement.

  Zylen took off his snapback, scratched the top of his head, and put it back on, turning it slightly to the back. Seeing that his Blunt had went out, he relit it and pulled
it before looking at Ali.

  “So you sitting up here telling me that you fucked Tamar?” He was looking at Ali through narrowed eyes. Fred just shook his head because he knew it was about to be some shit. Hell, everybody knew how much Zylen loved her back in the day.

  “Bruh, that shit only happened once and I regret it to this day. I wanted to tell you so many times but I knew how much you cared about her. Man, I fucked up! I fucked up big time,” Ali said. He never meant for any of that to happen. Now there was a possibility that he could lose his wife and his best friend because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

  Zylen chuckled and said, “Oh okay, I get it now. So you pretending to hate her fucking guts was a part of the fucking game, huh? I tell you what, Ali. Y’all had me fooled like a mothafucka’.”

  “Bruh, that’s not true at all. I really did hate her fucking guts, I just dealt with her out of respect for you. I never liked Tamar. I put that on my twins,” Ali let him know. Putting out the last of his Blunt, Zylen just stared at Ali. It was taking everything in him to not go into his shit and he decided to let him know that.

  “Real nigga shit, Ali. It’s taking everything in me not to bust you in yo’ shit right now. Not—” Zylen was cut off midsentence.

  “Bruh, I know I might’ve cut you deep but you not gonna touch me. Not over no bitch anyways,” Ali uttered.

  Zylen looked at him like he’d lost his mind. He had the same look displaying on his face as the one he had when he stomped Jamal out in front of the store for talking reckless to and about Heaven. Fred cut his eyes back and forth between the two men. The last thing he needed was for his niggas to fall out. Ali was wrong as fuck though, if he must say so himself, but Fred wasn’t in the mood to be breaking up no fight between two grown ass men.

  “Like I said, it’s taking every fucking bone I have to not knock you the fuck out. Not because you fucked that bitch but because we was like fucking brothers. I trusted you to watch that ho so she wouldn’t bring no fuck niggas to my house but I’d have rather her do that than fuck my nigga in my shit. Sad part about it is I know what day you fucked her. I found yo’ fucking diamond earring on the floor by the door. I knew it was yours because I was with you when you bought the mothafucka’. I never said shit or questioned nan one of y’all about it because never once did it cross my mind that you fucked her.” Zylen got up and started to walk off but stopped in his tracks.

  “I’m making an appointment to have another blood test done and if Taylen’s not mines then I’m shipping his ass to his real fucking daddy.” He walked off. Ali couldn’t say shit nor could he be mad. How could he expect the conversation to go smoothly when he fucked his best friend’s girl and possibly impregnated her?


  Heaven sat at La-La’s house consoling her with the help of Kendra. They’d been doing that for a few days. Ever since Ali walked out on her she hadn’t heard from him and not knowing his whereabouts or if he was safe or not was stressing La-La out.

  “He’s still not answering my calls. What if something happened to him?” La-La sobbed. In all the years Heaven had known her, she’d never witnessed her friend so vulnerable except once, and that was when she lost the twins she was pregnant with due to being attacked by Tamar and Kim.

  Heaven didn’t understand how Ali could deliver that kind of news to La-La and leave for days without having any kind of contact with her. To her that was a bitch move. Heaven was shocked when he’d finally reached out to Fred and Zylen. When La-La had finally told her the reason Ali left her, to say Heaven was shocked would’ve been an understatement. Ali fucking around with Tamar was the last thing she would’ve suspected. She knew Taylen favored Ali but she thought it was just a coincidence and that was the reason she never said anything.

  “He’s okay, La-La. Zylen is with him know,” Heaven let her know.

  “And so is Fred. He called him right before I came over here and asked him to meet him at some bar,” said Kendra. La-La looked up at them with her tear-stained face. Just as she was about to speak the door swung open and in walked Ali and Fred. They walked into the living room and there was an awkward silence.

  “Where’s Zy?” Heaven finally asked. The look upon their faces let her know that Ali had told Zylen about him and Tamar’s fling.

  “Man, he left us. I guess he went home. He’s not answering my calls,” Fred finally spoke up. Heaven rolled her eyes upwards as she stood. She cut her eyes at Ali and just shook her head, still in disbelief. She wasn’t mad at him at all, shocked maybe, but mad she wasn’t.

  “La-La, I’ll call you later. Let me go tend to my husband.” After hugging La-La, rounding up her kids, and saying her goodbyes, Heaven was out the door.

  Fred pulled Kendra up from her seat and announced they were about to leave as well. Hearing the door slam shut La-Lad waste no time going off on Ali.

  “Really, Ali? So we get into an argument and yo’ dumb ass just bounce like that? What happened to talking and working shit out? Yeah, things probably went too far but I meant everything I said and you had to feel where I was coming from,” La-La fussed as the tears flowed from her eyes. Ali felt like shit and if he could he would have dug Tamar up from her grave just to put two more bullets into her head.

  “Baby, I’m sorry man. I really fucked up. Why she harmed you and our kids I will never understand. But all I can say is I’m sorry. I’m a man and I’m man enough to admit I fucked up.” Ali pulled her up from the couch and wrapped his arms around her. He hugged La-La as if it would be his last time.

  “Did you know he was yours?” La-La wanted to know. She pulled back from his embrace and looked up into his piercing light brown eyes, waiting for an answer.

  “When I first saw him I saw the resemblance, but I wasn’t sure. Then when Zy kept raving about the paternity test I just assumed he was the father and my conscious was fucking with me,” Ali admitted truthfully.

  The night he and La-La went to Zylen and Heaven’s house for dinner he took one look at Taylen and wanted to say something then; but why should he have when Zylen had it written in black and white that he was the father? Ali just thought he had dodged a bullet.

  “But if you thought he was yours you should have said something, to me at least. I’m your wife!”

  Ali sat on the couch and rubbed his hands down his head then his face before resting them in the palm of his hand. Shit was all bad and it was a possibility that he’d lost his best friend over his own stupidity. He knew that shit would come back to haunt him.

  “I know, I fucked up big time with that shit. All this shit could’ve been avoided if I would’ve let my nigga know what was up when that shit first went down,” Ali said with a cracked voice. La-La lifted his face by the chin with her index finger so that he was looking up at her.

  “Just give him a few days. He’ll come around. I know Zy loved her or whatnot but you know like I know that he ain’t that fucked up over this shit. He might be hurt but we both know he’ll get over it,” La-La said. consoling her husband. Only thing was, she wasn’t so sure what was running through Zylen’s head. He could be as stubborn as they came at times.

  Chapter 15

  Walking into the darkened house after leaving La-La’s, Heaven flicked on the lights. It was so dark and quiet that if she hadn’t seen Zylen’s car parked in the driveway she would’ve thought he wasn’t there.

  “Taylen, lay him down. Go straight to bed and you can take your bath in the morning,” Heaven ordered as she walked up the stairs behind him with Hydeia in her arms, asleep. Once she made sure the kids were in bed and Zylen was nowhere in sight upstairs, she headed back down in search of him. Heaven knew he was most likely in the basement, better known as his man cave.

  “Why are you sitting down here in the dark?” Heaven asked after flicking on the light. Zylen was laid back on the couch with a Blunt in his hand.

  “Just thinking,” he answered as he brought the Blunt to his lips. Heaven watched as he inhaled deeply then rele
ased the smoke. He looked up at her through narrowed eyes, and stared at Heaven as if he was searching for something deep within her soul. She had never felt so uncomfortable around her husband before.

  “Have you ever cheated on me, Heaven?” he finally asked. Heaven bit down on her bottom lip and looked away. She returned her gaze to him and just stared back into his eyes.

  Heaven knew Zylen was going through but she didn’t like the fact that he would question her faithfulness once again because of the shit Tamar had done.

  “Zylen, you know I have never cheated on you,” she finally answered him. Zylen chuckled and nodded his head up and down.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. He was looking at Heaven with a smirk as if he didn’t believe her. Heaven wasn’t feeling that shit at all.

  “Zylen, what the fuck kind of question is that? Yes, I’m sure! Don’t sit up here accusing me of shit because of what that bitch did. I kept telling yo’ ass to get another blood test for Taylen but naw, you thought so highly of the bitch and didn’t think that bitch could’ve cheated on yo’ ass, even though you knew she wasn’t shit back then. Now since you found out that she did, you want to question me and my faithfulness to you. Get the fuck out my face with that bullshit!” Heaven started to walk away but Zylen grabbed her arm and spun her back around to face him. He saw the tears in her eyes and knew he had hurt her feelings. That wasn’t his intention at all.


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