Heaven Sent:The Reunion

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Heaven Sent:The Reunion Page 13

by Tynessa

  Unable to control his anger, Zylen suddenly had the urge to snatch Heaven up before she could muster up the lie that rested on the tip of her tongue. Grabbing Heaven by the throat, Zylen threw her up against the wall. Adding pressure to her neck he looked her dead in the eyes. The tears that was falling down her cheeks, didn’t faze him one bit.

  “When did you fuck that nigga? I swear to God Heaven, if you lie, I swear, I’m beating the fuck outta you! Now answer my fucking question.” The look that was on Zylen’s face was one that Heaven had never witnessed on her husband’s or anyone else’s for that matter. Zylen’s ass looked possessed. Heaven knew she couldn’t lie. The look that Zylen was giving her wouldn’t allow her to, even if she wanted to.

  “Zylen, you’re hurting me.” Heaven tried to pry his hand from around her neck, but Zylen wasn’t letting up. In fact it caused him to add more pressure. Heaven felt as if she was about to pass out at any minute. Telling him what he wanted to know might’ve been the best thing to do at the moment.

  “I-I’m sorry, Zylen,” was all she could muster out. That was all Zylen needed to hear. There it was. It wasn’t the answer he was looking for but she’d just admitted to what he already knew. She cheated on him.

  Letting her go, Heaven fell to the floor gasping for air. She couldn’t believe Zylen almost killed her, but who could she blame? Zylen slowly walked backwards, keeping his eyes on his wife as she panted. His heart ached. Yes, the thought of his wife having an affair was in the back of his mind, but what could he do without proof? Now that she’d just clarified it, it was more than he could handle. Grabbing the keys off the coffee table, Zylen was about to leave. He needed to calm his nerves. The longer he stayed in the same room with Heaven the more he was bound to put his foot in her ass.

  “Zylen, please don’t leave me. I’m sorry. I’ll tell you everything you wanna know. Just don’t leave. Please baby, I’m so sorry,” Heaven grabbed a hold of Zylen’s leg and began to beg as he tried walking past her. Zylen tried to shake her off but she wasn’t letting go.

  “Heaven, get the fuck off of me!” he yelled with so much cold dripping from his voice. Grabbing a hold of his shirt as she pulled herself up, Heaven wasn’t letting go for shit. She wasn’t about to let Zylen walk out that easy. Not without at least hearing her out. Yes, she messed up but he just had to forgive her, or so she thought.

  Zylen tried shaking Heaven off, pulling her off, he even trying coming out his shirt but nothing would work. She had the tightest grip on him.

  “Heaven, I told you to let me the fuck go. If yo’ ass knew what I knew you would get the fuck off me. I’m so close to beating the fuck outta yo’ ass. Man, dead ass, let me the fuck go,” he threatened. Heaven didn’t care. She wasn’t letting go.

  “Do whatever you want, Zylen. I’m not letting you leave until we talk about this,” Heaven cried out.

  “Talk about what? What the fuck you wanna do? Paint me a fucking picture of you fucking that nigga? Is that what you wanna do? Huh?” Heaven just sobbed louder. “Answer my fucking question. Yo’ stupid ass wanted to talk so answer the mothafucking question!” he roared in anger. Heaven didn’t know why but she felt the urge to hug him. There was nothing she could say. She fucked up and she knew it.

  “Get the fuck off me you lying, conniving bitch!” There was so much hatred in Zylen’s voice.

  Heaven didn’t know what hurt her worse; Zylen’s choice of words for her or the fact that he’d giving her a powerful slap, sending her flying across the room. As she managed to get off the floor Zylen yoked her up so fast, bringing her off her feet. He then slammed Heaven against the wall with so much force he almost knocked the breath out of her.

  “Where the fuck were my kids when yo’ ho ass was laying up with that nigga?” Zylen had sweat dripping from his forehead and the look of a psychopath upon his face.

  “Zylen, move. Let me the fuck goooo!” Heaven screamed to the top of her lungs. “I can’t fucking breath.” Her eyes had widened and her face had begun to turn blue. Zylen dropped her once again and she began gasping for air.

  Zylen just stared at her. What the fuck am I doing? He’d never done anything like that a day in his life and Heaven wasn’t going to make him out to be that guy. Putting his hands on his wife was intolerable and he would rather leave her for good if he had to, than be that guy she was making him be. Snatching his keys off the floor, Zylen walked out without looking back. He left Heaven right where she laid on the floor, crying and begging for him not to leave.

  Chapter 23

  Heaven had been lying in bed for the past two days. The only time she would get up was to use the bathroom then it was right back to bed for her. She knew she had messed up with Zylen for the simple fact he’d actually put his hands on her. No matter how mad Zylen became, he’d never gone to that extreme. Some might call Heaven a fool but she wasn’t even mad at her husband for what he’d done to her. How could she be when they’d taken an oath before God and she’d broken it?! Heaven betrayed him in the worst way and possibly lost her husband because of it. But how did he find out? was the question she wondered.

  Grabbing her ringing phone off the nightstand, Heaven took a deep breath as she laid the phone back down. She wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. Not La-La, not her mother, or anyone else. The one person she wanted to talk to wouldn’t accept her calls. As if sending Heaven to the voicemail wasn’t enough, Zylen had his number changed on her. That was some bullshit. Heaven had spoken to her mother, Sunshine, and she’d informed her that he’d gone by her house and picked up the kids. That alone gave Heaven hope that he would soon return. He couldn’t keep her kids away from her, right?

  “Fuck!” Heaven cursed out loud as she grabbed her phone once again. It wasn’t ringing; she just wanted to make a call she had been dwelling on since the altercation with Zylen. She was going to get to the bottom of her husband finding out. She knew she hadn’t told him so that left one other person: Derrick!

  “Well, what do I owe for this call?” Derrick answered on the first ring as if he was expecting Heaven to call. Heaven could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

  “Please cut the bullshit. What did you tell my husband?” she asked, getting straight to the point. Derrick let out a devious laughed.

  “Was there something I wasn’t supposed to tell him?” he played dumb.

  “Derrick, please stop it. Did you tell Zylen what happened with us?” Heaven asked through clenched teeth. Once again he gave a manipulative laugh.

  “And what makes you think I told him something?”

  “Can you stop being an asshole for once in your fucking life?! My fucking marriage is on the line right now. Did you tell my fucking husband about us, Derrick?” she yelled. Derrick paused.

  “I didn’t have to tell him. The mothafucka’ already knew. He came up to my job in beast mode asking have we fucked,” he explained.

  Yes, Zylen had always assumed and even asked Heaven, but never once had he stepped to Derrick and asked him. Not that Zylen was scared or anything; it was just no matter what his assumption was, his wife always assured him that nothing happened so what more could he do than go by her words?

  “And what did you say?” Heaven leaned her head back against the headboard and closed her eyes while waiting for him to reply.

  “I told his ass the truth. I’m not the one that owes him an explanation. Shit, you’re his wife, not me.” Derrick went on to say. The tears began to roll down Heaven’s cheeks.

  “What happened to a simple no? Why you just couldn’t say no, Derrick?” she asked calmly as she wiped the tears, only for more to fall.

  “Look, that’s your husband. I wasn’t gonna lie. Maybe you should have told him when the shit first went down,” Derrick had the nerve to say.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have fucked you in the first damn place!” Heaven screamed. There was that damn laugh again. “Thanks for ruining my fucking marriage, you sick bastard!” Heaven screamed.

  “No, you ruined you
r own damn marriage,” he said calmly. “Oh and tell your husband to watch his back. I didn’t appreciate that sucker punch he gave me. When I see him, that’s his ass!” With that Derrick ended the call. Heaven knew he wasn’t about that life and was just talking shit.

  She threw her phone against the wall and watched it shatter. Since day one, Derrick had been trying to break up her marriage. How she even stepped out on Zylen was beyond her! Then it was with Derrick’s ass at that.

  Zylen was what every woman dreamed of. Loving, caring, passionate, and everything else you could’ve thought of. Not to mention he was fine and sexy as ever. A woman that cheated on him had to be out of her mind, but what was done was done and Heaven couldn’t do anything but bury her face in her hands as she recalled the horrible night that placed her in the predicament she was in.

  Heaven was pushing 90 mph on the freeway after dropping Hydeia and Li’l Zy off at daycare. She was rushing to drop Zylen off at the airport for one of his trips to Ohio and still make it to work on time. Her boss Derrick was a complete asshole and she wasn’t in the mood to hear him bitching. It was like he would find anything to nitpick about. Shit that didn’t even concern Heaven he would somehow fault her for. The funny thing about it was after all the bitching and complaining he would do, his ass would turn right around and give her compliments and shit. His ass was really thrown off and Heaven often wondered how he’d gotten the position of being a boss. Shit, who in their right mind would even give that nigga a job in the first damn place?

  “Well I’ll be back in the morning. I’m just going to handle this li’l business then come right back,” Zylen said once they pulled up to the airport. Heaven didn’t know what business he was referring to since he claimed to have let Fred take over shit in the game. That was the second time in less than two weeks that Zylen flew out to Ohio, claiming he had business to attend to. Heaven didn’t know what was going on but once he brought his ass back home they were definitely going to sit down and clear shit up.

  “Yeah, okay,” was all Heaven replied. Him cheating on her was the furthest thing from her mind. The only thing that she could think of was that Zylen was back in the drug game and that was something she didn’t want. It wasn’t like they needed the money anyways.

  “Man, what’s wrong with you, Heaven?” Zylen then asked. She had been awfully quiet the whole ride so he knew she was upset about something.

  “Nothing. Could you please get out so I can go to work?” she asked with a slight eye roll.

  “Obviously something wrong. You rolling your eyes and shit. What’s up? Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  “I said nothing, Zylen. Could you go before you miss your flight and make me late for work?!” Heaven wouldn’t even look his way. Zylen folded his arms across his chest and positioned himself in his seat to face Heaven.

  “Hell nah. Fuck that. I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s up. Yo’ ass been walking around with your ass on your shoulders since I told you I had business to handle in Ohio. You mad because I’m going? I’m coming back in the morning. I told you that,” Zylen assured her.

  “I’m not even tripping because you’re going. I’m just wondering what fucking business you have there. I mean you claim to have left the game or whatever, so what you have to do back there that’s so damn important?” Heaven did the same as Zylen was doing and folded her arms across her chest, positioned herself, and turned to face him. Zylen licked his lips and rubbed his hand over the top of his head then over his face.

  “You think I’m cheating on you or something Heaven?” he asked. She frowned before rolling her eyes.

  “Don’t flatter yourself. That’s the last thing that’s on my mind. I’m just not feeling this sneaky shit. I mean, if you’re back in the game then let me know. I don’t understand why you’re getting hooked back into that shit any—”

  “Girl, ain’t nobody fucking with that shit. I promise you’ll know what’s up in due time, li’l mama. Gimmie kiss so I don’t miss this flight.” Zylen leaned over with his lips puckered.

  “Yeah, whatever. I have to go.” Heaven gave him a peck then sat up in her seat. Zylen shook his head. That wasn’t the kiss he was expecting but he knew his wife was in her feelings so he just brushed it off, told her he loved her, and got out.

  When Heaven got to work, surprisingly Derrick was inside her office waiting for her. She’d managed to get there just two minutes before she was due to be there by the grace of God. Rolling her eyes as she entered, she put her things down by her desk and acted as if he wasn’t sitting there. That was until he cleared his throat to make his presence known.

  “What can I help you with, Mr. Walker?” she asked, finally bringing her attention to him.

  “You’re late. You know you’re supposed to be here at least five minute before it’s time to hit the clock,” he had the nerve to say as he looked down at his watch.

  “No, technically I’m on time. As long as I made it before 9 a.m. then I’m on time. Five minutes before it’s time to clock in is your stupid ass rule that I’m tired of. Can you please get out my office so I can work?”

  Derrick held a shocked expression upon his face. Heaven had never stood up to him and talked to him in that manner. Whatever he said to her, all the criticism, she took like a champ. She could’ve easily told her husband and had him to handle Derrick for her but because he was her boss and she didn’t want his death on her hands or Zylen to get into any trouble she always turned to the other cheek and held her head up higher. Heaven wouldn’t give Derrick the satisfaction of seeing her sweat.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard what the fuck I said! I’m sick of your shit. Everything I do you always have something to say about it but yet you give me cases after cases to work on. If my work here is so fucking bad then just fire me, why don’t you? Wait…maybe you won’t do that for the simple fact that you won’t have anyone here to harass. If I was a dirty bitch then I would have my husband put his foot in yo’ ass. He been itching to do it since he met you, being that you sit up here giving me googly eyes and shit right in his face. But you being my boss is the only reason I prevented him from doing so. But I tell you what?! If you don’t leave me the fuck alone then I will be forced to let Zylen get in that ass!” Heaven leaned forward onto her desk and propped up on her elbows while staring Derrick directly in the eyes, letting him know she meant every single word she’d spoken.

  Derrick was pissed. Hearing Heaven say she would get Zylen to actually do something to him struck a nerve in the worst way. Somehow he managed to put on the fakest smile and act as if her words didn’t faze him. All Derrick did was nod his head, stand, and walk out the door. The words Heaven spat to him were unacceptable but turned him on at the same time; minus her speaking about Zylen. It was just the way she’d spoken to him with her game face on. Her voice held so much power. Yes, it was a must that Derrick made her his lady and he wasn’t stopping until he did so.

  All that day Heaven avoided Derrick. As if being pissed off at Zylen wasn’t enough, Derrick had to open his mouth and push her over the edge and because he did, Heaven didn’t want to see him or hear shit he had to say to her. When it was time for her to leave for the evening Derrick just so happened to already be on the elevator when she stepped in.

  “Just my fucking luck,” she mumbled while stepping in. Fishing around inside her purse, looking for nothing in particular, Heaven tried to ignore his ass. Derrick knew it too; that’s why his ass stood beside her smiling. Inside Heaven’s head, he was every name in the book. “Thank God,” she said as she stepped off the elevator, followed by Derrick.

  “Heaven, wait up. I want to apologize,” he said as he grabbed her arms. Heaven jerked away.

  “Look, I really don’t need your bullshit ass apology. I said what I had to say. Now will you excuse me so I can get home to my babies?” She tried to walk away but he wasn’t hearing that.

  “Not until you hear me out.”

  Heaven folded her
arms underneath her breasts. “Speak!”

  “I don’t mean to come off on you hard. You’re one of my best workers and the only reason it may seem that I’m harder on you than everyone else is because I want you to stay on top. One day I want you to have my position, hell, even be my boss; and that can’t happen if you start slacking. Whether you know it or not, me always being in your ass is pushing you to work harder. It might sound crazy but one day you’ll thank me and realize I’m only looking out for you.” Derrick tried his best to sound convincing. He knew Heaven would never be in his position. He grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes. “You’re my best worker and I’m not trying to run you off. I’m sorry for upsetting you.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Walker. I accept your apology. I’ll see you Monday morning.” She turned to walk away but once again he stopped her.

  “Can I please take you out for drinks?”

  Heaven instantly shook her head. What did she look like hanging out with him? She was a happily married woman and there was no room to be going out with another man. No way, no how!

  “No, I have to get home to my husband,” she lied. Derrick laughed.

  “So you’re going to sit here and lie? I heard you talking to him and from the way your conversation was going he was out of town and you aren’t too thrilled about it. Have a drink with me and we can talk about that,” Derrick smiled.

  “So you eavesdropping now?”

  “No, no. I was walking past and your door was cracked so I kind of hear you.”

  Heaven shook her head and rolled her eyes, but let out a soft laugh. She was so beautiful to Derrick.

  “Just let me call my nanny so she could pick my kids up for me,” Heaven said, already dialing numbers on the phone.

  One drink won’t hurt, she thought. One drink turned into two and two turned into three. Before Heaven knew it, she was awakened by the sound of her phone ringing while lying next to Derrick inside a hotel room, as naked as the day they were born. On the phone was Zylen, letting her know he was at the airport.


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