Clue and The Shrine of the Widowed Bride (Clue Taylor Book 1)

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Clue and The Shrine of the Widowed Bride (Clue Taylor Book 1) Page 14

by Wendie Nordgren

  “You can see him all you want while supervised or in public until he proves he will be a good husband to you.” I stared at him and mentally added the entire twenty years old to be considered an adult thing to my list of things to research at the Community Center. “Now, let’s get my baby girl some snacks for home.”

  Winks handed my bag of bottles to an employee, who seemed more intent on spying on us than completing any task. I loaded up on baked goods and sweet tea. After receiving our discounts for returning our empty bottles and using the store’s bags, Winks paid and loaded our bags into the transport.

  Then, he drove us to Dorado.

  “Do you think coming here is a good idea? What if she’s here?”

  Winks shrugged. “Why should she be upset with us? You returned her pearl to her and showed her to the ghost of the lover who scorned and stole from her.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” I had a sweet tea to sip and a muffin in my lap at which I picked. “So, what do you think of Tadashi?”

  Winks seemed more intent on the road than my question, but he answered. “I think you are too young to make such a big decision. Date for a while. Be sure of whomever you choose.” Winks parked in front of a reputable looking office building. “Come on, baby girl.”

  I sighed and got out. Every time Winks annoyed me, I forced myself to think about the box I had found under his bed containing my baby blanket. “Yes, sir.” I got out and dusted muffin crumbs from my lap into the street where a couple of birds eyed them hungrily.

  “Mr. Taylor, it is such a pleasure to be able to have you declared living,” Mr. Nixon said as he clasped Winks’ hand. “Aw, and you have brought your lovely niece.” He gave me a slight bow of his head.

  “Actually, this is my daughter, Clue Forester. I want her paternity authenticated, her name changed, and her identification updated.”

  “Right this way, Mr. Taylor,” he said as he ushered us into a room. Mr. Nixon took out a device from a cabinet. Winks held out his arm and allowed Mr. Nixon to press it to his skin.

  “Your turn, Clue,” Winks said.

  I moved closer, and Winks took my hand and pushed up my jacket’s sleeve. I flinched at the quick, sharp snap against my skin.

  “No doubt here,” Mr. Nixon said as he showed us the results. Winks had a proud, satisfied look on his face.

  I excused myself to the restroom which was in a hall behind the receptionist’s desk. In, the privacy of the restroom, I tried to clean myself up from my lovely experience with Tadashi. When I exited the restroom, the receptionist handed me a cup of coffee and escorted me back to Mr. Nixon’s office. The men were concentrating on screens and palm scans.

  “Clue, come press your palm here for your daddy.”

  Forcing myself not to roll my eyes, I did as I was bidden. I had plenty of time to sit, drink my coffee, and think about Tadashi while they concluded their business. When they stood and Mr. Nixon began pounding Winks on the back in a congratulatory fashion, I was pulled from my reverie. The receptionist took my cup, and I stood.

  “Miss Taylor, it has been a pleasure seeing you again and under such happier circumstances,” Mr. Nixon said as he escorted us into the lobby.

  Outside, I noticed the birds had eaten all of my crumbs. Opening the back compartment of our transport, I tore off a corner of another muffin and scattered crumbs a few feet from the corner of the building on the sidewalk. The birds flew over and began pecking at them. I returned to the transport and got inside. I felt kind of numb, but in a good way. I watched out of my window as we drove along the street. My name was Clue Taylor. It had been legally changed by my biological father. We even had genetic scans filed and on record to confirm my parentage. I wiped at my eyes. The transport swerved and stopped.

  “What’s wrong?” Winks asked in a panic with his hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to look into his concerned eyes.

  I shook my head. “I have a father. Me. You claimed me and made me legitimate. You even seem happy about it and proud I’m yours.” My eyes got really blurry, but Winks turned my face toward him before I could wipe them away.

  “I’ve loved you and been proud of you since the moment I laid eyes on you. Now, I can share it with the universes. Right now, I’m showing you off to an old friend.”

  “Oh, I recognize the alley. That reminds me. I have your metal knuckles in my pockets, your flashlight is somewhere, I think I lost one of your blasters on the island of the Widowed Bride, and I’ve got a huge sapphire in my pocket that I planned to give to Palena for all of her help. I never would have found you without her, and don’t be mad. I was just trying to find your remains. I didn’t want you to be alone.”

  “Who is Palena?”

  I looked at him in shock. “Palena is the Goddess of the Ocean Waves. With all that you are able to do, I’m surprised that you haven’t met her.”

  “I don’t usually consort with goddesses, but I’ve got a good spider demon friend to whom I’ll gladly introduce you.”

  Frowning, I asked, “Does he eat rats?”

  “Yeah, have you met him?”

  “I ran screaming from him after my first…. What do you call the lift, fall, and disappearance of sound and color?”

  Growing thoughtful he said, “I think of it as a blending or meshing of realities. Your grandfather called it slipping. It’s been years since I’ve had anyone to talk to about it. Keep the sapphire. A goddess isn’t likely to try to sell a hot stone on the open market, but I would caution you about getting caught with anything from the basement.” Winks gave me a smile full of trouble. We walked around to the back of the building, and Winks signaled for entry.

  “Who the fuck’s there?” I heard Mr. Julian ask.

  “Hey, watch the language. My little girl is with me.”

  The door opened so quickly that the vacuum of air it created pulled my hair forward for a second. Mr. Julian’s face was shocked and happy as he pulled Winks inside. “We all thought you were dead! What the fuck happened to you?”

  Winks cleared his throat and nodded his head toward me. “My little girl found me, and my apprentice busted me out. We’ve been laying low.”

  “You might want to stay out of sight a little longer. There’s a new boss in Dorado.” We followed Mr. Julian through back rooms and past safes to the storefront.

  “Does she have the blood red eyes of a snake and the temper to match?” I asked. Mr. Julian eyed me warily. Then, sweat began to bead on his forehead as he looked out his front window. “Shit.”

  Today, Kiyohime and her two servants has dressed in red. The serpent demon wore her black hair up in an elaborate coiled braid. I took a few steps placing myself between Kiyohime, and Winks and Mr. Julian. Then, I attempted a small bow.

  “My little mouse, you look so much better with all of your bruises gone. Who is this?” she asked of Winks with a seductive hiss that stretched her question out like a snake basking on a hot rock.

  “Lady Kiyohime, you are even more stunningly beautiful than the last time you allowed me to be near you. This is my father and our friend,” I said as I indicated Winks and Mr. Julian.

  Winks moved around me and bestowed a charming smile on Kiyohime as he bowed low at the waist and kissed her hand. “My daughter is correct. You are the most seductively gorgeous creature I have ever had the pleasure to see. Winks Taylor at your service, Lady Kiyohime.”

  Kiyohime enjoyed the praise of her beauty. “You and your little mouse please me. I look forward to seeing you again,” she said as she turned and left.

  Mr. Julian and I released explosive breaths once she was out of sight. “She ate a couple of business owners who failed to recognize her as the new boss in town. The word on the streets is that she transformed into a gigantic sea snake and swallowed them whole.”

  Shaking his head, Winks said, “Damn, I bet that hurt to shit out.”

  We stared at him in shock. Then, Mr. Julian and Winks laughed all of their anxiety away.

  “I’m going to get
some air.”

  “Stay where I can see you. This isn’t Scorpius.”

  “Yes, sir.” I stayed in front of the jewelry store window tilting my head back against the plasti-glass and closing my eyes. The weather seemed to be getting cooler in increments as fall approached. While trying to calm my nerves, I heard a soft chanting in the distance. Righting my head and turning to look, my eyes met Gregory’s just as his met mine.

  He and a small group of worshippers wore blue and white robes and appeared to be attempting to convert the ambiguous citizens of Dorado. Careful of transports, Gregory ran to me from two blocks away. He stopped running once he was close enough to slip his fingers into my hair at either side of my head. Gregory stared into my eyes with his of deep blue. I had time to draw in a quick breath before he pressed his rosy lips to mine. His kiss was passionate tenderness, and my heart fluttered like the wings of excited birds descending on muffin crumbs. I gripped his robe more tightly as my knees grew weak.

  Gregory ended the kiss but remained so close that I could feel his lips moving against mine with his words. “I feared I’d never see you again. I’ve replayed the way we left things between us over and over again in my mind wondering how I could have handled things so you would have better understood my actions. Clue, I….”

  Arms came between us. Gregory’s warm soft lips were gone, his fingers left my hair, and now I looked at Winks’ back. “Who is your affectionate friend, Clue?” Winks said in an angry tone. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Julian with his arms crossed over his burly chest. I had a feeling the two men were about to beat the affection out of Gregory. Frantically, I decided to make an attempt at some diffusive manipulation slightly modified from my observations of Momma’s tactics on Eris Station when trying to prevent men from fighting.

  Sweetly, I said, “Daddy, this is Gregory, the priest of the Goddess of the Ocean Waves, who helped me. That reminds me. Gregory’s mother loaned me a gown when she took care of me. I ruined it and need to buy her a replacement.”

  The “daddy” address zapped the anger out of Winks. I could see it in the set of his shoulders. Talking about Gregory’s mother may have helped, too.

  “Sir, please forgive me for my inappropriate greeting of your daughter. When I saw her, all reason vanished. Clue is an extraordinary young woman.” Gregory held his hand out to Winks. I was shocked when he shook it.

  “I’m proud of my little girl.” I lifted up on my toes and over Winks’ shoulder saw Gregory smile.

  “My parents would be appalled if I did not invite the two of you to dinner. Will you please join us?”

  “Gregory’s mom is a great cook,” I said from behind my father barricade.

  “We’d love to,” Winks said. Gregory told him the time and place. Mr. Julian was chuckling softly to himself. “What?” Winks asked after Gregory returned to the group of chanting men and women.

  “Would you like for me to provide you with a shock stick so you can better keep them off of her?”

  Winks flipped off Mr. Julian. Then, he held open the transport door for me to get inside. Winks drove us up the coast for a few minutes to a much nicer neighborhood. “So, does Shimizu know about Gregory?”

  I froze. “No, but what’s to tell? Gregory and his parents helped me get to the shrine. Gregory helped me return the pearl to Kiyohime which is probably the reason she is allowing him to worship Palena under her nose.”

  Winks parked the transport. “That kiss he gave you screamed there was a lot to tell.”

  I snorted. “No, we’re just friends. Gregory has devoted himself to the Goddess. He rejected me.”

  “That man has not rejected you.”

  “Yes, he did. He doesn’t want me, and I don’t want to talk about it. Tadashi loves me, and I have feelings for him.”

  “What kind of feelings?”

  “I don’t know. They’re all mixed up. I feel a deep connection to him. I care for him and trust him, but he, Dorian, and Lord Tanaka didn’t help me save you.”

  “You can’t hold that against him. We have a long history, and in it Mamoru Tanaka has always been a self-righteous dick, not a big impressive dick either more of a little miniature one that’s annoying but not big enough to feel.” I stared at him with my mouth slightly open in shock. “Come with daddy,” Winks said as he got out of the transport.

  He ushered me inside of a fancy clothing store. Then, he recruited a lady who worked there to help him. I wandered over to the gowns and found one similar to the one Gregory’s mother had loaned me but much prettier and with a matching robe.

  “Can you box these up?” I asked as I paid. I carried my purchases out to the transport and then went back inside. Winks and the lady made me try on things.

  “I don’t need any clothes.”

  Winks frowned at me. “Oh, yes you do. I’ve gone through all of your things which is only fair because you did it to me first. Other than that jacket and a pair of black ankle boots, everything you own has holes in it. Now, go.”

  At least all of the pants he had selected were in dark colors and had some stretch. Also, I liked the soft long-sleeved shirts and sweaters he had picked out. However, Winks wanted me to try on dresses.

  “I don’t wear dresses. They aren’t practical. Everyone will see my undergarments when I ride my board.”

  With a deadpan expression, Winks added matching leggings to his selections and thrust them at me. At least he let me pick out all of my own shoes. I got black leather boots, rain boots, and exercise shoes in several different colors. Winks manipulated me into wearing a purple ankle-length dress with a yellow and blue flower pattern on it to dinner. I hid part of it with my black leather jacket and wore the new boots. I sighed. Winks looked so proud and pleased as we left the store that I thought I’d just play along to make him happy. He drove us back toward the wharf.

  “There’s their boat!” I said as I pointed.

  The boat was secured to a dock alongside a house that was built on pilings. Winks parked. He had stopped at a store and purchased an expensive bottle of blackberry vodka. He carried it while I carried the bag with the gown and robe.

  “I’m really happy to get to introduce you to Gregory’s parents. They’re real nice. They showed me how to fish. Fish are really heavy, though.” Winks’ eyes twinkled at me as we walked along the pier.

  Gregory, with a huge smile on his face, rushed out to meet us. “I’m so glad you came. Clue, you look beautiful,” Gregory said in his deep soft voice. I blushed. Gregory’s parents stood on the pier near their door.

  “Colwyn Taylor,” Winks said as he held out his hand to Gregory’s father.

  Shaking Winks’ hand, he said, “Panos Finn, and this is my wife, Breena. We are honored to have both you and Clue visit our home. Your daughter brings good fortune with her and blessings from the Goddess. Please, be welcome.”

  Winks and I were ushered inside and treated like family. After the conclusion of a meal consisting of several platters of all manner of seafood, Winks and Mr. Finn went out on the large airy enclosed patio that encompassed the back of the house to enjoy the bottle of vodka Winks had brought. Mrs. Finn refused my help in the kitchen.

  “Mr. Taylor, may I have permission to walk with Clue along the shore?” Gregory asked.

  “As long as you give me your word you will keep her safe,” Winks said.

  “I promise.”

  Winks gave him a nod. I raised an eyebrow at Gregory as I remembered waking up naked in his bed and the feeling of his hardness pressed between my thighs. Then, I thought of how large he had looked and compared that to how very big Tadashi’s finger had felt. I considered that maybe it had been for the best that he had gone for a swim. Captivated by my own musings, I was surprised when Gregory helped me down a set of steps and onto the sand. We walked along the beach with our path lighted by the stars and moon. The gentle rush of waves upon the shore and the crunch of sand beneath our feet were the only sounds between us until Gregory took my fingers in his
stopping our walk.

  “Clue,” Gregory said.

  “Look. When we first met, you made it clear to me that you belong to Palena. I get it. The Goddess of the Ocean Waves is….”

  Gregory stopped me with a passionate kiss, only this time, Winks wasn’t interfering.

  Laughter like seashells tinkling together parted Gregory’s lips from mine. “My two favorite mortals,” Palena said as she transformed little by little while walking from the waves. Gregory’s attention became riveted on Palena’s blue pubic hair.

  The hope his kiss had caused to blossom within my heart wilted becoming a sticky mess stuck to the bottom. I’d scrape it off later. He didn’t notice when I pulled my hand free from his. Gregory only wanted to spend time with me out of hope of seeing the beautiful ocean spirit.

  “Palena, thank you for guiding me to the Eye of Kiyohime. My father is alive, and we are together now. He gave me permission to give you something.” I fumbled with my pockets until I found the large sapphire. “It reminded me of you.” I held the gem up to the moonlight before placing it in her outstretched palm.

  Palena gave a delighted laugh. Gregory stood transfixed by her beauty. I didn’t understand why my heart felt like jagged pieces of seashells over Gregory not when I had Tadashi’s love. Tadashi was much more interesting. He could change into a wolf, and when in his human form had such lovely fingers.

  “I can find my way back alone.” I turned from the two of them and walked quickly along the beach and toward the Finn house. A spray of water as a wave hit a rock halted my jog.

  Palena appeared before me. “What is this? You pay homage to me even with your eyes? Do you attempt to make your own ocean with your tears?”

  “No, I’m fine. I don’t understand why I’m upset over Gregory. I just need to get it all clear in my head that he’s just a friend.”

  Palena’s laughter dissipated along with her form. I walked at a fast pace eager to get back to Winks. I heard Gregory shouting my name and wasn’t surprised when the sound of sand churning under his running feet grew closer. I was surprised when he swept me up into his arms and sat on the beach with me in his lap. I could feel the pounding of his heart against my shoulder. Gregory brushed my hair from my face with his fingers even though I tried not to look at him.


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