The Modesty Cure

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by Emily Tilton

  “Did you instruct her in her duty, as you punished her?” The words had come from the unexpected quarter of James Coventry, whose face still wore a brooding expression though George thought he could discern that the young man had probably developed a stiff prick despite himself.

  “I did, sir. I did,” George replied. “I told her that from then on she would not be permitted to wear even her shift in bed, and I told her that the time had come for fucking. She didn’t know the word, of course, but she could tell I didn’t mean to be gentle, from the way I kept spanking her. Finally I told her that she need not have any more spanking if she would take off her shift like a good girl, and look at what I had to show her, while I explained what fucking is.”

  “How red did you get that little bottom, before you stopped?” the squire asked.

  “Very red indeed, my lord,” George replied, smiling. “I only used my hand that night, but the trouble Louisa had sitting down next day came as much from the spanking as from the fucking I gave her. When she took off the shift, I played with her bubbies and her cunt and bottom for a while, until she realized that my hands could make her feel nice things as well as nasty ones, as long as she proved obedient.”

  “And then you showed her your manhood?” This question from Coventry made George wonder whether he had misjudged the man: true, he had said manhood rather than prick, but the tone of the enquiry seemed to indicate that James Coventry did have some experience of such affairs.

  “I had her on my knee while I felt her sweet young cunny, until she spent like a little vixen all over my fingers. Then I told her to kneel on the floor, and I lifted my own shirt to show her my cock. ‘This,’ I said, ‘is my prick, darling. It will go inside your cunt, and also your mouth and your bottom, when I choose to put it there. You will get some pleasure, when you have it in your cunt especially, but the purpose of fucking, much as the clergymen will say that it is for getting children, is truly in order that a man may enjoy himself, until his prick spurts out his manly seed where he chooses, whether that be in a girl’s cunt, or her mouth, or her anus, or even upon her face, which is pleasant to see sometimes.’”

  George delivered this rather embellished account of his instructions to Louisa on their wedding night in the didactic tone of a priest or a schoolmaster. Both the squire and Jacob Penny responded with applause, and George thought he could see in the candlelight that Coventry’s mouth had turned up in a smile.

  But the squire loved his fun. “Come now, Charlton. Confess it. In truth you merely said, ‘Suck it, little whore,’ did you not?”

  George chuckled. “In truth, my lord, I did speak to Louisa about fucking, and about my conjugal rights. Perhaps I made her start to suck the prick before I began my discourse though—I will admit that my memory is a little cloudy on that point, since the pleasure of spanking her and fucking her may well have addled my brains a bit.”

  The squire laughed, and nodded appreciatively. “How did you fuck her the first time?” he asked.

  “I stood her up again and told her to bend over the bed just as she had for her spanking.”

  “You rogue!” Penny said in an approving voice. “You had your bride dog-fashion to deflower her? Did she present like a bitch in heat?”

  “I told her to push her bottom out and spread her knees, and she did, though of course she blushed thoroughly at the way she showed me all her most private charms in that posture. Then I put my prick in that tight little cunt and I started to fuck, though I had to hold on tight to her waist to keep her rear end where I wanted it.”

  “And the servants got their ears’ full, I wager,” the squire said reflectively.

  “They did, my lord.”

  “As I’m sure they will when you take little Amanda’s maidenhead in a fortnight. Though perhaps not even then as much as when you fuck her bottom for the first time, what? As I did with little Jane, I shall have Hoskins tell the parents to ensure their daughter knows she is to furnish every part of her body—mouth, cunt, and anus—to the bridegroom I have chosen.”

  “Thank you, my lord,” George said, bowing his head slightly. He glanced again at Coventry, and found that the brooding expression had resumed its place upon the young man’s features.

  “Though you’ll find, Charlton,” Penny said, “that if Miss Amanda Eaker is like her friend Miss Jane Sweetser, stern correction such as it seems you’re accustomed to give may well be necessary. I’ve already told you how much trouble I had getting into Jane’s anus, how I had to cane her. It was the same with her mouth, though I promised she would have a new frock if she sucked the prick like a good girl. I had to cane her anyway, though.”

  “Why don’t you make Amanda suck the prick tomorrow, after you propose?” the squire asked with sudden glee. “What a lark, eh?”

  George felt a smile break out on his face. He had not thought he would be able to gratify his lust so soon.

  “What?” Coventry asked. His face seemed to show warring emotions, as if he couldn’t deny that the lewd notion had its appeal even for him, though the moral outrage he felt clearly still predominated. “Send her parents from the parlor and lower his breeches, and command that she suck his prick?”

  “Precisely,” said the squire. “He’ll leave her in no doubt about what’s waiting for her on her wedding night. More humane that way, even.”

  “And if she refuses?”

  Penny snorted. “He’ll whip her, of course, until she does.” He turned to George. “You lucky sod—if only the squire had thought of the idea when I wooed Jane. Fancy raising a girl’s petticoats for the strap right after she’s accepted you, then spending in her pretty mouth, all in her family’s parlor.”

  The Eaker farm had come into view now, as George rode on with the firm intention of putting these resolutions into effect. He had in his saddlebag the punishment strap he had used upon Louisa’s bare backside so many times, and he had an erection so monstrous that riding felt quite uncomfortable.

  Yes, Miss Amanda Eaker would accept him, and then she would receive her first libation of her bridegroom’s sperm, as she learned from his lips of the sexual duties she must daily perform in his bed, once they were wed in a mere fourteen days’ time. If she proved reluctant, she would also learn of how her future husband would punish naughtiness, sobbing out her apology for her disobedience, held down over a chair as the strap fell again and again upon her bare little bottom.

  Chapter Three

  James Coventry had no time to write to Dr. Brown, but he felt confident he and Miss Eaker would find a welcome at the Scotch physician’s unusual institution. He hesitated to involve a girl he had scarcely even met in practices she might find just as troubling as what James had no doubt at all Mr. Charlton would indeed demand of her—that very day, the bastard, James thought as he watched the man approach the Eaker farm on horseback along the Durham road. But James’ experience with the teaching of Dr. Reginald Brown, late of the Royal College of Surgeons and now the director of his own College of Advanced Study, only a few miles distant in Westmoreland, suggested that although Amanda might make a show of reluctance at first, she would find happiness there.

  James had met Dr. Brown in London, on one of the doctor’s sojourns in town. Gently expelled from the Royal College but still a member of the Royal Society who found a welcome—if, to be sure, a discreet one—among that body’s free-thinking natural philosophers, Dr. Brown spent most of his time in Westmoreland these days, but came up to town at least once a year, during the season, to assist in the dispatch of young ladies in need of relocation.

  Not all these young ladies (nor the girls who might scarcely bear the name of lady, but who also got the benefit of Dr. Brown’s ministrations), James understood, found their way to Dr. Brown’s own college. A certain number went to private establishments like those of the Duke of Panton and Sir Gerald Carruthers, while some made an individual journey to the home of one of that class of gentlemen whom Dr. Brown termed ‘my proven natural men.’

sp; James Coventry had ambitions in that direction, but he knew he had not yet had a long enough acquaintance with Dr. Brown to request the doctor’s aid in bringing Amanda Eaker into James’ home straightaway. Too, he felt sure that with further tutelage from the doctor in the training of girls like Amanda he could quite easily become a proven natural man himself, but he had self-knowledge enough to see he did not yet deserve that qualification. James had certainly already achieved some little satisfaction in the disciplining and the enjoyment of young women in need of a firm masculine hand, but in Dr. Brown’s philosophy he glimpsed the possibility of perfecting those pleasures to a degree that he felt a great zeal to attain. James would gain the doctor’s respect and assistance much more readily, he knew, by telling the man honestly that although James recognized in himself a natural man of Dr. Brown’s stamp, he understood very well that he did not deserve the honor of having Miss Amanda Eaker delivered directly to him for his pleasure and her training.

  Nor could he boast of the wealth necessary to keep her, yet. James had come to Durham and to Rider Hall in hope of coming to an understanding with Lord Rider, of the same kind as those to which he had come with other noblemen and prosperous gentlemen of quality, whereby the younger man would manage the squire’s investments in foreign trade. Lord Rider seemed well inclined to James’ proposals, as well he might be considering James’ skill, experience, and excellent reputation. James thought it quite certain that he could look forward to a future in which he had married his old but financially worthless family name with enough self-made prosperity to keep more than one young lady under his protection, one of the phrases employed by Dr. Brown for the special relationships he assisted in establishing.

  That future, however, lay at least six months off, and carried perhaps more risk than James liked to contemplate on even his most sanguine days. If he could convince Dr. Brown to enroll Miss Eaker in his college, as the doctor had told James he might do with a girl James brought to his attention, provided James, too, enrolled as the sort of student the doctor called a cocksman, he would secure a safe place for Miss Eaker, whatever pecuniary difficulties might befall James himself.

  If that place should be a very shameful one, in the eyes of the conventional world whose benighted morality the doctor had taken upon himself to flout, James’ complete faith in Dr. Brown’s philosophy and methods left no room for doubt that it would in the end tend to her happiness. He would have to share her, of course, with other cocksmen, but he couldn’t deny that the thought of watching the girl he had brought enjoyed by other natural men (perhaps several at once) had its own appeal—as did the thought of making Miss Eaker attend his own fucking of other girls. Whether or not he could in the end take Miss Eaker home—perhaps even in the guise of Mrs. James Coventry—his chance encounter with her that morning had convinced him that he must follow the instinct he had conceived the previous evening.

  After he had heard the squire’s plans for her marriage to Mr. Charlton, and heard Mr. Charlton narrate the despicable, though to be sure very arousing, story of his wedding night with his first wife, James had gone to his bed in Rider Hall in a mild quandary. He wondered even then, though without forming a plan of any kind, whether he should attempt to secure Dr. Brown’s assistance in intervening here in Renford-on-Tees. Whoever Miss Amanda Eaker might be, James thought drowsily, she deserved at least a better husband than this middle-aged lout who had all of a true man’s lusts but none of a true man’s skill at rendering those lusts’ objects happy in their submission to his cock’s pleasure.

  When he saw Miss Amanda Eaker, however, he had instantly fallen into that state that Dr. Brown’s teaching had taught him to regard not as love (though the doctor made what James considered the soundest possible argument that a true man’s desire, tempered with his sympathy and his inborn proclivity toward mercy, constituted what the poets meant by that overused and over-praised sentiment) but as a true man’s attraction to a girl in need of affectionate mastering. James had suspected he beheld Miss Eaker from the moment he caught sight of the girl sitting in the grove. When he had confirmed that to be her name, he had wondered for a moment, as he beheld her fair, lovely features—her bright blue eyes and her fair hair streaming in disarrangement down her back, as if she had run from her home without thought for it—whether he had the right to work such a transformation in her life and prospects as he contemplated.

  Then, as he often did in the presence of feminine beauty, he remembered a passage from Dr. Brown’s little book, On the necessity of men’s exercising their masculine rights in erotic matters.

  A natural man never shrinks from his attractions. The young women of our society, raised as they have been within an exhausted morality that seeks to forbid them their natural pleasure in submitting to sexual use by a dominant man, are thereby also rendered fundamentally amenable to such use. When a natural man follows his attraction to a girl, and makes clear to her by the means at his disposal (viz. bare-bottom corporal punishment of various kinds, enforced stimulation of breasts and vulva, anal discipline, etc.) that her body’s innate need for erotic submission has a strength her education has attempted to conceal from her, both submissive girl and natural man will achieve the pleasurable aims intended by their Creator.

  Before he met Dr. Reginald Brown, James had fucked one girl, a young lady of highly questionable virtue from well before the time he had met her—the questions concerning her ability (or indeed her willingness) to keep her knees closed being of course the reason James had ventured to kiss her in the park of her family’s manor. The experience had certainly had a good deal in it that was pleasant, but rutting behind the stable block, the way Miss Portia Harton declared to be her preference, had at once seemed to him too animalistic for his taste and somehow also not truly in line with the essential bestiality of his nature.

  That bestiality had troubled him before, as he contemplated his prospects for sating his cock’s wayward tendencies, but when he had finally managed to fuck for the first time, there behind the stables, the things that came into his head to do to Miss Harton had caused him to seek the counsel of a physician of whose novel precepts he had previously heard whispers. He had wanted to spank Miss Harton for declining his polite invitation to take his prick in her mouth, for example. He had wanted to bend her over and have her dog-fashion. He had wanted to compel her to receive his manhood in her tiny rear portal, as a much more effective means of contraception than being made to ejaculate upon the grass, and as an erotic act which James instinctually considered would represent a true expression of his mastery.

  After Miss Harton declined to suck his cock, however, James had contented himself upon that occasion with the rutting, which he found pleasant enough because he found that he also could at least excite both of them by calling Miss Harton things like filthy whore and sluttish minx, and telling her quite explicitly of the pleasure he found inside her sweet cunt. He had rutted with Miss Harton three times in the same place, before he had returned to town, and her family had finally managed to marry her off to a Cheapside merchant a month later.

  But when James did meet Dr. Reginald Brown, who had come to James’ club as the guest of another member—a member James considered a sort of paragon of ethical rakishness, well known for his seductions and the handsome way he treated the girls afterwards—he had been ready with certain questions that had burned themselves into his mind during and after his enjoyment of Miss Harton’s illicit favors. He had not at that time had the benefit of reading Dr. Brown’s infamous essay, but far from fobbing James off with a suggestion that the young man read the literally seminal work that had given birth to the little movement of which the doctor now served as doyen, the physician had taken an interest in James’ obvious confusion.

  “How many time did you have coitus with her then, Mr. Coventry?” he had asked when James had outlined his adventure at Harton Manor down in Dorset.

  “Three,” James replied, proud that he colored only a very little at the doctor’s
frank language.

  “And I venture to say you didn’t exercise your natural rights?”

  “My natural rights, Dr. Brown? I’m not sure I understand you.”

  The doctor smiled. “I’m certain you don’t, Mr. Coventry. I think I can divine, however, from your interest in speaking with me about your sexual experience and from the generally manly way in which your carry yourself, that you have great promise as what I term a natural man. You should certainly read my essay, but I wish also to invite you to choose a girl to enroll in my college in Westmoreland, with yourself as her cocksman.”

  James couldn’t help swallowing hard. He had no idea what the physician meant, at least in any specific way, but he suddenly thought it likely that a course of study at Dr. Brown’s college for himself and a girl of his choice could live up to the most lurid of the images that danced across his mental stage. He imagined also that the doctor’s curriculum could well prove to resolve James’ doubts as to the exercising of his natural rights, whatever precisely they might be, according to Dr. Brown’s philosophy.

  The clear impropriety of the matter, according to the world’s moral conventions, however, still troubled him. “I’m intrigued, Doctor,” he said in as measured a tone as he could muster, “but I cannot imagine how I would find such a girl.”

  Dr. Brown chuckled. “I believe that after you have read my essay, and thought upon it, you will find yourself very quickly in a position where your right, and indeed your duty, to help some unfortunate young woman out of a difficulty by bringing her to me for a thoroughly modern education, will press itself upon you.”

  Of the things Dr. Brown had said to him, James had credited this one rather less than the Scotsman’s more philosophical pronouncements. But the advent of Miss Amanda Eaker into his life came in just such a fashion as the physician had said it would. Right and duty did indeed seem to coalesce in his mind, as he formed his plan to carry her away from Renford-on-Tees and from her monstrous suitor.


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