The Modesty Cure

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The Modesty Cure Page 9

by Emily Tilton

  “Are you going to spend with my cock in your mouth, Amanda? You may do that, if you like. Girls like you can spend over and over, the doctor says, though he says few yet know it.”

  She did: she spent, crying out around the cock as it used her mouth, and then she did again, when James said, “After I fuck you in the matrimonial position, and you suck me until I have recovered, I will take you from behind, dog-fashion.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Watching Amanda play with her sweet, wet cunt as he possessed her mouth, James felt he must be receiving the ultimate proof of Dr. Reginald Brown’s proposition that, when she received proper training and management, a woman’s pleasure would flow naturally from the masterful pleasure of the man to whom she belonged. When, at the point of spending himself, he withdrew from his girl’s mouth and told her to lie on her back with her legs raised, Amanda obeyed immediately, her eyes darting up to his for only a moment as if to confirm that, indeed, James Coventry meant now to have his way and to deflower her according to his natural right.

  He felt no need to speak further, or instruct Amanda more fully just now. The time for fucking, for his manly pleasure, had come, and he meant to enjoy himself. He put the head of his cock inside the entrance of his young lady’s cunt, and merely enjoyed the sensation of being there, inside her, for a moment as she sighed, becoming used to the feeling.

  Holding his stiff length in his left hand and kneeling so that he could look down at the first fucking of Miss Amanda Eaker, James moved the head up and down, in and out, watching the lascivious sight of a hard penis inside a vagina bared for the greater pleasure of its owner. He pushed in until Amanda gave a little cry of pain, his eyes greedily drinking in the scene: himself above and his naked girl below, about to become a woman under his cock.

  Her eyes had closed, and she had caught her lower lip between her teeth. She held her knees up and apart as James had told her to do, making the sweetest, lewdest vision he had ever beheld. Still moving his cock gently, so as to draw little whimpers from her, he took a final moment to admire her youthful beauty, and a tenderness filled his heart that made him want to claim her in every way—erotic, yes, but also in those softer ways that filled the novels: flowers and walks across verdant meadows.

  But the natural need was upon him, urgently, and though he would certainly walk over many meadows with the girl whose maiden flower he would now pluck, the time for the soft pleasures of the spring lay in the future. Now, he meant to fuck.

  James gripped Amanda’s thighs firmly in his hands. He looked down at the joining of his body to hers, and then he thrust hard through her maidenhead, with a little grunt of pleasure at the exquisite tightness of her cunt. Amanda cried out, but James began without delay to fuck in earnest, encouraged by Dr. Brown’s thoughts on the matter, in his essay.

  A girl’s defloration under the penis of a natural man should be a time of service for her. O natural man, you must now stop your ears to her cries, no matter how heart-rending they may be. Your girl must learn, the first time your manhood moves in her vagina, that a part she thought her own will belong to her master henceforth.

  Soon, when you take your pleasure along that path between her thighs, shaped for your penis by the providence of heaven, she too will feel the pleasure heaven has awarded to woman in order that she be encouraged to allow a natural man his rights. At first coitus, however, though she will usually feel some of that pleasure already, it will be mingled with the pain of her defloration, as your bloodstained penis moves vigorously inside her until you find your release and she receives your seed for the first time where it may quicken and make her not just woman, but mother of your strong children also.

  Use this first occasion of coitus, then, to teach your girl without words that her vagina is principally the place of your pleasure. Thrust manfully. Ride in strength. Take the stimulus provided by the proud sight of your penis moving swiftly in and out of her vagina. If she squirms, hold her fast until you have finished your ride and given her the proof of your pleasure.

  Every true man will feel some guilt in deflowering his beloved and seeing the proof, in her maiden blood, of the great change he has wrought between her legs. That hurt will soon be soothed, and what will remain in the new-made woman will be her memory of how well, and how thoroughly, you mastered her.

  The sweetness of the sensation of being inside Amanda’s adorable cunt, its velvet tightness that seemed perfectly fitted to James’ cock just as Dr. Brown maintained it to have been, by heaven, enraptured him so thoroughly that he knew he would spend very soon. He did watch his bloodstained manhood moving back and forth, and that made the pleasure even greater: to know this cunt belonged to him now, and that he might fuck it any time he wished, seemed to make the seed boil in his balls.

  Amanda’s cries rose higher, and though he did feel the pang of guilt to which the doctor referred, those cries also aroused him even more as his hips flashed back and forth, seeking more and more of the pleasure her little cunt gave to his cock. He looked into her face again, and as if she could sense his gaze, she opened her eyes. The submissive look there, the way her furrowed brow spoke of pain that she welcomed because he gave it to her, drove him into his climax, and he grunted loud as the seed came. He held himself deeply inside her, his hands firmly around her waist, while his cock pulsed and the ecstasy passed through his whole body.

  “What a good girl,” he said gently, looking into her eyes. Suddenly he felt the need to reward her, and he moved his right hand to the higher place, where her little clitoris lay hidden in the wonderfully complicated hood whose operation Dr. Brown had shown him that afternoon. He began to rub her there, in little circles.

  Amanda’s eyes went wide. “My angel,” she whispered.

  James smiled. “Keep these legs open, darling. You shall spend with my cock still inside your cunny.”

  She did, and to James’ surprise he had become erect again even before his girl cried out her climax, the sweet spasms of her cunt rousing him to new strength. The result was less comfortable for Amanda then she might have wished, he reflected later, but again the need had come upon him. He turned her over and made her masturbate for him, her face in the sheet, while he fondled her bottom to remind her that she would soon have his cock inside her tiny anus.

  Then, astride her, he fucked her cunt again, dog-fashion as he had promised. He lasted much longer this time, looking down to his heart’s content at the way his penis went in and out, still bloodstained, so close to the little flower of her bottom-hole. The feeling of her creamy, youthful buttocks against his lap as Amanda’s cries attested that James rode his girl as vigorously as even the doctor could wish drove him nearly mad with arousal, but his earlier climax ensured that he could enjoy that feeling at great length.

  The room was cool, but a sheen of perspiration had covered both their bodies by the time James held her hips tightly and pumped his seed into her womb again with three little jerks, his body feeling near to disintegration, as it seemed always to do after working so hard for a climax. Under him, Amanda whimpered still with the pleasure of her busy fingers, but James felt a sudden possessiveness and drew her hand from between her legs. He pulled it gently back and laid it, the fingers glistening with her arousal, upon her back, enjoying this small exercise of his rights over his girl’s body.

  Amanda turned her face back over her left shoulder, a distressed look in her eyes, almost as if she feared James might whip her. In the indignant tension of her pretty upper lip, too, James thought he could read her frustration at not being allowed another climax.

  Assuming a mock gravity but in reality as contented as he had ever felt in his life—indeed as he thought it possible for him to feel—James said, “No more of that, now, darling. Your little cunny has had enough for the moment.”

  He wished he need not dismount from her: he felt with extraordinary keenness the pleasure of what Dr. Brown called sheer simple mastery. To bestride, naked, his naked young lady, with his cock
still ensconced though it had slackened; to hold her naughty hand behind her… the sheer possession of Amanda that way fired his blood in a fashion far beyond the erotic. He had exercised his natural rights, and he would do so again, very soon. The knowledge made him feel precisely, he thought, as the doctor predicted he would.

  Once you have deflowered your young lady, natural man, she belongs to you. You must care for her, and provide for her, because she has permitted you the most precious enjoyment a man can have upon the earth. Here lies the truly natural relation: not in the thoughtless rutting of animals but in the care that only man can feel. This belonging, at the same time it confers such responsibility, also will make you feel yourself the emperor of the new, natural world that has opened between the two of you in that act of coitus.

  Do not misunderstand! Your responsibility to her, and her submissive service to you, do not mean that any false standards of what the world is pleased to call ‘fidelity’ apply to your union with your young lady. If you take my counsel, natural man, you will lend your young lady to other natural men, and enjoy their young ladies in turn. You will perhaps invite several natural men to enjoy your young lady at once, either alongside you or while you observe for your greater pleasure. You will perhaps form a club with other natural men, so that you may enjoy your young lady alongside theirs, according to a rota agreed among you, teaching all the young ladies how to give one another pleasure as you observe and then enjoy them as you please.

  All this follows from that moment when you have taken your young lady’s maidenhead. As befits your natural strength and dominance, you have conquered, and your conquest will continue. As befits your natural mercy and kindness, you will cherish and provide.

  James stroked the perfect bottom, the perfect hip, of his young lady, Miss Amanda Eaker. She had called him her angel, and he intended to live up to that name. The exercise of his natural rights, according to Dr. Brown’s scheme, might seem to much of the world a monstrous way in which to go about an angelic ministry. James knew, though, that with the doctor’s help he could find his way toward heaven—a different heaven, perhaps, than the one to which the village schoolmistress might go, let alone Mr. Charlton and Mr. Penny, if they managed to escape the other place. For James, however, and for Amanda, it seemed to him a heaven worth the aspiration.

  After Sister Stone had come to help Amanda clean up, and a junior sister had changed the sheet, James returned to his young lady’s cell and lay beside her all night. Twice he woke her, to have her cunt again—once as they lay on their right sides, Amanda’s left knee pulled up so that James could plunge inside her as she moaned fretfully under him; then, toward morning, with Amanda kneeling and bending her face down to present her cunt as James crouched astride and fucked until he thought his legs might give out before he spent into the velvet sheath that he knew from Amanda’s woeful cries must be very sore.

  He held her very close after that, the counterpane at last over them. The first light of dawn crept into the high window. “I am sorry, darling,” he said softly. “I know your cunny must very tender, but I could not resist.”

  “It is all right,” Amanda whispered, though her eyes were bright with tears. “I’m glad… I’m glad you like… you know, having me… that way.”

  “Do you like fucking, darling?” he asked.

  Amanda nodded, a little smile upon her lips. “I like pleasing you, just the way Dr. Brown said I would. Even though it hurts, it still feels good somehow.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dr. Brown supervised Miss Eaker’s first training with the other young ladies the next day. All the girls were allowed to sleep in, just as if they were fine ladies, and had their breakfast in bed, brought to them by the two junior nursing sisters, Tabitha and Dorcas. Dr. Brown congratulated Mr. Coventry as he emerged from Miss Eaker’s cell after Tabitha had gone in with her tray.

  “We shall move Miss Eaker to the third floor today, and you shall have her anus there tonight. Your own things have been moved into a room on that same floor, which you’ll share with a Mr. Stallings, whom you’ll meet at breakfast I feel certain. Neither of you will sleep there often, of course, as you’ll be with Miss Eaker or another young lady most nights, but it’s a place to keep your things and to dress for dinner.”

  Mr. Coventry nodded. “Thank you, Doctor. Amanda will be trained with the other young ladies today?”

  “That’s right. As I said yesterday, you may watch in the observation lounge that adjoins the main training room. Most of the gentleman do, especially when their girls are just beginning. I imagine you’ll find it quite diverting.”

  * * *

  The main training room resembled nothing so much as the sort of ballroom one found at a dancing academy, though the floor was usually covered in soft mats rather than left bare. The bareness was of course all on the part of the young ladies who received their lessons there, before the mirrors that lined the walls and turned their six lovely nubile forms into an infinity of sweet young breasts, cunts, and pert buttocks.

  “Miss Eaker, these are Miss Booth, Miss Dixon, Miss Reynolds, Miss Parker, and Miss Miller,” the doctor said. Miss Eaker turned red and chewed her lower lip as each naked girl came to shake her hand, whispering her pleased to make your acquaintances in a barely audible voice.

  “As you can see, your fellow pupils here at my college have lost most of their modesty, as you yourself soon will, Miss Eaker,” he said, frowning at her to show that she must not think her blushes became her, the way she had been educated to think of them. “You had coitus several times last night, and your vagina is now fully at the disposal of Mr. Coventry and any other man to whom he chooses to furnish you. All of your schoolmates have grown accustomed to the same position: they have had the penises of several different gentlemen inside their vaginas, their mouths, and their anuses, just as you soon will. We must rid you of this modesty as soon as possible. Having Sister Stone train your anus while the rest of the girls watch is the best way to begin, I believe.”

  As Miss Eaker’s eyes went wide, the sister, who had been waiting with her black leather bag by her, seated on a chair by the door of the training room, came forward holding the training phallus.

  “Turn around and kneel down, now, miss,” the iron-grey-haired woman said gruffly. “Then bend over, just as if your gentleman were going to put his penis in your vagina from behind to have coitus with you, as he did last night.”

  “Wh-what… what is that thing?” Miss Eaker stammered, looking at the device, six inches long and fashioned of black India rubber.

  “It is a training phallus,” Dr. Brown said. “Sister Stone will use it to teach you to relax the muscles of your bottom so that Mr. Coventry can penetrate your anus and have intercourse with you there when he prefers that mode of masculine enjoyment.”

  Miss Eaker looked wildly at the other girls, as if to ask their assistance in warding off the terrible lesson.

  “Miss Booth,” the doctor said, “if you please, tell Miss Eaker how Mr. Graham has specified you be trained.” He turned to Miss Eaker to elaborate. “Here at my college, on behalf of those I call proven natural men, I undertake to train young ladies like Miss Booth after their deflorations. When I am satisfied with her training I will send her to Mr. Graham for keeping in a little cottage in the park of his country house.” He turned back to the girl in question, to find her blushing slightly. “Now, now, Miss Booth. Have I not just finished telling Miss Eaker that you other young ladies have lost your modesty?”

  “I’m sorry, Doctor,” the lovely Miss Booth said, unconsciously putting her right hand behind herself as if to ward off punishment for the blush and perhaps also at the memory of her special anal training.

  “No harm done,” the doctor assured her. “I’m certain Miss Eaker finds your blush rather reassuring. Remember what I always tell you, girls: obey without hesitation, and your bottoms need never feel the strap or the cane in anger. Your blushes are no more under your control than the natural vaginal
lubrication that your bodies exude when it is time for a man to exercise his natural rights and to take his pleasure inside you. I shall never punish you for such involuntary things, nor will any natural man. But please proceed, and tell your new schoolmate about your special training.”

  Miss Booth frowned and bit her lip. For a moment Dr. Brown thought the girl might need a spanking from Sister Stone to get started, as she had the last time she had been told to masturbate. Then she began her little tale, however, and the doctor could see that her training had gone to good effect, despite the lingering modesty. Mr. Graham would, he thought, be pleased if he could see his young lady now; Dr. Brown would write to him later today to inform him of Miss Booth’s progress.

  “You see, my master Mr. Graham has heard of a custom in foreign lands, though perhaps he truly only made that up like a fairy story,” the little auburn-haired girl said confidingly, in a tone that signified both her acceptance of her gentleman’s protection and her anxiety about the extent of his appetites where her submission was concerned. “He says it is called the way of the bottom girl.”

  Miss Eaker’s eyes went wide in apparent alarm. “What does it mean?” she whispered.

  Miss Booth shot a nervous glance at Sister Stone, undoubtedly because that worthy nurse had taken on the majority of the rigorous training regimen Dr. Brown had devised to meet Mr. Graham’s requirements.

  Her voice fell to a murmur, scarcely audible. “It means that I am to serve him and his guests… you see, there is a special…” Her face had gone bright pink now, and Dr. Brown did not blame her for it though he aimed eventually to have Miss Booth able to speak straightforwardly and without shame about even the lewd requirements of her life with Mr. Graham. The fabulous Way of the Bottom Girl invented by Mr. Graham and told to Miss Booth as a sort of Arabian Nights romance stirred Dr. Brown’s blood, too, but the girl would certainly need several months of training before she could speak of it without embarrassment, despite having already given the doctor clear signs of pleasure in the extremely vigorous anal coitus to which her master wished to dedicate her body.


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