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The Vampire's Submissive

Page 3

by Violet Gray

  “Be still,” he breathed against her tender skin. His teeth scraped against her neck, and then he bit her, his razor sharp incisors piercing her flesh. She cried out, “Oh, Jackson!” And then he was sucking her, feeding on her. The pain receded, and she felt the most incredible pleasure filling her body, moving from her neck to her pussy. She wished he would fuck her again.

  He drew his tongue across the bite marks, soothing her. Drawing her close, he kissed her temple. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, that was delicious.”

  He chuckled. “Happy to please, Katy girl. Although, you are the delicious one. I swear there’s a hint of wildflowers in your blood. Or maybe sunshine.”

  Settling her back against a pillow, he lay beside her.


  “Yes, baby?” He caressed the top of her breast as he spoke.

  “Did I please you?” Her voice was small, hesitant.

  Determined to reassure her, he held her closer, squeezing her gently. “Yes, Katy. You’ve pleased me very much. So responsive and beautifully submissive. You were perfect.”

  “I’m glad. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

  He flipped her so she lay on top of him and spanked her bare bottom five times. “You couldn’t possibly disappoint me. Understand?”

  She nodded, biting her lip so she wouldn’t smile. God, she loved his forceful hand on her flesh.

  “Rest,” he ordered, playing with her hair and rubbing her sore bottom.

  She nodded but didn’t speak. Sated, she surrendered to sleep’s embrace.

  Chapter Four

  Jackson lay in the bed with Katy curled around him. He played with her hair while she slept. Once or twice, he caught himself wishing he could keep her. No, he’d tried that once and his wife had paid the ultimate price. Granted she’d died nearly two hundred years ago, but he had a long memory. And pain possessed an incredibly enduring shelf life.

  He knew in his bones it was morning. No light passed through the heavy velvet drapes. He didn’t want to wake her, but he needed to call Alexander. Several hours south in Jackson, the thousand-year old vampire would be able to advise him on how to best protect Katy without alerting her to the presence of demons.

  As head of the council, Alexander possessed an ancient necklace which allowed him to move about in sunlight. If need be, Alexander could travel to Sweetwater.

  “Thinking of me?” the elegant voice pierced the darkness.

  “How do you do that?” Jackson asked with a grin, not moving from his place in the bed. He didn’t want to risk waking her.

  “I have a fair bit of practice moving without sound.”

  “It’s the mind-reading that gets me every time.”

  Alexander chuckled softly. “She’s beautiful yes?” He asked, indicating the sleeping shape beside Jackson.

  “Very. And mine.”

  “I’ve never seen you so possessive, not even with Belinda.”

  “She’s had quite an ordeal. I do not want her to be upset.”

  “What I have to say she must hear. It is her Fate.” Alexander proclaimed.

  “Fine, but would you mind stepping into the front parlor? We’ll be down in a few minutes. I want to prepare her, if I can.”

  “I’m not that horrible to behold, am I?” Alexander joked.

  “Very funny.” If there were a vampire GQ, Alexander would be on every cover ever printed.

  Alexander stepped out of the room, and Jackson pressed a kiss to Katy’s mouth, willing her to wake. Her eyes opened and she smiled against his mouth. “Good morning,” she murmured.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She blushed, and he tapped her nose with his finger. “Time to wake up.”

  “But it’s not even light out,” she protested, snuggling closer to him, her pussy rubbing against his leg. Oh. Dear. God.

  “The heavy curtains keep out the light. You do remember last night, don’t you, Katy?”

  She shivered and he drew her more firmly against him. She shifted her hips, riding his leg. He popped her bottom. “None of that, missy. We’ve got company, and you need to get dressed.”

  “Bored of me already?” She asked this in jest but he caught the fear behind the words. Rolling her onto her back, he entered her with a swift, brutal thrust.

  “Ask me that question again. If you dare.”

  Shaking her head, she whispered. “No, sir.”

  He groaned. “Don’t call me that unless you mean it.”

  “I mean it, Master.”

  “Katy, I told you, I don’t do relationships.”

  “And I’m not asking for one. I just want to be your sub.” She ran her hands over his chest, loving the sculpted muscles.

  He withdrew and pierced her again. “Say it once more and it will be so.”

  “Master,” she declared.

  He nodded, accepting her, and he began to fuck her. He fucked her hard and fast, and her orgasm was upon her in moments. He followed suit, spilling his hot cum into her sweet body, as he buried his teeth into her neck.

  Breathless, she swallowed. “Dear god, what got into you?”

  “Hmm, I wanted a snack, and you, baby girl, are mouthwatering.”

  She grinned, and he loved the way her smile lit up her entire being. Lying against the pillow, her hair spilling out in rich blonde waves, she looked like an angel. What had Alexander meant when he’d said something about her Fate? Part of him knew he didn’t want to know. Withdrawing from her body, he kissed her lightly. “Get up. Get dressed. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

  “Oh, all right,” she grumbled. “I’d much rather lounge about in bed with you, though.”

  Offering her his steeliest glare, he said, “Do this thing for me, my dear, and I will reward you later.”

  She climbed out of the bed and stood there, unashamed in her nakedness. “Really? And how will you reward me, sir?”

  “By spanking you until you cry and fucking you until you scream.”

  Her entire body blushed, and it was everything he could do not to take her right there. “I’ll be in my room. Get dressed. Now.”

  She giggled and hurried to do his bidding.

  Katy ran her brush through her thick wavy hair. It was poufy, and she hated it, but Jackson seemed to like playing with it, so it must not be too bad. Running water, she splashed her face and patted it dry. No time for makeup, she hopped into fresh undies and slid her favorite black fitted T-shirt on over a flippy turquoise skirt which she’d sewn herself. Slipping on sandals, she was ready. She knocked on his door. “Jackson, I’m ready.”

  He opened the door, and she bit back a moan. Dressed in a white button up shirt and black trousers, he looked delicious. She still couldn’t believe he wanted her, but he’d certainly done his best to show her.

  “You look beautiful, Katy,” he murmured against her mouth.

  “So do you,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Just wait until you see our company. No woman can resist him, or so the rumor goes.”

  “Who is he?” she asked.

  “Alexander. He’s head of the council for Mississippi.”

  “What council?” Suddenly, realization dawned. “Ohhh.”

  “Yes, and he wishes to meet you.”

  “Me? Why me? I’m just…just me.”

  “You’re gorgeous, smart, funny, and sweet.”

  “Thank you, Master,” she whispered, as they descended the stairs, hand in hand. She couldn’t believe the leader of the vampire population in Mississippi wanted to meet her!

  Chapter Five

  Alexander stood in the middle of the parlor and turned when they walked through the door. He was so pretty, it was scary. His platinum blond hair hung in soft waves around his face. His blue eyes, piercing and wise, drilled into her soul. His pale face was sculpted, as if from Michelangelo’s marble. Dressed in an impeccable suit, he stood at least six feet tall and filled out the suit to perfection. No one should be so perfect. It was
just weird. She fought the urge to wrinkle her nose. No woman can resist him? Humph! He had nothing on her Jackson.

  Alexander laughed out loud, slapping his thigh with his palm. “Oh, she’s perfect, my friend!”

  “What? What did I do?” Katy wanted to know.

  “Alexander can read your thoughts.”

  “Well, damn,” she whispered.

  “Katy? What were you thinking?” Jackson asked.

  She cleared her throat. “Oh, I think it’s better if you not know.”

  Alexander smiled. “I agree.” He winked at Katy and she shook her head, immune to his charm.

  “Well, damn,” Alexander said, repeating her sentiment.

  “Maybe we should sit down,” Jackson said, gesturing to the seating area. Alexander sat in a chair, and Jackson and Katy sat on the sofa. He rested his hand on her thigh, and she bit back a smile. She loved that he was feeling possessive.

  “So what brings you to Sweetwater?” Katy asked.


  “Me?” she squeaked. “Whatever for?”

  “The incident last night led to a rather fascinating discovery.”

  “Do you mean my attack?”

  He nodded. “It’s complicated, but I’ll try to explain.”

  Put off by his rather obvious condescension, she said, “I’m sure I can puzzle it out. What do I call you anyway?”


  “Not Your Highness or Your Grace?”

  Alexander laughed. “Oh, Jackson, I haven’t laughed so much in half a millennia. She’s a treasure, I say, and in more ways than one. Phew. Very well. To business. The creature who attacked you last night was one of several who’ve descended on your little town.”

  “Wait! Creature? What was he exactly?” Katy demanded.

  “Demon. And not a nice one either, though of course, you know that better than anyone.”

  “Is there such a thing as a nice demon?”

  Jackson nodded. “They are rare, but yes, there are demons who possess a good deal of humanity. My best friend is just such a man.”

  “Oh, well, okay, so I was attacked by a demon. How do we catch him?”

  “He’s dead, Katy girl,” Jackson said. “Turned him to ash myself.”

  She looked at him, disbelieving then realized he did not jest. “You’re serious.”

  “Quite. So clearly we need to dispose of his acquaintances. I fail to see how Katy comes into this.”

  “Katy is a Star,” Alexander stated.

  “I thought they’d died out. None have been seen in centuries.”

  “Yes, well, as it happens, I’m in possession of an enchanted map which shows the position of every immortal in the state, as well as those states surrounding ours. The demons converged on Sweetwater three days ago. I’m more than a little surprised there hasn’t been any other incidents before Katy’s attack.”

  “So this map shows demons and vampires?” Katy asked.

  “Yes, and various other supernatural beings. Including Stars. On the map, each being will appear as a colored dot. Red for vampires. Black for demons. White for Stars. According to the council’s records, there have been no Stars in existence for three centuries.”

  “What’s a Star?” Katy asked.

  “A human imbued with celestial powers which become active immediately after she loses her virginity. Because you were a virgin up until last night, your presence was unknown to me.”

  “How did you? Oh, so a little white blip pops up on your magic map and you come looking for me?” The whole thing sounded incredibly far-fetched.

  “Yes. You’re very valuable to the vampire community. Indeed, to the entire community. Well, excepting demons. To them, you are a grave danger.” He chuckled. “To be fair, you could level a vampire just as easily, but then Stars and vamps have always got on swimmingly.” He winked at Jackson.

  Oh, very funny, Mister Perfect. “How am I a danger to the demons?”

  “You can kill them.”

  “What? No. No. That demon hurt me. There’s was nothing I could do to stop him. All I could do was scream. If it wasn’t for Jackson…”

  “I understand. No, I don’t. I can’t begin to understand the trauma you endured, Katy, but I promise you, things are quite different now. Your powers have been awakened.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Close your eyes and hold out your dominant hand, palm up.”

  “Fine,” she muttered and did as he said, holding out her right hand.

  “Now, visualize a ball of light in any color you choose. See it moving, spinning. It must feel alive to you. See it hovering over your hand.”

  “Now what?”

  “Open your eyes.”

  She opened her eyes and her gaze was drawn to the white ball of brilliant light spinning and bouncing above her palm. “Oh!” She flipped her hand and pushed down hard. The ball plummeted to the rug, exploding in a burst of light. All that remained was a pile of gold dust. “What. Was. That?” Katy asked.

  “That’s your power,” Alexander said. “You can hurl a ball of light at a demon and it will kill him instantly.”

  “O-kay. So how do I know he’s a demon? How do I know the guy giving me the heebie jeebies isn’t just some creep?”

  “You’ll know.”

  “Oh, that’s reassuring, Alexander.” She blew out a frustrated breath.

  Jackson held up his hand, gesturing for quiet. “I hope you don’t intend to use her, Alexander. She’s young and has her entire life ahead of her. I won’t let you cut it short by thrusting her into a battle which is ours, not hers.”

  “But it is her battle. And as for her life…her human life ended the moment you took her virginity. She’s now immortal. She will not age.”

  “Okay, so that part I like,” Katy said with a grin. “The blasting demons part, not so much.”

  “Katy, do you want what happened to you to happen to someone else in your town?” Alexander asked, laying on the guilt with aplomb. “We believe there are at least six other demons lurking in Sweetwater’s shadows.”

  “Fine! What do you want me to do.”

  “Oh, hell, no,” said Jackson. “Sweetheart, I’ll gather some friends from nearby towns. We’ll take care of this. You are to stay here. You can go to work, but you have to let me drive you home.”

  Katy stood and fisted her hands against her hips. Being hesitant herself was one thing, but being told what she would and would not do? Oh, no way! “Now, you listen to me, Mr. Jackson Wainwright, you are not going to tell me how to live my life. I might enjoy a D/s relationship in the bedroom, but in my day to day existence, I’m the one making decisions.”

  “Well, hell,” Jackson muttered. “I had to try,” he said, directing his gaze at Alexander who looked like he would die from pent-up laughter.

  “He’s outside,” Katy said.

  “Who’s outside? What are you talking about?” Jackson asked.

  “He’s a scout, of sorts. He’s already been around the perimeter of the house. They’re in the woods behind the house about thirty yards back from the old tool shed.”

  “How in hell do you know that? How does she know that?” Jackson demanded of Alexander.

  “She’s a Star.”

  “Oh, he’s a cocky bastard. Marching right up to the door.”

  “You can’t possibly…” Jackson broke off as the doorbell pealed through the house.

  “You were saying?” Katy asked as she walked toward the door, her hand behind her back, a ball of light already shimmering in her palm.

  “Katy, no!”

  She opened the door and offered the man a smile. Dressed in business casual clothes, he looked nothing like his friend. “May I help you?”

  “Yes, may I use your phone? Mine is dead, and my car petered out on me about a mile back.”

  Putting on her best Southern belle smile, she opened the door wider. “Bless your heart! Why, of course you can use my phone, sugar; it’s right through the kit
chen. Second door on your left.”

  He nodded and offered a smile of his own. She stood back and let him pass, closing the door. When he was six feet from her, she hurled the ball at his back. He exploded.

  “Oh, dear god, please tell me he was a demon.”

  Alexander came to the foyer. “Well done. So it would seem the demons don’t yet know of your existence.”

  “Oh, damn. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that. When he doesn’t come back, his friends will figure it out.”

  “Or, they’ll assume we are vampires and that we ended him, same as Jackson ended their friend last night.”

  Jackson stood back, shaking his head and grinning from ear to ear. “Baby girl, I am so fucking proud of you.”

  “Why thank you, kind sir,” she said, placing emphasis on the last word so he’d know she was speaking to him alone.

  He groaned. “Behave.”

  “Yes, sir.” She winked at him and he covered his eyes with his hands, attempting to rein in his desire.

  “Alexander, shouldn’t we sit down and plan our attack?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes, of course. But first, I’m rather famished. Might you share a pint or two of your stock?”

  “Of course, I’ll be right back.”

  When he returned from the basement, Alexander was seated at the dining room table. Katy sat on the other side of the table and finished munching on her sandwich. She took a sip of tea and sat back and sighed. “What would you like to eat, Jackson?”

  She knew, dammit. She knew full well. He settled into the seat beside her and pulled her onto his lap, brushing her hair away from her neck. “You don’t mind if Alexander watches, do you, Katy girl?”

  “Oh, um, no, of course not.” She couldn’t stop staring at Alexander. Yes, he was pretty, but right now, he looked positively terrifying. His eyes were dark with hunger as he drained the first pint. “Oh!” she cried as Jackson bit her neck and began to feed. Unseen by Alexander, he reached under her skirt and nudged the crotch of her panties out of the way. He shoved two fingers deep inside her and began to finger fuck her, his thumb rubbing her clit, bringing her closer and closer to the brink. Oh, dammit, Alexander could read minds. He knew. Oh, god, he knew, and he was watching.


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