The Zoran's Chosen_Scifi Alien Romance

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The Zoran's Chosen_Scifi Alien Romance Page 8

by Luna Hunter

  Chapter Sixteen


  My heart is still racing as I follow Marcas. All of the Onyx soldiers surrendered the moment they realized their 'fearless leader' wasn't in control any longer. Siya's fantasies of 'total control' didn't get her very far in the end! The atmosphere on the vessel is very strange as I follow the four Zorans on their way towards their ship. I'm still reeling, to be honest.

  “Shouldn't we take Siya with us or something?” I ask, afraid for another last-moment turn around. I won't believe she's truly defeated until I see her in court.

  Egon shakes his head. “New Exon has already sent several ships. They'll take over.”

  “What about these soldiers?” I say. "Won't they just free her?"

  The green Zoran laughs. “Are you kidding me? Look at them, they're happy to be rid of her. No, I'm not worried about that.”

  Meanwhile, Marcas is eager to catch up with his friends.

  “Torin! You have to tell me how you escaped Blackgate!”

  “You know about that? How?!”

  “We ran into Anik,” my mate says.

  “What? I thought the Federation picked him up.”

  “Nope, Onyx had him.”

  Torin cracks his knuckles. “Where's he now?”

  “I’d imagine he's floating somewhere in space in the Vagreon sector, which brings me to you Kane -- what were you doing there?”

  “You don't want to know.”

  “Ah, come on. I spent half a year in a tank of water. I'm dying to hear what all of you got up to.”

  The silver Zoran turns around, and the grim look on his face tells me all I need to know. “Look, Marcas, I'm happy to see you, but I honestly don't want to talk about Vagreon. Not right now.”

  “Alright,” Marcas says. “I understand.”

  “Here we are. Welcome to our humble abode,” Egon says with a smirk as we board his vessel.

  A dozen people are waiting for us. It's simply overwhelming! There are more Zorans, a whole bunch of human females -- and even some babies as well!

  “Marcas,” I say, tapping my mate on the shoulder. “Can we talk for a moment? In private?”

  I don't want to seem rude, but I need a moment alone with him to process everything that just happened.

  “Of course,” Marcas says. “Of course.”

  He whispers something in Egon's era, and he leads us towards a private room. It's small but cozy, and I sit down on the bed.

  “Take all the time you need,” he offers. “You're welcome to join the party if you want, but no pressure.”

  “Thanks,” I say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ears. Marcas was right -- Egon is a stand-up guy. I look up at my pink mate. He's grinning at me like a fool, and I can't help but laugh.

  “What?” I ask.

  “We did it,” he says. “We did it. No, wait, you did it.”

  “I’m nobody,” I say reflexively.

  “Stop that.”

  He rests his hands on my cheeks and forces me to look right into those brilliant, teal eyes of his.

  “Look at me. You're Lily! Never let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm proud of you.”

  “T-thanks,” I say.

  “Are you okay?”

  I'm not sure how to answer that. I've just been told that I'm not even a person — I was created in a lab. I'm genetically engineered. I'm not a real person. I'm just a tool, constructed by Onyx. Of course I'm not okay. But, then I gaze into his teal eyes, and everything feels like it just might be alright after all.

  “As long as you're with me, yes.”

  I hug him tightly and let me all my emotions out. I cry on his shoulder, and he holds me tightly, slowly rocking me back and forth.

  “Nothing will change,” he says, “As far as my feelings are considered. I love you, and I will always love you, Lily.”

  I look up at him. “Do you mean that?”

  “Every word,” he growls. “Every single damn word.”

  “I love you, too, Marcas,” I say. “I love you too.”

  He holds me like that, and I close my eyes and just... rest. Everything is perfect as it is. The minutes pass, and I feel better already. Marcas is right: Siya has no control over me. She lost, and we won. I won't let her have any power over me. Not anymore.

  “Let's meet the rest,” I say, wiping the tears from my eyes.

  “Are you sure?” Marcas asks. “We can stay here if you like.”

  “No, I want to meet them. I want to meet your friends.”

  My pink mate smiles at me. “Let's go.”

  He grabs my hand and leads me out the door. The party is in full-swing — there’s a red Zoran singing karaoke, while several human females dance to the sound of his low, baritone voice. Marcas clears his throat and all eyes turn to us. Instantly my cheeks are red — why did I think this was a good idea again?

  “Everyone; I think we should make our introductions. I am Marcas.”

  “Hello Marcas,” a dozen voices say in unison.

  “And this is Lily!”

  “Hello Lily!”

  “Hi,” I say shyly, waving to the crowd.

  “Now it’s your turn,” Marcas says.

  We go across the room in dazzling speed, the names fired at me with the speed of lightning.















  My head is spinning from all these names. “Is that everyone?” I ask, afraid of the answer.

  “Not quite,” Sarah laughs, as she gently nudges her child forwards. “This is Jacob! And there's also Grace and Eli, but I think they've been put to bed already.”

  The child is the cutest thing ever, I can clearly see both her and Kazim's features in the young boy.

  “And... I take it you're all... couples?” I ask.

  “You'll figure it out,” Dost laughs as he walks up to me and hands me a drink. “Have you had kuhla before?”

  “No way, you have a bottle?” Marcas buts in.

  “Of course! What better time to celebrate than now?”

  My mate has a wide smile. “You're in for a treat, honey.”

  “Yes, come and drink, and tell us all how you managed to take down Onyx.”

  I shrug. “I mean, it's not that great of a story…”

  “Nonsense," Ava says. “You saved all of us! In fact, I propose a toast. To Lily!”

  “To Lily!” a dozen voices say.

  I sip my drink, the alcohol warming my throat, as my eyes pass over the room. It's decorated, it's homely, it's cozy. And all these people are just incredibly sweet.

  For the first time in my life, I think I may have just found a home.


  Three Years Later


  “Hurry up, honey, we’re going to be late,” Marcas calls out from the other room.

  “I’m trying,” I say, “but it’s hard to slide your way into this dress when you're seven months pregnant!”

  Try as I might, the material is not budging. I should have known this was going to happen when I bought this, but it's just so damn cute! And I severely underestimated how pregnant I would be... Zoran babies, I’m telling you. The size of his daddy should have been a potent warning, but I let him knock me up all the same.

  Marcas strides into the room, and one look is enough to make me melt. The black suit he’s got on compliments his pink skin and teal eyes perfectly. To me he’s never looked better.

  Of course, I think every single day.

  “Let me help,” he says.

  I let him do his best, and to my surprise, he actually manages it!

  “You’re hands are magic,” I say as I run my hands down the silky

  He brings my hands up to his mouth and kisses them both. “It’s your magic hands that got us here,” he smirks.

  “Stop it,” I blush. He loves bringing up that moment, back in the lab. “Or do I have to make you release all over your brand new suit?”

  “Be my guest.”

  I grab his crotch teasingly. I intend to shock him, but instead, I am the one that is shocked, for I grab a full hold of his hard erection pressing tightly against the fabric of his pants.

  “By Zora,” I gasp. After three years together, I’ve started to pick up some of his expressions. “How did you ever fit that in those pants?”

  “We still have time,” he says.

  My hands find the zipper easily. “We don’t…”

  “We’ll make time.”

  “We can't be late — not again.”

  “Why not?”

  My hand moves automatically, the zipper rolling down. Why not?


  “That's Egon,” Marcas says, glancing out the window. “Ready to pick us up, on time, as always...”

  I sink down to my knees. “What about making time?”

  “I’m a bad influence,” Marcas growls as I reach in and pull his massive Zoran cock out of his pants.

  “You love it.”

  “I love every damn second of it.”

  “You sure took your time,” Egon says, tapping his com-device. “We've been waiting for five minutes.”

  “Be happy it's only five,” Marcas grins.

  “What's that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing,” I say as I scoot my way into the back of his hovercar. “Hi Miah! How have you been?”

  “Good, good,” she smiles. “You're looking radiant! How long do you have left?”

  “Two months,” I answer. “How do you like Oregon?”

  “It's wonderful,” Miah says. “Let me show you some photos!”

  Egon pulls away as Miah tells me all about their new jobs. Egon is the brand-new Zoran ambassador to Earth. After all that has happened, the relationship between the Federation and the Zorans is fragile and strained, but we're all striving to improve that. Luckily, Onyx has been dismantled completely, their crimes exposed, and Siya and Basil were both sentenced to life in prison on Blackgate.

  Our little group has dispersed, the war won, and we've all made homes all over the galaxy. Some live on Earth, others on New Exon, Mars, or other colony-worlds. Marcas and I chose New Exon, and I'm glad we did. We can live off the land, in the middle of nature, with no one to bother us. It's bliss.

  Our group made one promise to each other: Once a year we meet-up, on the anniversary of the day Marcas and I took down Siya. Ava jokingly called it Zoran-Human-Appreciation-Day, and it's stuck with us ever since.

  I look forward to this day for months. It's wonderful to meet the people who understand you completely, inside and out. Human-Zoran relations are still not completely accepted on either side of the aisle, but that doesn't stop either of us. I am his, and he is mine -- it's as simple as that.

  And, of course, there's the children! Jacob is already quite big (they grow so fast -- and that goes doubly so for children with Zoran blood!), and there's Grace and Eli... and knowing our little group, I won't be surprised if there are half a dozen other pregnant ladies there!

  I swap photos with Miah in the backseat, while Marcas sits up front and catches up with Egon. I roll down the window and let the wind hit my face, the beautiful New Exon azure-blue sea glistering in the distance as we glide through the air. We've come so far. The fear I felt back then is only a distant memory now. Now, my days are filled with walks through nature, caring for my own crops, and at night, climbing on top of Marcas's broad frame...

  I place my hand on my round belly.

  And soon, there will be a new addition to our family.

  I can't wait.


  The end! For real, this time.

  The Barbarian Brides series is done. I’m going to release a short, Zoran-themed story for “In The Stars Romance” in April, and then I’m going to start a new series.

  It will take place several generations into the future, and take place on New Exon. That’s all I can reveal for now! The first release will be in late May.

  Sign up for my newsletter if you want to receive snippets and free chapters as I write the next book. You’ll be able to get the new series the moment it drops :).

  You can do so here:

  On the next couple of pages you can read a preview of The Zoran’s Bride, the Alien General’s Baby and Nero.



  Preview of The Zoran’s Bride

  My new bodyguard? A possessive, dangerous alien warrior who wants to claim me as his prize. Oh boy.

  Decades have passed since the Tyk’ix destroyed the Zoran homeworld. The fierce, sexy alien warriors have found refuge on Earth, but adjusting to this new reality has not been easy for either species.

  Sarah Granger wants nothing to do with the aliens — her father died protecting the Zoran, and she’s yet to forgive them. When the Human Federation plans a mission into deep space to find a new home for the alien warriors, she volunteers, and to her own surprise, the curvy scientist gets the job! She couldn’t be happier. Until, moments before launch, the Federation assigns her a bodyguard. And not just anyone: The most dangerous, arrogant Zoran warrior imaginable, who won’t leave her alone for even a second.

  Kazim has never seen his homeworld. The alien warrior grew up an orphan on the streets of Boston with nothing to his name except his fists and his indomitable will. The blue-skinned Zoran is the undefeated boxing champion of the Boston underworld — until the local kingpin asks him to take a dive. Instead, Kazim knocks his human opponent out so hard it kills him, and now the entire mob is out for his blood.

  The wanted alien warrior needs to lay low for a while, and using his connections, manages to hitch a ride on a human ship heading into deep space. All he has to do is protect Sarah Granger from harm. An easy job for a warrior as tall and strong as him… Until he sees her and he realizes in an instant that he’s found his fated mate.

  Resisting his urge to claim her is the hardest battle the alien warrior has ever fought.

  1. Kazim

  “And in the left corner, representing Zoran-kind everywhere, it’s the blue giant, the unstoppable one: Kazim the Destroyer!”

  The crowd — all human — jeers, cursing my name. Their faces are contorted with rage. Good. Go ahead. Hate me. It only makes me stronger.

  “And in the right corner, representing mankind, it’s the one, the only, Michael Cormack AKA the Machine!”

  The puny human in front of me is bouncing on his feet, his fists raised, shielding his face from me. He jabs the air, his punches as quick as lightning. It doesn’t matter. It won’t save him. Even the strongest, quickest human is no match for me.


  The bell rings and the crowd roars. There’s thousands of them, all of whom have been paid good money to watch a human beat up a Zoran.

  Unfortunately for them, I don’t play by those rules.

  My opponent rushes forwards and tries to get the first punch in. I lean back and dodge it easily. And the next one. And the next one. I walk around the ring, evading his every blow. His muscles bulge as he throws all his strength into ever jab, but all he hits is air. His face is contorted with anger, rage, and a hint of fear.

  I smirk at him.

  You got inside the ring with me, boy. What happens next is on you.

  I punch him in the stomach the moment he lets his guard down, and the human doubles over in pain, his scream filling the entire arena.

  The crowd falls silent for a moment before exploding in a fit of rage. This is not what they came here to see, and they make this crystal clear to me.

  “Go back to where you came from, you blue freak!”

  “Fuck you Kazim!”

  “Zorans go

  I look into the crowd and spread my arms wide, letting all their hate flow into me. In the front row I see the promotor, Callum McGregor, giving me the evil eye. He’s the kingpin here in Neo-Boston, one of the most dangerous men around.

  Except for me.

  He traces his finger past his neck, and the message is clear.

  Go down in the second round or you’re dead.

  I never planned on living forever.

  The bell rings and the first round comes to an end. I’ve barely broken a sweat, and there’s not a scratch on me. I grab a bucket of water on my side of the ring and throw it over my face, letting the cool drops slide down my broad, naked, deep-blue chest.

  I wink at a human female sitting in the front row, and she instantly turns as red as beet — and her boyfriend looks like he wants to come up and fight me.

  He’s welcome to try if he has a death wish.

  “Round two! Fight!”

  Cormack rushes me from behind, his punch grazing my chin. Unsportsmanlike. I retaliate instantly, my fist connecting with his nose. I can feel the bones shattering under the pressure of my punch. His face explodes with blood, the red stuff gushing down his chin.

  My opponent looks surprised, shocked and filled with hatred.

  “You’re supposed to go down,” he spits, with blood on his lips.

  I push my shoulders back. “Make me, human.”

  “Alien bastard,” he says. “You should have died on Exon Prime with the rest of your kind.”

  That’s the drop that makes the bucket run over. I can’t let that slide. My vision turns red and I feel blind rage taking over — and I welcome it. First I punch the human in the stomach, making him hunch over, and then I hit him with an uppercut, throwing all the strength I have into that punch.

  Cormack flies through the air.

  The arena turns silent.

  He hits the ground with a thud. He doesn’t move.

  I raise my hands up in the air. Victory!

  The crowd explodes, pelting me with bottles, coins, lighters, anything they can get their hands on. It all bounces off me harmlessly. I laugh. I laugh in the face of their hatred, of their rage. They can’t handle the fact that I’m simply better.


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