Vampire Bites: A Taste of the Drake Chronicles

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Vampire Bites: A Taste of the Drake Chronicles Page 8

by Alyxandra Harvey

  Distinguishing Characteristics:

  -Sharpened, elongated teeth; double set of retractable fangs

  -Very misunderstood; little is known about them


  -Wild demeanor and appearance is common.

  -Pale skin

  -Wear bone beads and amulets

  -Dogs taken into their tribes as totem-type animal companions


  -Blood, both human and animal


  -Strong fighters

  -Fiercely independent

  -Extremely fast and strong

  -Well-developed sense of smell and sight

  -Quick healers

  -Good trackers and hunters

  -Magical knowledge about which we have little information


  -Usual vampire weaknesses (see section 8)


  -Many of the modern Hounds were turned by a vampire bite and abandoned to become one of Montmartre’s Host. Instead of being reclaimed by Montmartre or another unrelated sire, they are rescued by other Hounds and adopted into the tribe in elaborate initiation rituals.

  Political Structure and Miscellaneous Customs:

  -By all accounts the Hounds do not swear an oath to a particular royal bloodline. They prefer to follow a shamanka (sometimes a shaman) who rules through the use of ritual magic and superstition. They can be recognized by the bone bead necklaces they wear carved into the shape of their particular animal totem. Teeth pulled from previous shamanka totems are also worn.

  My dad wears necklaces like that too.

  -Braiding of the hair is an initiatory practice. Seven braids is said to be the number of luck for the shamanka, five for their apprentice, four for the sire of a tribe, three for the ordinary warrior. Newly turned Hounds wear no braids until their first kill; afterward a single braid.

  -The Hounds are among some of the oldest vampires known. They are fierce and strong and very solitary. They have managed to avoid entanglement in human history and conflict, preferring life in the deep woods or caves.

  Current Shamanka:

  Kala: (white hair in braids and dreadlocks, blue eyes, painted ritual deer cloak)

  Little is known. She is at least three hundred years old, rumored by some to be as old as two thousand. She spent several hundred years living alone in the mountains until she took the mantle of shamanka when the last shaman-king was killed. Her witch-dogs are famous for tracking and finding abandoned vampires during the transformational process of becoming Host or Hel-Blar.

  Currently the only shamanka we have intel on; if there are others, they are unknown to us.

  Hound Princess: Kala’s handmaiden

  Isabeau St. Croix: (long black hair, green eyes, favors fighting in leathers with sleeveless shirt and chain mail)

  Turned: during French Revolution and left for dead

  Distinguishing Characteristics: beauty mark on right cheekbone, petite, double set of fangs, French accent, numerous tattoos (Celtic knot work, greyhound, fleur-de-lis)

  Personality: very reclusive, polite, strong

  Strengths: good fighter, determined, loyal to shamanka, magical training

  Companion: gray wolfhound “Charlemagne,” Magda (Hound), Finn (Initiated Hound)

  Point of Interest: parents killed by guillotine during the French Revolution

  There’s a whole new vampire race the League didn’t even know about called the Na-Foir. They’re something between a Hel-Blar and a Hound. They were more reclusive than even the Hounds, because their veins are so blue they get mistaken for Hel-Blar a lot and shot on sight. My cousin Christabel was kidnapped by them so she could be a political liaison. They thought she was me. I’m still not sure what to think about that.


  The Drake Family (Local Clan)

  The Drakes are of particular interest as they are the current linchpin to most political intrigue within North American vampire society, especially in Violet Hill. Only sons have been born to this lineage since the Middle Ages, until the birth of Solange Drake (b. 1993) to Liam Drake (b. 1901) and Helena Drake (b. 1953–died/turned 1994).

  As mentioned previously, a historic treaty is in effect between the Drakes and the Helios-Ra. The Drakes do not drink from humans without consent and never drink enough to cause irreparable damage. We do not hunt the Drakes at this time. A bulletin will be issued should this change.

  Exiled but still powerful. Not enough is known about the prophecy regarding Solange Drake.

  Because it’s none of your business!

  The surname Drake is thought to have originated from the Old English word “Draca,” or possibly from Old Danish “Draki,” both meaning “Dragon.”

  Family Motto: “Nox Noctis, nostra domina” (Latin for “Night our Mistress”)

  I need my own motto. And maybe a theme song. But I’ll leave the superhero capes to Kieran and Hunter.

  Family Crest: Dragon with ivy in its mouth


  William Drake is thought to be the first Drake vampire, turned circa late eleventh century–early twelfth century. In 1148, he married Veronique Dubois, lady-in-waiting to Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine in France. She gave birth to twins (Arnaud and Christophe) in 1149 and would have died in childbirth if William had not turned her. They were chased out of Aquitaine when the twins sickened on their sixteenth birthday and would only be cured by the drinking of human blood, which turned them fully in 1165.

  Exiled from the royal courts by Lady Natasha due to prophecy.


  The main Drake homestead is in the outskirts of Violet Hill, near the mountains. Several farms comprise the compound and are patrolled by both human and vampire guards. The Violet Hill area is also home to the caves used by the Hounds, until they were taken over by Lady Natasha.

  Current Generation


  Liam Drake (born 1901, turned 1917)

  Blue eyes, dark hair; diplomatic strengths


  Helena Drake, née Cole (born 1966, turned 1994)

  Black hair, blue eyes; skilled in several martial arts (including Tae Kwon Do, Akido), as well as fencing, kickboxing, and hunting, even before she was turned. Do not antagonize.


  Nicholas (born 1992, turned 2008)

  Gray eyes, dark brown hair

  Noteworthy: Drake training, mechanics, newly turned, need to prove himself, over-protective of his little sister, Solange, and of Lucky Hamilton

  Logan (born 1991, turned 2007)

  Green eyes, brown hair

  Noteworthy: Drake training, wears frock coats and Goth attire, father’s ability to charm, fastidious, cocky

  Connor (born 1990, turned 2006)

  Blue eyes, dark brown hair

  Noteworthy: twin (Quinn), Drake training, computer tech

  Quinn (born 1990, turned 2006)

  Blue eyes, dark brown hair

  Noteworthy: twin (Connor), Drake training, charm, overconfidence, especially strong pheromones?

  Duncan (born 1988, turned 2004)

  Green eyes, dark brown hair

  Noteworthy: Drake training, mechanics, antisocial

  Marcus (born 1987, turned 2003)

  Blue eyes, dark brown hair

  Noteworthy: Drake training, shy, very intelligent, science/biology

  Sebastian (born 1986, turned 2002)

  Amber eyes, dark brown hair

  Noteworthy: Drake training, reclusive, very quiet, little else known


  Solange (born 1993, bloodchange expected on August 23, 2009)

  Blue eyes, black hair

  Companion: Lucky “Lucy” Hamilton (person of interest, human)

  Noteworthy: Drake training, acupressure, fencing, solitary, pottery; quiet, seems calmer than her brothers

  Point of Interest: First and only daughter born to the Drake clan. Assumed to be the one mentioned in a vampire prophecy to become
queen (written down during the reign of Henry VIII, but no other information is available).

  Drake Persons of Note:

  Hyacinth Drake (born 1857, turned 1877): married to Edward Drake (born 1789, turned 1805, died 1914); lives at the main Drake house, Violet Hill compound.

  Geoffrey Drake (born 1910, turned 1926): brother of Liam Drake; biology teacher at local college, Violet Hill. Lives on family compound.

  Ruby Drake

  Little is known about her. Loss of family is said to have driven her mad. Avoid.

  London Drake (of the British Drakes): oathed to royal house, currently Lady Natasha (acting vampire queen)

  She’s cranky.

  Victoria Drake


  I’ve never met her, but sounds like she’d have a lot in common with my cousin Christabel.

  Associated Humans of Interest:

  The MacAlister/Hamilton family has strong ties to the Drakes.

  Posy MacAlister aided the effort to defeat Lady Natasha’s reapers in the 80s. She dispatched many vampires before and after that event, with her own gang of ex-bikers. Her daughter Janet (changed name to Cassiopeia) retired from vampire killing but has maintained strong ties with Helena Drake. Cass married Stuart Hamilton and their daughter Lucky is close to Solange Drake.

  Lucky Moon Hamilton (born 1993)

  Look, I’m famous!

  Brown eyes, brown hair

  Noteworthy: mostly immune to vampire pheromones, especially Drake pheromones. Brash, protective, reckless, good aim with crossbow, annoys Nicholas Drake.


  Bruno MacGregor (born 1964)

  Brown eyes, brown/shaved hair

  Noteworthy: Scottish, Drake bodyguard, ex-biker, tattoos; proficient in mixed martial arts, street fighting, gun use, daggers, motorcycles.


  Supernatural Miscellany

  (basic; see Paranormal Division guide for more in-depth analysis)

  It has come to our attention that other creatures may be using the Violet Hill mountains and forests as their base. Local unsubstantiated lore mentions the following: faery folk, werewolves, witches, zombies, demons. Use discretion.

  We need a Vampire Relations Department.

  Lucky Hamilton

  Class Schedule

  Grade 11

  10:30 a.m. Breakfast (optional)

  12:30 p.m. Lunch

  1:00 p.m. English Literature (2nd semester: History)

  2:00 p.m. Math (2nd semester: Art)

  3:00 p.m. Science (2nd semester: Independent Study)

  4:30 p.m. Major (Paranormal Division, Science and Technology Division, Hunting Division)

  5:30 p.m. Study Hall. Gym. Quiet curfew in effect.

  6:30 p.m. Dinner

  7:30 p.m. League History

  8:30 p.m. Archery/Gun Range

  9:30 p.m. Vampire History

  10:30 p.m. Kickboxing

  11:30 p.m. Supernatural Studies (2nd semester: Technology)

  1:00 a.m. Curfew, Snack provided in Common Room

  1:30 a.m. Lights Out

  Corsets and Crossbows is a glimpse of the early days of the Helios-Ra, told through the letters of the feisty ancestor of Hunter Wild, Quinn Drake’s girlfriend.

  May 27, 1815

  Dear Evangeline,

  I still cannot believe you are stuck in the Lake Country while the London Season is well on its way. It’s horrid unfair. I’d write a strongly worded letter to your mother if I thought it would do any good. I cannot believe she would rather bury herself in the country instead of dancing the waltz and going to the opera. Not that I’ve danced the waltz yet, of course, since I haven’t received permission. Never fear, I intend to dance it before the Season is over, mark my words. The ladies at Almack’s can choke on their warm lemonade and stuffy old rules.

  I’m a debutante now and I’ve made my curtsy to the Queen and all that implies. And I didn’t trip on my train and fall on my backside …. I’m afraid that distinction still belongs to you alone. I did consider tripping Meredith but it didn’t seem sporting. She’s hardly made of sturdy stuff.

  Please tell me you are still working on convincing your parents. Shouldn’t your father be taking his seat in Parliament? Isn’t that what earls do when they’re too old to have any fun? Make sure you tell your older brother I said that when next you see him. He’s become entirely too stodgy.

  Mother has booked another appointment with the dressmaker Madame Blanche even though I’ve stood on that stool and been used as a glorified pincushion for hours now. Hours. I could have written a novel or mastered the art of lace making, which I still find wickedly confusing by the way, in the time it has taken this woman to design and sew a dress Mother approves of for the family ball. I may try hiding in the lilac hedge today. What good is being a vampire hunter if one can’t make oneself unavailable for torture?

  I know Eleanor would be aghast at my mentioning such a delicate subject in writing, but truth be told, lately she’s been rather aghast at everything I do. You’d think no one in the Wild family had ever joined the Helios-Ra before. Father is beside himself with pride and Mother preens like a peacock every time the wives gather for their monthly tea. No one else’s daughters have taken up the call except for you, and don’t think for one minute that’s not why your mother wishes to keep you imprisoned in the country house with nothing but sheep and hedgehogs for company. So my annoying, simpering cousin Eleanor can show a little support. She could have joined if she’d wanted to. It’s not my fault she finds it all so horribly shocking and distressing. She actually fainted last week when she saw the stake strapped to my ankle. Can you imagine? Still, she did me a favor, I suppose. I ought to have hidden it better. I am still trying to find a way to hide a crossbow, but the last time I tried to hide one in my reticule the butler asked if I was hiding a duck in there.

  I hope you’ve remembered our code or that entire paragraph will have made no sense. I’m not a ninny, after all, despite what my cousin might think. I would never endanger the society or our work.

  But if I don’t see a vampire soon I vow I shall do something drastic.

  Perhaps I should sneak into Vauxhall Gardens one night. Everyone’s always whispering about the goings-on there, how the paths lead into dark deserted gardens and grottos and women get lured there by ne’er-do-wells. Surely one of those ne’er-do-wells might be a little bit vampiric?

  That seems like a fine plan. If I have not seen a fang or bloodstained lip by this time next week, I shall take matters into my own hands. After all, what good is all of our training, all of the fencing and dry history books and calisthenics in a bleeding corset, if I never ever come face-to-face with a vampire? I won’t be an ornament for the League.

  I want to be useful.

  All my love,


  June 3, 1815

  Dear Evangeline,

  That did not go exactly as planned.

  Please don’t lecture me about being rash, I believe I am in complete agreement.

  But I’d do it all again, given half the chance.

  And I’m not a complete featherwit, I wouldn’t go to the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens unaccompanied. Not as Miss Rosalind Wild, at any rate. But Robbie, Robbie can go anywhere he chooses, can’t he? He’s going to be a most useful alter ego, I can already tell you. And he can carry a crossbow in a bag and no one thinks to question him.

  You see, I borrowed, oh very well, I can just see your expression as I write this, I stole a pair of trousers, a shirt, a vest, and a jacket from Cousin Justin. He’ll never miss them; he outgrew me at Christmas and hasn’t stopped since. He might well get bigger than Papa if he keeps it up. I can’t think what he’s eating. And anyway, he’s away at Eton and wouldn’t mind in the least. I don’t understand how he and Eleanor can be related. Can you imagine having her for a sister? Always criticizing and pursing her lips. And she wears rouge now, did you know? Even if she does deny it vociferously, I know rouge when I see it. No one’s mo
uth is that color unless one’s been eating pomegranate seeds. And she hates pomegranates; they might stain her fingers and her precious dresses.

  But I digress.

  I had a very good disguise, if I do say so myself. I even passed one of your brothers at the gates to Vauxhall and he didn’t give me a second glance. I was very proud of myself and considered hiring myself out to the Crown as a spy. I think I’d make a very dashing spy. Napoleon wouldn’t see me coming.

  I admit I was a trifle less confident by the end of the night.

  Anyhow, I paid the coachman several guineas to take me to the gardens and wait for me and not breathe a word to my parents. (Also, I reminded him about the lace drawers I found under one of the cushions last week.) Surely a spot of blackmail and bribery is all right, under the circumstances. One does what one must when one hunts vampires.

  Maman and Papa thought I was going to visit Beatrix to help her practice her curtsy as she is going to be presented to the Queen next month, even though she is not yet Out. Something about her papa saving the Queen’s favorite spaniel or some such. Poor Beatrix, she has no use for court and curtsies and Polite Society, but her father will keep getting recognized for good deeds. It’s a trial to her.

  It was past midnight when I finally walked down the main lane, lanterns lit in the trees like fairy butterfly cocoons. It was so beautiful, the orchestra playing, the couples dancing, the platters of strawberries and ham circulating in the paid boxes. I saw several people I knew but couldn’t say hello, of course. I will say that Lord Harrisford was whispering to Juliette Thornton while they waltzed and she was blushing. They make a darling couple and I do hope he offers for her soon. And the waltz was lovely, all sweeping turns and fluttering hems. I simply cannot wait to dance it. But you know all that already.

  I left the popular courtyards which we’ve both visited enough to know nothing scandalous ever happens there. All the truly interesting stories take place in the groves and forest and Druid’s Lane. I don’t need to tell you I saw our cousin Francis leading two women who seemed rather less than decorous into the oaks. One of them even winked at me! I would have dearly loved to cast off my disguise, just to see the look on Francis’s face. Instead I hid in the bushes until they were gone.


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