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Sexcapades Page 8

by Christine d'Abo

  “You wouldn’t light one of these yourself?” He shifted closer. “Wouldn’t you want to know what it felt like before you told other women to do it or not?”


  “You could let the wax fall onto your thigh. See how much of a sting there was.”

  Petra glanced down at her bare legs, her skirt now riding up past her knees. “I...”

  Darcy ran his finger along the couch, brushing the side of her leg. “You could try it.”

  “I don’t think it’s the same if you do it to yourself.”

  “Want to test that theory?”

  There was certainly something about his grin that did things to her insides. That sparkle in his light blue eyes, silently daring her to come along for the ride, made her skin tingle and her stomach flip.

  “Sure.” She fought the urge to do anything stupid. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Where are those matches?”

  Holy shit. “In my bathroom. Down the hall, third door on the left.”

  Before she could even think of protesting, Darcy was down the hall like a shot.

  Folding her hands neatly in her lap, Petra ignored the way her heart raced, the slight tremor in her hands, the fact that her pussy was not only damp, but ready to explode, and tried to focus on the idea of knowingly having sex with her online rival. This wasn’t the same as her wild one-night stand with handsome Darcy, coffee shop mystery man. No, she was going to let D. Williams, jackass of Mantastic, pour hot wax all over her body before screwing her senseless.

  “Found it!”

  Petra closed her eyes and let out a long, slow breath.

  Did knowing Darcy’s identity change her opinion of D. Williams? Yes. And no. She was well aware of which aspects of PC were a fraud and which were a part of her. If it turned out that Darcy was more D. Williams than not, then any relationship they tried to get started wouldn’t last long.

  Because while she was beginning to adore Darcy, the jury was still out on D. Williams.

  “I found some massage oil too. I hope you don’t mind that I grabbed it. It’s not like I went snooping or anything, they were actually side by side—” Darcy stopped in front of her as Petra opened her eyes. “That is a rather serious expression.”

  “Are you D. Williams? Really?” Unable to hold his gaze, Petra let hers drift to the opened box containing the sex candles. “Because there are parts of him I really don’t like. Like your arrogance. And your need to be right all the time.”

  “Ah.” Darcy squatted down in front of the coffee table so she had no choice but to look at him. “And it bothers you that you might sleep with a man you can’t stand.”

  “My favorite term for you is ignorant Neanderthal.”

  Darcy chuckled. “I know. I’ve earned that tag on more than one occasion.” Setting the matches and oil on the table, he placed his palms flat on the surface. Man, he had beautiful hands. “What would you like to know?”

  His question threw her. Instead of the myriad of questions she normally wanted answers to, there was only one thing that came to mind. “You don’t live in your parents’ basement, right?”

  Darcy leaned forward and pressed his forehead to the coffee table. His shoulders shook from his near-silent laughter. “I moved away from home over ten years ago. I only visit on weekends or if my dad needs a hand with something.”

  That was good. “I was scared that...never mind.” Alice won that bet. “Are you married?”

  “No.” Darcy rested his chin on his hands, giving Petra an excellent view of his blue eyes. “I’ve been in a few serious relationships, but nothing that went beyond that.”

  “Because you didn’t want them to be?”

  “Because I work long hours in a high-stress job and sometimes put my patients ahead of myself. The women I tended to end up with didn’t appreciate coming second.”

  Oh. Well, that was different than being an ignorant Neanderthal who couldn’t commit.

  “Did you have any other questions? Like whether or not I really believe all the stuff that I put on my site? Yes, I do believe all women, regardless of shape or size, are sexy. That comes from their attitude, their confidence and intelligence. I’ve met some women who are gorgeous by all physical standards, but are ugly on the inside. I run as fast as I can from them, no matter how attractive they are.”

  At some point during Darcy’s little speech, Petra found herself leaning closer to him. She wanted to see every micro-expression on his face, every muscle twitch. There was nothing but sincerity in his eyes, his open expression revealing the man beneath the suave exterior. Darcy Williams might very well be a bit of an ignorant Neanderthal, but he was also a gentleman.

  With her decision made, Petra picked up the matches and candle, holding them above the table between them. “How exactly do these work again?”

  * * *

  Darcy lay stretched out on the floor on top of a soft blanket and let his eyes adjust to the dim candle light. Petra had insisted on setting the mood if they were going to do this. She’d set to work cleaning and organizing while he’d made a mad dash to the drug store for a box of condoms.

  Shit, he was going to have to buy stock if they kept this up.

  He’d taken off his shirt, pants and socks and was now only dressed in his boxer briefs. Petra had disappeared a few minutes earlier claiming she needed to freshen up. He wasn’t sure if that was the case, or if she needed a few more minutes to get herself under control.

  It still threw him a bit when she bounced between being the sexy, in-control woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to reach out and grab it, and the shy version who looked as if she couldn’t believe these things were actually happening to her.

  The soft padding of approaching feet sent a tremor of excitement through him. He’d originally intended to use the wax on her. However, he was nothing if not flexible. If she wanted to try it out on him first, be the one to take control, then who was he to say no?

  “I got you a pillow. I didn’t think the floor would be that comfortable.”

  She had changed, and Darcy definitely approved. So did his cock, for that matter.

  Gone was the skirt and black sequined top she’d worn to the event, and in its place was a loose-fitting tank top and lace panties. She’d also lost her bra, allowing her breasts to sway freely behind the thin cotton.

  Her hair, free of elastics and clips, fell past her shoulders in a curly wave. God, she was even more beautiful like this. Reaching up, he snagged the end of one strand, tugging on it gently to watch it bounce back into place.

  “Why don’t you wear it down like this more often? It’s gorgeous.”

  “Says the man who doesn’t have to untangle the beast every day. It’s easier to keep it up.”

  “I’m honored you let it down for me.”

  Petra blushed, but said nothing else as she picked up the unlit sex candle. “You’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “Nope. I try to be a gentleman when and where I can. D. Williams will sacrifice himself on the Sexcapades altar and will give you the opportunity to experiment.” The idea turned him on and freaked him out in equal parts. But the look of awe and excitement on Petra’s face more than made up for any trepidation he felt.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but there was one other thing in the kit that I wanted to try.”

  Petra leaned over him, her breasts swinging enticingly over his face. It would take so little to lift up and nip at her through the thin material of her shirt. His mouth would wet it through to her nipple, and he’d be able to tease her until—

  The click of the handcuff around his wrist had him jump. “What the hell?”

  The other end was quickly fastened to the coffee table leg. Easy for him to escape in a pinch, but effective in preventing him from stopping her while she worked.

  Petra pressed a kiss to his forehead. “They’re quick release, so you can get out of them pretty easily. I actually had another pair in the bedroom. I thought this mi
ght be easier than trying to loop your wrists around the leg.” Without asking his permission, she secured the other set to the opposite table leg.

  A light tug told Darcy he wouldn’t be able to move much when she went to work on him. If the quick release didn’t work he could flip the table to escape, but that would put an effective end to their night. There was no way that was going to happen until they both had at least one amazing orgasm.

  Petra swung her leg over him and settled herself, straddled across his body. He sucked in a breath as she reclaimed the candle and matches, holding them above his chest. “Are you sure about this?”

  “More certain than anything in my life.” Holy shit, his cock was so hard he now understood the term pound nails.

  “Good.” Petra lit a match and grinned. “Time to play.”

  Chapter Eight

  Ladies, the most powerful sex organ a man has is his cock. We love that you love it.

  —D. Williams, Mantastic — advice for REAL men

  Ladies, if the most powerful sex organ he has is his cock—run. You’ll find a man with a devious mind is far hotter. And waaaay better in bed!

  —PC, Sexcapades — sex advice for women

  Petra wasn’t playing fair with Darcy tonight, but for the most part she really didn’t give a shit. One of her fantasies had always been to have a man under her control. It was something she’d never thought she’d be able to reach out and take for herself. Not before this moment.

  But she was going to reach out and take charge in the bedroom once and for all. Strange as it was, Darcy was the first man she’d met who allowed her to do something like this and not feel bad about it.

  The candle lit quickly and she had to shift the angle of it so as to not spill the already melting wax on him. No, she wanted to stretch this out. Make the anticipation so high that when those first beads landed on his skin, Darcy was ready to scream for more.

  She moved her hand so it was over his shoulder, pausing as a thought struck her. “Aren’t we supposed to have some kind of special safe word or something? How will I know if you want me to stop?”

  “I’ll tell you to stop.” Darcy’s gaze was completely fixed on the candle. “Believe me, there’ll be no mistaking when I want you to stop.”

  “Should I be worried for my table?”

  “I’ll replace it if it comes to that.”

  She’d never really liked the table that much, anyway. Without any further preamble, Petra tipped her hand and watched as beads of the black wax fell onto Darcy’s pale shoulder.

  “Holy shit!” Trying to jerk away from the pain, Darcy moved the table an inch. “Okay, wasn’t quite expecting that.”

  Petra moved the candle away and reached out to run her thumb over the still warm wax. “It’s smooth.”

  She shifted backward so her ass brushed against his cock. Yup, he was enjoying things just fine. Feeling a bit braver, she switched hands and dropped more wax onto his other shoulder. This time Darcy didn’t move, though he still sucked in a sharp breath.

  “You have a lot of chest hair. I wonder how much this will stick to it?”

  “Just so you’re aware, there will be payback.”

  She winked at him. “God, I hope so.”

  This was turning out to be fun! She scooted back even harder against his cock, giving her more canvas to work with. Ignoring the way Darcy’s body twitched and squirmed beneath her, Petra dropped splotches of wax over his chest. The smooth chest hairs were drowned in a sea of black, making patterns on his skin. When she was satisfied with her handiwork, she blew the candle out, tipped the last of the wax over his nipple and tossed it on the coffee table.

  Darcy’s face was flushed and a light sheen of sweat covered his brow. His eyes were half shut as he sucked in a lungful of air. Poor guy, he didn’t realize she was just getting started. Using the tip of her nail, she tugged on a piece of wax closest to his nipple. Several hairs lifted along with the hardened dripping, and the skin pulled up.

  “Christ.” He bucked his hips and yanked on the handcuffs.

  “Feel good?” She continued to graze her nail along the edge of the wax, teasing and lifting the skin and hairs. “’Cause this is awesome.”

  “It hurts when you pull.” He growled when she tugged another spot. “But it feels amazing as it hardens. Like a hot stone or something.”

  Petra dipped her head down and licked across the nipple she’d covered. The wax was jasmine scented and filled her senses as she licked across the filmy surface. “You can’t feel that.”

  “No.” Darcy bucked his hips again, only this time his aim was perfect. The tip of his cock pressed perfectly against her panty-clad asshole. “Do something else before I come.”

  The inner seductress inside her danced for joy as she cast a glance around the room. “I’m not done playing yet.”

  Oh, there was the perfect thing.

  Ignoring Darcy’s protests, Petra got up and retrieved the box of vibrators she’d been so embarrassed about earlier. Most of them were far too large for what she had in mind, but there was one in particular she’d thought had quite a bit of promise...

  “Ah ha!” Spinning around, she waved a thin, red vibrator over Darcy’s face. “Now it’s time to have some real fun.”

  “You’re a cruel woman, Petra.” Darcy licked his lips, his gaze locked on the instrument of his impending doom. “I know you feel I’ve wronged you in the past, but I promise I’ll be good from now on.”

  With the flick of a switch, the small vibrator began to buzz. Whether from some sort of weird Pavlovian reaction, or because the idea of what she wanted to do with the vibrator turned her on, her pussy began to tingle and dampen.


  “Yes, Darcy?”

  “What do you plan on doing with that?” He cocked an eyebrow. “That’s not for me, is it?”

  She ran the vibrating tip along her lips, making sure to flick her tongue across the smooth plastic. “Maybe.”

  “Perhaps we should have worked on some safe words beforehand after all.”

  “Don’t be a baby. Or aren’t you man enough to handle a little vibrator?” Licking up the length of the plastic, she couldn’t stop from giggling when it connected with her teeth. “Tickles.”

  Ignoring a growling Darcy, Petra dropped to her knees beside him and held the vibrator up over his chest.

  “Did you read my blog post on creative uses for these things? I have to admit, most of that was pure research. I’d love to have the opportunity to test some of those ideas out. For instance, I do know that they make excellent muscle massagers.”

  She pressed the side of the vibrator to the juncture of his neck and shoulder. It was close to one of the wax puddles and Petra made sure to trace around it. “You should really consider getting one of these for yourself. It does wonders on those hard to reach spots.”

  “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you have the right man in your life, you don’t need one of those things.”

  Tired of hearing his old retort, Petra pressed the tip of the vibrator to the center of his exposed armpit.

  “Ahh!” The table jerked several inches as Darcy tried to escape the torture. “Not fair!”

  “Perfectly fair. Though if you don’t like that use, I’m sure I can find something else we can do with it.”

  She’d had enough toying around for the time being. Her panties were soaked, her nipples hard and if she didn’t get an orgasm soon, someone was going to die.

  Moving down, Petra climbed in between Darcy’s legs, pushing them up so he was forced to bend his legs at the knees.


  “Oh hush.” She traced a line along the inside of his thigh, stopping short of his balls. “You’ll love it.”

  “I’m sorry I ever doubted your sexual advice. I promise I will never make that mistake again.”

  “Shh.” Changing directions, she went below his balls, across his perineum and over his ass cheeks. “I wonder if you’d e
njoy it if I put”

  She barely managed to touch his asshole before Darcy wrapped his legs around her, effectively trapping her. Petra normally would have made some smartass response, something cute and funny that would have gotten him riled up even more, but when her gaze locked onto his, she knew that things had just slipped from her control.

  Darcy looked as if he were about to eat her alive.

  “Get these cuffs off me.” There was a dangerous note in his voice, something wild and very male.

  Shit, she’d screwed up. She knew some men were really against the whole playing around down there thing, but she honestly hadn’t thought Darcy would react so negatively. It wasn’t as if she was actually going to do anything. Hell, she didn’t even have the lube with her.

  Snatching the keys from the table, she managed to undo the cuffs with little effort. “Darcy, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t actually do anything that would—”

  In the next instance she was pressed flat to the floor and he was kissing her—hard. Somewhere, she had a vague impression of him humping her thigh, was aware of his fingers in her hair, the size of his body pressed against her. The main focus of her attention was on his mouth and the litany of words he muttered in between devouring kisses.

  “So fucking hot.

  “Want to play with you all night.

  “Need to taste you.

  “My turn.”

  It was that last one that really caught her attention. Lifting her hands above her head, he put one on top of the other and pressed down on them. “Don’t move.”

  No frigging way was she going anywhere.

  Darcy grabbed the wax and matches. “I have always wanted to do this.”

  Petra did her best not to cry out when the first blob of wax landed on her thigh. The hot river trickled across her skin, drying as it went. The sting melted away quickly, leaving behind warmth that soaked into her. Darcy pushed her shirt up to just below her breasts, exposing her belly. With no additional preamble, he began to drop globs on her, pausing to use his free hand to draw circles, stretching the wax out.


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