Briar Rose and His Not-So-Charming Prince

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Briar Rose and His Not-So-Charming Prince Page 8

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  I couldn’t reply through words, so I just nodded. Satisfied with my response, Leonard started to move. At first, he merely rocked his hips, as if he was testing whether I could truly handle him or not. His dick brushed against that spot inside me, and that did draw out a verbal response. “More! Harder!”

  Distantly, I marveled at my ability to utter even those three syllables, but it was worth it. My plea seemed to snap something inside Leonard. His lips suddenly twisted into a snarl. He fully pulled out of me then thrust back in, so hard my teeth rattled.

  After that, everything became a haze of lust, sweat, need, and Leonard. He had told me that I was beautiful, but he had never seen himself like I did now. Normally, he seemed like such a stoic and calm person. He’d taken most of what Rosa had told him in stride, rationalizing it almost to an unnatural extent. But now, the control which he had displayed earlier had melted away, leaving behind the true Leonard, the mate who had held me, kissed me, and come to my rescue. As he moved in and out of me, he finally let go, and a myriad of emotions flashed on his face and in his eyes, all the more precious because I knew he didn’t display them to just anyone. I lost track of time and space as he made love to me. I forgot everything I had ever been, my only identity becoming that of Leonard’s mate.

  Leonard leaned in closer, and I moved with him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. This new position allowed us to be even closer to each other, so close we could kiss. And that was exactly what Leonard did. Even as his cock pistoned in and out of me, his lips landed on mine, swallowing the moans I couldn’t possibly hold back.

  We fell into a rhythm that was pure perfection. This time, there was no awkwardness. I allowed him to guide me, and I naturally followed his lead, meeting his every motion and impaling myself on his dick. Every time Leonard thrust inside me, he struck my special spot, making my pleasure soar ever higher.

  It was too good, too much, and it ended far too soon. In spite of my previous climax, I couldn’t resist the onslaught of Leonard’s passion. My magic awoke inside me, wild and demanding, whispering for me to claim Leonard in the ways of my people.

  Vines erupted from the foot of the bed. Rose petals crinkled around us, clinging to Leonard’s skin. If Leonard was surprised, he didn’t show it. Instead, he continued kissing me, only stopping on occasion to allow us both to breathe. He allowed the plants to touch his hair, his chest, his legs, and everything I couldn’t reach with my fingers. And when he truly broke the kiss, he actually brushed his lips over the petals of a more daring rose. He didn’t say anything, but that simple gesture was enough. As he kept thrusting in and out of me, he somehow managed to keep contact with the vines, like he knew how important they were to me. And all the while, he was smiling, smiling so openly that I forgot to breathe.

  I felt the touch like I had earlier, before he’d been able to kiss me normally, through the filter of the plants that were an extension of me and all the way into my core. It was not the same, but it had never been meant to be. It was a sensation that added on top of everything else Leonard had already showered me with, so much more than carnal pleasure.

  In my heart, I had held a little fear that Leonard’s Arthurian upbringing would make him wary of me. It was the reason why I’d quickly changed the subject when the topic of seedlings had come up. But seeing Leonard like this, witnessing his acceptance, the way he embraced my dryad nature—it soothed my soul and cast aside all my fears. The last dam that had been keeping my climax in check collapsed. I arched my back and found my peak, painting my abdomen and Leonard’s with hot streams of cum.

  My orgasm flowed over me naturally, a normal progression of what we had shared. It bloomed like a field of flowers in the warm rays of the sun. My magic exploded out of me, swamping Leonard, drawing his very soul into mine.

  With one last thrust, Leonard joined me over the edge. Grunting in my ear, he shivered through the waves of his orgasm, filling me with his spunk. Through the pleasure we had shared, my power found his heart. I felt the moment our connection clicked into place so acutely, at a level that I had never truly understood until this moment. Suddenly, my own pleasure was doubled by the one Leonard had experienced. His memories and feelings combined with mine, until I didn’t know where he ended and I began.

  His voice drifted into my mind, filled with awe and affection. “You’re finally mine. My rose. My Briar.”

  In that moment, I truly knew the meaning of happiness. “I am yours, Leonard,” I replied through our connection. “Always yours.”

  Finally, I had found my mate—or rather he had found me. The curse would be completely broken soon, and the witch would be defeated. Once my family awoke, I would be able to introduce Leonard to them. And maybe, just maybe, we’d soon have a seedling. I couldn’t wait. We would be so happy together. I just knew it.

  Chapter Six:

  In Which the Rose-Colored Glasses Fall Off

  Having Briar in my arms and making love to him had been like a dream—which was actually the case given that we were in the dream world. I’d always been a realist, but now, I didn’t want to let go of it, to let go of him.

  As the high of our orgasms faded, I slid out of Briar, actually wincing when my dick left the snug hold of his channel. For all his innocence, he was an amazing lover, the most beautifully passionate man I’d ever met. Beyond the desire I felt for him, I found that it wasn’t just the intercourse that I wanted, but simply to hold Briar in my arms.

  I collapsed on the bed next to Briar, and instantly, my new mate cuddled close to my side. Presumably, now that I had claimed Briar, the curse would start to break, and we could return to the real world. But I didn’t want to, not just yet.

  Obviously overhearing my thoughts, Briar kissed my shoulder. “It’ll be fine there, too,” he said. “I’m sure my parents will love you as much as I do.” He paused briefly, like he was considering his own words. “Well, at least half of how much I love you,” he amended.

  I highly doubted that, and I might have actually said it, but I melted a little on the inside when Briar so naturally confessed his affection for me. I had no idea what I’d done to deserve something like this, but by the gods, I would embrace it. “I’m sure they will,” I told him, “once they see how I feel about you.”

  Briar went bright red, but his smile lit up his face, pure happiness glowing in his emerald eyes. My heart nearly stopped at the lovely sight, only to begin to race like a war horse a few seconds later. I had never thought that I would meet someone who could make me feel this way. Love at first sight hadn’t been in my plans. And yet, there was no denying that I had fallen in love with him, with his innocence, his beauty, his honest affection, and the deep connection he had with flowers. He had been cursed, deprived of the years that should have been happiest and easiest, but he seemed to hold no ill will to his parents.

  “They did their best,” Briar told me quietly. “They thought of both me and the kingdom. If it didn’t work out, it was because of me.”

  “No, Briar,” I replied seriously. “I don’t want to see you blaming the person I love so much. The witch is the one to blame, and once we beat her, we’ll put all of this behind us.”

  And on that note, we had to get back to the real world. Perhaps if the curse was starting to lift, I’d be able to coax Briar’s parents to send a message to Arthuria. I needed to notify my own family that I was all right and would make my way back there as soon as I could.

  I still wasn’t sure how my relationship with Briar would work, since I still had responsibilities in Arthuria. Again, Briar overheard my musings. “Oh. That’s right. You’re a prince…” Briar bit his lip then smiled at me. “Well, I suppose that makes me even luckier. I’ll come with you wherever you need me to.”

  I knew how hard it was for Briar to offer that. The curse hadn’t even lifted yet, and my mate craved to be with his family, with his people and his land. I couldn’t ask him to leave. “Let’s just worry about one thing at a time,” I to
ld him. “We’ll come up with the best solution together once the curse is fully broken.”

  Briar nodded, and his smile was so sweet that I couldn’t help but kiss him again. My mate moaned, a small breathless sound which I swallowed greedily. I would have probably started a second round of lovemaking, but the now customarily inopportune Rosa intervened. “That’s quite enough, Arthurian,” he said. “I know your people often think with your cocks, but you don’t want to leave the dryad king and queen waiting.”

  I broke the kiss, reluctant, but also somewhat thankful. Briar seemed to perk up even more at his godfather’s words, and I was happy because of his happiness. He wanted to go see his parents, and I could deny him nothing.

  “All right then,” I said agreeably. “How do we go back?”

  “Just lie down and close your eyes, both of you,” Rosa indicated. “I will help.”

  I complied, and so did Briar. Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, and he relaxed by my side. A warm, yet harsh power flowed over me, reminding me a little of Briar, like the sharp thorns to his sweet, passionate beauty. Rosa’s magic pushed us back toward the real world. Too late did I remember I’d completely forgotten to reattach Briar’s petals. I was already falling, much like I had through the portal that had taken me to the Dryad Kingdom.

  It wasn’t nearly as confusing or as strange as that whirlpool of magic, though. In fact, it seemed eerily similar to other times I’d gone to sleep in Arthuria and awoken alone in my bed. One moment, I was lying there, holding my mate in his quarters, and the next I was blearily opening my eyes, more than a little aware of all the aches and pains in my body and of the absence of Briar’s heat by my side.

  That latter issue cleared the cobwebs from my brain. For a few moments, I actually feared it had all been a dream, not only me claiming Briar, but Briar’s existence itself. I could have hit my head and hallucinated the entire thing. Just the idea made terror flood me, stronger than any fear I’d felt before.

  Mercifully, that fear was replaced with relief when I saw Briar standing a few feet away from me. We were still in the labyrinth where we’d fallen asleep, with me lying in the bed of roses that had once only held my lover. My hackles rose when I realized Rosa wasn’t the only one with us now. Well, actually, Rosa was nowhere to be seen, but many other people had appeared to take his place.

  A lovely blond woman stood right next to Briar, clutching his arm. “What were you thinking, Briar? An Arthurian?”

  “Mother, he’s my mate,” Briar argued.

  I got up, ready to rush to Briar’s defense. A man with light purple hair intercepted me before I could do so. “It would be wise of you to stay out of this, Arthurian.”

  It wasn’t hard to figure that these two were Briar’s parents. Even without my connection with Briar, I would have been able to tell. There was just something regal about them, something that reminded me of my own family and that went beyond the way they were dressed. Well, they weren’t dressed per se. Like Briar, they only wore petals, although theirs belonged to different flowers.

  But I was blue blood, too, and most importantly, I had something to protect. The dryad royals were very wrong if they thought they could keep me from Briar. “With all due respect, Your Majesty, I cannot. Anything that concerns Briar concerns me as well.”

  My words earned me a glance from Briar’s mother. “You speak out of turn, Arthurian. This is a matter that your barbarian people cannot comprehend. What could you possibly know of mates?”

  “I know Briar is mine,” I replied without missing a beat. A part of me bristled at being called a barbarian, but looking at them, I could tell they were confused and angry. A lot of time had passed since they’d been cursed. Well, I’d just have to show Briar’s family things weren’t the way they used to be. “But perhaps I should introduce myself. I am Prince Leonard, heir of Arthuria, first son of King Ralph Theodore the Fourth and Queen Sedonia. And I am your son’s mate.”

  “Ralph Theodore the Fourth?” Briar’s father repeated inquiringly. “That’s not the current Arthurian king…”

  Briar looked down, guilt written in every expressive feature of his lovely face. His blond curls fell to frame his face as he fidgeted in clear discomfort. “Father, we slept for a long time. The curse…Things have changed.”

  Just seeing him like that hurt me, because I knew he still blamed himself for what had happened. His pain made something ugly rise within me, and I might have actually lost my temper if the Briar’s mother hadn’t suddenly released a sound of dismay. “It’s all right, Briar,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. “You know your mate is welcome here.”

  Briar’s father nodded, even though Briar couldn’t see him. The king politely gestured me to approach and guided me close to the hugging couple. I was a little thrown by the change in attitude, but I gathered that they truly did love Briar. Perhaps we could make things work after all.

  The queen kissed Briar’s forehead and broke their embrace. “Perhaps we should start over,” she said as she looked at me.

  The king seemed to agree. “I am King Hyacinthus, and this is my mate Hydrangea. We are the leaders of the Dynasty of the Rose, and, like you probably guessed, Briar’s parents.”

  “It’s an honor,” I answered. “I apologize for arriving here without your permission, and for not wooing Briar in an appropriate manner, but there were…circumstances.”

  “Indeed,” Hydrangea said, a light frown on her face. “And on that note, perhaps you can explain why the curse isn’t completely broken.” She glanced from me to my mate. “What happened, Briar? How did Prince Leonard even end up here?”

  “It’s a very long story,” Briar replied. Through our bond, he asked, “Should I tell them everything?”

  I knew what he was referring to. Briar hadn’t particularly cared about my connection to the witch’s bloodline, but his parents were likely to be of a different mind. “I doubt we can keep it from them,” I replied nonetheless. If I was to judge about what I’d seen so far, the king and queen would find out about Rapunzel sooner or later and then, they’d undoubtedly grow angry that we hadn’t told them from the very beginning.

  In the end, it didn’t really matter. Rapunzel hadn’t done anything wrong. He was very much like Briar in that respect, since he’d only been trapped by circumstances. I could understand how Medwin felt for Rapunzel now, and I would defend their mating like I did my own.

  Briar smiled gently and nodded at me. I slid to his side, took his hand, and kissed it. A pretty flush spread on Briar’s face and lower down on his chest. I had forgotten to help him reattach his petals, and apparently, that had an effect in the real world, since he was completely naked. And oh, he smelled so very good. His perfume drew me in like a moth to the flame, and his emerald gaze, now full of desire, had my cock throbbing in my pants.

  Distantly, I remembered that we were supposed to be doing something else, maybe talking to someone, but I simply couldn’t be bothered to care about that. I just knew that I needed to touch him, to mark him as my own for everyone to see.

  I was snapped out of my trance by the sound of a cleared throat. I turned, only to see Hyacinthus frowning at me. “If you don’t mind, Prince Leonard, perhaps you should stop trying to make my son pollinate.”

  Briar released a soft, weak laugh. “I don’t think there’s anything we could do to stop it, Father.”

  Personally, I didn’t have it in myself to experience amusement. I was kind of thankful that I was still wearing clothes. Bloody though they might be, they did the job of covering me up and saved me from giving the two royals a free show of just how much I desired their son.

  It wasn’t that I felt embarrassed. Gods, they were dryads. They understood how this worked better than anyone. I just hated being out of control. How was I going to protect Briar if I couldn’t keep my promise to him even for a minute?

  “You’ll get used to the pheromones,” Briar assured me, the lust in his gaze now partially replaced by

  He shouldn’t have had to say that. I had told him to trust me. I could do better, be better. Yes, I desired him, but the two of us were more than the passion we shared. I wanted to build a future with Briar, and for that I had to keep my impulses in check.

  “Of course I will,” I replied. “We just have to focus on what’s important right now, breaking the curse.”

  And the first step to doing that was revealing what we knew to Briar’s parents. I could only hope the information I provided wouldn’t turn them against me.

  * * * *

  After the curse on me had been weakened by the problems of the witch’s children, my spiritual form had wandered around the Dryad Kingdom, alone save for Rosa. I’d gotten used to living again, and I had craved the moment when I would finally wake up. I’d thought I would be ready for when that finally happened. I’d thought that when that occurred, all of us would be able to live happily together.

  I’d been very wrong.

  My parents had obviously been thrilled that the curse had been broken. However, they were not so happy when they learned that my mate was Arthurian, and that there were high chances that he’d made me pollinate. They tried to get past that for my benefit, because they loved me and they were aware that Leonard’s background mattered little if he was truly my mate. But when they found out that the witch’s grandchild was Leonard’s brother-in-law…well, it all went downhill from there.

  “No wonder the curse isn’t broken then,” my mother actually snapped at me. “For all we know, he has some involvement in that.”

  I winced, wanting to tell her all about Rosa’s plan, but unable to come up with a way to explain. It was considered unbearably rude for a dryad to mention one’s guardian to any other person—with the exception of that dryad’s mate. But what did all that matter in the end? Leonard had bled and risked his life to help me. I refused to allow him to be accused of such a thing, even by my parents.


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