Seti's Heart

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Seti's Heart Page 7

by Kelly, Kiernan

  But even so, Jason could be a little annoying. Like now.

  As soon as he heard the grating, buzzing sound, Logan pushed open the dark green front door of Jason’s apartment building. Having seen its last best day sometime in the late sixties, the building was in sore need of more than a simple facelift. It needed a complete body overhaul, as evidenced by the cracked and water-spotted walls and the sagging bellies that decorated the ceiling of the stairwell.

  Dim yellow lights flickered, casting the stairs with ochre shadows as Logan led Seti up the five flights to Jason’s apartment. There was an elevator in the building, but Logan didn’t trust it enough to ever use it. It wasn’t much more than a glorified dumb waiter, creaking and groaning as it jerked itself up and down the elevator shaft. In Logan’s opinion, it was much safer to take the stairs and chance a heart attack than risk plummeting to his death in that sardine can that masqueraded as an elevator.

  Apartment 509 was halfway down the hall on the left. Logan pounded on the door, impatient to get himself and Seti inside and out of sight. “Jason! C’mon, open up!” he yelled, banging so hard that he rattled the door on its hinges.

  “Patience is not your personal virtue, is it?” Jason grumbled when Logan pushed past him the instant he unlocked the door, dragging Seti in along after him. “Who’s he?”

  “A friend. Look, Jase, I’m in trouble.”

  “He got you pregnant? You slut.”

  “Will you just shut up and listen?” Logan snarled as Jason chuckled and locked the door. “This is serious.”

  “Okay, okay,” Jason said, putting up both hands as if afraid Logan was going to take a swing at him. Truthfully, Logan was so wound up at the moment that it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility. “What’s wrong?”

  “I…well, it’s a long story,” Logan replied. “Suffice it to say that I no longer work at the Museum. As a matter of fact, I’m sort of on the run.”

  “Logan, what did you do?” Jason asked, his voice growing quiet. His eyes shifted from Logan to Seti and back again. “It has to do with him, doesn’t it?” It was more of a statement than a question.

  “Yeah, it does. This is Seti, and he’s…well, he’s a lot older than he looks.”

  “What’s his age got to do with anything? C’mon, Logan. You’re starting to scare me. Spill.”

  “Okay, but you won’t believe me. The truth is that he’s a five thousand year old mummy, and I’m in trouble for stealing him from the Museum.”

  Jason snorted, rolling his eyes. “Ri-ight. Okay, I don’t know what fossilized shit you’ve been smoking down in the Dungeon, but I want some, and shame on you for not sharing.”

  “Jason, I’m serious. I’m not high. I-”

  “Must you defend yourself to this gnat?” Seti asked, standing tall next to Logan, scowling down at Jason. “He is annoying.” Logan didn’t know if he wanted to agree with Seti, or kick him in the shins for being so damned arrogant.

  “Jason is the one with a place for us to hide, Seti. You need to get off your high horse and be grateful that he even let us in the door,” Logan admonished. He put his hand on Jason’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, bud. Really. He’s a little rough around the edges.”

  “Rough? His edges could cut diamonds,” Jason frowned, looking up at Seti. “Listen, big guy, I’ve been friends with Logan since-”

  “Friends. Do you mean that you are lovers?” Seti asked, his scowl deepening until his sleek black brows met, his eyes narrowing. Logan could almost hear Seti’s muscles clenching. Although why Seti was suddenly fixated on Logan’s love life was beyond him. He probably thought of Logan as his slave and was having proprietary issues.

  “No, we aren’t,” Logan answered for Jason. “Seti, what’s wrong with you? We’re just friends, and anyway, that’s none of your damn business!”

  “Why do you want to know?” Jason countered. “Are you two-”

  “No!” Logan repeated, feeling his cheeks blush furiously. The sooner he steered the conversation away from that particular subject, the better off he’d be. He turned to Jason. “Where are Chris and Leo?”

  “Interviews. So who is he, really?” Jason asked, still frowning at Seti, who glared back, bristling.

  “I am Seti, King of the Children of Set,” Seti answered pompously. “What of this Chris and Leo? Are they your lovers?”

  “No, Seti, we’re not now and we never were anything more than friends! Will you please concentrate on the real problem?” Logan growled. “Us. Fugitives. Remember?”

  “The Children of Set? What’s that? A cult?” Jason asked. He and Seti were eyeing each other like two dogs about to fight over a bone, making Logan exceedingly uncomfortable.

  “Look, could we all please sit down?” Logan asked, desperate to get some space between Jason and Seti before one of them attacked the other. He knew without a doubt, after having witnessed the maelstrom in the bar, which the victor would be and he didn’t want to see Jason hurt. Not only was Seti twice Jason’s size, he had powers that Logan couldn’t explain. “I’ve had a really shitty day and I need a good, stiff drink.”

  “You? Drink something more powerful than a draft beer? Shit, you really must be in trouble!” Jason said. He suddenly looked worried, as if he hadn’t believed a word Logan had said up until that moment. “Come on. I’ll break out a bottle and you can fill me in.”

  Seti only grunted, but followed closely behind Logan as Jason led them to the kitchen table. Logan slid gratefully into one of the chairs, Seti taking the one to his immediate right. He looked out of place, as if he belonged on a throne instead of a spindly chair bought at Wal-Mart.

  Jason opened the freezer, removing a bottle of vodka, and returned to the table with it. He placed three glasses in front of him, cracking open the bottle.

  Pouring them each a stiff one, he slid a Flintstones Grape Jelly jar in front of Seti. Logan rolled his eyes, glad that the prehistoric reference was lost on Seti.

  “L’chaim,” Jason said, lifting his glass.

  To life. How appropriate, Logan thought, tossing the shot back. He noticed Seti sniff the liquid, his lip curling in distaste. “If you don’t want yours, I’ll take it,” Logan said, reaching for the jelly jar.

  Seti snatched it out of his reach, frowning at Logan. Tilting the glass to his lips, he drank it down. The look on his face was priceless as the alcohol burned a trail to his stomach.

  Sheesh. He looked ready to snap my fingers off if I touched his glass, Logan thought. Then again, he silently admonished himself, if I’d gone five millennia without a drink, I’d be a little testy, too.

  “So, tell me, Logan. What gives? What’s this guy got to do with you being in trouble?” Jason asked, pouring them all another round.

  “I told you the truth, Jason. He’s a mummy who was under a curse-”

  “Jesus, Logan! What did I do to make you think that you can’t trust me with the truth?” Jason snapped, slamming the bottle down on the table.

  Seti shot up from his chair, his eyes hard, glaring at Jason. Logan grabbed his arm, pulling on it. “Sit down, Seti. He’s got a right to be upset. It does sound preposterous, you know. All of this.” Relief flooded him as Seti sat again, if reluctantly. Honestly, the man had a hair trigger temper.

  Logan realized that Jason was never going to believe him. Hell, Logan wouldn’t believe Logan either, if he hadn’t seen the sarcophagus and Seti’s little storm trick in the bar with his own two eyes.

  “Seti,” Logan said, sighing, “Can you give Jason a small demonstration? Nothing major, like the one in the bar. Just enough to show him what you can do.”

  Seti looked annoyed. “Why must I prove anything to him? He claims to be your friend, and yet doubts your word.”

  “Please, Seti?” Damn it, Logan hated having to beg, but it was crucial that Jason believed them, or Jason could find himself in trouble for harboring a pair of fugitives. He wanted to be certain that Jason knew exactly what he was getting himself into by helping them. />
  Seti huffed, but looked over into the living room. There, sitting next to the sofa was a large fish tank in which a pair of pale blue angelfish swam. Seti pointed a finger at it, his lips moving silently.

  Suddenly, the water in the fish tank began to bubble, then swirl, rising out of the fish tank in a twisting waterspout. The fish, along with a plastic castle and a few fake corals spun dizzyingly in the watery funnel as it rose a full five feet into the air above the tank.

  With a splash, the funnel collapsed back into the tank, water sloshing over the sides onto the floor. The fish teetered in the water before slowly beginning to swim again.

  “Holy shit!” Jason cried, jumping up. He raced into the living room, examining the tank from all angles. “How the fuck did you do that?”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Jason. He’s an Egyptian king - and evidently a sorcerer - who was cursed and mummified five thousand years ago. His sentence was up as of today, and he’s rejuvenated,” Logan said tiredly. He looked up at Seti. “Thanks, Seti. That was perfect.”

  Seti grunted, but there was a strained look in his eyes.

  “Did that hurt you, Seti?” Logan asked, suddenly concerned. He hadn’t thought whether or not it was painful for Seti to use his magic.

  “No. I am just weak,” Seti replied. “It will pass.”

  “Okay. Okay,” Jason mumbled, coming back into the kitchen and taking his seat. He watched Seti with wide eyes, as if he was awestruck and waiting for Seti’s next impressive trick. “That was fucking awesome! Have you thought about doing Vegas?”

  “Yeah, he’s the next David Copperfield,” Logan said dryly, refilling his glass for the third time. The vodka was going down smoother now, and his head was starting to buzz pleasantly. “Our problem, in case you were wondering, is that Perry knew about Seti. He had him squirreled away in a locked room.”

  “Why? What good would that do the Museum?” Jason asked. “If he’s authentic- “

  “He is. He’s the real deal, Jason,” Logan repeated tiredly.

  “If he is authentic,” Jason continued stubbornly, “then why not have him on display?”

  “I don’t think the Museum knew about Seti. His sarcophagus looked as if it was made of pure gold. I figure Perry was counting on selling it on the black market when he retires at the end of the year. Since I was the last one in the Dungeon, Perry must think I broke into the sarcophagus and stole the mummy. He’s already sent a couple of security guards out after us.” Logan cast a sideways look at Seti. “We had a little trouble at The Bones.”

  “Shit! That sucks, Logan. You didn’t do anything wrong! Goddamn Perry. The good news is if he was really hiding that sarcophagus without the Museum’s knowledge, then he’ll never be able to go to the police with it. Look, you both need to stay here for a while, until things cool off,” Jason said, smiling. “Seti here can entertain us with his prestidigitation and feats extraordinaire.”

  “Thanks, Jase,” Logan replied, downing another shot. “I knew I could count on you. It’ll just be until I can figure out what to do.” His eyelids felt heavy and his head and the room were spinning pleasantly. “I think I need to lay down now.”

  “No prob. Take my room. I’ll bunk in with Leo,” Jason said.

  Logan tried to stand up, but his knees didn’t want to cooperate. He teetered then fell back into his chair.

  “Jesus, Logan. You need to drink more. You’re such a fucking lightweight!” Jason laughed. “Come on. I’ll help you- “

  “I will help him,” Seti growled. He stood and picked Logan up bodily, scooping the man easily into his arms, cradling Logan like an infant. “Where is the room in which we may rest?”

  If Logan hadn’t been three-sheets to the wind, he might have had the presence of mind to inform Seti that they would not be resting anywhere. He would take Jason’s room and Seti would take the couch. But as it was, he could barely keep his eyes open. His head lolled against Seti’s bicep.

  Jason pointed the way to the bedroom, and Logan’s head bounced against the hard muscle of Seti’s arm as he was carried through the living room. Once inside the bedroom, he found himself staring at the ceiling as Seti laid him down carefully on the bed.

  He heard the door lock and felt someone tugging at his clothing. A thick comforter was pulled up over him, and he snuggled happily into its warmth.

  The last thing he remembered was a weight dipping the mattress at his side before his eyes rolled back in his head and Logan passed out.

  Chapter Eight

  Logan dreamed that he was making love.

  Strong hands that knew their way around a man’s body slid over his flesh, leaving trails of tingling warmth in their wake.

  Soft lips and a hot, wet tongue tortured his nipples, flicking and pulling at the peaked buds, shooting bolts of pleasure into his groin. Logan’s nipples had always been sensitive, and his dream lover took full advantage of that fact, working them unmercifully until Logan moaned and writhed, whimpering piteously.

  His cock was hard, needy, his balls swollen and aching. Logan’s entire body thrummed with want, his fingers twisting in the sheets as every inch of him screamed for release. His every nerve ending sizzled, taunted and tormented by a tongue and hands that knew exactly where to touch, where to taste to drive Logan wild.

  Logan’s entire body was exquisitely hypersensitive, feeling every touch, no matter how slight: fingers brushing through his pubic hair, skimming teasingly over the flesh of his erection; a rigid, red hot shaft pressing against Logan’s hip, digging into his flesh as if trying to make its way inside his body; lips nibbling at the pebbled flesh of his nipple. He craved to touch his lover, taste him, devour him, but he was trapped between the mattress and a pair of relentless lips and talented hands. Instead, he mewled with frustration, wriggling under a lover who was relentlessly burying him under waves of pleasure.

  He subconsciously fought against waking. This dream was so real. His dreams had always been ambiguous until now; gauzy sequences flitting one to another that would unerringly leave him awake and alone in his bed with an aching hard-on, unfulfilled. None had ever been like this. Nothing had ever come close to this. He could feel the heat and the trail of wetness that his lover’s cock left against his thigh, could hear his soft groans of pleasure, could smell his strong, musky scent.

  No matter how much Logan wished to remain tethered to his dream, he began to awaken. The cobwebs of sleep slowly cleared, but the sensations of being touched and licked did not.

  His eyes flew open as he realized that he wasn’t alone in his bed, and that he hadn’t really been dreaming.

  Logan gasped as he looked down at the dark head that lapped at his nipple. “Seti? What are you doing?” he cried, tearing himself away from Seti’s warm mouth and teasing fingers. He scooted up until his back pressed against the headboard, staring with wide eyes at Seti, who slowly lifted his head and met his gaze.

  Seti’s pupils were dilated with lust, making his dark brown eyes look black. As Logan watched, the pink tip of his tongue lazily peeked out between Seti’s full lips, wetting them. “I am in need, Logan,” he said, his voice deep and rough.

  “You…we…don’t…” For the life of him, Logan couldn’t form a coherent argument. He swallowed hard, realizing that his body was rebelling against him, ignoring the list of reasons that his mind was forming of why this was a very bad idea. His body wanted Seti. Needed him. Would have him, regardless of whatever reservations Logan’s mind might have. “Seti,” he said again, this time whispering his name almost like a prayer.

  Seti smiled at Logan, lifting himself up on one elbow. His dark gaze held Logan spellbound, unable to move, scarcely able to breathe. Seti’s head moved closer, until his lips smashed against Logan’s in a scorching kiss that curled Logan’s toes and hardened his cock painfully.

  He tasted of vodka and something else, something primal, as if Seti was made of the earth itself instead of flesh and blood. “Open for me,” he co
mmanded, and Logan instantly obeyed, parting his lips to accept Seti’s tongue.

  Warm, soft, and wet, it invaded Logan’s mouth like a conquering army, sweeping it, testing and tasting until Logan moaned and began to kiss Seti in return.

  Hungry. Logan was starving, ravenous for more of Seti’s taste. Greedily, he sucked on Seti’s lower lip, pulling the plump bit of flesh into his mouth. He wanted this man. Wanted to slide his body against Seti’s, feel every inch of Seti’s satiny flesh against his own. Wanted Seti inside of him, filling him up until he was ready to burst. Wanted. Needed. Now.

  Logan groaned, his hands sliding over Seti’s flesh, trying to map it, to commit every inch to his memory. His fingers closed over the thickness of Seti’s cock, its sweet heat burning his palm. “Touch me, Seti,” he begged. He would have been shocked to hear the pleading in his voice, but he was too overwhelmed by the feel, taste, and smell of Seti to comprehend, or care, how needy he sounded. He wanted Seti, all of him, in every conceivable way.


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