Seti's Heart

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Seti's Heart Page 11

by Kelly, Kiernan

  Ethan retreated, slipping out of the lab and closing the bookcase panel, returning to his desk. Propping his elbows up on top of the desk, he tented his fingers under his chin, staring at the screen of his laptop.


  Ethan had waited fifty years for the first glimpse of him, which had come from a grainy, unfocused digital photo emailed by the investigators.

  Judging by the photo, Seti looked just like any other man on the planet. One would never know simply by looking at him what miracles flowed in his blood, or what knowledge was stored in his memory. But Ethan knew. And Ethan had every intention of prying Seti’s secrets loose by means of modern scientific experimentation.

  In addition to the medical tests, Ethan planned on administering a battery of psychological tests to Seti as well - Rorschach, IQ, neuropsychological among them. Plus, there was a plethora of questions that Ethan was itching to ask Seti about the ancients. How many of the deductions anthropologists had made over the years from the evidence found in digs were true? How close had they come to envisioning life before the Pyramids?

  In a very short while, all of Ethan’s questions would be answered.

  Then his thoughts drifted to the disturbing bit of information his investigators had relayed regarding Seti and Ashton. Ethan had never considered the possibility that Seti might want sex upon awakening - food and drink, yes, certainly, but sex? For Wilder, having been impotent for the last thirty years, sex was usually the furthest thing from his mind. The act was barely more than a dim memory and had not been a factor in his strategy.

  Even if he had considered it, Ethan would certainly never have contemplated that Seti might not care which gender tended to his body’s needs.

  A thought suddenly occurred to Ethan that would never have crossed his mind before hearing the detective’s report. Could Seti have preferred men, even before his death? It was possible, Ethan conceded. The legend had claimed that although Seti had fathered many offspring – all of which had been killed by Seti’s enemies after his death in order to decimate his bloodline – he had never taken a wife. Concubines, yes, slaves, most definitely. But there had never been any mention of King Seti’s queen.

  With a start, Ethan realized that he’d made a crucial error in his calculations. Regardless of the gender of the lover Seti most preferred in his bed, the possibility that he’d taken one at all posed a new problem for Ethan.

  Ethan had never considered the prospect that Seti might want not only want sex, but also companionship. Now that he thought about it, it would stand to reason that after five thousand years alone Seti would no longer wish to be isolated.

  Seti would have remembered a life where he had owned slaves. As a king, he would have had all of even his smallest needs tended without needing to lift a finger.

  Ancient Egyptians, Ethan rationalized, believed that a man continued his customary lifestyle in the world of the dead. They were buried with their riches, with everyday utensils, sometimes with their wives and slaves so that their lives would go on uninterrupted after they’d crossed over into the Underworld. Sex would have been just another task required of Seti’s slaves in both life and after death.

  Awakening to find Ashton waiting for him, it would only be natural for Seti to assume that Ashton had been provided to him as a personal slave by the gods.

  After all, Seti had been a king before his death and mummification - he would fully expect to be a king in his new life, as well.

  Not that any of it would matter after today. Ashton would be dead, along with his friends, and Seti would become a permanent guest of Ethan’s by nightfall.

  What Ethan did know was that if Seti had claimed Ashton as his property, he would not easily be parted from him. Where Seti went, his slave would follow. Separating them would be next to impossible.

  It would be easiest and best, Ethan decided, for the detectives to go in, kill Ashton and his friends, and remove Seti from the apartment all in one fell swoop.

  Ethan picked up the phone, dialed the number and gave his orders.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Put me down!” Logan yelled, bucking wildly in Seti’s arms as Seti carried him into the bedroom. It was all Seti could do not to drop him on his head, and as Logan’s skull came in contact with Seti’s chin, jarring his teeth, Seti was sorely tempted to do just that.

  “Be still!” Seti ordered, frowning down at Logan. “You need rest. I need rest. And I will not allow you out of my sight. I gave you my oath to protect you and I cannot do that if you are not with me.”

  “I hardly think I need protection in the middle of Jason’s apartment! Who’s going to attack me? The fucking goldfish?”

  “You are angry,” Seti said. Confusion seemed to be the normal state of being for Seti since he’d awoken. Nearly everything Logan said or did muddled Seti’s brain. “Why would you be angry at me for trying to protect you?”

  “Because I don’t need protection! I’m a big boy, Seti. I even eat at the grown-up’s table now. It’s insulting for you to insinuate that I can’t take care of myself, picking me up like some errant toddler who needs a time-out and carting me off!”

  “I do not understand half of what you just said,” Seti grumbled, depositing Logan on the bed. The truth was that he didn’t understand half of anything Logan had ever said. “I am weary,” he said, deciding to dismiss the entire conversation rather than continue to argue. Besides, trying to follow Logan’s convoluted logic was giving Seti a headache. Things were much more uncomplicated before. Seti commanded and everyone else followed his orders without question. Simple.

  He was discovering that things were not so straightforward here, in this age. Here, everyone seemed to have an opinion, and showed no qualms about sharing that opinion with all and sundry, without being asked. Talking one over the other until their words merged into a cacophony of confusion. It was entirely too chaotic an atmosphere. Seti felt exhausted simply by listening to them all.

  Stripping off his t-shirt, he tossed it to the ground. Seti noticed that Logan’s eyes opened a bit wider as they gazed as his bared chest, and Seti hid a grin as he flexed his muscles for Logan’s benefit. “Are you not tired?”

  “A little. But a ‘Hey, Logan, how about a nap?’ would have sufficed. You didn’t have to turn into Conan the Barbarian and drag me off by my hair!”

  “I do not know who this Conan person is, and I did not touch your hair.” Seti replied as he slowly hitched his sweatpants down over his hips, stepping out of them. Seti’s grin broke the surface, watching Logan’s cheeks pink as he sucked his lower lip between his teeth, his gaze lingering at Seti’s groin.

  Logan’s tongue might be angrily wagging, but the rest of his body gave Seti every indication that his mind was not on the argument.

  “Logan…” Seti whispered with longing, leaning down over the bed. He braced himself over Logan with one arm on either side of Logan’s head. Happily, Logan didn’t twist away, although he planted his palms against Seti’s chest. “Logan, I want you. I need you. Do you not want me?” he breathed, barely touching his lips to Logan’s. Each word was a tiny caress against the soft flesh of Logan’s lips. “Did I not make your body writhe with ecstasy? Do you not wish to feel that way again? I will make you scream your pleasure, Logan.”

  “Kind of stuck up on yourself, aren’t you?” Logan asked, but his voice was very soft and husky, and he did not pull away, Seti noticed. “Arrogant. Conceited. Egotistical…”

  “Enough talk,” Seti said, pressing his lips firmly against Logan’s. Petal soft and warm, giving easily under his own, they tasted as sweet as the grains they’d eaten that morning to break their fast. Seti’s tongue hungrily pushed past Logan’s lips, sweeping in like a conquering army.

  To his surprise – and discomfiture - Logan did not lie still, placidly accepting Seti’s attack. He refused to surrender control to Seti, his behavior more like a brave and seasoned warrior than a bedmate. Logan’s tongue met his thrust for thrust, every bit as bold a
nd forceful as Seti’s. It was battle for dominance, and for the first time in Seti’s life he contemplated allowing himself to be defeated.

  The thought had never occurred to him before, but when it did it was shocking, unsettling, and curiously seductive.

  What would it be like, Seti wondered, to have Logan command him, to have Seti’s control wrenched away and be forced to submit to another’s will? To lie passively underneath another man while he took his pleasure in Seti’s flesh? Not to rule, but to obey?

  Seti shivered as a sudden, delicious thrill raised gooseflesh on his skin. He had never surrendered before. He had never trusted any lover enough to give them that gift. Not even with Ashai had he conceded his dominance. Seti was a king in life; he was no less than one in bed. Even in his most private moments Seti had ruled his universe with an iron fist.

  But now Seti found himself wondering and wavering, seriously considering the idea. The dominant within him bellowed indignantly against it, warring with the new, inquisitive Seti that struggled to surface, the part of him that ached to allow Logan intimacies Seti had never before permitted anyone. To lie still for him as he worshiped Seti’s flesh with his hands and tongue. To allow Logan to breach Seti’s body and ride him hard, until he left Seti gasping and spent.

  The very idea went against his grain. Seti felt the notion abrading his ego like the rough desert sands, and yet the temptation to allow Logan his head grew stronger with each passionate thrust of Logan’s tongue, each nip of his teeth, each stroke of his hands across Seti’s back.

  Even as he waged his internal battle, his hands kept busy, pulling at Logan’s clothing. Seti’s need was great – whether he would take or be taken was yet undetermined, but the desire to feel Logan’s naked skin next to his was irresistible.

  Bared at last, Logan’s flesh was warm and smooth, an expanse of hard planes and sharp angles that beckoned to Seti like an oasis in the desert. His cock filled, pressing against Logan’s thigh; Seti’s mouth watered for a taste of his silken skin. Each second that he denied himself the pleasure increased his desire until Seti’s body trembled with want, the urge to thoroughly ravish Logan nearly overpowering him.

  Yet the tantalizing temptation to roll over, bare his underbelly in submission, still danced within Seti’s mind, and he vacillated.

  Seti’s body finally made his decision for him. Stretching out on the bed next to Logan, Seti lay flat on his back with his hands at his sides. His fingers twisted in the sheets as if to keep him bound to the bed. “Take me, Logan. Do what you will with me,” he growled through clenched teeth.

  Seti’s dark eyes sparked as he fought against his nature, struggling to keep still as Logan rose up over his body, straddling Seti’s thighs. Looking up at a man was a new perspective for Seti, one that he’d experienced only when in his youth, on the very rare occasions that an opponent had gotten the best of him during battle training.

  He fully expected Logan to seize the unprecedented opportunity Seti had presented him with, lift Seti’s knees high and take him hard and fast before Seti could change his mind.

  Instead, Logan leaned down and kissed him, a soft, sweet kiss.

  “This is hard for you, isn’t it?” Logan whispered, looking Seti in the eye.

  “You are hard for me,” Seti answered through gritted teeth. He couldn’t decide if he had meant Logan’s body, or his company. Or both. Submission, compounded by talking, was nearly too much for him to bear. All he knew was that his mind was screaming at him to take back control, while his body was begging for Logan to do more than talk.

  “Tell me the truth, Seti. Before, in your old life, you didn’t bottom, did you? I can tell. It’s as if you’re waiting for me to attack you, rather than make love to you. You’re lying there as stiff as a board.”

  “This is stiff,” Seti growled, thrusting his cock upwards into Logan’s belly. “Attack me or please me, the choice is yours, but do not make me wait any longer.”

  Logan gasped, swearing softly under his breath. With his next breath he claimed Seti’s mouth in a brutal kiss that tasted of claiming, of ownership. The ferociousness that had blazed in Logan’s eyes a few moments ago returned, burning brightly and matching the growl that rumbled in his chest.

  Seti imagined that he could feel Logan’s kiss all the way down to the soles of his feet. It heated his belly and hardened his cock painfully, a groan escaping his lips. Everything faded away, even the memories of five thousand years captive in his tomb with nothing but the faintest lingering scent of sandalwood to keep him company. All that existed in that moment was the tongue that mercilessly swept his mouth, and the hard, lean body that teased his flesh with its closeness.

  His fingers strained, digging into the mattress. Every muscle tensed, every nerve in his body electrified as Logan’s lips finally left his, freeing him to breathe.

  Except that suddenly Seti found himself unable to do so. How could he possibly perform so mundane a task as breathe while Logan’s fiery lips were blazing a trail across his chest? Suckling at his breast, delving into his navel? How could he force his lungs to function while Logan’s soft, wet tongue painted random patterns across his stomach, or those teeth nipped at the delicate flesh of Seti’s inner thighs? When his warm breath ghosted over Seti’s cock?

  The edges of Seti’s vision grew dark, shadows creeping in. Luckily, Logan saved Seti the embarrassment of a faint when he chose that moment to close his sweet lips over the head of Seti’s engorged arousal. Seti’s involuntary gasp drew a deep, ragged breath into his lungs.

  Oral sex was nothing new to Seti. He had always enjoyed it, but this…this was something else entirely. Logan was not merely pleasuring Seti with his mouth – he was worshiping him with it. Enthusiastically. Masterfully.

  Logan’s hand pulled back Seti’s foreskin as his tongue swirled around the organ’s head, dipping and teasing at the tiny slit at its center. It flicked under the ridge, traced the thick vein that ran its length. Teeth nipped at the delicate skin, not enough to hurt, but enough to pull a groan full of ache and need from Seti’s throat.

  His mouth slipped lower, sucking Seti’s furred sac between his lips, rolling the stones over his tongue as his hand stroked Seti’s rigid shaft from root to tip.

  By the time Logan returned his attention to Seti’s cock, Seti had forgotten his pledge to keep his hands at his sides. They threaded into Logan’s soft hair, holding Logan’s head immobile as Seti’s hips thrust his cock upward into the warm, wet mouth. Logan took him in eagerly, easily, hungrily. Wet noises added to Seti’s pleasure, the music of lovemaking adding fuel to the fire that burned in his groin.

  Logan’s fingers massaged Seti’s inner thighs, kneading at the knotted muscles until they relaxed. Seti spread his legs a little wider, wanting more contact, needing more. Logan rewarded him by slipping a finger down, tracing the root of his cock backward to the tiny opening that lay between Seti’s cheeks.

  No one had ever touched Seti there before, not even Ashai. Seti would never allow it. He’d protected his entrance fiercely, refusing to allow anyone to breach his body.

  But for Logan, he spread his legs even wider, bending them at the knee. His body tensed when the tip of Logan’s finger pressed against his hole, rebelling at the thought of being taken. His cheeks squeezed together, trying to guard it, to keep out any intruders. Logan did not miss the reluctance, and raised his head, looking at Seti questioningly.

  “Seti, if you don’t want this, we don’t have to…”

  “I want. I need,” Seti growled, more at himself than at Logan. “Touch me,” he ordered. With a jerk, he spread his legs even wider, staring up at the ceiling, his brow knit, muscles tense.

  Logan’s soft chuckle brought a flush of indignation to Seti’s cheeks. But before Seti could chastise him for laughing at what Seti considered a supreme sacrifice, a single finger slid deeply into his body. It crooked within him, hitting a part of him Seti hadn’t known existed.

  A wave of unexpected pleasur
e rippled up Seti’s spine, making his belly clench and his balls swell even more. Fire erupted in his groin, a delicious inferno that burned and sizzled, raising the hair on Seti’s arms and legs. A moan reached his ears, low and needy. He barely recognized his own voice and was shocked in the pleading that escaped his lips.

  “More, Logan. Please,” Seti groaned, writhing and trying to push himself further down onto Logan’s finger, even as his hips tried to push his cock upward into Logan’s sweet, hot mouth.

  He felt his body stretched as another finger joined the first, both curling within him. Great Ptah! He’d never known, had never dreamed being taken could feel like this. The pleasure was nearly more than he could bear.

  Then Logan’s fingers and mouth were gone. Seti felt their absence sharply as a sudden aching emptiness in the core of his being. Before he could protest, something much larger, much hotter than Logan’s fingers pressed against his hole, seeking entrance into his body.

  Seti looked down between their bellies, watching Logan’s cock begin to sink into his body. He felt the burning pain of it, the stretch that made Seti fear being torn asunder.


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