About this Book
About the Author
Other Books in the Mote Universe
Title Page
Copyright Page
Cast of Characters
Imperial Autonetics Majority Shareholders
Other Humans
Citizens of the Second Empire of Man
Saint George, New Utah, and environs
Saint George True Church Militant Security Zone
Bonneville and The Barrens, New Utah
Other Moties
Other Species
Chronology (Standard Years)
Chapter 1: Visitation Rights
Chapter 2: Accrual Methods
Chapter 3: Sanctum, Sanctus, Sancta
Chapter 4: Fairserv
Chapter 5: Knowledge Management
Chapter 6: Hostile Takeover
Chapter 7: Forty Thieves
Chapter 8: The Gathering
Chapter 9: Angels in Heaven
Chapter 10: Verbal Contracts
Chapter 11: Communications Update
Chapter 12: Paternity Suit
Chapter 13: Tortious Intervention
Chapter 14: A Sharp Correction
Chapter 15: Final Accounting
Chapter 16: Chairman of the Board
Chapter 17: Intellectual Property
Chapter 18: Opportunity Investment
Chapter 19: Formal Accession
Map of Inhabited Areas of New Utah
True Church of Mormon Organization
Church of Him
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“LDS Church”)
Reformed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“LDS Sixers”)
True Church of Mormon (“True Church” OR “TC”)
True Church Militant (“TCM”)
Catechism of The Great Weep
His Gatherings
His Numbers
His Tenets
His Creed
The Gathering Hymn (Common Notation)
Mesolimeran Tables of Measure
"Three-Hand,” or “Cattle” Accounting
Land Accounting
Commodity Accounting
Asymmetry, Chimerism, and Hermaphroditism in New Utah Swenson’s Apes
The Planet of the Apes
Zebras, Mules, and Truth Stranger than Fiction
The War Between the Sexes
Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Back Cover
About This Book
Since first contact with the alien Mote civilization, expansion of the Second Empire of Man has slowed. The Fleet’s attention has become consumed with blocking Motie access to human space—and holding that thin line now depends upon a shaky alliance with the horrifically prolific, technologically brilliant, three-armed Moties themselves. Under the terms of Horace Bury’s will, human and Motie shareholders have also assumed joint control of industrial giant Imperial Autonetics. Still, the Empire decides the fate of worlds. Those already in possession of space-worthy craft may join as Classified systems, and enjoy the benefits of access to new technology, trading rights, and Fleet protection. Those less advanced may be parceled out as colonial concessions. Outworlds that refuse to join risk conquest by zealous commanders intent on preserving the hard-won peace at any cost. Worlds boasting great riches are targeted for quick accession. Those presenting any danger are targeted for quick destruction. Yet, though their very planets depend on guessing the right questions, and delivering the right answers, in the remote backwaters of Imperial space, few of these details are known to the Outies themselves. Set in the first chaotic year following Horace Bury’s death, this gripping sequel to King David’s Spaceship, The Mote in God’s Eye, and The Gripping Hand introduces Asach Quinn, a human character as enigmatic as the alien Moties, and shifts point of view from the vast race across the stars, to the role played in that race by one small rancher, on a world already deemed irrelevant…
About the Author
Dr. J.R. Pournelle is an archaeologist and anthropologist best known for reconstructing landscapes surrounding ancient cities. A Research Fellow at the University of South Carolina’s School of The Environment, and past Mesopotamian Fellow of the American School of Oriental Research, her work in Turkey, Iraq, and the Caucasus has been featured in The New York Times and on The Discovery Channel. In a former life, she received numerous decorations for service as a United States Army intelligence officer and arms control negotiator, and performed reconstruction work in Iraq as a civilian.
Other books in the Mote Universe
Pocket Books by J.E. Pournelle
King David’s Spaceship
Pocket Books by Larry Niven and J.E. Pournelle
The Mote in God’s Eye
The Gripping Hand
J. R. Pournelle
New Brookland Press
West Columbia, SC 29169
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2010 Jennifer R. Pournelle. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America.
First electronic edition 2010.
Characters, locations, and events featured in King David’s Spaceship are Copyright © 1980 Jerry Pournelle, used by permission.
Characters, locations, and events featured in The Mote in God’s Eye are Copyright © 1974 Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, used by permission.
Characters, locations, and events featured in The Gripping Hand are Copyright © 1993 Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, used by permission.
Musical score for “The Gathering Hymn” Copyright © 2009 J. Daniel Jenkins, used by permission.
Illustrations © 2010 Jennifer R. Pournelle.
For my father.
It’s his world, we just try our best to live in it…
Cast of Characters
Imperial Autonetics Majority Shareholders
Sir Kevin Renner
Owner and pilot, Sinbad; five percent plus one share.
Robert Peele Bury
Oldest grandson of Horace Bury, twenty percent less one share.
Ali Baba
Mediator, fifteen percent.
Mediator, representative, Medina Traders, fifteen percent.
Mediator, representative, East India Company, ten percent.
Mediator, representative, Crimean Tartars, 2.5 percent.
Other Humans
Citizens of the Second Empire of Man
Amari Selkirk Alidade Clarke Hathaway (Asach) Quinn
Analyst and Advisor.
Sandra (Sally) Liddel Leonovna Fowler, Lady Blaine,
Co-Director, the Blaine Institute, New Caledonia.
Roderick Harold, Lord Blaine,
Earl of Acrux, Co-Director, the Blaine Institute, New Caledonia.
Commissioner (Dr.) Anthony Horvath,
Minister of Science, Sparta.
Horvath’s delegate and representative on New Utah.
Colchis Barthes
Curator of American Collections, Imperial Library, Sparta. Information delegate to New Utah.
Sir Lawrence Jackson
Governor, Maxroy’s Purchase.
Saint George, New Utah, and Environs
Zia (Umm Hugo) Azhad
Procurement Agen
t, Orcutt Land and Mining.
Ollie (Abu Hugo) Azhad
Chief of Security, Orcutt Land and Mining, Zia’s husband.
Hugo Azhad
Son of Zia and Ollie.
Deela Azhad
Daughter of Zia and Ollie.
Zia’s niece.
Lady Lillith Van Zandt
Margravine Batavia, Entrepreneur.
Harlan Clegg
Security Contractor.
Aloysius Geery
Dean, Zion University College of Technical Science, Engineering, and Urban Planning.
Saint George True Church Militant Security Zone
Captain Jeri Legrange
Zone Operations Security Officer.
Sergeant Sheila Thompson
Medic, Zone Operations Support Company.
Private Swanson
Legrange’s driver, Zone Operations Support Company.
Private Theo Parker
Zone Operations Support Company.
Major Johannes Trippe
Executive Officer, TCM Saints (“Mormon”) Battalion.
Linda Libiziewsky
Zone Operations Administrator.
Bonneville and The Barrens, New Utah
Collier (Collie) Orcutt
Laurel Courter
Rancher, Orcutt’s niece.
Michael Van Zandt
Opal meerschaum broker, Lillith Van Zandt’s son.
Nejme Silelyan
Major Domo to Michael Van Zandt.
Lena Silelyan
Nejme’s daughter.
Mena Silelyan
Nejme’s wife.
John David Swenson
New Utah Founder’s Era surveyor, provisioner and naturalist.
Other Moties
Farmer. Agricultural concession-holder.
Runners. Post-Watchers in the employ of Farmer John.
Runners. Offspring of Longshanks.
Master. Procurator, Northern Protectorate, Mesolimeris.
Keeper, Northern Protectorate, Mesolimeris.
Master, Side Captain, House of Sargon.
Lord Cornwallis
Master, East India Group. Associate Master of Inner Base Six; presumptive parent of Ali Baba.
Other Species
A horse.
Chronology (Standard Years)
Events preceding the opening of this story…
Jasper Murcheson explores region beyond the Coal Sack.
In New Caledonia system, domed colonies established on New Scotland and New Ireland, following terraforming.
Maxroy’s Purchase settled by dissident Mormons.
Domes removed, New Scotland and New Ireland colonies.
Mountain Mover asteroid mining registered, Purchase system.
100,000+ transportees settled on Maxroy’s Purchase.
Temple of the True Church moved to Glacier Valley, Maxroy’s Purchase. True Church colony sent to New Utah. Founder’s Report to the Elders of Maxroy’s Purchase filed.
Imperial Navy Initial Assessment Report (IAR), New Utah, filed.
Secession Wars begin. New Scotland loyalist; New Ireland secessionist. Maxroy’s Purchase and New Utah are distant and largely neutral.
First Empire collapses.
Interstellar trade collapses in Trans-Coal Sack sector.
In absence of Imperial contact, Loyalist New Scotland continues prosecution of war against “Rebel” New Ireland. Coherent light from the Mote reaches New Caledonia.
“Motie” civilization on Mote Prime launches a solar sail-guided probe into human space, using a laser cannon. Coherent light from the Mote reaches New Caledonia.
City churches, Maxroy’s Purchase destroyed. Temple of the True Church proclaimed Governing Church of Maxroy’s Purchase. Swenson’s Ape paper authored.
Alderson tramlines collapse between Purchase system and New Utah.
Secession Wars end. New Ireland defeated.
Howard Grote Littlemead founds Church of Him on New Scotland.
Coherent light from Mote ends abruptly. Howard Grote Littlemead “hastened to meet his God.” Under intense persecution, many Himmists flee to New Ireland.
Leaonidas IV of Sparta proclaims the Second Empire of Man.
His Mission dispatched from New Ireland to Maxroy’s Purchase. Expands rapidly among “false” Church remnants.
Hannefin Mines registered, Pitchfork City, Maxroy’s Purchase. True Church begins secret, periodic shipments of selenium supplements and fertilizer to New Utah, in exchange for opal meerschaum.
His Mission to Heaven dispatched from Maxroy’s Purchase to New Utah.
Imperial contact with New Caledonia re-established. INSS Terrible bombards Derry, ending New Ireland secession. New Scotland designated sector capital.
General Metals registered, Pitchfork City, Maxroy’s Purchase.
New Ireland designated sector Naval shore leave destination.
Union Planetoids registered, Maxroy’s Purchase.
Maxroy’s Purchase joins Empire of Man.
Prince Samual’s World discovered by units of Imperial Navy. Events of King David’s Spaceship begin.
New Chicago Revolt. Events of The Mote in God’s Eye begin.
First contact: Motie light sail reaches human space. MacArthur dispatched to investigate Mote System. Mote Blockade Treaty concluded with representatives from Mote Prime, preventing Motie exit from Mote Space.
Tanner Metals registered, Pitchfork City, Maxroy’s Purchase.
Sir Lawrence Jackson, Governor, Maxroy’s Purchase, dispatches Bury-owned ship to New Utah to invite Empire membership. The New Utah True Church refuses.
Events of The Gripping Hand begin. The “Motie scare” on Maxroy’s Purchase. Renner investigation reveals True Church use of a periodic tramline from Maxroy’s Purchase to New Utah. Collapse of The Curdle opens a second Alderson point from the Mote system into Imperial space.
Motie Medina Trader Alliance concludes and polices the Second Mote Blockade Treaty in exchange for exclusive trading rights with the Empire. Motie access to Empire Space prohibited without infection with contraceptive C-L parasite.
Horace Bury bequeaths bulk of Imperial Autonetics voting stock to a combination of his own and Alliance families.
Second Jackson Expedition to New Utah planned. Events of Outies begin.
Nauvoo Vision, en route to Saint George, New Utah, 3035
Ship’s time, it was well past midnight. Reuben Fox padded silently through the empty corridor. The Delegation all slept like exhausted children, thanks to a generous dollop of melatonin in their evening nightcaps. “It’s a Mormon Tea,” he’d said, passing around the steaming cups, “No caffeine. Help you sleep like babies before we descend tomorrow.”
Outies Page 1