Daughter of Hades

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Daughter of Hades Page 5

by Helen Scott

  “Knox?” I whispered. My heart started fluttering in my chest.

  “What is it, angel? I can feel your nerves,” he said, pulling back. I could feel him looking down at me, but I didn’t move.

  “I want to tell you something, but I don’t want to freak you out.”

  One of his hands came up and gently raised my chin so that I was looking at him. “You can tell me anything. Nothing would freak me out.”

  “I’m falling in love with you,” I said so quietly that I could barely hear myself.

  “I love you, too.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

  I felt the bed move slightly as Nolan got up, and I heard the door to the room open and close, but I didn’t want to pay attention to anything else except Knox in that moment. “Even though it hasn’t been that long?”

  “Poppy,” he said. I knew he was being super serious if he was using my real name. “I didn’t know what I was looking for until I found you, but then everything came into focus. I’ve been alive a long time, and nothing else has ever felt like this. You are my love, my queen, and I will protect and honor you any way I can.”

  A knot formed in my throat. I tilted my head up so that I could reach him and laid a delicate kiss on his lips. “If you want me to go brush my teeth again, I can.”

  “You do realize I come from a time when the toothbrush wasn’t a thing and toothpaste contained chalk and brick? We’d brush our teeth with cloth and water most of the time. Sometimes I’m surprised I have any teeth left. You’ve brushed, flossed, and used mouthwash. You don’t have bad breath, and you’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, so be quiet and let me kiss you.”

  His lips crashed down onto mine, which were still smiling, and when his tongue ran over them, I opened for him. He darted his tongue out to dance with my own briefly before withdrawing. I chased his tongue back into his mouth and tangled my own around it. He squeezed me in a hug, and I felt a rush of love resonate through our bond.

  I needed him in a way that I’d never needed anyone before, but I also needed the others. Emmett and Nolan and eventually Cass and, maybe at some point in the future, Hunter. Each of them held a piece of my heart, and I only felt complete when we were all close by. Even now, though, I knew two pieces were missing. I knew Shadow and the third judge were out there, and though they might not know it yet, they were waiting for me just as I was waiting for them.

  “Is there a bed big enough for all of us in the Underworld?” I asked, slightly dazed after our kiss.

  Knox chuckled. “If there isn’t, we’ll make you one.”

  I grinned. “Good. I want to be smooshed in a big puppy pile of love.”

  “I’m sure we can make that happen, but for now, maybe we should get some breakfast and check on everyone?”

  He had phrased it as a question, and I knew that if I said no, he would stay in bed with me, but we were on a timer now. Whatever those kids and Shadow went through couldn’t happen for real. If it did, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

  I rolled off Knox and got up, pulling on some real clothes from my bag in the bathroom instead of just an oversized T-shirt. “Come on, then,” I said, smiling at him as he remained on the bed.

  “I just realized that doing stuff meant you putting on real clothes, and I much prefer you in just a T-shirt.” He pouted slightly.

  “I’ll tell you what, as soon as we get to the next hotel, I will immediately change into a T-shirt, which I’m sure will make Hunter run for the hills.” I couldn’t keep the strain from my voice at the end even though I tried. It wasn’t annoyance, but it felt as if our bond was constantly about to break, and I needed it to be stronger, as strong as possible, really, if everything was going to go sideways when we got to the Underworld.

  “He’ll come around, angel. Just give him time. His heart was beyond broken, and he’s still recovering from that.”

  Reluctantly, I nodded. I knew Knox was right, but that didn’t mean I had to like it. Once he was up, he grabbed my bag, which still had all my stuff in it, and slung an arm around my shoulders, and we walked out of the room. Next door was almost exactly the way I had left it the night before when Nolan and I stepped out, except there was no Hunter. Surprise, surprise.

  “Hey, Poppy,” Cass said from the bed where he was eating a bagel and sipping coffee from a cardboard cup.

  The rich aroma reached my nose just as my stomach grumbled.

  “Maybe food first and then catch up and make a plan, huh?” Emmett asked as he walked over and kissed me good morning. Nolan was right behind him, wearing a wide grin that made me smile back at him.

  “Anyone want to go back to the diner?” I asked, thinking about the waffles I’d seen on their menu the night before.

  The guys all hopped up, and we stopped by the new SUV to pick up Hunter on the way there. He was surlier than usual, which frustrated me since he was the one who had isolated himself and chosen to sleep in the car.

  The diner was bustling, and we had to wait for our booth since it was the only one big enough to fit our group, and we didn’t want to split up. The last thing I needed was for Hunter to isolate himself even more, or worse, make Nolan or Cass feel isolated from me, too.

  When we sat, the leather squeaked as we all moved around so that everyone could fit. I was in the center, of course, with Knox, Emmett, and Cass on one side and Nolan and Hunter on the other. The smell of eggs, bacon, sausage, and all other breakfast goodness filled the air. Before we had even had a chance to open the menus, the waitress approached. She was much younger than the one from the night before, and when she took a good look at the booth, her eyes widened, a slight blush staining her cheeks.

  A coy smile danced over her face as she looked at each of my guys, and I didn’t like it one bit. “What can I get to start you folks off with?”

  Everyone at the table flipped their small white ceramic mugs over, and there was a round of people asking for coffee, myself included. She returned a split second later with a full jug of coffee, pouring it into each cup, even leaning over the table to reach the ones at the back for myself, Knox, and Emmett. I got a great view of her cleavage, and if she hadn’t been trying to seduce one of my guys, I might have even appreciated it, but all I wanted to do was tell her to keep her hands to herself. They were all insanely good looking, like models or body building competitors.

  After we had ordered, wide grins broke out over all the guy’s faces except for Hunter, although he was smiling a bit. “What?” I asked as they all continued to chuckle and look at one another.

  “You practically screamed your warning to the waitress through the bond. We are all claimed as yours, babe. No one is going anywhere,” Nolan said, putting an arm around my shoulder while Knox squeezed my thigh.

  “Even I could tell, and we aren’t bonded yet. I’ve never had someone stake a claim over me before,” Cass said. “It feels nice.”

  When the food arrived, I practically wolfed all mine down. It was tasty, but I was so hungry, I probably would have eaten whatever was put in front of me. Once we were all done eating, I excused myself to use the restroom. I hadn’t even been paying attention to anyone else in the diner, but when I came out of the stall to wash my hands, a woman was leaning up against the wall with her arms folded over her chest.

  “Hello, Poppy,” she said. Her voice was as smooth as silk but sent chills down my spine at the same time. I looked her up and down, trying to figure out how she knew who I was. A cream-colored chiffon top was perfectly tucked into a black pencil skirt and paired with a pastel blue blazer. Black stiletto heels and elegant silver jewelry finished off the woman’s look, along with her perfectly styled hair that didn’t have a strand out of place. The blazer brought out the blue in her eyes and the pink of her lips. She looked refined and gracefully beautiful.

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?” I asked as I washed my hands.

  “No, but I know you and those boys out there.”

  My gaze locked with hers. �
��What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about your hellhounds. I’m talking about you being queen of the Underworld,” she said as she turned to face me head on.

  “I think you’ve got the wrong person, lady. I’m just on a road trip with some friends, that’s all.” I tried to move past her, but she sidestepped and blocked my exit.

  “You think that the powers that be don’t pay attention to this kind of thing? That the so-called gods still run the human realm? Let me tell you, they don’t. We run the human realm. Those with enough money can buy their way into power and do with it as they please while everyone else just gets fucked.”

  The last word startled me. She looked as if she probably found the diner disgusting and had her own personal chef who cooked her special meals that were primarily kale and quinoa, and she definitely didn’t look the type to use that kind of language.

  “The group I belong to is called Alpha. They want to expand humans’ control over the realms. Right now, we get stepped on by every magical being in sight. We want to fix that. We want to spread humanity out, give everyone more space, more control over their lives. How much healthier would the earth be if it wasn’t so overpopulated? You and your little harem of men can stay in the human realm, become whatever you want to be. Live whatever life you want. All we need is some of your blood, and we can take control of the Underworld for you.” She smiled as she spoke, but it didn’t reach her eyes. Instead, she looked like a predator trying to trick its prey.

  “Why wouldn’t I want to rule the Underworld?” I asked. “I would be a queen instead of a waitress.”

  “Oh, honey, have you thought about what the Underworld might be like? There is a reason it got its name. It might be a different realm, but there’s no sunlight. Every single thing is underground, and nothing grows except that damned pomegranate tree. The whole place is barren, and so will you be if you stay there long enough. Nothing grows in the Underworld.” She looked at me as though she were trying to impart some secret wisdom, and when I just stared at her blankly, she said, “You will never be able to have children if you live there.”

  “I’ve never really thought of myself as the motherly type, anyway. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a harem to get back to.” I smiled tightly at her.

  “Don’t be stupid, Poppy. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You would get a yearly stipend to do with as you pleased for the rest of your life, and all it would cost you is a vial of blood. Besides, who is going to take over once you die if you can’t birth the next generation?” She raised a perfectly plucked and defined eyebrow. Her flawless makeup made her look dewy and young, but her careful look turned into an upturned nose and a glare at my lack of favorable response. I could see the fine wrinkles that had formed around her eyes and lips that she was so carefully trying to hide.

  “I’m sure there are plenty of other descendants out there who can take over, but for right now, I’m leaving, so you can either move and let me by, or I can move you.” I let the threat show in its entirety in my eyes.

  “I would like to see you try, child. Do you have any idea how old I am? I could snap you like a twig. The gods and supernaturals aren’t the only ones who live long lives. I’m two hundred years old, and I’m stronger and healthier than ever.” She stepped up close to me as she spoke so we were practically touching. Her hand went to her pocket, and she withdrew a business card and slid it into the pocket of my jeans. “In case you change your mind.”

  “I’m not going to.” I held my chin higher and squared my shoulders a little more. I was the fucking queen, not her. “Let. Me. Pass. I won’t ask again.” Anger and nerves had a tight hold on my heart, and I knew if I wanted to get out of the bathroom without getting into a fist fight with a woman almost seven times my age, then I needed to breathe through them and let the situation play out.

  “As you wish, Your Highness,” she sneered, and moved to the side, bowing slightly while gesturing to the door with her hands. “Just remember, living in the Underworld means no kids, no sunlight, no fresh air, no fresh anything, just the screams of the dead ringing in your ears all day, every day.”

  I strode past her, trying my best to ignore her last quip, and pushed open the door to the bathroom so hard that the metal handle on the outside smacked on the wall behind it, which happened to be protected by a matching metal sheet. Every eye in the place was on me, and I quickly made my way to the booth. The guys were all on high alert, and as I sat down, I waited to see if the woman exited the bathroom so I could point her out, but she never appeared.

  “What’s wrong, my queen?” Emmett asked quietly.

  “Some bitch was trying to convince me to give up the throne. Said all she needed was some of my blood and I would never have to go to the Underworld, which by the way, she described as a horrid place where nothing grows and there’s no sunlight.”

  Emmett, Knox, and Hunter all exchanged a look.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” I hissed. “Was she telling the damn truth?”

  “Partially. It’s complicated. There are many areas to the Underworld,” Hunter said, waving his hand as though this whole thing was being overblown.

  “Uncomplicate it while we drive to the next judge,” I said as I slapped some bills on the table and walked out. They could damn well follow me. I was well and truly pissed, and they knew it.

  Chapter Eight


  Poppy stormed out of the diner, and I could practically see the darkness trailing after her. We needed to do some lessons on her powers and figure out what was going on, stat. I knew she could see ghosts and transport between realms, which my guess after seeing her just now was that she was traveling using darkness just as we did when we went to the Underworld.

  I could have smacked that woman in the face, whoever she was. She had no right to tell Poppy lies about her realm. No one knew what happened in Hades’s castle except the people or beings who lived there or close by. Everyone had their place. The Underworld was not a finite realm like others; it was stretchy and expandable as needed. Not that any of that mattered in that moment.

  After picking up the bills Poppy had dropped in her fit of anger, we ordered an apology pie as well as an apology cake, paid with a credit card, and hurried out. When we caught up with her, she was leaning against the motel wall next to the door to our room.

  “Let’s get our stuff and get going,” was all she said as she looked past us and out to the traffic that flew by on the main road. She hadn’t even glanced at the boxes we had brought with us from the diner. I had selected a lemon meringue pie and a chocolate cake. That way, whether she liked tart or sweet, we had both bases covered. Plus, I liked both, so I could have a slice of whatever.

  Cass had been on edge ever since Poppy had come back from the bathroom, and as we were gathering our stuff together, he said, “Was she right about the Underworld?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll explain once we are on the road, but I promise it’s not as bad as that woman made it out to be. I actually quite like it.”

  He nodded. “Can we stop by my old hotel so I can get my stuff?”

  I agreed and finished packing up. We loaded up the SUV and were on the road with a quick stop for Cass in between. Finally, when the tension was so thick, I thought I could choke on it, I said, “Well, I guess we should explain.”

  Hunter jumped in. “I can do it if you want.”

  “You concentrate on driving. I hate these damn country roads in the snow.” I turned in my seat and looked back at everyone. Poppy was in the middle this time in one of the single seats, and Cass was next to her, while Nolan and Knox were in the back. I took a big breath. “The woman, whomever she was, was partially right. A large portion of the Underworld is underground. What no one knows, and it’s a secret that only”—I paused, searching for the right word—“let’s call them employees of the Underworld. It’s a secret that only employees know, along with Hades and Persephone, obviously. Hades’s castle opens out
into another part of the realm that he built with Persephone. It’s the with that’s important here, because that is what allows things to grow. Not only does the castle itself have a garden, but there is a door off the master suite, although that phrase doesn’t do it justice, that leads to this new section of the realm that they cultivated together. It’s just like earth. There’s sunshine and rich, fertile soil. Anything you plant will grow, and there are even stars that come out at night if you’re into that kind of thing. When Persephone found out she was pregnant, she retreated to the garden and stayed there until she either had to return to Olympus or have the child. She found out the hard way that if she stayed in the Underworld proper, the baby would die before it even had a chance to live.”

  I could feel some of the tension resonating through my bond with Poppy easing. She was calming down.

  No one had interrupted me yet, although I figured at some point, there would be questions, so I continued. “I’ll be honest, there are areas of the Underworld that are terrible. They suck a giant bag of dicks, but they are necessary. There is a reason they exist and that some souls reside there, but that doesn’t mean you have to go there. Conversely, there are also amazing areas of the Underworld for the souls who deserve a positive afterlife, like the Isle of the Blessed or the Elysian Fields. There are quite a few different kinds of beings who live in the Underworld. Most of which will always take their orders from Hades himself, but they all have their own areas where they live. One example is the Land of Dreams where the Oneiroi live in the Halls of Night. It’s a creepy place, and I don’t recommend going there unless you have to. There’s also Hecate’s palace, the Furies’ chambers, and Tartarus, where the Titans and some especially nasty people are bound.”

  Nolan, Cass, and Poppy just stared at me as if I were a lunatic or something.

  “Any questions?”

  “You’re telling me I’ll be living in the same castle as Hades and Persephone?” Poppy asked.


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