A Bloody Business

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A Bloody Business Page 25

by Gerry Schumacher


  BH Defense, LLC, 2300 9th Street South, Suite 503

  Arlington, VA 22204

  Tel: 703-553-0561, Fax: 703-553-0562

  e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Provides equipment procurement services, security, and training to military, law-enforcement agencies, and private clients. It has been providing these services since 1999. The bulk of its consultants and contracts are former special operations personnel who were trained on military and nation-building-related subjects.


  114 East Erie Street, PO Box 10, Linesville, PA 16424

  Tel: 814-683-1048, Fax: 814-683-1048, e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Blackwater USA consists of five separate business units: Blackwater Training Center (the largest private firearms and tactical training center in the United States), Blackwater Target Systems, Blackwater Security Consulting, Blackwater Canine, and Raven Development Group. Blackwater also has relationships with their strategic partners, Aviation Worldwide Services and Greystone Ltd.

  “We are not simply a ‘private security company.’ We are a professional military, law enforcement, security, peacekeeping, and stability operations firm who provides turnkey solutions. We assist with the development of national and global security policies and military transformation plans. We can train, equip, and deploy public safety and military professionals, build live-fire indoor/outdoor ranges, MOUT facilities, and shoot houses, create ground and aviation operations and logistics support packages, develop and execute canine solutions for patrol and explosive detection, and can design and build facilities both domestically and in austere environments abroad.”


  850 Puddin Ridge Rd.,Moyock, NC 27958

  Tel: 252-435-2488, Fax: 252-435-6388

  e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: BritAm was awarded a contract for providing security cover for a humanitarian visit to Basra and Baghdad by executives from Demag Delaval Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd., a wholly owned company of Siemens.

  “Our focus is to use our management’s considerable expertise in counter-terrorism, insurgency, and public security situations to give clear and objective advice to our clients and provide solutions to their requirements. Whether it is for advice, practical assistance, or training support, the selection of the most appropriate security consultancy is of paramount importance. With our wide spectrum of first-hand experience in a variety of challenging situations, we at BritAm are confident that we have the pedigree to make a real difference.”


  BritAm, Marvic House, Third Floor, Bishop’s Road

  London SW67AD, U.K.

  Tel: 44 207 61001111, Fax: 44 207 3859311

  e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Homeland security, systems integration, managed network services, information assurance, engineering and logistics, intelligence solutions, knowledge management, vision and solution center.

  “CACI has rapidly grown into a world leader in providing timely solutions to the intelligence community. Engaged across a wide range of national intelligence disciplines from the most complex space-based operations to human source intelligence, we help America’s intelligence community collect, analyze, and share global information in the war on terrorism.”


  CACI House, Kensington Village, Avonmore Road

  London, W14 8TS, U.K.

  U.S. Headquarters:

  1100 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22201

  Tel: 703-841-7800, Fax: 703-841-7882, e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Carnelian provides interventions that address conflicts in three distinct responses. 1) Preventive deployment: close protection of key personnel, security drivers, information protection, and/or conflict negotiators. 2) Fact Finding: gathering appropriate evidence to bring the conflict to an end. 3) Advice: Support or advice management on additional conflict factors.

  “Our services are aimed at domestic and international organizations that may be subjected to all forms of conflict as a result of changing economic, civil, military, or terrorist factors. In such cases where there may be some risk of conflict arising from financial, political, social or environmental factors, Carnelian where possible will operate on behalf of the affected party by negotiating a resolution to the conflict situation. In situations where the conflict is non-negotiable, we will deploy alternative interventions in order to help bring the conflict to an end.”


  Carnelian International Risks, 4 Lubards Lodge

  Rayuleigh, Essex SS69QG, U.K.

  Tel: 44 1245 380 683, Fax: 44 1245 382 894

  e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Provides security services with focus on Iraq.

  “Route surveys of major and minor supply routes (MSRs) throughout Iraq to include establishment of checkpoints, rally points, alternate routes, communication dead spaces, local checkpoints, coalition checkpoints, and GPS route mapping and tracking data. Fixed-site security surveys. Established Iraqi security contacts throughout Iraq to include contacts with the Ministry of Interior, police chiefs. Northern Iraq Peshmerga Militia Forces, Northern Iraq KDP and PUK political contacts, established and proven Iraqi informants, Iraqi Civil Defence Corps (ICDC), Iraqi Facility Protection Services (FPS), Iraqi National Police (INP), and numerous Iraqi private security firms.”


  CFC,Town Lane, Bebington, Wirral CH63 5JF, U.K.

  Tel: 32 48445 8672



  Services: Hostile-environment training, emergency first-aid training, specialist first-aid training.

  “Centurion prepares people both mentally and practically for dangerous work in extreme conditions. These people are usually in the news media, international organizations, humanitarian aid agencies, charities, and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and commercial businesses.”


  Centurion, PO Box 1740, Andover, Hants, SP11 7-E, U.K.

  Tel: 44 0 1254 355255, Fax: 44 0 1264 355322



  Services: Cochise is pursuing contracts in security and VIP protection for major U.S. companies doing business in Iraq. They have a contract to help

  provide security for an ammunition-clearing operation.

  “Cochise Consultancy Inc. specializes in planning, implementing, and managing security and training programs for government and commercial clients worldwide.”


  5202 Silverado Way, Valrico, FL 33594

  Tel: 813-643-0022, Fax: 813-643-1007

  e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Divided into three companies, CSA provides logistics, maintenance, technical support, security, and environmental support services. They also support military testing and training activities.

  “The CSA partners currently have projects at a dozen OCONUS locations where they provide technical training, base operating support, supply services, logistics and infrastructure support, transportation, and environmental support. The three companies have a combined global workforce of seven thousand employees and revenues exceeding one billion dollars.”


  CSA Human Resources, Unit 69905, APO AE 09889-9905

  Tel: 965
-486-5338, Fax: 800-783-3220

  e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Hires armed guards to protect officials from Whitehall, aid workers, and businesses. CRG has an office in Baghdad providing clients with a range of services including security management, discreet armed protection, and information support.

  “Control Risks has thirty years of experience in successfully advising clients about the risks they face and the solutions they can implement. This expertise is called upon by companies, governments, and nonprofit organizations all over the world. We group our skills into ten service areas that together can address the issues that your organization is confronting.”


  83 Victoria Street, London, SW1H OHW, U.K.

  Tel: 44 20 722 1552, Fax: 44 20 7222 2296

  Contact in Iraq: James Blount, Country Manager,

  Tel: 914-822-9502, e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Convoy escort, personal protection services, site security, medical training.

  “Crescent Security operates a ‘Hybrid’ Security Company, offering clients a choice of 100 percent Western Security Operators or a mix of Iraqi and Western operators dependent upon client requirements. Crescent utilizes modified and up-armored civilian vehicles utilizing the latest technology to provide tracking and communications, ensuring total peace of mind to clients with sensitive cargo movements or VIP escorts. Crescent Security employs professional former military and specialist law enforcement personnel. Many of whom have specialist courses and qualifications specific to the security business and transportation.”


  Crescent Security Group, PO Box 4584

  Kuwait City, Kuwait 13046

  Tel: 965-390-3184, Fax: 965-390-3164

  e-mail: [email protected]

  Contact in Kuwait: Scott Schneider



  Services: CIS is a protection firm operated by experienced security professionals, whose backgrounds include law enforcement, corporate security, intelligence, and force protection/antiterrorism. They also have a staff of consultants with expertise ranging from crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) to chemical and biological terrorism. CIS professionals also act as regular consultants for the news media.

  “CIS has provided protective services for high-profile individuals, including Senator Bob Dole, actor Steven Seagal, news anchorwoman Paula Zahn, talk show host Sally Jesse Raphael, and civil rights leader Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and to governmental agencies, such as the Florida Department of Insurance during fraud investigations and court-ordered receiverships.”


  Critical Intervention Services, 1261 South Missouri Avenue

  Clearwater, FL 33756

  Tel: 727-461-9417, 800-247-6055

  Hillsborough: 813-910-4247

  Fax: 727-449-1269

  24-hour operations center: 813-221-1911

  Contact: Debra Osmun, e-mail: [email protected]

  Employment: 727-461-9417

  Contact: Lesley Palmer, e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Global risk consulting, security services, business intelligence, litigation support, emergency support services, explosive detection. Security services include life supports, construction, logistics, transportation, and personal security details.

  “Custer Battles offers personal security detail (PSD) to provide close protective escort support to client personnel in hostile environments. The service includes a ‘meet and greet’ upon arrival, transportation to the clients’ facilities, and protective armed PSD accompaniment when required.”


  Custer Battles, 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 214

  McLean, VA 22102

  Tel: 703-356-2424, Fax: 703-356-3001

  e-mail: [email protected]

  DECISION STRATEGIES (part of Vance Global)


  Services: Specializes in all aspects of corporate, criminal, and financial investigations, background and due-diligence inquiries, security audits, protecting proprietary information, and gathering litigation intelligence.

  “Our highly trained consultants and operational personnel have strong backgrounds as former law enforcement officers within federal agencies, the military, and private sector firms, and have undertaken assignments in more than eighty countries. Our executive protection agents receive rigorous training in logistics and protective operations, weapons proficiency, emergency medical response, evasive driving, tactical communications, surveillance recognition, and special intelligence.”


  Decision Strategies, 31 Old Burlington Street, 2nd Floor

  London W1S 3AS, U.K.

  U.S. Headquarters:

  33 East 33rd Street, New York, NY 10016

  Tel: 800-759-7402 Fax: 212-935-4046

  e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Risk advisory consulting, competitive due diligence, close protection, site security, and security escort services for multiple international clients and contractors

  “Whether in Iraq or Yemen, and from Saudi Arabia to the United Arab Emirates, DME provides our clients with a wealth of experience and a far-reaching network of sources and contacts. DME’s mission is to ensure our clients in the Middle East have the information, analysis, connections, and security that they need to minimize risk and make the most profitable and efficient business decisions.”


  Diligence Middle East, 1275 Eye Street, NW

  Washington, DC 20005

  Tel: 202-659-6210, Fax: 202-659-6210

  Contact in Iraq: Ken Josey, Country Manager

  Tel: 914-822-9746, e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: General security, convoy protection, close protection, and asset protection. It is recognized by the Coalition Provisional Authority as a “force protection” security company.

  “We can deploy a variety of specialist teams to serve and protect personnel and assets. Our international specialists and/or local security staff provide the following range of security services: Executive close protection (CP) and crisis response. Executive escort—cross border from Jordan or Turkey into and out of Iraq. Convoy protection—specialists for cross border and in-country convoys. Protective advance reconnaissance—routes, buildings, access points. Facilities security and asset protection—site security guards for all sizes of facilities.”


  DS Vance Iraq, 31 Old Burlington Street, London W1S 3AS, U.K.



  Services: DynCorp, purchased by CSC, is involved in a wide variety of Iraqi military and police training as well as security operations.

  “We provide major support to protect American diplomats and diplomatic facilities as well as key allied leaders in high-threat countries. We provide services to eradicate illicit narcotics crops and support drug-interdiction efforts in South America and Afghanistan. We are engaged in the removal and destruction of land mines and light weapons in Afghanistan. We have vast international experience and operate on all continents except Antarctica. Our business office in Dubai serves the Middle East region, where we’ve operated for some thirty years.”


  CSC, 132 National Business Parkway

  Annapolis Junction, MD 20701

  Tel: 866-472-1837



  Services: EOD is on co
ntract to the U.S. government to dispose of tons of unexploded ordnance in Iraq. They also provide security for oil fields in southern Iraq.

  “Our range of expertise includes risk assessment, demining, range residue and scrap processing and disposal, target replacement, construction support, security, environmental sampling, geophysical survey and investigation, geographic information system development, and public relations and community involvement.”


  EOD Technology, PO Box 24173, Knoxville, TN 37933

  Tel: 865-988-6063, Fax: 865-988-6067

  e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: An expatriate Iraqi-based security service employing thousands of Iraqi security guards under the direction of former British and South African soldiers. In addition to protecting oil infrastructure, they provide personal protection for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers personnel service, indigenous or expatriate, encompassing overt high-threat environments.

  “Erinys can provide a global personal protection through to more covert scenarios requiring tact and discretion. Operatives, male and female, are fully trained and, where applicable, their weapon-handling skills and counter-surveillance techniques are current. In all cases individuals act within the law of the country in which they are deployed and abide by appropriate regulatory requirements.”


  Erinys Middle East, Old Bank Building, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.

  Tel: 971 4 22 33 646, Fax: 971 4 22 70 099, e-mail: [email protected]



  Services: Genric has constructed a secure facility in the Basra region of Iraq. They provide armed site security and armored and nonarmored vehicles for hire or purchase.

  “Genric UK Ltd. assists with security and risk assessment by providing an assessment of security threats that may affect the client’s operating aims allowing them to be effective in the proactive and reactive risk management of their business.”


  Genric, Hereford House, East Street, Hereford, HR1 2LU, U.K.

  Tel: 44 1432 379083, Fax: 44 1432 370786, e-mail: [email protected]


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