Burning Hearts

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Burning Hearts Page 15

by Melanie Matthews

  Jenna casually advanced toward them, smiling, letting their insults slide off her like she was coated in Teflon. “I heard you two didn’t have any lines. Wanna trade places?”

  Emma gasped. “Really?”

  “Yeah, can we?” Daniela asked, hopeful.

  “Ah, no. Sorry,” she said with mock sympathy. “Mrs. Thames wanted students in major speaking roles who could remember more than two words.”

  Daniela narrowed her eyes, like that was going to scare Jenna, a slayer of demons.

  Emma said, “Witches are losers anyway.”

  “I thought Sadie was playing Hecate,” Jenna reminded them.

  Daniela blinked, thinking, and then said, “Yeah, well, she’s like the head witch, so she’s not a loser like you and your friends.”

  Jenna wagged her finger at them. “Better watch out girls. I might just be a witch, and I might just know a whole hell of a lotta curses.”

  “Do not,” said Daniela, but looked unsure.

  Emma grabbed her friend’s arm. “Let’s get outta here. Don’t want the stench of loser to get all on us.”

  They hurriedly walked away as if they actually believed Jenna could curse them.

  Ah, if only.

  She hated that Sadie was going to be Hecate and that Daniela and Emma were in the play, but she hoped that everyone would be professional, say their lines, and then it’d all be over with; rehearsals had gone so-so for the past few days, but Mrs. Thames still remained confident, which Jenna thought was admirable.

  The play would start at nine, with the whole school and even parents in attendance. Since the gym had been destroyed by a “freak storm,” as the papers had said, the performance would be held in the school’s auditorium; a small place that could in no way accommodate all the attendees; but Principal Greene had assured everyone (and kept reassuring) that there was ample room.

  Jenna saw the future: everyone would be cramped, hot, fanning their faces with the playbills, grunting, trying to video tape their kids; half of whom auditioned for roles, the other half didn’t have a choice if they wanted to graduate.

  Jenna, Pru, and Riddick were the latter. All were coming close to a D in English and needed this play to bump them up to a B, maybe even an A if everything went beyond expectations; that meant no laughing or adlibbing of lines as what’d happened in past productions of Macbeth. It may not have been as Shakespeare would’ve liked, but it turned a long tragedy into a quick comedy.


  After being made up as a witch, Jenna stood near the edge of the red curtain, watching everyone file into the auditorium. She was glad that her parents weren’t there, knowing it’d make her nervous. Sadly, they were at work, attending to the Jennings’ funeral. She spotted Malcolm’s aunt, Ms. Daphne, in the crowd, talking to a couple beside her.

  Jenna freaked, suddenly realizing that Malcolm would be in attendance, and would see her as an ugly witch. Of course, it was just makeup, but still…it made her feel ugly on the inside, and embarrassed for him to look at her.

  “You should’ve been Lady Macbeth,” said a familiar and unwelcome voice near her.

  She turned to see Val, playing Murderer one. For right now his only weapon was words. He was flanked by Barrie and Aidan, Murderers two and three.

  “Oh?” She folded her arms over her chest. “And why’s that?”

  He gave a wicked smile. “You’re a conniving little bitch too.”

  Barrie and Aidan laughed, supporting their friend’s malice. Kit was absent. He was an unnamed soldier, still being fitted for his costume.

  “Back off, jackass,” warned Riddick, approaching with Pru. They were already witched-out like Jenna, wearing black robes and looking sinister.

  Val wasn’t afraid. He advanced toward Riddick. “You know, witches are women. But of course, you’re perfect for the part.” He gave a crooked smile. “’Cause we all know you’re missing something, aren’t you, Rid-dick?”

  Barrie and Aidan howled in laughter.

  Jenna, angry, stepped between Val and Riddick. “Just get the hell outta here.”

  Instead of leaving, Val leaned in toward her face, his oily nose almost touching her dry prosthetic one. “What happened, Jen? Got a little too excited? Did you bite it off?”

  Riddick growled, moving to attack Val, but Jenna held him back with the strength of her hand, while focusing on her bully ex. “What’s the matter? Disappointed we never got the chance? Still pining?”

  Val looked like he was going to be sick. “Like I’d want your mouth anywhere near me,” he spat. “There’s no telling where it’s been.”

  Jenna clenched her fist, ready to punch him into next week, but didn’t get the chance when he was suddenly knocked down on the floorboards.

  “Ow, shit! What the hell?!” he groaned, grabbing the back of his leg in pain.

  “Oh, sorry, disabled kid coming through,” said Caleb, smiling as he rolled to Jenna in his wheelchair.

  Kylie was at his side, smiling. “We just came to see y’all before the curtain went up.”

  “Legless freak,” Val insulted as he wobbled off with Barrie and Aidan, waving off their help.

  Jenna put her hands on her hips, smiling. “Caleb Dasher! I would’ve never thought!”

  He pushed his sandy blond curls from his eyes. “I can be badass when I wanna be.”

  Everyone chuckled, but Riddick still seemed upset. Jenna took him aside.

  “Hey, don’t pay attention to Val, all right?”

  He shook his head. “It’s not just him, it’s…”

  She furrowed her brow. “It’s what?”

  “It’s what he said…about us.”

  “Oh, about me biting…well, I’d never do that,” she affirmed.

  “I know. I know that—it’s just, well…never mind.”

  He turned, starting to walk away, but Jenna held onto his arm, staying him.

  “What’s wrong, Riddick?”

  He kept his back to her. “It just reminded me that we’ll never be together—physically or otherwise.”

  She let him go as he pulled away from her, walking off. Her heart felt heavy, not knowing what to do. She was with Malcolm and she loved him more than anything. She also loved Riddick, but just as a friend. She didn’t want to see him hurting, but she couldn’t do anything or say anything to make him feel better. She’d never abandon Malcolm for Riddick and she sure couldn’t have them both. Neither would tolerate sharing her and she wasn’t a player.

  “He took this role for you, you know.”

  Jenna turned to see Pru, standing next to her.


  Pru smiled. “So he could be with you.”

  “But he’s around me all the time.”

  “It’s the experience. It’s a way for him to say: ‘We did Macbeth together.’ A memory. He loves you, and it’s killing him that you’re with Malcolm.”

  “I know he doesn’t care for my boyfriend, but he’s still been a great friend. He doesn’t ignore Malcolm. He’s even joked with him a few times.”

  Pru shook her head. “He’s burying his pain deep inside, and I’m afraid, if he doesn’t come to terms…”

  She trailed off, but Jenna knew what would happen. If he didn’t let her go, if he didn’t accept she wasn’t his, he was going to explode.


  “There you are.”

  Jenna was still backstage; the play would begin soon.

  She kept her back to Malcolm. “I think you need to have another chat with Riddick, persuade him that he’s fine with us being together.”

  He stood behind her. “What happened?” He placed his hand on her shoulder, but she didn’t turn to face him.

  “Nothing, it’s just that he’s sad and I don’t want him to feel that way. I want him to be happy again, like it used to be before…”

  “Before I came here. I understand. I know how I’d feel if you were with another guy, but I can’t keep swaying him. He needs to get over it by his own will.” H
e squeezed her shoulder. “Why won’t you look at me?”

  “I’m hideous.”

  “No, you’re not.” She allowed him to turn her around, but she kept her hood down, covering her face. “Jenna Love, you’re the most beautiful girl in the entire world. Chin up. Let me see your face.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not beautiful anymore. I’ve been bewitched.”

  “It’s only temporarily. Come on.”

  His voice was soft, soothing, encouraging. He’d swayed her.

  Keeping her eyes closed, she lifted her head, removing her hood. She heard him emit a deep, almost sexy groan.

  Her eyes popped open, confused. “What?”

  He smiled and embraced her in a hug, trailing his fingertips down her spine, to the small of her back. She was burning with excitement. “You are the sexiest witch I’ve ever seen.” He kissed the tip of her prosthetic witchy-poo nose.

  She giggled, lightly slapping his arm. “Stop.”

  “Ooh and that mole!” He continued pouring out adoration as he leaned down and kissed it. Then he swiped his tongue across his lips. “Tastes like glue.”

  “Don’t touch it again, silly!” She giggled again. “They’ll have to reapply, and I’m about to go on.”

  He didn’t try to kiss her any more, but held her close. “I’m excited to see your performance.”

  “I can’t act, so beware.”

  “Oh, you’ll do great. Besides, I had a little chat with Mrs. Thames.”

  She furrowed her bushy prosthetic brow. “What kinda chat?”

  “Let’s just say that when all is said and done, everything is going to be A-okay with you.”

  She gasped, and then smiled. “You did that for me?”

  “Anything for you.”

  She crossed her fingers. “Can you put in a good word for Pru and Riddick?”

  He smiled. “Anything for you.” He kissed her lips that were thankfully, prosthetic free.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “What would I do without you?”

  “You’d go on. Get over me.” He was serious.

  She shook her head. “Never. You know how you said you’d kill yourself if I died?”

  He nodded, but his brow was furrowed, concerned.

  “Me too. I’d kill myself if you were to die.”

  He shook his head. “No, no, my love. Jenna, please don’t think that way.” He cupped her cheek. “If I were to die, I’d want you to go on living, to be happy. You can’t end your life for me, someone who doesn’t even know his place in this world.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He let go and turned, keeping his back to her. “With the Jinn here, with Fatima and Saladin here, I feel like I’m being pulled…swayed.”

  Her heart almost stopped. “Do you...do you wanna…leave?”

  He whipped around. “No, no!” He held her face in his hands and gave her a quick, but fiery kiss on her lips. “I don’t want to go anywhere without you. But…I can feel them…her…calling out to me. I’m half-human, so the Jinn’s persuasive skills work on me, while at the same time, my half-Jinni side yearns to be with my own kind.” He shook his head, letting his arms fall at his sides, as if they’d been pulled down by a great weight. “I’m tearing at the seams, Jenna. I’m being ripped in half.”

  She was almost in tears. “Oh, baby!” She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight. “I won’t let them take you.” She looked into his fiery blue eyes. “But I don’t understand. If they can travel anywhere, why haven’t they or her—”

  “Come to get me?” He sighed, closing his eyes briefly. “I’m resisting them. I’m resisting her. If a Jinni doesn’t want to be found by his own kind, he can create a Mirage.”

  She didn’t recall that from her grandpa’s journal, but then again, half of it was gibberish.

  “What’s a Mirage?”

  “I can distort the environment around me, creating a sort of shield—an illusion of invisibility. But I’m only half-Jinni. My Mirage isn’t that strong. They can track me, but are blinded from my exact location.”

  “Like my amulet.”

  He nodded. “But I feel myself getting weaker. I’m afraid that soon they’ll find me.”

  “And then?”

  Pools of water formed around his fiery blue eyes; he blinked, fighting back the tears, but one fell, trailing down his cheek; it caught under his jaw, dangling, until finally breaking away; it landed with a resounding splat on the wooden floor.

  “They’ll take me away from you.”

  She shook her head vigorously. “I won’t let them. I won’t let them, Malcolm.” She kissed him roughly; if he was in pain, he didn’t express it. “Do you believe me?”

  He pressed his forehead against hers. “I’ve been searching for someone to love and to be loved.” He brushed his lips against her forehead in a warm featherweight kiss, and then looked into her eyes. “And Kismet led me to you, a Mage of all people.” He smiled at its mysterious workings. “My enemy.”

  “You say you’re half-Jinni, half-demon, but that’s not true.” She held his face in her hands. “You’re an angel.”

  He emitted that low, sexy groan again. Then he trapped her lips with his and delivered a passionate fiery kiss. “I love you, Jenna.”

  “I love you too, Malcolm.” She smiled. “Why aren’t you in the play? You could’ve talked your way into replacing that other student and playing the son of King Duncan.”

  He tapped the tip of her fake nose and smiled. “I’d rather watch.”

  “Where will you be seated?”

  “With my aunt.”

  “Is she safe from them?”

  He nodded. “I make sure of it. I can sense her at all times. I’d know if she was in danger.”

  “Sense? How?”

  “I think it’s the bonds of blood; the King blood and my abilities as a Jinni. My senses are heightened.” He twirled a few strands of her red hair around his fingers. “I sense you the most out of everyone.” He breathed in and out through his nose, closing his eyes. “Your scent is always with me, and when you’re far, there’s this trail that only I can see”—he opened his eyes, looking intoxicated—“that if I follow it, leads me to you.”

  She wrinkled her nose, somewhat disturbed by his ability to catch her odor; humans could be quite stinky. “Scent? So…what do I smell like?”

  He smiled. “Cedar.” Leaning in, he breathed again through his nose, and kissed her skin just below the ear, threatening to leave a scorched hickey. “Roses.” He moved to her mouth, pushing his lips against hers as he said, “And sun-baked sand.”

  They were about to kiss, tongues and all, when Mrs. White yelled nearby. “Places, people!” She clapped her hands three times in rapid succession for added emphasis. “I’d like to get this done before I go into labor!”

  Jenna and Malcolm kept looking at each other, trying not to laugh. When Mrs. White waddled off, he gave her a quick kiss and said, “Good luck,” before departing.


  Her heart had been racing with Malcolm, but now it was about to crash knowing that she was about to head out onstage, with everyone looking on, judging. She was grateful not to be alone. Pru, one of the most uncomplicated people she knew, would be by her side. But Riddick? Would he deliver his lines, play his part? Or bring the whole production down by his real life sorrow?

  “Don’t screw it up,” said a nasty voice nearby.

  Jenna turned to see Sadie, all made up as Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft. She was wearing a prop mask that combined the facial part of a human skull with the long curved-backward horns of a goat. Very menacing…to most.

  “Or what?” asked Jenna, not afraid, who battled real-life monsters.

  Sadie looked confused from behind her mask. “Just…whatever, loser.”

  “You know, back in the day, the performers were all male,” Jenna informed casually.

  “And?” asked Sadie with an attitude.

  Jenna smiled. “I’m gl
ad Mrs. Thames kept some traditions. You fit the part perfectly.”

  Jenna left a confused Sadie and went to meet Pru and Riddick, standing behind a large black cauldron made of plastic with nothing inside.

  “Where’s our brew?” she asked them.

  Pru rolled her eyes and handed Jenna a long wooden stick. “We have to pretend.”

  Jenna groaned. “They could’ve at least thrown in some fake frogs.” She playfully jabbed Riddick in his side with the stick. “And some eyes of Newt, am I right?”

  He smiled. “It’s an Oasis High School production. We should be glad we’re not wearing witch masks from the clearance aisle at Walgreens.”

  Jenna and Pru laughed. Jenna felt more at ease, glad that Riddick was back to his old self.

  They waited in silence as Mrs. Thames stood before the curtain, giving the audience a bit of back story: “In the year ten-forty, Scotland…”

  Before she was almost finished, Riddick turned to her. “Kiss for luck?”

  But when she showed him her cheek, he grabbed her face, and smashed his lips against hers, kissing her madly with his tongue sloshing around hers; he pulled away, just as the curtain was raised, exposing them to an anticipated audience.

  Pru saw the whole assault, but was able to redirect her focus, and deliver her lines. Riddick went next, calmly and prepared, as if he hadn’t just forced Jenna to kiss him against her will. In defense, she didn’t really fight back, finding the kiss sloppy, but satisfying at the same time. Also minty.

  Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Riddick continued to talk, Jenna scanned the audience for any sign that they somehow knew she’d been naughty behind the curtain. No one seemed aware. No one except Malcolm. His senses were always heightened, and she just knew that he’d heard the kiss, heard Riddick’s plea. His fiery blue eyes were narrowed, and his fists were clenched on his knees; he sat next to Ms. Daphne, who was unaware of anything but three high school students giving a performance of a centuries-old play. Malcolm’s fury was on Riddick, but he must have sensed Jenna was staring at him because he shifted his focus to her. As their eyes met, he seemed to calm down, relaxing his fists.

  Pru nudged Jenna from behind with her prop stick. Jenna was jolted in action, remembering her lines, but she recited them without feeling, distracted by what had happened and what may come. When Act one, Scene one ended, the curtain went down, and the floor rotated to reveal the setup and actors for the next scene. Pru, Riddick, and Jenna went backstage as the curtain was raised, and the play resumed.


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