Cruel as a Queen

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Cruel as a Queen Page 18

by Kendra Moreno


  I pray to Wonderland and anyone who will listen, that Doe isn’t harmed permanently, that she forgives me, that she remains safe. I take her to the only place I know that offered help, the only place I know that we won’t be met with disgust.

  The King had offered to help me should my powers become too much. They were too much the moment I was able to harm Doe. I sprint inside the castle, the festival music still playing in the garden, screaming for help. I’ve never been so afraid in my life.

  One of the butlers comes running, and I roar at him to get the King and Queen. He runs away in fright, and I hope he does what I ask. I collapse on the marble floor, Doe in my arms as panic fills me. I press my lips to her forehead and push as much power as I’m able to into her body, wishing that the power came stronger from my father. It’s the first time I’ve ever wished to use a power my father gave me, and the irony isn’t lost on me that it’s to save the love of my life that I harmed in the first place.

  Doe sighs, her eyes opening to meet mine. “That’s better,” she whispers. I keep pushing more power into her, until I can feel exhaustion dance at the edges of my vision, and still, I push more. “Flam, stop.”

  “I can’t. I have to heal you.”

  “Flam,” she bites, harsher than before, and I focus on her gaze. “That’s enough. I will heal the rest of the way. You’ll kill yourself.”

  The wound on her side is closed the smallest amount, not healed, but not bleeding. The burn on her thigh is still puckered and angry, the tatters of her skirt around her. “Your thigh will scar if I don’t heal it.”

  “Then, let it scar,” she sighs, wrapping her hand around mine.

  “I’m so sorry,” I repeat again, and she shakes her head.

  “You were defending me.”

  “But I couldn’t stop. I wanted to destroy the world.”

  “And yet, you didn’t,” she whispers, smiling.

  “Only because of you. Next time, I might not be able to stop.”

  “Then we conquer that, too.”

  The King and Queen come rushing into the room at her words, both wearing outfits far more casual than I’ve ever seen them. I have a moment where I feel out of place, as if I shouldn’t be seeing them this way, before I remember the dire situation I created. “What’s happened?” The Queen shouts, panicked when she sees Doe laying in my arms on the floor. “Who caused this?”

  “I did.” I raise my chin, determined to take any and all punishment.

  “No,” Doe growls, pushing to sit up. She flinches with the burn but otherwise, remains strong. “I was ambushed during the hunt by a group of creatures who decided we should no longer be allowed to live.”

  The King’s face morphs with anger, but it’s not near as scary as the Queen’s. “And where are these miscreants now?” She turns to the King. “Summon Cheshire.”

  “There’s no need.” Doe clenches my hand hard. “Flam took care of them.”

  Understanding passes the Queen’s face when her eyes pass over Doe’s body, taking in the injuries. “The wound on your side?” It’s mostly healed now, but it’s still very apparent there was a severe wound in the flesh.

  “A knife that I got too close to.”

  “And the burn?”

  Doe bites her lip. “It was an accident.”

  “I lost control,” I say, interrupting. “My rage took over, and I couldn’t control my powers. Doe was burned by my flame.”

  “And you came for help,” the King nods. “We’ve prepared for this moment.” He snaps at one of the butlers who rushes forward. “Please, grab the box on my desk, the one with the pink glow.”

  “You’ve prepared?” Doe asks, tilting her head.

  The Queen steps down and grabs a bottle from a table filled with them. This one contains the phosphorescent glow of the mushrooms that grow in the forest. She kneels down besides us, and I gulp, unused to seeing her in such a position. She puts some of whatever is in the bottle on her fingers and gently dabs it at the burn on Doe’s thigh. Doe hisses in pain, and I hold her tighter, shame filling me even more. I harmed my mate, and I’ll never be able to forget that. “You know,” the Queen begins, “I’m not as blind to things as some people think I am.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, watching as the butler returns with the box the King requested.

  “For example, I know my son is in love with the Hope Bringer, and that he plans to announce their courtship at his coronation.” Doe gasps at the information, but the Queen continues. “I know my son thinks I won’t approve, because of the expectations I’ve set on him. I also know that I will smile when he stands up for who he loves and tells all of Wonderland. Can you imagine his face? So much strife for the boy.”

  “What does that have to do with us?” Doe hisses again when the Queen adds more ointment.

  “You see, I know many things, things the Mockingbird doesn’t even have knowledge of. I know that Flam has been hiding how strong his powers are from you, and I also know that you already know he’s trying to hide it.”

  Doe smiles and glances at me.

  I frown. “You knew?”

  “I knew.” She chuckles a little bit between her hisses of pain. “You sometimes forget my senses are as strong as yours.”

  I hang my head, ashamed I’d kept the secret.

  “There’s no need to be frightened, or ashamed of your powers,” Her Majesty reminds, closing the bottle and reaching behind her for a towel. The King steps forward then and kneels beside his wife. “Which is why we took precautions the moment you were born.”

  He opens the box and a small necklace lays inside, a tiny vial on the end of it. It glows brilliant pink, the colors of my mother.

  “Your mother made sure you would be protected, and before she left this world, we discussed an enchantment that could seal your powers until you’re strong enough to control them. This is only a temporary fix, and something you only need while you’re adjusting. Once you gain control, it can also be used to temporarily break any enchantment, but the enchantment will return when the power wears away.”

  “This is your mother’s gift to you,” the King adds, “and your father’s. We were able to create the enchantment because of his knowledge. Until you’re ready, you can wear this, and it will prevent any more mishaps.”

  Emotion chokes my throat as the King places the necklace around my neck. The effects are instant, the feeling of erratic energy beneath my skin fading into a dull nuisance. For once, I relax, a sigh on my lips. “Thank you,” I whisper. “I can never repay you.”

  “There’s no need for repayment,” the Queen shakes her head. “I only ask that when you marry each other before all of Wonderland, that we can be in attendance. Everyone should celebrate this occasion, and I know our darling Dodo bird would prefer something far more secret and smaller. Sorry, dear.”

  Doe laughs, looking up into my eyes and placing a chaste kiss against my lips. “Deal,” she says.

  “You still want to marry me?” I ask, eying the burn on her thigh, the place where a scar will always mottle her flesh.

  “Silly bird,” she whispers. “It’s too late to get rid of me now. You’re stuck with me.”

  “Forever?” I ask.


  The Queen wraps her arms around us in a hug, and I’ve never felt so light, all because a Dodo bird walked into a party, and refused to tell me her name.

  Chapter 9


  I stare in wonder at the dress I’m wearing, my reflection far more elegant than I ever expected. I’ve read in some of my books that brides wear white or red for their special day. Wonderland has no such traditions, and I would never wear either of those colors as they belong to the monarchies. So what does a Dodo bird wear to marry a Flamingo?

  She wears her own colors.

  The dress I’m wearing appears black at first, or at least very dark. But the moment I move, shifting the material, all the colors of the rainbow shimmer, sparkl
ing in the light. Tiny jewels encrust the bodice, glittering bright and forming designs in the shape of feathers. The skirt has similar jewels along the hem, dancing as I move. When I walk down the aisle, I’ll shine so bright that the guests might have to shield their eyes.

  My hair has been left down, gentle curls in the dark tresses. One of the Queen’s maidens came in and painted my face, a beautiful design curling around my left eye, declaring the monumental day.

  Today, I’ll marry Flam, and we’ll become husband and wife.

  I take a deep breath and pick up the ceremonial skull on the table. Every bride carries the aged bone in their hands as they walk down the aisle. It’s a declaration that we will love each other until death. It’s an old tradition, one that the Queen offered that we could forgo, but I understand that this wedding is about far more than just Flam and I. We love each other completely even though many thought Flam incapable of love. This wedding will show them all that love is more powerful than their judgement.

  A knock on the door draws my attention. When it opens, I smile tightly, the Mockingbird stepping inside and closing the door behind her. Our relationship has been strained since our wedding was announced, and I haven’t spoken to her since. Every time she’s come to me, she’s had something terrible to say, or some judgement to add. I used to think my mother was above such things, but I learned that no one is immune to such thoughts. I just hope that she isn’t here to beg me again. I can never get that sight out of my mind, of the woman who raised me begging me to think of her reputation before my love.

  The Mockingbird turns and meets my gaze before she takes in my appearance. She looks at the dress and the skull, and tears spring to her eyes. I can’t tell if they’re happy or sad.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asks.

  I clench my jaw and turn back to the mirror, studying the dress again. It really is beautiful and everything I could’ve ever imagined. I’m anxious to see what Flam wears, to see if he chose his normal leather pants, or if he’s dressed for the occasion as well. I’ll be happy either way. Flam is Flam, no matter what he wears.

  “I’m not discussing this with you again today.” I stare over my shoulder in the mirror, watching my mother’s face carefully. I’m tired of her warnings and her judgement. The Mockingbird is supposed to be neutral. She isn’t supposed to interfere. She certainly shouldn’t be in here on the day of my wedding spouting off such things.

  She’s silent for a moment, wringing her hands in front of her. “You look beautiful,” she whispers, and I turn around to face her.

  I watch my mother with sad eyes, before I reach out for her, hoping she accepts my hug. She comes to me in a flourish and wraps her arms around me, holding me tight.

  “Will you come?” She’s never said if she’ll be attending the wedding or not. I hope she will, but I also understand if she doesn’t. I also know that our relationship will never be the same if she continues to look at Flam as a monster. He’s not just some beast. He’ll soon be my husband.

  My mother nods her head, and I smile, leaning back. It’s an olive branch, the first step in our relationship being repaired. Perhaps, one day, she’ll come to love the man Flam is, instead of judging him for his lineage.

  The sounds of an organ playing alerts us that it’s time to head to the ballroom, letting everyone in the hall know they should take their seats. The Queen arranged the entire wedding, decorating each and every bit of the castle for the day. She insisted that everyone should be invited, that all should see the romance of the era. I’d seen flowers in every color, jewels dripping from the ceiling. Her majesty had spared no expense, and while neither Flam nor I are nobles, you wouldn’t be able to tell it from the decorations.

  It’s customary for the bride and groom to gift each other after they speak their vows. My gift for Flam is a book–something he will, no doubt, expect–but I can’t wait to see his face when I hand it to him. I tuck it into my skirts and open the door. My mother leaves before me, giving my shoulder one last final squeeze of encouragement, and I follow her towards the ballroom. I’m nervous, but the closer we get to the double doors I’ll enter through, the calmer I get. It’s as if I can sense Flam on the other side, waiting for me, and his presence alone keeps me from panicking at the sheer number of guests I feel coming from inside the room. There really will be a lot of creatures watching our wedding.

  “I love you,” my mother says when she grabs my hand and kisses me on the cheek. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “I will be,” I assure her. “I’ve never been happier.”

  She nods and leaves me at the doors to go around to the guest entrance. I take a deep breath and brace myself for the doors to open. I clasp the skull in my hands and tip my chin up. This is it. This will be the most important moment of my life so far. I’m marrying the Flamingo and starting a new era in Wonderland.

  The organ changes tempo and starts playing a dark song of love and sacrifice just as the double doors swing open, and I’m met by hundreds and hundreds of gasps. Thankfully, not all of Wonderland can fit inside. The reception will take place out in the gardens so that everyone can join in, but there’s still easily five hundred people in the ballroom. I don’t even notice when they all start whispering as I take a step forward, and then another, my eyes riveted on the man waiting at the front of the room for me.

  Flam isn’t wearing his normal clothing. No, he’s far more dressed up than I’m used to. He’s wearing an intricate tailored suit, the pants lined with gold. The coat has similar designs, two tails draping down the back. The whole suit is in his signature color, a brilliant, amazing pink. He grins when he sees me, his eyes shimmering with fire and happiness. I swear I see moisture there, but he keeps it contained for now.

  Slowly, I walk down the aisle, my steps measured, drawing closer and closer to him. When I finally reach the dais, he reaches down and takes my hand, helping me up the steps, before we face each other. I keep the skull clenched in my left hand.

  “You’re breathtaking,” he whispers, the words almost a growl.

  “So are you.” My eyes trail down the suit again, and I chuckle when I realize he still doesn’t wear a shirt. No, my Flamingo still shows off all of his tattoos proudly. The necklace the King and Queen gave him rests against his chest, glowing softly in the light.

  “We are gathered here today to join these two creatures in heathen matrimony,” the Queen announces, her voice echoing around the ballroom. I raise my brows, and Flam winks. Normally, the ceremony would say in “honored matrimony,” but the words have been changed. I can’t say I don’t like the new version. “The ceremonial skull has been presented. Please place both of your hands over it.” Both Flam and I hold the skull between us, and I take a deep breath. “The skull is a symbol of your everlasting love, that you will cherish each other long after death, and carry each other into the Here After. Do you, Dodo, solemnly swear that you will hold his hand whether into the dark, the light, or the Here After, as long as you shall exist?”

  “I do.” I grin at Flam, his eyes dancing with his own excitement.

  “And do you, Flamingo, solemnly swear that you will hold her hand whether into the dark, the light, or the Here After, as long as you shall exist?”

  “Fuck yeah, I do.”

  I giggle at his words, ignoring the snorts of those who don’t approve in the crowd.

  “Then, it is time to exchange your vows and your gifts.” The Queen takes the skull from us, and we link our hands together. “Dodo, you will go first.”

  I clear my throat gently and meet Flam’s eyes, a small smile on my face. “Flam, when I first saw you at the Dancing of the Stars, it was to find you brawling, blood already on your knuckles. And then you turned, and your eyes found me, and my entire world shifted. Everyone scattered when you stalked towards me, but I was so curious.” I pause for a moment, biting my lip, squeezing his hand gently. “I didn’t know it then, but I already loved you, blood on your knuckles, fire in you
r eyes, and the dancing stars behind you. So, this is my vow to you.” I take a small step forward, bringing us just a little closer. “I will always be there to walk through your fire with you. I will not shy away from your nature, and I will hold your hand when it becomes too much. I will run a little slower during our chases, so you can catch me sooner.” Everyone laughs, including Flam. I reach into the pocket of my dress and pull out the black leather-bound book. Gold swirls decorate the cover, along with the words embossed there. Flam looks down at it in surprise, taking the book with gentle fingers. “We will write our story together, and when we perish, we will do that together, too. Flamingo, son of the Flamingo and the Jabberwocky, I give my heart to you,” I finish. Flam looks down at the book again, reading the words inscribed there. “The Flamingo and the Dodo Bird.” I’d had it made by the best book binder in Wonderland. It’ll stand the test of time and remain behind long after we’re gone.

  Flam tucks it against his heart and meets my eyes, a small tear trailing down his face, his emotion getting the better of him. I reach up and wipe it away gently, before standing on my tiptoes to kiss him gently.

  “Flamingo, it’s time for you to exchange your vows and gift,” the Queen says, her voice cracking. When I glance at her, she’s wiping away her own tears hastily.

  Flam takes a deep breath. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to top that,” he teases, handing the book to the king. He takes both of my hands in his and meets my eyes. “Doe, you looked at a monster and saw a man. The moment you walked away from me at that first party, refusing to tell me your name, I might add,” laughter from the audience, “I knew without a doubt I wanted to marry you. But I didn’t think anyone could love me the way you do. I didn’t know what love was until you bashed me over the head with your words and told me to stop being an idiot.” I grin, my own eyes welling. “I used to watch my mother and my father, watching how much they loved each other even though the odds were against them. I didn’t understand then, but I do now. A wise woman once said that when you love a monster, they aren’t a monster at all.” The Queen sniffles, and my first tear falls. “Little bird, you see the best parts of me. You make me better. You make me whole, and I will spend the rest of my life reminding you of your beauty, chasing you when you run far too fast, and loving you with my entire being.” He reaches inside his coat and pulls out a small narrow box. When he opens it, I see a pen nestled inside, but not just any pen. Trapped within its chamber, I watch brilliant pink flames dance, trapped and always burning. “You’ll need something to write our history together,” he whispers, and I take the box with shaking fingers, tears dripping down my face now. “Dodo, daughter of the Mockingbird and the Crane, I give my heart to you.”


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