The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1)

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The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1) Page 8

by Alex Davis

  So much of the future depends on it.


  Viarus stands behind the altar, nerves consuming him as always. The concept of standing in place of the Re'Nuck has always sat ill with him. But he has done this for his sake, for the sake of Animexianism. He is no natural speaker, and lacks the charisma of their leader. He shakes as he tries to hold the Book of Apius. His voice is often too quiet, even in the echoing walls of the temple.

  'Brothers, sisters, I am pleased to welcome you again to sermon. I know many of you have asked questions about the Re'Nuck's health. Today I am delighted to give you good news. Our leader is once more awake, and I have spoken to him. He has endured much, but he still praises the gods of the Animex. He has given us his blessing to continue sermons in his absence, so we may still pray and give worship until he can return to us. And today there is much to celebrate!'

  The cheer that rises is the most uproarious that Viarus has heard during his short time as temporary minister. He nods and smiles, letting them have their moment. All too often of late sermon has been short of passion, filled with waiting and expectancy. The noise takes a few moments to settle down, and Viarus reaches for the Book of Apius, ready for today's reading.

  Before he can begin, another voice speaks up from the back of the room.

  'I would bid you not to open that book, Viarus.'

  The tone gives him pause, and he looks to the doorway to see Zerial staring at him unrelentingly. Viarus tries to keep his eyes level with Asha's Hasban, but finds he cannot maintain the gaze.

  'What business is it of yours, Zerial? I am here to share the words of the Re'Nuck. Unless you wish to hear them, I suggest that you leave.'

  'I shall leave once I have said my piece. I would like all to consider these words before you hear the ramblings of your precious leader. I have come only to let you know that I have lost something, something that meant a great deal to me. I know little of what happened, but within these four walls my wefi was lost to me. My wefi died in this place. You may be sitting where her corpse lay. There may have been bloodstains on the very seat on which you listen to your sermon. I shall interrupt you no longer, only to say this. I am going to find out what happened to her. And whoever is responsible for her death will be sure to suffer.'

  'We have no wish to hear your threats or your morbid rantings. Be gone from this place.'

  'I will, for now. But you can expect to see me again.'

  Zerial gives a wry smile before pushing his way out of the temple.

  The Gathering

  'Zerial! Zerial!'

  It is a voice he does not know, but he can hear the man racing towards him at full speed. He swiftly places the latest log in place and turns to greet the sweaty figure.

  'What is it, my friend?'

  Zerial's work colleagues try to appear as though they are not watching what is going on. There has been a certain unease around him since the incident with Lionis.

  'Zerial, I am Olurus.'

  'It is good to meet you, Olurus. You seek something from me?'

  'I have just heard of your words inside that damned temple.'

  'I spoke only what I felt needed to be said.'

  'I wanted to congratulate you for having the bravery to speak up. Somebody had to!'

  'Thank you, my friend. But your congratulations are unnecessary. If you had been through what I had, you would have done the same thing. Why have you rushed here so?'

  'I have come as a messenger today, for our group. We would like you to come and speak to us.'

  'A fine invite, but I cannot simply desert my duties here.'

  'You have another duty, Zerial. A much greater duty! Please, we would simply ask a few moments.'

  Zerial turns to his colleagues, still uncertain of just why he is accepting this invite. Curiosity, he tells himself, nothing more.

  'My fellows, I shall return shortly. I will make up however long I am gone later.'

  There are quiet nods, the fear of him still writ across faces. In this case it has been a benefit.

  'What is this... group all about, Olurus?'

  'I would rather you wait to hear it from everyone.'

  'I can easily go back to my duties. It is probably where I should be.'

  'Please, Zerial! Very well. We share your beliefs, your hatred of those whom follow Animexianism.'

  'And you have only just gathered together, for the first time?'

  'No. We have been meeting for many sunups.'

  'Really? And what have you done in this time?'

  'Done? Well... nothing as dramatic as you have. We discuss many different matters, a little more philosophically than many do. But I doubt my words are doing us justice.'

  'I see. Where are you taking me?'

  'We meet a little outside of Genem. It remains safe that way.'

  'Safe? You speak in riddles, Olurus.'

  'Everything will make sense in time. Come, we are almost there.'


  There' refers to a ramshackle hut, built with limited materials and limited expertise. Zerial doubts that it would even keep out the rains, but decides to make no comment. The pride with which Olurus presents it seems at odds with its appearance.

  'What do you think, Zerial?'

  'Quite a location. Well and truly out of the way.'

  'That was the intention. Come inside, everyone is keen to meet you.'

  Zerial shrugs, following Olurus inside.

  'Great news, one and all! Zerial had decided to join us!'

  A smattering of applause breaks out, and Zerial suddenly feels very self-conscious. The group inside consists of six people, including Olurus, a mixture of both men and women. His suspicions are confirmed – while his body is muscled from building, these are wan individuals, far more given to cerebral matters. Olurus bids him to sit on the floor, and he joins a circle there. It is moist beneath him, but he makes no complaint. In the middle of the circle there is a pile of papers, and Zerial's curiosity is piqued.

  'Welcome all, and especially to our esteemed guest. Thank you for attending this meeting of the A'Nockians.'

  Zerial nods, and the speaker introduces herself and the remainder of the group. The apparent 'leader' is called Ameri, a pretty but waifish woman with white eyes. The remainder give only names and no details. When the conversation returns to Ameri, she says more about herself.

  'Zerial, it is a delight to meet you at last. We were all distraught to hear of the death of Asha.'

  'Asha? What do you know about it?'

  'We have continued to ask questions, but little has come to light. She died within the temple, attempting to act against Apius. Many have spoken of the prelude to her death, but no-one can tell of the moment itself.'

  'The prelude? What happened?'

  'She went into the temple, and frightened the entirety of the congregation. Many have spoken of her... fearsome manner. They insist she went there intent on killing the Re'Nuck.'

  'Killing him? I do not know...'

  'I do not fall on one side or the other. But I am happy to tell you everything I have heard about the matter. One of the congregation attempted to attack her, to protect Apius. She struck him down.'

  'Struck him down? With what?'

  'Her rake, apparently, from the fields.'

  'She went there armed?'

  'That much seems sure. Once she had struck the man down, she bid Apius's followers to leave. They did, to a man.'


  'Do not be so quick to judge, Zerial. I have no love for the Animexians, nor do any of us. But bear in mind that violence is not natural to us. Have you ever seen the sight of blood, felt the fear of someone threatening to dispense pain upon you?'

  'No. But I have felt the urge.'

  For the first time Ameri has no ready answer. She blanches, just for a moment, before continuing.

  'Then perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye. But that is not the
important matter now.'

  'As you wish. So no-one saw what happened?'

  'Not strictly true. A few people have said that one person went back into the temple.'

  'Went back in? Who?' Zerial gets up from the floor, standing over Ameri menacingly.

  'Do you threaten me also, Zerial? You are not quite what I expected, I must admit, but you have passion. Fire. Please, be seated. No one knows who it was that went back in.'

  Zerial seats himself again. 'I am sorry, Ameri. I have not given myself the greatest of introductions.'

  'Do no apologise. Emotions are running higher than ever before. People are confused, uncertain of what comes next. The fact that the Re'Nuck has not returned to sermons has not helped.'

  'He has not returned?'

  'He was injured in the effort, apparently. Your wefi showed her ferocious side in more ways than one. For several sunups he has been in ill health.'

  'Ill health? Then surely this is our time to strike?'

  'Strike? Zerial, you are too quick to leap to aggression.'

  'What other solution do your propose? Hmmm? Do the rest of you not have voices?!

  Olurus is the one to speak up in return. But he chooses to speak in a manner that Zerial has only heard once before.

  We each have a voice, Zerial. But we do not speak in the way you might be used to.

  Zerial stares deep into the eyes of Olurus.

  'I am not going to have this conversation like this.'

  Are you like them, too? Ameri intervenes. In this place we are truly safe from the eyes – and minds – of the rest of Genem.

  'What do you mean, Ameri?'

  We are not just here to reinforce the way of life as we used to have it. Many people have never spoken of this ability, let alone explored how it functions, what it means.

  'And what does it mean?'

  Will you not speak to us as we speak to you?'

  'I will not. Now tell me... what does it mean?'

  It gives us a means to communicate with those we wish to. For you to hear me I have taken a conscious choice to allow you into my thoughts. I could have blocked you with a simple act of will. Simultaneously I have allowed the remainder of the people in this room into my channel also.


  It seems a fitting choice of word. Voice would be a misnomer, don't you think? Were anyone else in Genem to try and join our conversation, they could not.

  'How can you be so sure?'

  This is a closed circle within these walls. You hear me because I let you do so. Everyone else hears me for the very same reason. Equally, should they decide they do not wish to hear me, they could block me out also.

  'Why can I not block you out?'

  Because you have not practiced. You are inexperienced. It is within you, but until you exercise it that powers remains week.

  'I want to block you out.'

  You cannot, because my mastery is greater than yours. I can reach into your mind – provided you are close enough by – at any time I like. I do not wish to, but that is the nature of the channel.

  'Well, what else have you learned in all your study?'

  We have conducted many experiments. The reach of any individual's channel is limited. I could not reach into the heart of Genem from here, which is another element of safety in being here. But if we all gather our mental strengths, we can reach much further.

  'What do you mean?'

  Much like if four or five people set out to shout one person's name, the sound would reach much further. So it is with your mental channel. The force we can combine between us is remarkable. We also found out something else. Something... disturbing.


  I am afraid so. We have tried much, some of which has had... a negative impact. Olurus himself is here despite a great pain that I caused him. The mind channel is not only a force that can be used for communication. There is... another use. I hated to do it, but we have devoted ourselves to uncovering all the knowledge we can. The channel can also be used as an instrument of pain.

  'As a weapon?'

  If you prefer the term, then yes. But we are not given to violence, Zerial. We must view what has just happened as an aberration. We have debated long and hard whether to share this knowledge with you today, but we believe that you deserve honesty from us.

  'Why would you withhold that knowledge?'

  Your... diatribe at the temple a few days ago made your intentions very clear.

  'My intentions remains unchanged. And I do not need mind-trickery in order to achieve them.'

  I am pleased to hear you say that. But you must not pursue this in the manner you have chosen.

  'What do you mean?'

  While we are opposed to Apius and his religion, we do not condone physical violence in any way. It will only make the situation worse. Asha's death is a tragedy, the worst we have seen, but we cannot let that lead us down a road of retaliation.

  'So what do you propose? A peaceful discussion? They will not change their colours.'

  We do not expect this to be a process that will be complete next sunup, or the sunup after that. We must bring them around to our ways.

  'And what do you have to back up your case? Have you ever spoken to one of them? Heard what they have to say? Apius has blinded them, and you too must be blind if you do not see it!'

  Calm your tone, Zerial. Take a look at the book before you.

  Zerial leans forward and picks up the book, as delicately as he can. The cover is marked with the intricately written words, The Book of Truths. He opens it and scans a few pages.

  'I do not have time to read the whole book. What is this?

  It is the work I have undertaken ever since I was able to pick up a quill and commit words to page. The Book of Truths is designed to tell only what we can see, what can be proven. The Book of Apius talks much of things that cannot be seen, so this volume is its counter. It gives the story of our history, our growth, all of our joys and troubles.

  'You have been working on this for that long? Do you speak of the Animex?'

  Of course we speak of them, but not as gods. What evidence is there of that? They are our creators, but does that make them gods? We have created homes and buildings here in Genem. Does that act make us gods? Creation alone is not evidence of godhood.

  'So this is your version of the truth? 'What do you intend to do with it?'

  We are going to give it to you.

  'What? Why would you do such a thing?'

  Zerial, today you have shown more fire, more passion than any of us could. These truths must be spread, but we are not the ones to spread them. Our task has been to gather them together, and keep documenting each new development as it happens. Our last chapter speaks of the death of Asha.

  'What is the end of the book?'

  I do not know. Only you know what that will be. We would ask you to accept the book, and use it. Use it in your crusade against the Re'Nuck and his blasted religion. He can yet be defeated.

  'That is what Asha said.'

  I understand just how difficult this must be for you. But we both know that Asha would have bid you to continue in her mission. She would have wanted the Re'Nuck stopped at any cost. She gave her life to that cause. Will you do the same?

  The Last Visit

  As Viarus peers around the door of the hut, he is heartened by what he sees. The Re'Nuck is sat up again and greedily eating fruit. Hewus, his healer, sits to one side, although Viarus remains doubtful of how much his ministrations helped. The strength of will of the Re'Nuck was surely enough to see him recover alone.

  'Viarus! Please, come in. Hewus, would you give us a moment?'

  The healer nods before leaving the hut, knowing better than to question his leader.

  'It is good to see you again, Re'Nuck, especially in such fine health.'

  'Fine is too strong a word. But rest assured I am on the path to recovery. I shall return to my
sermons on the sunup. Do you think my congregation will forgive me a shorter reading than usual?'

  'They would forgive you anything, so pleased will they be to see you return.'

  'Let us hope so. I grow too restless in this bed and within these walls.'

  'There is much of which I must speak, Re'Nuck. I apologise for bringing such impositions, but I have... concerns for your safety. For our safety.'

  'Concerns? What concerns?'

  'A man came to the temple in the midst of one of my... sermons.' Viarus almost stops short of using the world, knowing how his efforts pale in comparison to the Re'Nuck himself. 'He was the Hasban of the woman Asha.'

  Apius has no ready answer, the sight of the fearsome woman still fresh within him.

  'Who is he? And what does he want?'

  'His name is Zerial. He interrupted, and threatened much.'

  'Did he harm anyone?'

  'No. He was unarmed, and came only to talk. He said that he would end us, and Animexianism.'

  'Did he say more?

  'No, Re'Nuck.'

  'Then why do you fear so? We cannot be ended, Viarus. We are strong, and our numbers swell all the time. Half of Genem is with us, and soon the majority of the folk will support us.'


  'But nothing, Viarus. This man is a crackpot, just life his blasted wefi. There is no more to be said.'

  'If you are sure...'

  'Since you have started, there is a matter of which I must speak. A matter of utmost importance.'

  'Of course, Re'Nuck.'

  'These pests Asha and Zerial have given me all the proof I need to know that this is the right time for this. A ceremony, the vastest Genem has ever seen. A ceremony to dwarf First Worship.'

  Viarus nods, delighted to hear the Re'Nuck sermonising once more. His way with words stirs the faith, and Viarus feel privileged to consider himself among his closest servants.


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