Lithium Tides: A Lithium Springs Novel

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Lithium Tides: A Lithium Springs Novel Page 21

by Carmel Rhodes

  “This place is dead,” Cameron said, looking around the mostly empty dance floor. There were two older couples swaying to the music and a few more people milling near the bar, but Club Silo was otherwise dull.

  “We’re in Napa, what did you expect?” Quinn retorted. “It’s not like it’s the spring break capital of the world.”

  “I know, but I thought at least there would be some eye candy. It’s nothing but old married guys.”

  “Uh, what are we, chopped liver?” Javi asked, motioning between himself and Carter.

  “Look, it’s still early and Mr. Thayer already pre-paid the tab, so let’s just make the most of it.”

  “See? Thank you,” Carter said winking at Emerson, “that’s the spirit. Come on, little sister, let’s get you wasted.” He dropped his arm around Reagan’s neck and she beamed up at her brother.

  “What about us?” a blonde whose name Kensie didn’t know pouted at Carter. She stood up a little straighter, thrusting her chest towards him.

  Reagan rolled her eyes at her friend. Apparently, she liked them flirting with Carter just as much as Kensie did.

  “Drinks for everyone. Order whatever you want, it’s on my dad,” Carter responded smoothly. He shoved his sister towards the bar, throwing an apologetic look over his shoulder. Kensie added two more names to her list—Emerson, harem member number two and the Blonde Slut, number three.

  “Javi, make sure she’s good.”

  “I got it, bro.” Javi nodded, sauntering over to where Kensie and Quinn stood. Kensie glowered at him. “You already know what it is, relax,” he whispered, before dropping one arm around her shoulder and the other around Quinn. “What are we drinking, Ginge?”

  Quinn blushed. “You know I don’t drink.”

  “Come on, it’s a celebration, just have one.”

  “Fine, just one,” she giggled.

  “Tequila,” Kensie grunted, annoyed by Javi and Quinn making heart eyes at each other. Quinn was this smart, snarky, self-assured girl, but one look from Javi, and she dissolved into a giggling, blushing mess. Fucking Lithium Springs and the affect they had on the opposite sex. Wherever they went, women threw their panties at them, but could Kensie blame Quinn or anyone else? Hell, she’d literally just done the same.

  “Tequila?” Quinn shuddered. “That didn’t end well for me last time.”

  Javi’s gaze dropped down to the swell of her chest. “That’s not how I remember it, Ginge.” There was something raw and honest in his tone. Javi and Quinn had a past, and judging by the looks they were exchanging, Kensie had a feeling whatever had happened between them was only the beginning.

  “Okay, one more shot and then we dance!” Kensie yelled to Quinn.

  After two hours and too many shots to count, Silo was starting to feel more like a party and less like a funeral. They talked the DJ into playing music from the current decade and more and more people in their age range began to arrive.

  Carter handed them each a shot glass full of Patron. “Maybe you should slow down,” he said, eyeing the two warily.

  “It’s a party.” Kensie shrugged, tipping the glass back.

  He narrowed his eyes at her, gearing up for an argument, but a heavy hand on his shoulder stopped him. “Bro, chill.” Javi handed him a shot glass. “This is supposed to be fun.”

  “Yeah, Cart,” Quinn added. “We’re totally sober.”

  “Totally,” Kensie added with a snicker. “OHMYGOSH, I love this song!” Kensie squealed, grabbing Quinn by the hand. “Let’s dance before the party police throw us in jail.”

  The two girls stumbled out onto the dance floor, joining Reagan, Emerson, and the rest of the bridal party there. The opening chords of Beyoncé’s Drunk in Love blared through the speakers as Kensie’s hand’s found Quinn waist. “I think my cousin has a crush on you.”

  Kensie shook her head. The room spun, her vision blurred, her lips numb. She was officially, totally, and completely wasted. “I’m drunk,” she yelled over the music.

  “We’re all drunk, and I don’t even drink.”

  “I love this song,” Kensie said, as her hips swayed in time with the beat. Quinn flung her arms around Kensie’s neck and the two girls danced and swayed, letting the music take control.

  Kensie pulled Quinn’s hips in closer, her forehead resting on the other woman’s, their limbs intertwined, their hands exploring each other as their bodies moved as one.

  “Can we cut in?” The girls turned towards the sound of the voice. Two men stood behind them, lust shining in their eyes.

  Kensie looked to the bar. Carter was there, handing shots to Cameron and the Blonde Slut. “Sure,” she nodded, “why not?”

  The shorter of the two men wrapped his arms around her small frame, pulling her to him, her back to his front. His hands gripped her waist tightly as he rolled his hips into her backside.

  Time ceased to exist. Common sense and rational thinking had long since vacated her body, leaving only jealousy and anger and resentment. She was lost in the music, buried deep under a tequila-induced fog. Her eyes closed, her head fell back on his chest. It wasn’t until she heard the familiar low baritone growl, “Get the fuck away from my girl,” that she realized where she was. Carter stood in front of her, his blue eyes almost black, anger rolling off his body.

  The man behind her quickly released his hold. “My bad, dude. I didn’t know.”

  “Well, now you do,” he grunted, pulling Kensie into him. She vaguely registered Javi glaring at the man behind Quinn, but was too focused on the angry man in front of her to see the man behind her retreating.

  “Are you trying to get me arrested?” His voice was deadly.

  “I was just dancing.”

  “Is that what you call it?”

  “I didn’t even think you would notice. You seemed pretty preoccupied with the Blonde Slut earlier.”

  “That’s what this is about? You’re trying to make me jealous?”

  “I don’t like you flirting with women you’ve slept with.”

  “They mean nothing to me. I’m just trying to show my sister a good time.”

  “By fucking her friends?”

  “I fucked Emerson in high school,” he gritted, tugging hard on her hair, causing her head to snap back, so she couldn’t look anywhere but him. His mouth found her neck and he bit kisses up the side of her throat. “Cameron came to a show and practically begged me to fuck her, so I did. And the blonde? I don’t even remember her name. I don’t give a shit about them, only you. I didn’t forget who I belong to.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “No, baby. I don’t care where we are or who’s watching, I’m yours, forever.” His voice was thick with lust, love, and longing. “And you’re mine.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you? Because it seems like I need to remind you.” He bit her earlobe and his hand slid up the back of her dress, cupping her bare ass.

  “No, Carter,” Reagan shoved her brother back, “leave her alone. You’ve already fucked enough of my bridal party.”

  Carter pulled Kensie back to him, kissing and then biting the place where her shoulder and neck met, narrowing his eyes at his sister.

  “Babe,” Kensie whispered so only he could hear, “I’m fine. I’m sorry. You don’t have to do this.”

  “You’re lucky you’re getting married, little sister.”

  She glowered at him. “Go, there are plenty of skanks here. Please leave my friends alone.”

  “I’m going. I’m going,” he said raising his hands in surrender.

  “Sorry about him, Kensie,” Reagan apologized.

  “It’s fine,” she breathed, running her fingers through her hair. “He’s harmless.”

  “Tell that to Cameron,” Reagan snorted.

  Kensie’s phone buzzed. She discreetly pulled it from her bra, checking the message.

  Peter Pan: Meet me in the bathroom.

  Carter’s words rang in her ear, I don’t care where we are or who�
��s watching, I’m yours, forever. He loved her, only her. “I gotta pee, Reagan,” she yelled over the music.

  “Want me to come with?”

  “No,” Kensie shook her head, “stay, dance, have fun. I’ll be back in a flash.”

  Reagan grinned at her, then turned back to the circle of drunk girls clad in red dresses swaying to the music.

  Kensie made her way to the back of the club as quickly as her legs would carry her. She felt his presence even before she saw him, even before she felt his long fingers wrapped around her wrist. His touch seared her skin. Every nerve ending in her body stood at attention.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” Carter spoke softly, as he pushed the door to the men’s room open. He quickly scanned the room. They were alone, but Kensie knew it wouldn’t have mattered either way. She could tell by the way he looked at her as he walked her backwards into the last stall. He was going to fuck her because he knew she needed to be fucked. She needed him to claim her, and as she was quickly learning, he’d do anything for her.

  “I win.” She grinned.

  “Are you ready for your prize?” he asked, locking the door behind them.

  “I think I’ve earned it.” Kensie ran her hands down his hard chest, and tugged the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it up over his head.

  Unhooking the button on his jeans, Carter unzipped his pants, revealing the base of his swollen member. “Is this what you want?” he exhaled, freeing his erection. He wrapped his hand around his shaft and gently began stroking himself, back and forth, and back and forth and back and forth.

  Kensie nodded slowly. Her gaze traveled from his eyes down to his lips, then to his sculpted shoulders, rock-hard abs, and further down still until she reached her prize. The sight of him pleasuring himself drove her wild with lust. The whiskey from earlier, mixed with the wine at dinner and the tequila from the bar, eviscerated her inhibitions.

  It didn’t matter that they were in the men’s room. It didn’t matter that Carter’s sister was waiting for her to return. It didn’t matter that someone could walk in at any moment. Nothing mattered but the man in front of her. She dropped to her knees without a bit of shame or hesitation.

  “Jesus, I love your mouth,” he groaned, his voice strained, as the tip of his dick hit the back of her throat, “so fucking much.” His words spurred her on as she pulled her head back, hollowing out her cheeks. She sucked further and further until he fell from her lips making a small popping sound. Her hand lifted to cup his balls, and she licked the underside of his shaft again and again, before slipping him back into her mouth, taking him deeper and deeper. “Fuck, baby. If you keep it up, I’m going to come.”

  “Is ‘at a chawenge?” she gurgled around his cock.

  “There’s my girl,” he chuckled, pushing her head back down until her nose was buried in his pelvis. He pumped his hips in and out of her mouth slowly, savoring the warmth and wetness. “I love you so much it hurts, do you understand that?”

  “I know,” she moaned around him.

  “It fucking kills me that I fucked this up.” His blue eyes aflame as he yanked her to her feet and slammed her back against the stall. Kensie could see the pain and the hurt and the regret marring his beautiful features He lifted her legs around his waist, positioning himself at her center. “I don’t even look at other women the same way,” he confessed as he pushed his way inside of her. “It’s only you for me, baby. No one will ever possess me the way you have. You’re etched onto my heart and my brain. You own every part of me. No one else will ever compare.”

  His words pierced her mind, his dick penetrated her body, and his eyes, all blue and sad, seeped into her heart. He owned her, that she already knew, but there, in the men’s room of Club Silo, he made it clear to her that she owned him too.

  “Mine,” she growled, kissing the pendant around his neck.

  “Forever,” he murmured as he thrust in and out of her.

  Her heels dug into his backside as he pushed them both closer and closer to ecstasy. He fucked her hard against that bathroom stall. Fast, and relentless, just what she needed to take the edge off. It wasn’t sweet or romantic or the fairy tale she once thought she wanted, but neither was their relationship.

  Carter never was her Prince Charming and he never would be, but he loved her and he understood her. He never judged her or tried to change her. He wasn’t perfect, but then she was no angel either.

  “I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love,” he chanted, burrowing his head in her neck as he drilled into her mercilessly. It wasn’t long before she reached her climax, biting down on his shoulder to muffle her cries. He followed shortly after, shooting his semen deep inside her center.

  They stood there for several minutes, her back against the stall, his cock still buried in her warmth, basking in the afterglow of what they’d just done. His tongue explored her mouth with long possessive strokes. Her fingers ran through his copper locks, comfortable in his embrace. Comfortable in her skin. Comfortable with him in her skin.

  “We should get back,” she sighed ruefully. She wasn’t sure how long they’d been gone, but since no one came to look for her, she’d assumed it wasn’t too long.

  “Are you okay now?” he asked, unwrapping her leg from around his waist. He held on to her while she steadied herself, then he pulled up his pants, stuffing his semi-erect penis back inside.

  She ran her fingers through her hair, hoping she didn’t look as thoroughly fucked as she felt. “I’m more than okay.” She smiled shyly at him.

  “That’s not what I mean, Friend.” He quickly cleaned up the mess between her legs before pulling her panties from the pocket of his jeans and helped her into them.

  “I know and I’ll do a better job of keeping the jealous girlfriend thing in check.”

  “No more dancing with random dudes.”

  “Now who’s being jealous?” He shrugged. “Well, I won’t dance with anyone and you don’t flirt with anyone, and maybe we’ll make it through this night without killing each other.”

  “Deal. So, how do you want to do this?” he asked.

  “Me first,” she whispered, pressing a kiss onto the scruff on his chin.

  She slipped out of the stall, only to find a round older gentleman standing in front of one of the urinals. Their eyes met briefly, the heat rising in her cheeks, as she darted out of the men’s room.

  She burst out of the door, giggling at the absurdity of the situation. The humor quickly evaporated when she ran smack into the tangled ball of limbs she recognized as the bride and groom. Apparently, they had the same idea as she and Carter.

  “Did you just come out of the men’s room?” Reagan squealed, unwrapping her arms from around Liam’s neck.

  “Umm… I…” she stuttered, trying to come up with a good excuse as to why she’d just come busting out of the door marked Gentlemen. “What are you doing here, Liam?” she asked, opting instead for a diversion.

  “Hey… Kensie.” Liam smiled sweetly at her. His face was red, like he’d just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “The other bar was a bust, so we decided to crash your party.”

  “Oh, well then, I’ll leave you two to it.” She was hoping to flee before the drummer emerged from the door behind her. No such luck.

  “Carter?” Reagan shrieked.




  “What’s up, Li,” he said, extending his hand to his future brother-in-law. Kensie did her best to slip past them, but Reagan wasn’t having it.

  “Don’t what’s up him, Carter. What the fuck? I asked you to stay the fuck away from her. And you,” she screamed, turning towards Kensie, “I warned you. I fucking warned you.” Prim and proper Reagan Thayer had left the building.

  “Reagan, it’s not what it looks like,” Kensie tried to explain.

  “It looks like you just fucked my brother in the men’s room.” Reagan crossed her arms over her chest. A look that said, I dare you to
lie, settled into her delicate features.

  “Well, technically…I mean we did but…” Before she could finish, the older man walked out, smiling knowingly at Kensie before giving Carter a pat on the shoulder.

  “Gross,” Reagan yelled.

  “Calm down,” Carter reprimanded his sister, “and what do you mean, warned her about me?”

  “You’ll have sex with anything that has a vagina,” she said to her brother. “And what about Trey?” Reagan turned to Kensie, a million questions flashed through her brown eyes.

  “Fuck Trey,” Carter growled, wrapping his arms around Kensie’s waist nuzzling into her neck. He was done pretending.

  “Baby, if Liam’s here, Trey’s here,” Kensie reasoned, shrugging out of his embrace. “The wedding is in two days, we’ve made it this far.”

  “Baby?” Reagan scoffed.

  “Baby,” Carter repeated, arching his brow. He pulled the pendant from under his shirt, dropping it over Kensie’s shoulder, it landed just inches away from the matching one around her neck. “As in my girl.”

  Liam’s eyes shot up. “What the fuck, man?” he roared. Kensie never even heard the younger Knight brother raise his voice at a Seahawks game, and here he was screaming at Carter. “Tell me you didn’t? Please tell me you didn’t, CT. He’s in love with her.”

  “So am I, and she loves me.”

  “Is this true, Kensie?” Liam asked.

  “I never meant for it to happen. I just couldn’t stop it. I tried my hardest to love your brother, but Carter’s my soul mate.”

  “How long?” he asked.

  “Does it matter?”

  “I have to tell him,” Liam huffed. The determination in his voice was unnerving.

  “No, you can’t,” Reagan cried. She turned to plead with her fiancé, her expression grim. “I have been dreaming about this day since I was five. I’ve planned everything out to perfection. Telling him will ruin everything.”


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