Lithium Tides: A Lithium Springs Novel

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Lithium Tides: A Lithium Springs Novel Page 33

by Carmel Rhodes

  They were in love and she couldn’t fight it anymore. They had the type of love that inspired art and spanned lifetimes. Their bond, no matter how many times she tried to deny it, was unbreakable. But the problem with a love like that was that it could only end in one of two ways, happily ever after or in tragedy.

  She was afraid, because love didn’t always conquer all, and speaking the words out loud would make it real. Once it was real, there would be no turning back. This was it, her final stand. If they couldn’t work this time, there wouldn’t be another time. Could she trust him? She had her doubts. Sometimes her insecurities crept back in like a thief in the night, stealing her hope for their future, but she was willing to take the leap. She was willing to let him back into her heart because life was long, too long to spend alone when you’d found your person, and too long to spend with someone who didn’t make you feel alive.

  Kensie wore her heart on her sleeve. It was who she was, and frankly, she loved that about herself. She wanted to be with Carter, and yes, he’d hurt her, but the thought of life without him hurt more.

  That fact is what brought her to Nevada in the first place. As she and her friends exited the plane, collected their luggage, and made their way to the same hotel the guys from Lithium Springs would be checking into tomorrow, it comforted her. She was doing the right thing.

  Kensie recruited Ryder and Javi to help with her plan. They agreed to run interference with Carter, making sure he was where she needed him to be when she needed him to be there. Timing was everything. The guys had a show and Kensie only had four hours with the drummer before he had to be back to the arena.

  Once they were checked in, she finalized the last-minute details of her plan. All that was left to do now was wait. “You want to get some food?” Jam asked, picking up the menu from the desk.

  “No, I don’t think I can eat. I’m too nervous,” Kensie said, pacing the length of their room. It wasn’t anything lavish, two twin beds, a desk, a mini bar, and a long window that overlooked the strip.

  “I don’t know why you’re so nervous. He’s obsessed with you,” Jam emphasized, the not with revenge was implied. “He’s going to shit himself when he finds out you’re here.”

  “I know but what if it’s different? I mean, it’s nice that he’s trying so hard to get me back, but what happens next?” Kensie asked, voicing the worry that had been nagging at the back of her mind. What if the thing that made them so good in the beginning was gone?

  “You get to be happy, babe. Isn’t that the goal?”

  “Yeah.” Kensie nodded, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she took a seat next to her suitcase on the bed. Happy, finally, and not just in one area of her life, but utter bliss across the board.

  “Did you know that Ryder had to talk him out of flying to Cabo directly after the show tomorrow?” Jam continued. They came up with the idea of telling Carter they were going to Mexico for the weekend so she wouldn’t have to explain why she wasn’t home when they FaceTimed later. “He’s sick over missing your birthday. He would do anything for you, Kensie. It’s not an act. I think your Peter Pan is ready to grow up.”

  Kensie smiled at her friend, knowing deep down she was right. Carter wasn’t the same man he’d been when they met, and more importantly, she wasn’t the same woman. They’d grown, both together and independent of each other. They respected each other, and yes, they were still obsessed with each other.

  Kensie: Hey, we just landed. Cabo is as beautiful as I remember it.

  Peter Pan: FaceTime?

  Kensie: No, we’re about to find some food. I’ll call you later, though.

  Peter Pan: I’m sorry I’m not there.

  Kensie: Stop apologizing. I knew what I was getting into when I started dating a rockstar.

  Peter Pan: Dating?

  Kensie: Well, we aren’t fucking.

  Peter Pan: Whose fault is that?

  Kensie: Mine, I know…I gotta go.

  Peter Pan: I love you.

  “Okay, I need to do something,” Kensie squeaked, throwing her phone on the bed. “I’m freaking out.”

  Since that day at brunch, she had to bite her tongue every time Carter told her he loved her, and he never missed the chance to tell her. In texts, phone calls, and in video chats, there had been a million times when she wanted to put him out of his misery, but she needed to do it in person. She needed to show him her love. She needed him to feel it, the same way she felt his.

  “Now you’re making me nervous,” Jam said, digging through her luggage. “We need to get out of this room. Let’s go explore the strip. It is your birthday weekend and we should be celebrating.”

  After a quick shower and change of clothes, they set out to see what Vegas had to offer. They spent most of the night wandering up and down the strip, drinking frozen margaritas sold by street vendors and taking touristy photos in front of the fountains at the Bellagio. Vegas pulsated with an energy that was unlike any other place in the world. It was a city built on luck, spontaneity, and excess. It was the perfect setting.

  “I know! Let’s go see a show!” Jam suggested, sucking down the dregs of her virgin margarita.

  Kensie shook her head. “I think we’d need tickets in advance.”

  “What about a strip club?”

  “No, I’m not going to a strip club with a pregnant girl.”

  “Party pooper,” Jam pouted, rubbing her tiny baby bump.

  “Honestly, I’m beat. I think I want to just head back.”

  “No, the night is still young, Roth, let’s do something fun!”

  “We can have fun tomorrow. I think I’m going to go call Carter.”

  “Kensie,” Jam scolded, “stop worrying. Everything is going to be perfect.”

  “I know and I’m sorry for being a Debbie Downer. I just want to hear his voice.”

  “I forgive you this time, also, my feet hurt.” Jam grinned. They linked arms, making their way through the hordes of tourists. On their way back to the hotel they stopped at a taco truck. The sight of it comforted her, the smells evoked memories of that day at the Rabbit Hole. She didn’t realize it then, but that’s when she fell for him, and now, hundreds of miles from home, the universe was giving her a sign. They would be okay because a love like theirs was already written in the stars.

  “Kensie?” a familiar voice called out from across the hotel lobby.

  “Reagan? Grant?”

  “I gotta pee, I’ll meet you upstairs,” Jam said, smiling to CT’s siblings before snagging the tacos and sprinting for the elevator.

  Grant chuckled, “Pregnancy suits her.”

  “Yeah, she’s going to be a great mom.” Kensie nodded. “So, what are you guys doing here?”

  “We wanted to surprise Cart.” Reagan grinned, pulling her in for a hug. “Mom and Dad are here too, somewhere, probably in the casino.”

  “Ah,” Kensie said. She didn’t think to account for his family. Of course, they’d come to see him perform, especially after everything came out about Trey and Annabelle. Carter said they’d gone above and beyond to make up for lost time.

  “So, you two are back together now, officially?” Grant asked, hopefully.

  She grinned, shaking her head. “Not officially, but I think it’s time to end this standoff.”

  “Finally,” Reagan said rolling her eyes. Just then, Liam came up behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “Finally, what?” he asked, nodding a hello at Kensie.

  “Kensie here has come all the way to the desert to claim her man,” Reagan explained. Liam’s body tensed and to his credit, he tried to hide the tightness in his jaw, but everyone within a ten-mile radius could feel the animosity rolling off him. “No, you don’t get to be upset,” Reagan chided. “Trey is not a good person. He doesn’t get to nearly ruin my brother’s life and still get the girl.”

  “I get what he did was wrong, and I’m glad CT’s happy, but Trey’s my brother and he was in love with her,”
Liam argued, pointing to Kensie.

  “Look, Liam, I get it, but Carter or not, Trey and I were never going to work. We were two different people and we wanted different things.”

  “Hey,” Grant interrupted, glancing around the crowded lobby, “this isn’t the time or place to rehash all this shit. It’s done and we all need to just move on.”

  “Whatever,” Liam said, storming off in the direction of the casino.

  Kensie got the feeling that this was a fight they had often. Guilt washed over her for the part she played, but she knew this would be a part of the package if she signed up for a life with Carter. She only hoped time would heal the hurt, and their love would outweigh any residual awkwardness. “I should go,” she said, “but please, Carter doesn’t know I’m here and I have this whole surprise planned.”

  “Our lips are sealed,” Grant said, closing an imaginary zipper over his mouth.

  “Thanks, have a good night.”

  “Wait,” Reagan said reaching for her arm, “don’t let Liam get to you.”

  “It’s not that. I know what Carter and I are facing and I’m just sorry our shit spilled over onto you and your marriage.”

  “It’s not your fault and Liam knows that. He’s just having a hard time accepting he comes from a family of assholes.” She grinned.

  “But are you two okay?”

  “Yeah, I mean, we have our moments, but he is the love of my life. Nothing can change that.” Kensie nodded. For the first time in her life, she understood what a love like that meant.

  Kensington stared at her reflection in disbelief. She bit down on her plump bottom lip as she took in the sight of a woman she barely recognized. Her hair was piled high on her head in a messy bun, her face was bronzed and dewy, her eyes smoky, and her lips were fuck-me red. A black leather jacket was draped over the gray Lithium t-shirt that she had to beg Javi’s brother for. The shirt was tucked into the waistband of a black leather mini and her legs were covered with sheer black thigh highs. She felt like Sandy at the end of Grease.

  “They’re on their way,” Jam said, popping into the bathroom. “Holy shit, Roth.” The blonde’s eyes widened as she took in her friend.

  “You don’t think it’s too much?” Kensie asked, spinning around. They’d arrived at the T-Mobile Arena earlier to set up the drum kit and speakers she’d rented for the occasion. Once that was done, she ran to the bathroom to change and do her makeup while her friends went in search of food.

  “Hell no, he’s going to want to rip your clothes off.” Jam whistled, appraising her once more. “Are those thigh highs?” she asked, pointing to the lace peeking out from under her micro mini skirt.

  “Yes, it’s too slutty, right? I should take them off.”

  “Absolutely not! Just imagine how hot it’s going to look when your legs are wrapped around his head. God, can I watch?”

  Kensie rolled her eyes. “I’m being serious, James.”

  “Kensie, he loves you. It doesn’t matter what you wear, all that matters is you’re here.” The blonde grinned, pulling her from her spot in front of the sink. “Now move your ass, they’ll be here any minute.”

  Kensie followed Jam back out to the main floor. The atmosphere in the arena was calm, but not in an eerie, calm before the storm kind of way. It was peaceful. The large space would soon be filled with people preparing for the big show, but for now, it was just Kensie, her drums, and her heart.

  She took her seat behind the drum kit sitting at half-court. Exhaling, she grabbed the sticks with shaky hands and waited. Her friends were there, sitting courtside, silently cheering her on.

  Her breath hitched as she heard the door to the right fling open. He was here. This was it. Be Brave, Kensie, she reminded herself. She heard him before she saw him, his voice echoing through the tunnel as he advanced. Ryder came into view first, winking at her before making a beeline for Jam. Javi was next. He gave her a thumbs-up before pushing Carter towards center court.

  The drummer turned to his friend, poised to attack, but froze as Kensie brought the drumsticks down onto the snare. He turned, cocking his head to the side, his blue eyes meeting her browns in surprise. His grin slipped and love washed over his features as Kensie butchered the drum solo to Sex God.

  Carter stalked towards her, his long, lean legs walking purposefully. His black joggers and gray Lithium t-shirt, the same one she wore, clung to his body.

  She continued banging aimlessly at the drums as he advanced. His steps were sure. He crossed the floor in no time, taking the sticks out of her hands, one by one, and throwing them aside. “Is this why you haven’t been answering my calls today?” he asked, pulling her up from the stool, his face inches from hers. She nodded, focusing on his lips. “You’re supposed to be in Mexico.”

  “I know, but I wanted to spend my birthday with you.”

  “Why?” he asked, running his hands down the length of her body. He stopped low on her thighs, playing with the lace there.

  She closed her eyes. After months of fear and uncertainty, the time had finally come. “Because I wanted to spend it with my best friend, and because I love you,” she breathed, exhaling any remaining uncertainty. She was all in. She was his.

  “What did you say?” he asked, grabbing her ass, pulling her into him.

  “You heard me,” she lifted her chin in invitation, silently begging for him to kiss her, to claim her.

  “Say it again.”

  “I love you,” she whispered, as he kissed the corner of her mouth.


  “I love you.” This time he kissed the other corner.

  “Again,” he growled, yanking the bun on top of her head back, exposing her neck.

  “I love you. I love you. I love you,” she chanted as he walked her backwards, his mouth warm and wet on her throat.

  “Thank God. I don’t think I’d be able to hold out much longer,” he murmured against her skin. “I’m going to fuck you now.”

  “Wait. Wait. Wait,” she said, pushing against his chest.

  “Baby, I’ve been waiting,” he said as his hand flexed on her rear.

  “But there’s more. I planned a whole first date.”

  He groaned, burrowing his face in her neck. “You’re killing me.”

  She smirked. “Payback’s a bitch.”

  He looked at her, and she could see the mischief in his eyes. “Hey, douchebags,” he called over her shoulder to where their friends were waiting, “find another way to the hotel.”

  Her eyes narrowed as he laced his fingers with hers. “Come on.” He moved so fast that she stumbled to keep up.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Tour bus,” he grunted. “I need to be inside of you and I don’t want to miss our first date. I get to have my cake and eat it too.”

  “How romantic.” Kensie grinned, pushing him forward.

  He led her around the back of the arena as crews were starting to unload trucks of equipment on the dock doors. Carter navigated them through the madness around to an all-black bus. Kensie gave the driver the address as Carter pulled her up the steps and into the main cabin.

  The interior of the bus was wood paneled with a small kitchen and black leather sofas stretched across both walls. A flat screen was mounted in the corner, and if there was more, she didn’t notice. Carter somehow sat down on one of the sofas and had her straddling him before the bus engine even roared to life.

  “This is where you lived for the past three months?” Kensie asked, looking around the confined space.

  “Yup,” he said, pushing the jacket off her shoulders.

  “Where do you sleep?”

  “Back there,” he answered with a tilt of his head. His hands traveled up her thighs as he pulled at her G-string.

  “It’s nice,” she said, biting down on her bottom lip.

  He yanked the ponytail holder off and her hair spilled out around her shoulders and down her back. She groaned as he massaged her scalp. “I want you.” />
  “I’m yours, but I think I was promised cake.” She pushed herself up, kicking off her heels, before sinking to her knees. “It is my birthday after all.” Her voice dripped like honey as she tugged on the elastic waist of his joggers.

  “Who am I to deny the birthday girl?” he muttered, lifting his hips for her. He looked down at her with hooded eyes as she wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft. Slowly, she began pumping up and down, leaning forward to kiss the little “v” where his hip connected.

  “Can I have a taste?” she asked, teasing his cock. A low, throaty growl escaped his lips and she took that as a yes. Her mouth fell open and she licked the underside of his cock from the root to the tip, swirling her tongue around the tiny opening.

  Carter’s head fell back against the seat as spit dripped from her mouth over his dick. “Fuck,” he hissed as she moved her hand up and down spreading the wetness before finally sucking him into her mouth. Her bright red lipstick staining his dick as she sucked him to the back of her throat. “Shit.” His hips bucked up, causing her to gag. She pulled back, hollowing out her cheeks, bobbing her head up and down, up and down, making a show of choking and gagging, pushing him closer and closer toward the edge.

  She was relentless, bearing down on him until her forehead pressed against his abs. She could feel his body tensing beneath her, his moans of pleasure increased in frequency and in volume as she squeezed his balls, milking him. “I’m going to come,” he moaned, trying unsuccessfully to pull her up, “babe.”

  “Cake, remember?” she mumbled around him and that was all he needed to hear as he bucked his hips up once more, hot cum shooting into her mouth. She swallowed as much of it as she could, but it was too much. Spit and cum seeped out of her mouth, streaking her already ruined makeup. Lipstick was smeared across her face, her eye makeup running down her cheeks, but she could only think of one thing, him filling her so deeply that she’d feel it in her womb.

  “Come here,” he said, pulling her on to his lap. “I love you so fucking much.”


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