by Robin Wright
Irbil Five
Ishak, George
Islam. See also specific organizations; specific sects Abraham’s importance to
color of
democracy and
in Egypt
Hamas and
interpretation and reform of
Iran and
Iraq and
Lebanon and
Morocco and
Iran and
origins of
Palestinians and
political. See political Islam political change and
prayers of
Sunni-Shiite divide in. See Sunni-Shiite divide
Syria and
women’s treatment in
Islamic Action Front (Jordan)
Islamic Constitutional Movement (Kuwait)
Islamic extremism
Islamic Jihad
Islamic law
Islamic Medical Organization (Egypt)
Islamic Salvation Front (Morocco)
Islamic Studies Center (Syria)
Islamic Youth (Morocco)
rise of
the West and
Ismail, Gameela
Israel; See also Arab-Israeli conflict creation of
Egypt and
Hariri’s murder and
Hezbollah on
Hezbollah recognized by
Moroccan mission of
1967 war
1973 war
1982 war with Lebanon
Party of Justice and Development (Morocco) and
Qatar and
2006 war with Hezbollah
withdrawal from Lebanon
Israeli army
Iyad, Abu
Jazzar, Ayman al
Jbabdi, Latifa
Jefferson, Thomas
Jews. See also Israel
Abraham’s importance to
Hebron’s importance to
Medina Charter on
9/11 rumors about
PLO Covenant on
John the Baptist
John Paul II, pope
demonstrations in
Iraqi refugees in
2006 war and
West Bank rule by
Jubouri, Kadhim al
Judges Club (Egypt)
Justice and Charity (Morocco)
Justice and Development Party (Morocco)
Kadivar, Mohsen
Kafr Mit Bashar
Kamal, Mohammed
Karbaschi, Gholem Hossein
Kasab, Suleiman
Kassem, Hisham
Kassir, Samir
Katyusha rocket
Kenitra Central prison (Morocco)
Khaddam, Abdul Halim
Khaled, Amr
Khalil, Kamal
Khalil, Samira al
Khalil, Wael
Khamenei, Ali
dissatisfaction with
election of
fatwas of
Soroush and
at United Nations
Khamenei, Hadi
Khatami, Mohammed
clothing of
election of
end of presidency
inaugural addresses of
parliament and
reelection of
Soroush and
United Nations address of
Khattib, Ghassan
Khoeiniha, Mohammed
Khomeini, Ruhollah
death of
exile of
fatwas of
hostage crisis and
imprisonment of
origin of name
return to Iran of
Saddam Hussein and
successorship to
Khouri, Rami
Kilo, Michel
King Abdul Azziz University
Kirkuk, Iraq
Kissinger, Henry
Kuftaro, Salah
Kurdish Democratic Party
democracy and
diaspora of
Hussein and
Internet and
Iraqi oil revenues and
language of
nationalistic longings of
oil in
press in
revolt of (1991)
survival tactics of
television in
United Nations and
United States and
western vs. eastern sectors of
youth of
anti-U.S. sentiment in
Iran-Iraq war and
Iraqi invasion of
Kuwait Seventeen
Lahoud, Emile
Lamplighter, The
Lawrence of Arabia
Lebanese Army
Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation
Lebanese Resistance Battalions
Arab-Israeli conflict and
censorship in
census, lack of
Christians in
civil war
clans of
Communist Party
confessional quota system in
democracy and
demographics of
elections in
Future Movement
Green Line
hostage taking in
Iran and
Islam and
Israeli withdrawal from
Kofi Annan and
March 14 Movement
Maronites in
media in
name’s origin
National Covenant
1982 war with Israel
peacekeepers in
peacekeeping bombings (1983)
per capita debt ratio
Saudi Arabia and
sectarian apartheid
sectarian identities in
sectarian militias
secularity of
Shiite militancy in. See Amal; Hezbollah
Shiites in
size of
street demonstrations
Sunnis in
support for Hezbollah’s war with Israel
Syria and
tourism in
United Nations and
U.S. peacekeeping in
voting laws
youth in
“Letter to the Free People of the World” (Ganji)
“Letter from Prison: Did I Take Democracy Too Seriously?” (Nour)
Levinson, Robert A.
Levy, Daniel
Liberation of Women, The (Amin)
List of the Islamic Right
Lizard, The
Locke, John
Mahdi, Adel Abdul
Majlis al-Shura
Makaram-Shirazi, Nasser
Makhlouf family
Manar, al
Manifesto of the Ninety-Nine
Manifesto of the One Thousand
Marines peacekeeping compound bombing
Martyr’s Square (Beirut)
Marxism, Baathism compared to
Marzouki, Ahmed
Mashaal, Khalid
Matar, Boulos
. See also specific forms of media
Medina Charter
Mernissi, Fatima
Mesbah-Yazdi, Mohammed
Michael, Janet
Middle East. See also specific countries
clothing in, diversity of
diverse nat
ure of
economics, diversity of
Egypt’s importance to
Europe’s influence on
geography of
Iraq war’s effect on
languages of
pivotal events, modern
political gravity, center of
population of
range of freedom in
sectarian split in. See Sunni-Shiite divide
tribal societies of
unemployment rate in
United Nations survey on
United States, opinion on
United States compared to
wars. See specific wars
West and, comparison between
youthfulness of
Milestones (Qutb)
Miller, Doug
Mirdamadi, Mohsen
Damascus and
Danish caricatures of
Moroccan monarchy and
successorship to
Syrian holiday for
women and
Mohammed, Khasro
Mohammed’s Brigades (Syria)
Mohammed V, king of Morocco
Mohammed VI, king of Morocco
on democracy
reconciliation commission and
women and
Montazeri, Ali
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group
Moroccan Organization for Human Rights
Algeria and
Arab invasion of
Arab-Israeli conflict and
as Berber
Casablanca bombings (2003)
constitution of
democracy and
education in
elections in
Equity and Reconciliation Commission
ethnic makeup of
freedom of speech in
human rights abuses in
illiteracy in
Israel and
Islam and
May 16 bombings
monarchy of
parliament in
political parties of; See also Party of
Justice and Development political prisoners in
poverty of
secret police of. See Mukhabarat (Moroccan) state of emergency in
women in
Mossadeq, Mohammed
Moubeyed, Sami
Mount Lebanon
Movement for Social Peace (Syria)
Movement for the Disinherited (Lebanon)
Moybeyed, Sami
Mrowe, Jamil
Muasher, Marwan
Mubarak, Gamal
Mubarak, Hosni
assassination attempt
failure to share power
Gamal Mubarak and
Muslim Brotherhood and
successorship to
Mubarak, Suzanne
Mughniyah, Imad
Mukhabarat (Moroccan)
Mukhabarat (Syrian)
Munich Olympics massacre (1972)
Murr, Elias
Murr Tower
Musavi, Mir Hussein
Musawi, Nawaf al
Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian
on democracy
elections of 2005 and
founding of
Hamas and
illegality of
imprisonment of members
Islamic law and
on Israel
Kefaya compared to
in legislature
Mubarak and
on 9/11
objectives of
Sadat and
social outreach programs of
violence and
Muslim Brotherhood, Syrian
Mustafa, Hala
Naguib, Mohammed
Nasrallah, Hadi
Nasrallah, Hassan
on bin Laden
on democracy
on Iraq war
Sunnis and
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Nasser City, Egypt
Nateq-Nouri, Ali Akbar
National Alliance (Palestinian)
National Council for Human Rights (Egypt)
National Democratic Party (Egypt)
National Salvation Front (Syria)
Nayef, Yasser
Nehushtan, Ido
Netanyahu, Benjamin
New Woman, The (Amin)
effect on Islamists
Hezbollah on
Muslim Brotherhood on
1967 war
1973 war
1982 war
Nokrashi, Mahmoud
Nour, Ayman
Nouri, Abdollah
nuclear program, Iran’s
Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War, Losing the Peace, The (Allawi)
Olmert, Ehud
Omayyad dynasty
On the Way of Resurrection (Aflaq)
Open Society Institute
Operation Desert Storm
Operation Faithful Promise
Operation Iraqi Freedom; See also Iraq war/U.S. intervention in Iraq
Operation Summer Rains
Organization for the Care of the Displaced
Oslo Accords
Othmani, Saadeddine
Ottaway, Marina
Ottoman Empire
Oudeh, Mohammed
Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza Shah
Palestine Center for Policy and Survey Research
Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute
Palestine Liberation Movement
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Palestinian Authority
Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation
Palestinian Economic Policy Research Institute
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Palestinian National Council
Palestinian News Agency
Palestinians. See also Arab-Israeli conflict
Arafat and
diaspora of
education and
Egypt and
election of 2006
Hezbollah and
Islam and
number of
pluralism of
political leadership among
poverty of
Saudi Arabia and
security forces of
sense of national identity
student-union elections
as unique among Arabs
United Nations and
United States and
participatory despotism
Party of God. See Hezbollah
Party of Justice and Development (Morocco)
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
Paul, Saint
People’s Assembly (Egypt)
Peres, Shimon
petroleum, democracy and
PLO Covenant
political change/transitions
beginning of
budding culture of
defining reform in
identity’s role in
pace of
patterns of
turmoil during
unexpected messiness of
Western pace of
youth and
political forces, categories of
Political Harem: The Prophet and the Women
The (Mernissi)