
Home > Romance > Garrett > Page 7
Garrett Page 7

by Jessie Cooke

  “I’ll go,” Trigger said. Garrett felt ashamed almost at once. He didn’t want Trigger alone with Paige. He’d trust the guy with a woman he’d laid claim to, but he didn’t have any claims on Paige…yet. Women couldn’t seem to resist the blond-haired, blue-eyed, cocky son of a bitch.

  “Prospects would really be okay,” Garrett said, trying to keep his facial expressions neutral. It didn’t work because as soon as the words were out of his mouth, Trigger was laughing.

  “Well, I’ll be damned, Bear’s got it bad.”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Look at him. His face is turning all red, his fists are clenched. He doesn’t want me flashing my baby blues at this chick. He’s already claimed her. Did you piss on her and mark your territory?” That remark was over the top, and Garrett took a step toward the other man. The sound of Monkey banging on the table with the wrench Claudia had made into a gavel for him stopped Garrett.

  “Not in church and you both know it! Trigger, why can’t you watch your stupid, fucking mouth?”

  Trigger looked genuinely remorseful. “I’m sorry, Bear. I was just kidding. I didn’t mean anything. You know I got your back, right? You tell me what you need and I’m there.”

  Garrett wasn’t sure if the heat in his face still was from anger or embarrassment. He didn’t respond to Trigger with words, but he nodded at him and relaxed. “Alright,” Monkey said. “We’ve got three prospects available—take who you need. If you want Trigger along, take him. If not, I’ll find something for him to do here.” Trigger raised an eyebrow at Monkey’s tone, but he didn’t say anything. It was hard, even for their president, not to be a little jealous of the baby-faced biker who was a magnet for women—from the upper-class tourists in Vegas to the lowest-class hangers-on that weren’t even quite club girls, they all loved him. Just to prove he wasn’t jealous of the pretty boy Garrett said:

  “I’ll take him.” Okay, he’d proved it to the room, maybe. Inwardly he still cringed at the thought of Paige meeting the young Casanova.


  Paige wished that she had zipped up the jacket Garrett gave her. It was ten sizes too big and she’d scoffed at even wearing it in the first place, but now as they moved along the country road, climbing up toward the cabin he’d insisted on taking her to, the wind wasn’t just cold, it was cutting into her like ice. She wanted to pull the jacket closed around her, but she was afraid to let go of him. He was driving fifty miles an hour on a road that was meant for ten and although it wasn’t her first time on the back of a Harley, it was the first time she’d ever been on a dark, windy road on the back of one. She tightened her fingers on his leather jacket and Garrett must have felt that because with one giant hand, he reached and took hold of one of hers. He moved it forward so that her hand was pressed into his hard stomach and then did the same with the other one. Paige felt stupid. She’d fucked him the night before, for crying out loud, and now she was afraid to touch him. The whole situation was just so freaking weird.

  She was freezing, though, so she leaned her body in closer to his and the heat from his body seeped into hers and made her much less miserable. His massive body blocked her view of what was in front of them, but the cold had been seeping in between. Now that she was cuddled into his back, she cursed herself for not being there all along. Pressing the side of her face into his leather jacket, she inhaled. She loved the smell of leather and that was what she’d expected to get. Instead, it was all Garrett. There was the leather, traces of his aftershave or whatever it was that made him smell so fucking good, and something else…maybe pheromones, because whatever it was made her want him to stop the bike and take her right there on the side of the road. She mentally shook her head at herself. Her thoughts were all over the place. One minute she would be thinking about leaving and the next about how good it felt with him inside of her.

  When Garrett got back from the clubhouse that day he’d told her that he’d be working until dark and then he’d be back to get her. When she found out he was taking her to a cabin in the middle of nowhere and she’d be “protected” by the club, she tried to protest. They debated for a while, but in the end she knew he was right. Now that Ewell was free, and they lived in the same city, it was only a matter of time before they came face to face. Garrett said he was worried for her safety, but he also said something that made even more sense. When Ewell was dead, Paige would be at the top of their list of suspects. Being at the cabin would give her a solid alibi. She’d send a few texts to her parents, work, or friends and if the authorities suspected her in his death, all they’d have to do was pull her phone records.

  Paige was relieved when the bike began to slow down and Garrett let it roll to a stop in front of a wooden cabin. It was surrounded by trees with orange, red, and pink leaves and the roof was covered with them. It looked like the front of a Hallmark card. As soon as he came to a complete stop, she slid off the bike. Garrett put the kickstand down and stood up. It still amazed her how tall he was. She was barely five-foot-two in her shoes. He had to be six-six at least, and it almost hurt her neck to look up at his face.

  Garrett held his hand out to her and she hesitated. She still had to question what she was doing. She’d known this man less than 48 hours and she’d already fucked him and now she was at an isolated cabin in the woods with him…and the best part: he admitted that he was a killer. Amanda would have had a field day with this one if she were alive. She used to claim Paige only picked the bad boys to shock her parents and get their attention. Maybe when she was younger, that was the case. But what she felt in terms of chemistry, attraction…that wasn’t about spiting anyone. She’d thought the night before was a fluke, because she’d been so confused and distraught all day. But as she slipped her hand into his she had to admit that she wanted him…again, and maybe again after that.

  He held her hand tightly and guided her up the steps to the porch of the cabin in the dark. Once there, he used his free hand to unlock the door and push it inward. Then he led her in over the threshold and across the floor of what looked like a living room in the dark. He stopped in front of a lamp and switched it on. The room was suddenly illuminated and so was Garrett. Paige thought he looked almost like an angel with the light on his back, like he had a halo surrounding him. She shook off that crazy thought and said, “This is cute.”

  He smiled and said, “It’s old and well-used and not very well maintained. But, there are a lot of extra blankets in that trunk over there. The prospects came up earlier and stocked it with food and I’ll get a fire going right now.”

  “I like it,” she said. Apparently, a rugged man wasn’t the only “rugged” thing she was attracted to. She really did like the cabin. Garrett let go of her hand and went over to the fireplace. He picked up wood that was piled there and went about setting up a fire. With wood, kindling, and newspaper in place, he lit it, and Paige watched the flames dance and swirl while they increased in height and split along the sides to make new, baby flames.

  “There,” he said. “You want something warm to drink?”

  “Sure,” she said, “Tea or instant coffee would be fine.”

  “Have a seat, I’ll be right back,” he told her before disappearing into the kitchen. She didn’t sit, but instead walked over in front of the fireplace. It was made out of rocks in different shapes, sizes, and colors, and it was both crude and beautiful at the same time. That made her think of Garrett and she smiled. It was odd to think of any man as beautiful, but there was something inside of him that shone out through his dark eyes, and beautiful was the only way to describe it. By all accounts, just the size of him alone should scare the shit out of her, and it did, at first. But each time she started to worry, she remembered the look on his face and the sound of his voice when he talked and read to his little girl on the phone. That person couldn’t be anything but good.

  Garrett walked back into the room with two cups in his hands a few minutes later. He was holding them with his thumb and forefinger, out i
n front of him slightly like he was afraid of them. His hands were so big that he probably broke a lot of what he touched. Paige tried not to smile as she went toward him and took one off his hands. As soon as she got that close to him again, that vibrating energy that she’d begun to feel each time thrummed through her body. She wrapped both hands around the cup, just to keep from reaching out and touching him. She took a sip of the instant coffee. It was hot, and he’d sweetened it and added milk. She let her tongue lick the sugar off her lips as it slid down her throat and when she looked at Garrett, she realized he was staring at those lips. Her mouth went dry instantly at the look on his face and when he dragged his eyes from her lips up to hers, she shivered. Garrett sat his cup down on a table in front of the couch and reached to take hers out of her hand. She gave it to him, knowing what he wanted. As soon as he sat hers down, his big arm was around her, pulling her body into his.

  He leaned down and covered her lips with his own, brushing back and forth across them softly, sending goose bumps racing down her arms. She could feel his erection pressing into her, somewhere between her belly and chest. She almost laughed at that, he was so fucking tall—whose hard dick presses into someone’s chest when they’re standing upright? She felt him shift slightly and then use one of his hands to adjust himself while he kept his mouth pressed against hers. She was turned on just by the fact that he wanted her so badly and she could feel it. He slid his tongue in between her lips and let it dance against hers, exploring her mouth like he was making a memory. He was so fucking sexy, such a contrast between what he looked like and felt like and how gentle his touch was. She felt like one of those china cups when he touched her. She loved how careful he was with her, but today she was in the mood for more. She used both her hands to clutch, almost claw at his t-shirt, and the momentum of that to press herself into him harder. She deepened the kiss, sucking and licking at his mouth, biting at his lips. She could feel his heart banging against his chest into hers and after several long seconds of her kissing him like she was starving to death, he lifted her off her feet and carried her…in the wrong direction.


  Garrett carried Paige through the swinging kitchen door and over to the counter. He sat her up on the counter and kissed her again while he peeled off the jacket he’d given her that dwarfed her beautiful body underneath it. He threw that on the floor and kissed her again while his hands worked on the button and zipper of her jeans. Paige realized his fingers were too big and hindering more than helping the situation. She brought her own hands down to her waist and he moved his and let her undo the jeans. Then she used her hands to push her butt up and Garrett moved his mouth down to her neck while he worked the pants off her hips. When he got them to her knees, he pushed up her shirt and pressed his lips into her stomach while he pushed them down to her ankles. Then her head exploded as he pressed his mouth to the crotch of her already wet panties and pressed the satin crotch up into her with his tongue as he pulled off her shoes and took the jeans the rest of the way off. He left his mouth where it was and brought his hands up around her back. He unhooked her bra and her breasts spilled out into his hair. She was leaning forward with her hands pressed into his back while he almost brought her to orgasm through the fabric of her panties.

  It was only when she started clawing at his shirt that he stood up in front of her. He ripped his t-shirt off his head and she drank in each hard line of his chest while he peeled off his jeans and boots. Once he was naked he put his hands on her waist and picked her up again, wrapping her legs around him. She thought he would carry her back to the bedroom but instead he turned and sat her on top of the smooth maple breakfast nook table. It was cold on her butt, but her body was so hot that it felt good. He came down for another kiss and she said:


  “Uh, yeah, quick one.” She laughed, and he grinned.

  “This place have a bed?”


  “Okay…so, the kitchen just appealed to you?”

  “I was hungry.”

  She giggled. “Okay.”


  “Me what?”

  “Are you hungry?” She ran her eyes over his sexy body, pausing on his thick erection.

  “Starving,” she said. He smiled again and went back in for the kiss. She reached up and locked her hands behind his neck and pulled herself up into it. He let his hands slide under her, between the cheeks of her ass and the cold table. He held her cupped in his big hands while they shared another hot, passionate kiss. She loved the feel of his hands on her butt, but she’d never felt anything like what he did next. Thank God for big hands and fingers. He kept the same hand he had on her while his thumbs began to stroke along the lips of her pussy. She moaned into his mouth and he did it again, with more pressure this time. She whimpered and squirmed and he did it again, this time letting his thumbs dip in between the lips and skim her engorged clit. She almost shot off the table from the sensation that sent through her. “Jesus Christ,” she said against his mouth.


  “So fucking good.” She felt him smile into her and then he whispered:

  “I’m just getting started.” She felt herself being spun around so that she faced away from him. Her head and back were pressed into his chest and suddenly his hands were between her legs again. He used one hand to push her leg to the side and she moved the other one open herself. Then, using one hand to part her lips, he used the other one to begin fingering her clit. He pressed into it, he pulled on it, he flicked it, he pinched it. Paige was practically screaming out in ecstasy and by the time he slid one of his thick fingers up inside of her, she came…hard and fast. Every animal in the forest was probably on the run thanks to the wild scream she let out.

  Garrett held onto her tightly until her body stopped shaking and then, like a lazy Susan, he spun her back around. She reached for his face and pulled herself up to kiss him again. She licked and sucked at his lips; she couldn’t get enough. He was trying to lay her back, but she didn’t want to stop kissing him. His cock must have been aching because while she kissed him, he reached down between them and took his throbbing erection into his hand. He began stroking it into her, striking her clit with the tip of it each time. Paige dropped back onto the table, letting her hair fan out over the edge and digging her heels into the other edge so that she could arch up her back. She opened her eyes and watched his face as he worked his hand up and down the shaft of his cock. He was looking down at her, watching her body jerk each time he touched her clit. He kept running his tongue across his lips like he was about to devour her. It was all so fucking sexy. She’d never experienced anything like it and she found herself wanting it to last forever.

  She wriggled her hips down so that his next stroke ended against her opening instead of her clit. Garrett let the thick tip of his cock enter her slightly and then he pulled back. She whined, and he grinned and did it again. The third time he tried to tease her, she reached up and put her hands on his hips. She gripped his hard ass, almost digging her nails into his flesh, and pushed him forward so that half of his cock entered her that time before he pulled back. She growled up at him and he laughed. “Fucking tease,” she muttered.

  He laughed again. “You want more?”

  “You’d have to be a complete idiot not to see that,” she said, in a breathless voice. She was trying not to smile at him, but he was grinning down at her, so it was hard.

  “You hungry baby?”

  “So hungry.”

  “You want this hard cock?”

  “Yes,” she growled again. “You want me to beg?”

  He chuckled. “That game might be fun…next time.”

  “Next time?”

  “Yeah, and the time after that. I want you to say there will be a next time and a time after that. I want you to promise me you’re not going to hurt yourself.”

  “Garrett…” He pulled back so that his cock wasn’t even touching her any longer. “Damn it!”
  “Promise me.”

  “I’m not going to do anything, okay?”


  “I promise.”

  “You’ll be here next week and next month and the year after that?”

  “Yes! Fuck!”

  He smiled again. “Okay baby, here you go.” He slid himself into her then, slowly filling her up. It was the most incredible feeling she’d ever had, and her body and mind were so over-stimulated that she almost couldn’t handle all the feelings at once. Garrett was finished talking. She looked at his face, and it was so intense it might be scary if she didn’t know better. The intensity was all about the moment, and she was about to experience the ride of her life. Garrett moved his hips in small circles until her pussy was opened all the way up to him and then he grabbed hold of her waist and began to drill into her like a wild man. The table she was lying on was coming up off the floor and then slamming back down with each one of his thrusts. Paige was clawing at his chest and back and shoulders. They were both panting and gasping, and noises were coming out of her that she’d never heard before and mating with the feelings she’d never had before. She felt alive…at last.

  The orgasm that crashed into her the second time felt like it was going to tear her body wide open. She could feel Garrett amping up for his at the same time, and his fingers dug into the flesh of her thighs he was now holding onto when his body tensed, his cock swelled, and he made a primal sound. She’d just come, but that sound caused another wave to pass through her and when Garrett didn’t stop moving there was another and then another. She had no idea that she could have multiple orgasms like that, but fuck, it was amazing.


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