Page 19
“I’ll arrange all that. Just promise me you’ll okay the brothers to help me.”
Speedy was shaking his head. He was sure Monkey was going to say fuck no; Garrett could see it on his face. But he knew his president a little better than that, or at least he hoped he did. Speedy almost fell over when Monkey said, “They’ll help you, —hell, I’ll help you myself.”
Garrett spoke to Dax on the phone and made the arrangements. He knew his old friend wouldn’t let him down. All he needed now was for Darwin to hurry his shit up and Saint to be on his way to a hospital in a medical transport van. He’d never killed a police officer and he didn’t intend to start now. But his shooting skills were good enough that he could use a non-lethal round, like the ones they used themselves in prison, and knock them down and out of commission long enough to get Saint out of there. The cops would suspect the club, but as usual, Garrett didn’t plan on leaving any evidence that could be traced back to any of them.
After he did that, he knew he should try to rest. But the wheels were turning in his head and he couldn’t shut it off. He texted Leanne. “Is Jessie still up?”
A few minutes later her reply was, “Yes, but it’s too late, Garrett. Call tomorrow.” He knew she was still angry with him, and he didn’t blame her, but he needed to talk to his daughter if only for a few seconds.
“Please. I know it’s late and I’m sorry to ask. But please, I’ve had a crappy day. Can I just say goodnight to her?” Normally he would have just been pissed and if he texted back at all, it would have been something nasty and maybe even vulgar. But he was trying this new communicating thing. It was worth a shot. He pictured Leanne’s face as she read the text. He was sure she’d be surprised. He wasn’t sure it would work, until she texted back.
“Fine. Give me a minute to take the phone up. I’ll have her call you.”
Garrett smiled and told himself, “More flies with honey...” The phone rang only seconds later, and as soon as he put it to his ear and heard Jessie’s voice say, “Hi Daddy,” he could feel his troubles being washed away.
“Hi, beautiful. Are you ready for bed?”
“Yeah. Momma says it’s too late for a story.”
“Momma knows best, baby girl. I just needed to hear your voice.”
“Why? Did you have a bad dream?” Garrett smiled.
“Yeah, baby. Daddy had a bad dream. But talking to you makes it all better.”
“Good. You can have my dream catcher if you want. I think it’s broken, though.”
He laughed. “Figures, Daddy picked a broken one. You know what, baby girl, how about you and me go out there to the reservation together in a week or two and you can pick out your own.”
“Really? A pink one?”
“Any one you want.”
“Okay. I’ll just try to dream good stuff until then.”
“Me too, baby. Hey, Jess?”
“Yeah, Daddy?”
“You know how much I love you?”
She didn’t answer that question. Maybe it was because his cursory, “I love you too,” usually only followed her sweet declarations of love. He needed to tell her more often. He never wanted her to doubt it. What she said was, “I love you to the moon and back, Daddy.”
With tears in his eyes he said, “That makes me so happy. Guess what?”
“I love you more.”
Garrett was able to lie down after that and get a few hours’ sleep. When he woke up in the morning the first thing he did was place a call to Connecticut, to the only number he had for Vivian. It was an old one, so he wasn’t even sure she would answer. She didn’t, but her sister did.
“Hi, Margie, this is Garrett.”
“Garrett? Vivian’s stepson, Garrett?”
“Yeah. How are you?”
“Surprised as hell, that’s how I am. How long has it been since you talked to Vivian?”
“Three years,” he said, “and six months.”
“So, three and a half years and you just call out of the blue. Is this about that letter she got last week? She never told me what you wanted, but she locked herself in her room with it one whole day and then next day she was dragging out all Beau’s old pictures again. Her heart’s been broken too many times, Garrett.”
“I know, Margie. I don’t want to hurt her. But if she’ll talk to me, just this once, I’ll say what I need to say quickly and then I’ll never bother her again...if that’s what she wants.”
Margie sighed heavily and said, “Hold on.” Garrett waited, listening to the sounds of voices over the phone. He couldn’t hear what they were saying but since it was taking so long, he doubted she was going to come to the phone. He was surprised when he heard her say:
“Yeah, it’s me. I got your letter. I’m glad you’re not dead.”
He smiled. Vivian shut her emotions down when Beau died. Everything she said now was flat and emotionless. Garrett wasn’t sure if she really was glad or not, but he pushed on. “Thank you, me too. Sending you that letter was an act of cowardice on my part and I wanted to apologize.”
“You didn’t mean the nice things you said about my baby Beau?”
“I meant them. I meant all of it. But I should have said it to you in person, Vivian. I’m sorry I didn’t have the balls to do that.”
“It doesn’t matter how you said it, Garrett. I guess I’m just glad you did. I never blamed you for him dying. I guess what I blamed you for was you not being as devastated as me. I guess that was probably wrong. You were just a kid. But, right or wrong, it made me feel better to know how much you mourned him. So, thank you for telling me...and don’t kill yourself.”
He smiled again. “Okay, Viv, I won’t. Hey, I’m going to be in Connecticut soon...”
“I guess maybe we should just leave it at this, don’t you?”
It made him sad that she didn’t want to see him, but at the same time, he knew she was right. A face to face would just be awkward and uncomfortable for them both. This probably was best. “Okay,” he said, “But maybe someday I could call again, just to make sure you’re doing okay?”
“Thanks, Vivian. Take care.”
“You too.” She ended the call. If Garrett hadn’t known how she was, after Beau died, he would feel like the call had been a waste of time. But he knew that even if she didn’t sound sincere, she was. Otherwise, she would have told him “Fuck off.” Vivian was never one to mince words, even after she lost her capacity to really feel.
After hanging up with her, showering, eating breakfast, and checking in with Paige, he got on his bike and drove out to the nursing home where his Pops lived. He just hoped he was catching him on a good day. The nurse seemed surprised to see him when he told her who he was there to see, but she took him into a day room area and told him she’d be right back. It wasn’t long after when he heard the gravelly, deep voice of the man he’d gotten his height and his stubbornness from. “Well, I’ll be a son of a bitch. You’re alive.” Garrett didn’t have to ask if he got the letter, or if he read it.
“Hey, Pops.” The old man was stooped now with age, but in his prime, he’d been even taller than Garrett, just never as bulky. Now he was even thinner than he’d been when he was younger and his clothes hung off his lanky frame. He was still clean-shaven, and his hair was combed and he wore a belt with his pants and looked like he’d shined his shoes. He was still that old Army guy that Garrett had been so fascinated by as a kid.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me, boy! I thought you was dead and I was pissed that nobody was calling me about a funeral.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get that letter.”
“Then how in hell did I get it?”
Garrett smiled. “Divine intervention?”
Garrett watched as the old man’s face filled with pure delight. He threw his head back and laughed. “You are something, boy. You remind me so
much of your momma. She was just as defiant and stubborn as you are.”
“I’m sorry, for the troubles I’ve caused you, Pops, and I’m sorry I don’t come here more often.”
The old man waved a hand at him. “Shit, if I didn’t have to come here, I wouldn’t either. I don’t blame you for that, son. But you could call an old man once in a while. I do appreciate you paying for my private room and all that, but I really would like to know you’re alive from time to time.”
“I’ll call more often,” Garrett said. “But I am going to come see you more often too. Maybe we could play some poker like we used to.”
His Pops laughed. “Boy I hope you got better at it, or I’m going to wipe out your bank account.”
Garrett smiled. “I’m better, so you better get out your own checkbook, old man.” His Pops laughed again. It was a nice sound and Garrett couldn’t believe he’d gone so long without hearing it. He’d been joking with the old man, but maybe his being alive to do all of this really was divine intervention...or maybe it was just the intervention of a saint. Either way, hope was blossoming inside of him in a way it never had before.
On his way home from the nursing home Garrett got a call from Darwin. “Monkey said for me to call you. I got the plea hearing moved up to tomorrow.”
“Wow, that’s soon.”
“Yeah, well, there is still the right to due process. Normally I’d try to drag my feet but Monkey and Saint both want this over with. I guess you do too.”
“I want Saint out of jail.”
“And in a hospital...right?” Darwin was a smart guy, almost genius level. He had to know they were planning something, even if he didn’t know the details.
“Right, of course,” Garrett lied. “So, after the hearing tomorrow, how long will it take for sentencing?”
“That’ll be up to the judge. Saint signed for all his medical records to be sent to the court and I already filed for a medical hardship. Since we’re not asking for him to be released altogether and since the state will end up paying for his medical treatment either way, I don’t think he’ll deny it.”
“Good,” Garrett said. Fantastic. “Keep me posted, Darwin, okay?”
Garrett was on his way home, but it was close to time for Paige to get off work, so instead he stopped at a pizza place, ordered the largest pizza they had, bought a bottle of wine, and then for the first time in his life, he stopped at a flower stand and bought flowers. He probably looked pretty stupid with the pizza box strapped to the back of the bike and flowers hanging out of the saddlebags...but he didn’t care. He just hoped that she liked them and that she still wanted to give this thing between them a chance. He suddenly felt like things were going to be okay. Maybe not that day, or the next...but soon enough. It would be an exercise in patience for a man who didn’t have any...but he was slowly beginning to believe that people really could change.
Paige laughed out loud when she turned onto her street and saw Garrett sitting against the tree again. When she turned into the driveway and saw what he was wearing on his head, she laughed even harder. He had some kind of florist paper rolled up in a cone and it was sitting on top of his head. There was a pizza box next to him too, and a bottle of wine. She stepped out of the car and said, “What the hell is this?”
He grinned. “Well, I was going for lawn gnome. How’s it look on me?”
She laughed again. “You’re insane, but I like it.”
“Bet none of your other gnomes ever brought you pizza...or flowers?” He pulled a handful of roses out from behind him. They weren’t wrapped, but she assumed that’s where the paper on his head came from.
“You’re right. I can honestly say this is the first time.”
Garrett took off the silly hat and got to his feet. He handed her the flowers and she brought them to her nose. “They’re beautiful, Garrett, thank you.”
“You’re welcome. You deserve them for putting up with me.”
“No, the flowers are nice and I love them. But I deserve wine, and pizza.”
He laughed. “Good thing I just happen to have both.” Paige unlocked the door and he followed her in. She got up on her toes and kissed him softly.
“Thank you. It’s so good to see you look happy.”
“I’m going to work on keeping it that way.”
“I know you’re new to this feelings stuff, but being sad sometimes is okay too. Everything in moderation, you know?”
He laughed again. “Okay, got it. You hungry?”
“Starving. Would you mind if I shower off first? I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Garrett took the pizza and wine into the kitchen while she went to shower. She put the flowers in a vase in her room first and she couldn’t stop smiling, thinking about him buying them for her. She did love seeing him happy, and if he would let her, she’d love even more to help keep him that way for a long time.
After showering she put her hair back in a ponytail and slipped on a pair of cutoff sweats and a long-sleeved t-shirt before going back out to the kitchen. Garrett had the pizza served up on plates and the wine opened and poured. Paige kissed him again, but when his hands tried to wander she pulled back and said, “Uh-uh, tonight we eat...first.”
He smiled. “That means that second we can...”
She grinned and sat down in front of her pizza. “And third and fourth if you want...but I’ll need energy for all that.” He picked up his plate and sat it in front of her.
“By all means—eat mine too.”
She laughed again and put the plate back by him. “Oh no, son, you’re going to need it as much as I will. I plan on giving as good as I get.” They ate and joked and drank wine and for the first time since they met, they left the serious stuff on the back burner for the time being. After dinner was finished and the dishes cleaned up, Garrett poured the last of the wine into their glasses and they took them into the living room. He started to sit down, and Paige said, “We should just start this in the bedroom, don’t you think?”
Garrett almost fell over, getting back to his feet. She loved that he wanted her so badly. She also loved that she wanted him just as much. This hadn’t happened for her yet in her lifetime. She’d wasted so much time with guys like Tyler where it was only one-sided. But she’d known Garrett was different from the start, and even when she had doubts that they could make anything out of their tenuous relationship, she had never stopped hoping.
When they got to the bedroom, she drained her wine glass and he set his down on the dresser next to her empty one. “You’re not going to finish yours?” she asked him.
“Later,” he said, swiping his lips across hers. “I don’t want to ruin the taste of you.” Quicker than Paige could even react, Garrett spun her around so that her back was against the bedroom door and his mouth covered hers. She had been so happy to see him relaxed and laughing earlier, but the silly man was gone and in his place was the fiery, intense one that made her completely lose her mind. His big hands were everywhere, all at once, and she had to hold onto him to keep from sliding to the floor on her weakened knees. He kissed, licked, sucked, and teased her mouth, tongue, and lips and then moved down to do the same with her neck. He sucked so hard that she knew he was leaving marks this time, but she didn’t care. She’d wear his tattoos proudly. Her t-shirt was deftly lifted up and over her head and then suddenly his hot mouth was making love to one of her breasts. His tongue rolled around the hard nipple and all she could manage was a breathless “Garrett” before he moved his attention over to the other one. Her panties and the cutoff sweats she’d worn over them were saturated with hot fluid that had flowed out of her very core, and when he bit down on her nipple with his teeth, she felt another hot rush. Not long after, she felt something else, his hand snaking down into the top of her shorts and underneath her panties. He used his big fingers to part the slick folds and she gasped as he began to massage the oversensitive flesh. He groaned and slid a finger up inside of her.
/> “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet.” She wanted to tell him he made her that way, but words wouldn’t form on her tongue. Only sounds—moans and whimpers—emanated from her chest. She arched her back and opened up further for him, her whole body quivering so hard that it was a miracle she was still standing. Garrett made her feel things she never knew were possible, and she’d had good sex before. He wasn’t good sex...he was fucking everything, and she loved it. She knew it was a matter of time before she loved him too...a short matter.
She gasped again as he slid another finger up inside of her, and her nails dug into his hard biceps when his thumb moved up to press against her hard clit. He moved it in circles as he brought his fingers in and out of her tunnel, increasing his pace with each stroke. She felt the orgasm coming and she cried out as it hit her, causing her to gush all over his hand and her panties like a tidal wave. Garrett rubbed her for a few seconds longer and then pressed his lips to her ear and said, “That was just a preview, baby girl.”
He reached down then and cupped her ass in his hands and slid her up his body. Turning around he carried her the two steps it took his long legs to get to her bed. He kissed her again, hard, before dropping her down on her butt and beginning to strip off his clothes. She quickly relieved herself of the shorts and soaked panties and lay back, centered in the middle of the bed. She watched as he peeled off his clothes, each inch of his body more beautiful than the last. She’d just come like a fucking tidal wave and she already wanted more. Her mouth watered when she looked at him, like he was a prime cut of beef and she’d been starving for days.
When he was finally finished undressing, she sat up and ran her hands over his chest, tracing the tattoos with her fingers. While she was doing that, he reached down and touched her again. The sensation on her recently stimulated pussy caused her whole body to jerk and pull backward, but Garrett wasn’t deterred. He reached down and held her back with one hand and while he began to play with her pussy once more, she slid her hands down over his hard stomach and wrapped them around the shaft of his raging hard cock. He sucked a breath in through his teeth when she touched him and when she started to stroke him with both hands, he closed his eyes and a growl rumbled up out of his chest. “Fuck, baby, that feels good.”