Taming The Biker (MC Biker / Bad Boy Romance)

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Taming The Biker (MC Biker / Bad Boy Romance) Page 27

by Cassie Alexandra

  I grunted. “Seriously? I just bought it. It still smells new.”

  “What if I open the window?”

  I frowned. “You know that doesn’t really help.”

  “Fine,” she pouted, shoving the cigarettes into her purse.

  I let out an exasperated sigh. “Do you want me to pull over somewhere so you can have one?”

  “No. I’ll just wait until we get to my car,” she said, looking out her side window. She was silent for several minutes and I knew something was definitely wrong.

  “You mad?” I asked.

  “No,” she replied, looking back at me. “I’m just thinking about Tank. I’m afraid of what he’s going to do when I break it off with him.”

  “So, you’re really going to do it?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. They’re both bad news. I’m sure Tank carries a gun, too.”

  “He does.”

  “Great. Well, if I were you, I would definitely do it over the phone.”

  She smirked. “I was planning on it.”

  “So, where is this place?” I asked, as we neared Griffin’s.

  She directed me past the strip joint to a warehouse district, about two miles away. We pulled up to a set of gates.

  “Great, how do we get in there?”

  “Very easily. It’s not locked,” she said, opening the car door. “I’ll be right back.”


  Krystal got out and ran up to the gate. She unlatched it and pulled it open. I drove through it and waited for her to get back in.

  “My car is just over there,” she said, pointing to a row of vehicles that were parked near the side of an old warehouse.

  “So, this is where these guys usually hang out, huh?” I said, driving slowly. “The building looks abandoned, except for the cars.”

  “Most of those belong to the club whores,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “The guys keep their bikes inside of the building. There’s a garage door in back.”

  “Why are the windows all boarded up?” I asked, stopping behind her car.

  “Because of the shit that goes on inside,” she said, picking up her purse. “It’s like a playground for men in there. They’ve got this wraparound bar with hundreds of bottles of booze. Hundreds. A couple of wide screen TVs, some video and pinball machines.” She smirked. “Hell, they even have a stripper pole.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?”

  “I know, right? Get this, some of the girls walk around naked, like it’s no big deal.”


  “Exactly. Anyway, I’d better go,” she leaned over and gave me a hug. “I’m just going to go home and crash, I think. I’m still a little hung over from last night. I tried the old ‘Hair-of-the-dog’ thing, but it’s not working.”

  “Okay. Call me, tomorrow.”

  “I will.”

  Krystal got out and walked over to her car. As I watched her get inside, my cell phone went off.


  I ignored his call but then he began texting me. Sighing, I picked up my phone and called him.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “I just dropped Krystal off to her car and now I’m on my way home,” I replied, backing out of the parking lot.

  “Wait there for me. I want to talk to you. I’m only a couple minutes away.”

  “We have nothing to talk about.”

  “Yes. We do.”

  “Look, I’m grateful for what you did, picking me up in the middle of the night and letting me stay at your house, but it can’t go any further than that.”

  “That’s not what I got from that kiss, earlier.”

  That was before I saw you almost kill someone.

  “Things have changed,” I said, driving away from the clubhouse. Knowing that he was almost there, I wanted to put as much distance between him and my car as I could.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think you know exactly what I mean. That thing with Jason…”

  “He needed to be taught a lesson.”

  “You broke his nose.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “And you threatened him with a gun.”

  “Of course I did. He needed to know we meant business.”

  I sighed.

  “Did you expect me to ask him nicely?”

  “No, but I didn’t expect that!”

  “Look, Kitten, he deserved a lot more than what I dished out, believe me.”

  “He wasn’t even the one who slipped me the drug.”

  “No, but he knew about it and tried to use it to his advantage, didn’t he?”

  “Yes, but –”

  “And then he threw you out of his car, in the middle of nowhere, without giving a shit. You’re probably lucky to be alive. Are you really going to stick up for that asshole?”

  He had a point.

  “No. I’m not. I just don’t like the way you handled the situation.”

  “I did what I had to do, to ‘handle it’. And because I scared the fuck out of him, College Boy will think twice before trying something like that again. I guarantee it.”

  “I’d say.”

  “Now, if that’s all you’re pissed at, then I need to see you, Kitten. Tonight. Are we good?”

  “I… um…I guess so. I’m kind of tired. Maybe we could have lunch or something, tomorrow?”



  He chuckled. “Hell, we can do that, too. I’ll see you soon.”

  “But –”

  “Meet me at my place.” He hung up.

  I stared at the phone and realized this was the second time, in twenty-four hours, that he’d cut me off when I’d tried to say ‘No’. He obviously didn’t do well with that word.

  Sighing, I put my phone down and headed toward my own house. If he wasn’t going to listen to my protests, he’d sure as hell hear my actions loud and clear.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  When I arrived home, I sent Trevor a text, telling him that I wasn’t coming over. In the message I also explained that I wasn’t interested in seeing him again, because his world frightened the hell out of me. I also told him that if he called, I wouldn’t answer. I pretty much demanded that he give me space and respect my wishes.

  I hesitated before I pushed “Send.” I hesitated, because deep down, part of me wanted to see that sexy smile again. Even more than that, I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted his tongue, his mouth, and what was hiding under those blue jeans. I wanted it badly. What I didn’t want was the drama and all of the other stuff that came with it. Something told me that if I did find myself in his bed, I’d make up excuses for that part of his life. It would suddenly be, acceptable. Well, that was now unacceptable.

  Letting out a ragged breath, I pushed “Send” and then waited several minutes for his reaction.

  Fortunately, he didn’t call me back.

  Nor did he send me a text.

  Setting my phone down, I went into my bedroom, removed my pantyhose, and then threw them into the dirty clothes. Afterward, I went into the kitchen and began making myself a ham and cheese sandwich. As I was searching for the mayonnaise, I heard it. The rumble of a motorcycle rolling down the street.

  Groaning, I closed the refrigerator and went to the front door, knowing that none of the other neighbors owned a Harley or any other motorcycle for that matter. When I opened it, I found myself looking up at Trevor’s cocky grin.


  I scowled. “Didn’t you get my text?”

  “Of course.”

  “I told you not to come over here.”

  “Number one, you should know that I’m not keen on following orders, unless they’re from Slammer. Number two, you told me not to call you. You never said anything about stopping by.”

  I sighed. “Technicalities.”

  “Can I come in?”

  “No,” I said, crossing my arms under my chest. “In fact, you really need to leave. My mot
her is going to be home soon.”

  “So, what you’re really trying to say is that she doesn’t like me?”

  “Ha, ha. Funny.”

  “Actually, it’s not, really.” He looked down at my outfit and he whistled. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you this, but you look sexier than hell, Kitten.”


  He bit his lower lip and sighed. “A dress like that can make a man lose control. It can also put ideas in his head. Wicked ones.”

  I was blushing when our eyes met again.

  “Come on.” He leaned against the doorframe and whispered, “Take a ride with me.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can. You’re just scared.”

  “It would never work between us.”

  “I’m not asking for anything to work. I’m just asking you to take a ride.”

  I glanced at his Harley. It sounded like fun, but I knew it was a bad idea. Between the man and the machine, I’d never want to get off. Or maybe I would and that was the real problem. “What do you want from me, Trevor?”

  A slow, sexy smile crossed his lips. “Oh, darling, do you really have to ask?”

  Why the fuck did he have to be so damn sexy?

  “If I get on your bike, I’m pretty sure I’ll make some bad decisions before the night is over.”

  He grinned wickedly. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

  Heat pooled between my legs. The look in his eyes was making it so hard. “I’m not getting on your bike, so don’t ask me again.”

  He sighed. “Fine. I won’t ask you again if you agree to something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Give me a kiss goodbye. You owe me, anyway.”

  I laughed. “Oh, is that right?”

  He looked serious. “Yeah. It’s colder than shit out here and now I have to drive back.”

  “Why is that my problem?”

  “Because you wouldn’t let me call you. Had I been able to do so, I wouldn’t be standing out here or about to drive back without your warm body wrapped around me on my bike.”

  “So, you think I owe you a kiss?” I replied, smirking.

  “Probably two, but I’ll settle for one.”

  I smirked. “Fine. One kiss and then you’re leaving.”

  He stepped closer to me and slid his arms around my waist. “I swear I’ll leave, if you still want me to,” he whispered, staring down at my mouth.

  Bad mistake, I thought, feeling my body already begin to respond. Just the feel of his arms around me was making my stomach quiver.

  “I’m sure I will,” I lied, more to myself than him.

  He smiled and then leaned forward, kissing me gently. I closed my eyes, feeling a surge of excitement as his tongue slid into my mouth. His mouth was hot and he tasted like spearmint and beer, it was an oddly seductive mix. I slid my hand up to the back of his neck and began kissing him back, wanting more. Needing more. The man was as bad as a drug. The addicting kind.

  Trevor growled in the back of his throat and pulled away. “Take a ride with me,” he said, sliding his hands over my ass. He pressed his hips against mine and I could feel his hardness, teasing me. “Please. I’ve got to have you.”

  “I… I can’t,” I whispered, his words making me wetter than the birdbath out front.

  “You can,” he murmured, moving his lips to my neck. “Fuck me, you smell good.”

  “The neighbors are watching,” I whispered, noting that the woman across the street was looking through her blinds.

  “Oh, yeah? Well, this show is all mine,” he whispered, backing me into the house. When my shoulders hit the closet door, he pulled me back against his chest and began kissing me again, this time much more hungrily. Then one of his hands was on my breast, the other on my ass. He started squeezing both, while grinding his hips into mine, letting me know what his intentions were.

  I moaned, kissing him back as he raised my dress and touched my thong.

  “Fuck, you’re killing me,” he growled, slamming the door shut with the back of his boot. “I need to be inside of you. Now.”

  “What are you doing?” I squealed, as he picked me up.

  His blue eyes burned into mine. His pupils were large. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  “Upstairs, but we can’t. My mother will be home soon.”

  “This is your house, too?”


  “Are you an adult?”


  “Then let’s go act like adults,” he said, heading toward the stairs. Seconds later, we were in my bedroom and he was locking the door.

  “I… I don’t think this is a good idea,” I said.

  He turned around and began removing his leather jacket. “Let me do the thinking.”

  I smiled nervously.

  He hung his jacket on my door and glanced around the room. It was still painted purple and I had the same frilly bedspread covering my mattress I’d had when I was a teenager.

  He chuckled.


  “The only thing missing are posters of boy-bands and puppies. You certainly have enough stuffed animals and… unicorns.”

  “I used to collect them,” I said, glancing at all the figurines.

  He removed his leather cut and hung it over the jacket. Then he pulled his T-shirt out of his jeans and began taking it off. “I used to collect rocks and crystals before my old man threw them out one day. Then I just didn’t bother with it anymore. Nothing wrong with wanting to collect things.”

  “I agree,” I replied, staring at his tattooed, muscular chest and arms. “And, I think that’s great. Collecting rocks and crystals.”

  He walked over to me and touched my necklace. “Speaking of,” said Trevor. “I want to see you naked, wearing this and nothing else,” he said, his eyes burning into mine.

  I looked down at it, my cheeks burning red.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful. Come here.” He grabbed the back of my head, and pulled my face to his, kissing me hard.

  I melted into Trevor, the very last of my resolve, gone. I couldn’t wait to feel his cock moving deep inside of me. Just the thought of it made my sex tighten up.

  His kisses became more demanding as my hand moved to the hard bulge hidden in his jeans. As I began stroking him, his tongue plunged deep, filling my mouth the way we both wanted him to fill my sex.

  “I’m going to explode, I want you so fucking bad, Kitten,” he growled into my neck as I squeezed his cock through his jeans. I could feel the long, hard, length of him through the denim and it made me want to hump his leg like a bitch in heat.

  Panting, he pulled my dress up and over my hips, then slid his hand to the front of my thong where he cupped my mound. “Fuck,” he whispered, using his knuckles to stroke my clit through the fabric. “I need to be inside of you. You want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes,” I moaned, digging my nails into his arm. “Oh God, yes.”

  He slid one of his fingers into me. “You’re so wet.”

  Whimpering in pleasure I unbuttoned his jeans and slid my hand under his boxers, grappling his cock. The size alone almost brought me to my knees. I couldn’t wait to ride him.

  Gasping, he grabbed my wrist as I began stroking him. “Hold on, there, darlin’. I won’t last.”

  I smiled.

  He kicked his jeans and boxers down to the floor, his cock bobbing as he pushed them aside with his foot. I could almost taste the pre-cum dripping on the end and it made me even more wet.


  My dick was so hard that two more strokes would have done me in. I made her stop and got rid of my jeans. Then I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. “Undress for me,” I said, staring up at her.

  Her cheeks turned pink.

  I grinned. “Come on, Kitten. Don’t be shy. Turn around.”

  She did and I unzipped her dress. It fell to the floor and she kicked it away. As she was about to turn back around, I stopped her.

“Hold on. I need to look at this pretty little ass of yours,” I said, grabbing it with both hands.

  She squealed as I leaned forward and bit her left cheek, playfully.

  “That hurts,” she said, trying to move away.

  “Let me kiss it then,” I said, bringing my mouth back to her creamy skin. I licked where it was pink and she began to relax.

  “You’ve got a sweet ass,” I said, moving a finger down the length of her thong to her slit, which was dripping wet.

  She moaned.

  I licked my lips. “Spread your legs more.”

  Adriana, did as she was told.

  I shoved my thumb into her hole as I circled and wiggled around on her clit with my other two fingers. Moaning, she leaned forward, holding her knees and I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed a taste of that that peach. I turned her around, picked her up, and sat her on my face.

  “Oh, my God,” she gasped as I slid her G-string to the side and began licking her pussy.

  “Ah… ah…”

  I stopped and looked up at her. “Is this okay?”

  Adriana stared at me through her lashes. “Yes,” she murmured, her face flushed. “Very.”

  Grabbing her hips, I plunged my tongue, deep into her hole, tickling her clit with my nose. Moaning, she leaned forward and grabbed the headboard to steady herself as I licked and sucked in the places that I knew drove women crazy.

  “Yes,” whimpered, as my tongue moved faster. “Oh, my God, Trevor…”

  Noticing that she still had her bra on, I paused, sliding my hand up to her breasts. I tugged at it. “Take this off.”

  I could feel her legs trembling as she unclasped her bra and threw it aside.

  “Beautiful,” I whispered.

  She had perfect breasts. Not too big. Not too small. Plus, they were real. Unlike Brandy’s.

  Staring up at her gorgeous body, I continued to work her clit with my tongue, while I stared up at her breasts. Reaching up, I grabbed one, enjoying the softness and weight in my palm. I squeezed it and then my hand went to the other, this time pinching her nipple. Moaning, she leaned back and grabbed my cock, stroking it.

  Resisting the urge to let her keep pumping my cock, I stopped her and flipped us over.



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