Academy of the Lynxes, 68
accumulator battery, 17
acetum, 53
Acinetobacter baumannii infection, 258
acute respiratory infections, 233
adhesive bandages, 53
Adolf of Nassau, 45
advanced surgical center (ASC), 229
Aeneid, 34
aerial photography, 18
Afghan officer corps, 246
Afghanistan, 36, 165, 245, 247, 248, 253–61, 267
Age of Absolutism, 8
Agramonte, Aristide, 137
AH-64 Apache, 27
aid stations, 117, 176, 183
aileron, 17
air evacuation system, 249
airborne medical units, 229
aircraft carrier, 22, 24
airplane, 13
Alanson, Edward, 95
Alaska, 175
Albany, New York, 107, 117
Albuera, battle of, 108
alcohol, 93, 209
Aldershot, England, 201
Alexander the Great, 2
alkalinity, 87
alum, 75
ambulance, 119, 141, 145, 149, 150, 154, 155, 157, 160, 161, 162, 168, 169, 170, 174, 182, 183, 196, 211, 225, 227, 233, 254; convoys, 223; horse-drawn, 226; motorized, 226; trains, 228
America, 21
American Army, 96, 227
American colonies, 117
American Expeditionary Force, 224
American medical officers, 225
American Red Cross, 174
American Revolutionary War, 94, 117, 161
American Surgical Association, 139
Amiens, siege of, 80
amoebic dysentery, 250, 252
amputation, 1, 49, 51, 52, 53, 73, 77, 78, 83, 94, 102, 132, 137, 142, 197, 207, 216, 229, 231, 234, 234, 255; field, 77; prophylactic, 217; thigh, 78, 137; traumatic, 246; amputees, 261
An Essay on the Most Effectual Means of Preserving the Health of Seamen, 103
An Essay on Disease Incidental to Europeans in Hot Climates, 103
analgesics, 258
anatomical illustration, 68, 89
anatomical texts, 46
anatomical theater, 68
Anatomie Universelle, 46
anatomy, 68, 89, 90
anesthesia, 78, 132–35; 139, 156, 159, 161, 162, 167, 176, 224, 259
anesthesiologist, 249
anesthesiology, 132
anesthetics, 134
angle worms, 75
aniline dyes, 174
animism, 87
anorexia, 177
anthrax 136, 138
antiaircraft guns, 19
antibiotics, 228, 229
anticoagulants, 199, 218
Antietam Creek, battle of, 170
antimalarial control units, 228
antisepsis, 95, 102, 105, 149, 142, 180
antiseptics, 94, 132, 167, 109, 216
antiseptic surgery, 133, 138, 139, 180, 183, 215, 220, 228
antitank guns, 22
antitoxins, 219
Antwerp, Holland, 148
Anvers, France, 151
apothecary, 107, 108, 112, 117, 118, 149, 211; guilds, 74
Apothecary Bureau, 116
apprentice system of medical training, 172
apprenticeship programs, 70
Arabs, 44
Archangel, Russia, 117
area saturation artillery, 26
Arethusa, HMS, 135
Argus, HMS, 20
Armamentarium Chirugicum, 68
Armenia, 245
armor piercing discarding sabot, 27
armored knights, 2
armored turret, 16
Army Medical Board, 147, 148
Army Medical Department, 154
Army Medical Museum, 174, 175
Army Medical School at Netley, England, 200
Army of the Rhine, 143, 144, 145
Army of the Potomac, 166
Arras, France, 81
arresting gear, 20
arterial clips, 136
arterial injuries, 229
arterial wounds, 234
artificial limbs, 52
artificial teeth, 52
artillerie volante (flying artillery), 144
artillery, 7, 4; guided rounds, 266; lightweight guns, 7; observation, 18
asepsis, 132, 139
aseptic surgery, 220, 228
assault gun, 23
Astrakhan, Russia, 117
asylum system, 176
atomic bomb, 24
atropine syringes, 255
Austria, 89, 97, 12, 114, 115, 178
Austro-Prussian War, 180, 181
automatic weapons, 28, 235
autopsies, 178, 261
avalanches, 211
Aveling, James, 217
Avicenna, 46, 52
B-24 Liberator, 24
B-29 Superfortress, 24
Bacon, Francis, 74
bacterial smear, 217
bacteriology, 132, 133, 137–40, 210, 215, 216; mobile laboratories, 217, 223
Baghdad, 258
Bagram, Afghanistan, 248
Balaclava, battle of, 153
Balkan Wars, 234
ballistic eye wear, 259
balloon, 13, 15, 17
Baltic Fleet, 116
banking systems, 9
barber surgeons, 46, 47, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 60, 69, 71, 79, 82, 83, 113–16, 160, 179, 180
barracks, 90
barrage rockets, 268
Barton, Edward H., 134
Barton, Clara, 174
base hospitals, 206
battalion aid station, 235
battle mortality, 33–34
battle of annihilation, 267
battle shock, 179
battle surgeons, 49, 51, 160, 121, 234
battle stress, 214
battle tank, 20
battle wounds, 99, 152
battlefield amputation, 135
battlefield surgery, 156
battleship, 24
bayonet, 6, 34, 163, 202; barrel, 7; plug, 6; ring, 6
Beardsley, Ebenezer, 122
bed sacks, 119
behavioral disorders, 177
Behrens, Konrad, 82
Belgium, 222
bell tents, 156, 195
belladonna, 78
Belle Ile, battle of, 93
Bellows, Henry, 169
beriberi, 204, 205
Berlin, Germany, 97, 181
Besancon, siege of, 78
Bidloo, Nicolass, 116
Billings, John Shaw, 175
biological nosological psychiatry, 214
black powder, 75
Blane, Gilbert, 103, 104
bleeding, 256–58
Blenheim, battle of, 92
blinding injuries, 259
block tourniquet, 78
Bloemfontein, South Africa, 195
blood: banks, 232; cross matching, 199; gases, 260; groups, 218; plasma, 237; pressure, 217; products, 230; stored, 228
blood transfusions, 199, 216–18; 228, 230; reactions, 237; specialists, 249; technology of, 232; teams, 228
Blood Transfusion Service, 228
blood types, 218; type matching, 218
blood, waxed transfer tubes, 218
blood, whole 237, 258
blood, universal donor, 237
bloodless surgery, 136
bloodletting, 93
BM-21 rocket launcher, 26
board of medical examiners, 118
body armor, 34, 75, 76, 83, 247, 266
body snatchers, 194
Boers, 196, 197; Boer War, 13, 184, 194–201, 206, 211, 222; Second Boer War, 157
Boerhaave, Herman, 87
Bofors 40mm cannon, 23, 27
boiling oil, 50–52
Bolshevik regime, 245
bolt action rifle, 6
bomber, 20, 22
booby traps, 235
Book of Surgery, 50
p; Borelli, Giovanni, 67
boric acid, 216
Borodino, battle of, 142, 202
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 245
Boston, 96, 118
boxcars, 222
Boyle, Robert, 66
Boylston, Zabdiel, 96
Bradley M2, 28
Bradwell, Stephen, 68
brain, 177
brain trauma, 260, 261
Brambilla, Giovanni Alessandro, 90
brancardiers, 144
breathing canisters, 226
breech-loading artillery, 12
breech-loading rifle, 6, 181
Breslau, Germany, 115
brine, 100
Britain, 225
British Army, 12, 91, 97, 100, 102, 104, 105, 108, 148, 195, 217, 222
British Army doctors, 198, 199
British Army Medical Corps, 154, 195, 223
British Navy, 100, 102
British Royal Flying Corps, 18
Brocklesby, Richard, 105
bromine solution, 166, 167
Brown Bess, 6
Brown, William, 122
Bruges, Belgium, 151
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, 50
Brussels, Belgium 150, 151
BTR-80, 254
bubonic plague, 41, 42, 70
Buck, Gordon, 167, 174
Bulgars, 155
bullet, 1, 5, 73, 77, 78, 92, 165, 198, 203; detectors, 199; metal jacket, 197; soft-lead, 197; wounds, 94
Bunker Hill, battle of, 118
burns, 49, 50; burn injuries, 235, 255
butterfly mines, 246
by expectation, 165
Byzantine Empire, 3
Byzantium, 44
C-ration, 251
Calais, France, 81
calcium hypochlorite, 227
caliber measurement, 7
calomel, 167
Cambrai, battle of, 20
camp followers, 82, 209
camphor, 203
canister, 8, 48, 76, 163
cannon, 3, 5, 48; cannon balls, 101
capped catheter, 257
carbolic acid, 136, 138, 139, 203
Cardinal Richelieu, 80, 81
cardiorespiratory depressants, 259
Carlisle, England, 138
Carolingian Dynasty, 58
Carrel, Alexis, 217
Carrel-Dakin solution, 216, 217
Carroll, James, 137
Cartagena Harbor, Spain, 103
cast bronze cannon, 4
cast armor, 23
cast artillery, 7
casual disorder, 79
casualties, 28–32; burden of, 92; effect, 26; rates, 93, 152; evacuation of, 221
casualty clearing stations, 146, 201, 219, 228–30
catgut, 136
Cathcart, Lord, 103
catheters, 259
Catholic Church, 43
Catholic League, 82
Catholic Sisters of Mercy, 171, 174
cautery, 8, 50, 51, 52, 77, 132, 166
cavalry, 4, 8
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, 52, 53
central military hospital, 248
chain shot, 8
Chain, Ernst B., 229
Channel Fleet, 101
Charles I of France, 79
Charles II of England, 69
Charles the Bold, 57
Charles V, 52
Charles V of Germany, 56
Charles VII of France, 56
charpie, 93
Chechnya, 253, 254
Chelsea, England, 81
chemical munitions, 268
chemical suits, 255
Chemical Warfare Service, 225, 226
chemical weapons, 255
Chevaliers de l’Étoile, 58
Chickamauga, battle of, 173
child mortality, 71
Chimborazo Hospital, 173
Chirurgie d’armée, 105
chlorine, 138, 201
chlorine gas, 19
chloroform, 133, 134, 135, 156, 157, 161, 166, 167, 175
cholera, 155, 168, 182, 204, 205, 219, 220, 250, 254
Chopart, François, 89
Christie suspension, 23
circular bit saw, 76
circulation of the blood, 66
City of Memphis, 170
Civil War, 5, 6, 8, 12, 11, 14, 18, 19, 32, 131, 136, 157, 161, 162, 166, 167, 173, 176, 178, 182, 196, 205, 208, 211, 213, 217, 225, 231, 256
Clarke, William E., 134
clearing station, 82, 111, 171, 196, 216, 223, 224, 228,
clerico-secular social order, 41, 42
clinical amphitheater, 71
clinical instruction, 68
clinical observation, 88
clinical thermometers, 216
clip-fed rifle, 6
Clowes, William, 78
coagulants, 230
coastal steamers, 170
Cober, Tobias, 72
Code de médecine militaire, 105
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 69
Cold War, 245, 255
College of William and Mary, 70
Colombier, Jean, 105
colored medical illustration, 89
Columbus, Christopher, 99
combat gauze, 256
combat helicopter, 27
Combat Lifesaver Program, 256
combat medics, 95, 258
combat psychiatric cases, 173
combat pulses, 28
combat support hospital (CSH), 260
combat triage, 143
Committees of Safety, 118
communicable disease, 193
compagnies d’ordonnance, 56
Company of Barbers, 48
compound fractures, 49, 217
concentration camps, 195
condottieri, 41
Confederacy, 169; army of, 163; medical officers, 169; medical service, 174, 175
confused states, 214
Congressional Medal of Honor, 173
Coningsby, Sir Thomas, 81
conning tower, 17
conoidal bullet, 12, 152
conservative treatment of wounds, 206–7, 216
Constantinople, Turkey, 3, 41, 44, 96
consumption, 100
Continental Congress, 96
contra-rotating propeller, 16
contract physicians, 210
convalescent centers, 228
conventional war, 245; weapons of, 25
convents, 58
conversion reaction, 178
Cook County Hospital, 230
coolies, 206, 209
copper plate engraving method, 68, 89
cordite, 15
corned gunpowder, 5
cornstarch, 230
corrosive sublimate, 198
cotton rags, 166
Council of Lucerne, 55
counterinsurgency warfare, 235
Cours d’opérations de chirurgie, 89
Courtois, Bernard, 138
cowpox inoculation, 96
Craig, Sir James Henry, 108
cranial surgery, 94
Crecy, battle of, 2
cremation, 209
creosote, 138, 167
Crimea, Russia, 231
Crimean Medical and Surgical Society, 156
Crimean War, 8, 12, 34, 35, 131, 135, 137, 148, 151, 152, 158, 168, 169, 173, 197, 205, 210, 211, 212, 217, 251; Crimean War, 152–61; England, 153–57; France, 157–60; Russia, 160–61
Cromwell, Oliver, 83
crown saw, 76
Crown Point, New York, 120
cruise missile, 25
Crusades, 99
crush injuries, 104
Cuba, 137
Cullen, William, 87
Culloden Moor, battle of, 7
Curtis, Glen, 17, 18
czarist armies, 160
D. A. January, 170
d’Hautpoul, Alphonse Henri, 157, 158
da Vigo, Giovanni, 50, 52
Da Nang lung, 258
Daley Hospital, 210
r /> Danish-Prussian War, 135
Davis, Jefferson, 168, 175
Davy, Humphry, 133, 134
de Hautesierck, Richard, 97
de le Boë, Franz, 66
De humani corporis fabrica, 52
debridement, 53, 94, 142, 166, 176, 198, 219, 230, 233
deck catapult, 20
Denmark, 112
dentistry, 175
depth charge, 20
Desault, Pierre-Joseph, 89, 94, 142
Descartes, René, 67
destroy and search missions, 246
Dettingen campaign, 98
diarrhea, 255; diarrheal diseases, 237
Digby, Kenelm, 74
digestion, 67
Dionis, Pierre, 89
diphtheria, 42, 70, 227, 250; antitoxin serum, 204
Directions for Preserving the Health of the Soldier, 122
disabled veterans, 58
disease, 58, 59, 91, 95, 96, 119, 121, 127, 132, 133, 141, 148, 152, 153, 155, 159, 167, 185, 195, 210, 211, 225, 233, 253, 266; prevention, 208; disease-specific agents, 138
dispersion, 33, 266, 267
dissection, 68, 71, 88
dive-bomber, 23
division medical battalion, 248
division clearing stations, 233
division d’ambulance, 146
Dix, Dorothea, 174
doctrine of necessary suppuration, 74
dog fat, 75
dog tags, 237
Domitz, siege of, 82
double hulls, 17
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 194
DRASH packs, 259
Dreadnought, HMS, 16
Dresden, 115
dressing stations, 115, 205, 222, 223, 228, 230, 247
droit d’oblat system, 80
dry rations, 251
Dublin Philosophical Society, 69
Dubois, E. F., 34
Duke of Marlborough, 79
Dunant, Henri, 159
Dunkirk, France, 81
duplicarius, 99
dura, 76
dvukolks, 211
dysentery, 59, 70, 122, 168, 195, 204, 205, 211, 219, 220, 227, 250
E. Coli, 251
earwigs, 75
East Tennessee, 169
École Pratique de Chirurgie, 89
École d’Application de la Médicine Militaire, 158
Economical and Medical Observations on Military Hospitals and Camp Diseases, 105
Economical Observations on Military Hospitals and the Prevention of Disease Incident to an Army, 122
Edward IV of England, 57
Egypt, 142, 146; Egyptians, 76; Egyptian campaign, 178
eighteenth century, 87–90; American colonies, 117–23; England, 104–9; France, 109–13; naval medicine, 99–104; Prussia, 113–15; Russia, 115–17; trends in military medicine, 90–99
85mm gun, 23
88mm gun, 22, 23
El Alamein, battle of, 230
El Salvador, 245
electric motors, 24
electronic fire control system, 23
Ely, Eugene, 17
emersion foot, 219
emotional turbulence, 178
empirical observation, 66
empirical logic, 88
England, 21, 79, 100, 117, 139, 160, 179, 180; army, 119; Civil Wars, 70, 78, 83; Revolution, 71
Enlightenment, 110
Between Flesh and Steel Page 40