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Tied Page 10

by KB Winters

  Her hand started a path down her chest to her belly. “I could just get started on my own.”

  “You could,” I told her and grabbed her wrist to stop her movement. “But then you’d miss out on all the fun.” Her pussy pulsed at my words, that pink swollen clit poking out of her pussy lips made my lips water, and I blew on her.


  Yeah, that was much better. The scent of her arousal had me hard as a fucking rock, but I wasn’t ready to unleash my cock. Yet. First, I needed to teach Hennessy a little lesson.

  “Stay just like that,” I told her as I spread her legs wider than shoulder width apart and slid beneath her.

  “Like this?”

  I nodded and stuck my tongue out, letting the tip tease her clit until she shivered and tossed her head back. Her pussy was fat and slick, exactly how I liked it, and I ate her like she was my last fucking meal, lapping up all the juices as they dripped from her cunt. Hennessy looked down at me and grabbed a handful of my hair, her eyes dark with desire, focused on her orgasm that was just out of reach.

  “Oh fuck! Cruz!” Her hips began to move back and forth, right over the center of my tongue, faster and faster as she chased down her pleasure. “Oh fuck! Yes!”

  Now this was exactly the kind of dirty talk I loved when I had a naked woman with me. She was wild and out of control with desire, ready to come. But not yet. I let my tongue slip inside her wet hot pussy, groaning when her juices coated my tongue and the scent of her hit my nose.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, knowing the muffled sound would vibrate her clit.

  “Cruz!” She moved faster and faster, gripping my hair so fucking tight it brought a tear to my eye and my cock almost erupted. Then she went still for half a beat before her body trembled with the force of her orgasm, violent convulsions exploding out of her.

  “Oh, fuck, Cruz, yes!” She shouted her enjoyment and came all over my face, her honeyed juices dripping down my throat so sweet and thick I thought I might blow my load right then and there in my pants.

  My tongue slowed, letting her ride out her pleasure until it was too much, then I licked her for another full minute or two just so she knew who was in charge.

  “I’d say that’s a good start, wouldn’t you, wifey?”

  A laugh erupted out of her and another aftershock rocked her that only made her laugh harder.

  “Holy fuck, it was a damn good start.”

  “Exactly what I wanted to hear,” I said and got to my feet. I wasn’t even standing for a full second before Hennessy’s mouth was on mine, devouring it like her favorite flavor in the world was her pussy on my tongue. I totally fuckin’ dug it. She kissed me wildly, not giving a damn when her teeth clashed against mine, just laughed and kept going while her hands made quick work of what was left of my wedding clothes.

  Hennessy took my cock in her hand and stroked, gently at first and then she added more pressure and speed until I was hard and dripping with pre-come.

  “Bigger than I imagined,” she purred and kissed me again.

  That was all it took for my control to snap, Hennessy telling me she thought about my cock. I pushed her against the wall with a growl and took my cock in my hand, lowering my mouth to get a taste of one of those juicy nipples. Her head fell back and her back arched towards me, offering more of her juicy titties.

  “Oh, fuck!” The words came out on a whisper and I was ready to take her.

  “You’re good with that mouth,” she told me when I released her with a pop.

  “I’m good with this too,” I told her, stroking my cock and enjoying the way her eyes glazed over at the sight. I lifted her into the air and lowered her until she was impaled on my cock.

  “Oh fucking shit,” she wailed.

  I smiled at her words with clenched teeth as her tight cunt clamped around my cock so hard I didn’t think I’d make it a full fucking minute inside of her.

  Her big ass fit in my hands perfectly. I could just raise her up and lower her down on my cock like a fiery little fuck doll. Over and over I did just that, enjoying the savage sounds of pleasure she made while I fucked her.

  “Oh,” she began and let her head fall back with a loud thud against the wall. “Ouch,” she said with a laugh.

  “Careful, babe, this cock comes with a warning label.”

  She laughed out loud at that even as she reached out to grip my shoulders when I held her against the wall and pounded into her tight, wet cunt. “Yeah? Prove it.”

  I focused on that twinkle in her green eyes while I fucked her, hard and fast, until sweat slicked both of our bodies. Until it was difficult to hold on to her slick flesh while I pounded into her, over and over, her crazed sounds driving me out of my fucking mind.

  Hennessy, hot fuck that she was, held a tit out to me and I took it, sucking and biting hard while I plowed into her pussy with the force of a jackhammer.

  “Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck!”

  I smiled when her pussy clenched tight around me, her second orgasm barreling down on her and coating my cock with her juices. “Come for me, babe. Come all over my cock.”

  “Make me,” she shot back with attitude and a sexy, sleepy smile that said she was already more than satisfied.

  I gripped her ass and pounded into her pussy, hard and deep, letting my middle finger slide just inside her asshole. She was tight, untested based on the way she pulsed around my finger.

  “Cruz…oh fu-uck!” Hennessy falling apart wasn’t just a beautiful fucking sight with her head tilted back, eyes closed and a perfect cock-sized O shaping her mouth.

  Her orgasm came hard and fast, triggering my own and milking me dry until my legs trembled.

  “Oh, God. Hennessy!” Her name roared out of my mouth as I pounded into her, letting my come fill her until we both collapsed in a heap on the wooden floor right there in the living room.

  A nervous laugh escaped, and she looked down at me with an exhausted smile as her pussy clenched my cock one last time before he slipped from her body.

  “I propose we do that at least once every damn day.”

  Her wide grin left me transfixed and I was already hooked on her sex, her responsiveness, and the way she went all in where pleasure was concerned.

  “If you think you can handle it.”

  I was already planning how I would fuck her later that night.

  Chapter Nineteen


  There was something about waking up with a pair of big strong arms wrapped around me that made me feel decidedly feminine. I wasn’t the kind of chick who got all gooey over guys, and I wasn’t easily swayed by pretty words, but give me a few orgasms and a nice rock hard furnace to sleep against, and I was putty in his hands.

  My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the first rays of sun that filtered in through the blinds Cruz rarely closed. It took a moment to adjust, but I turned in Cruz’s arms so I could get a real, unguarded look at him. The man was so fucking beautiful that I swear to God it made my pussy ache to look at him. He had Esme’s honey-brown skin but most of his features from his impossibly blue eyes to his nose, his strong jawline and wide mouth paired with full lips all came from his dad. Even asleep and vulnerable, he was painfully beautiful.

  Not just beautiful, either. Cruz was a goddamn work of art. Pornographic art, if my body’s reaction to his sleeping form was any indication. My nipples pebbled against his chest, and I had to squeeze my thighs shut against the hard, thumping pulse between my legs. My body wanted more of what it got last night, namely so much pleasure that I had an out of body experience when Cruz coaxed a fifth orgasm from me.

  The man had a talented mouth. A very talented cock. Incredibly talented hands. And fingers. And that tongue. No man had ever given my pussy so much attention with his mouth, and I’m pretty sure he turned me into an addict.

  But last night hadn’t been enough, not for me anyway. We’d done so much, to and for each other, but there was more, and dammit I wanted it. Badly.

  Cruz s
tirred, but he never woke, pulling my body flush against his hard, sculpted muscles and wrapping his arms around me tightly. It was oddly protective, made even more so by the fact that he was more asleep than awake. Instantly, my attention was stolen by the feel of his semi-hard cock nudging against my already swollen clit. I sucked in a breath and let it out slowly as the devil struck me with an idea. Slowly, I wiggled in Cruz’s arms until his grip loosened enough to put a few inches of space between us.

  Tugging on the blanket, I let my gaze wander over every smooth inch of skin revealed to me. He had a few tattoos, some from his time in the Army, like names and dates of fallen friends on his back shoulder, while others were more personal like the Virgin Mary-looking tattoo on his arm. But my absolute favorite tat was the strip of words across his Adonis belt. War always costs more than you expect. I didn’t want to feel sorry for him, not when my body was on fire for him, but dammit that quote said there was more to him than his sexy, goofy persona.

  A fact I had no business thinking about. We’d been married less than twenty-four hours and good sex, incredible sex, didn’t change that, so I turned my attention back to what mattered. His gorgeous body and the way it felt on my lips as I kissed my way down his body.

  Still more asleep than awake, Cruz moaned. I felt bold and insanely horny as images from last night blended with the sight of his body, specifically his cock. Even close up he had a pretty cock, light tan with a pink tip, it was long and thick and reminded me of a lollipop. He wasn’t too thick, but just thick enough that sucking him off was slightly uncomfortable in my mouth. That discomfort only made it hotter, especially when I thought about how close he’d been to blowing when I blew him last night, but he shoved me over the edge of the sofa and fucked me doggystyle. It was hard and fast, and I came in less than two minutes.

  Now though, I was determined to see what he tasted like. All of him. I held the base of his cock in one hand, enjoying the way it shot straight up like a skyscraper, holding firm as I licked my way around it with a moan. One little drop of liquid beaded at the slit and the tip of my tongue landed on it, rubbing it in before licking it off and taking all of him in my mouth.

  “Oh fuck!” Cruz shot straight up, sending his cock so deep in my throat I nearly choked and the tightening around his head sent him falling back onto the pillows.

  “Fuck!” he moaned. His hips slowly rolled in a circle like he was trying really hard not to fuck my mouth.

  When he lost the battle and straight up thrust down my throat, I smiled around his cock and took him as deep as I could until my eyes watered.

  “Oh fuck, Hen! Fuck!” He said that word, over and over, panting it like it was the only word that made sense to him. I wasn’t gonna lie, those primal, guttural songs hit me right in the lady parts with a swell of feminine pride.

  “Hen,” he said, this time the word was filled with reverence.

  I closed my eyes and licked and sucked, sucked hard and slow, fast and then slow, deep and slow. Every way I could think of until his fingers speared through my hair so he could hold me right where he wanted me, and his hips thrust, sending his cock deeper down my throat. I moaned and took him even deeper, my pussy getting wetter with arousal.

  Cruz was lost, crazy with desire when I looked up at him. His gaze was on my face as he pumped into my mouth, watching my every move. It was exhilarating, terrifying, and intoxicating all at once. Another moan escaped my lips when he pulled out, and my eyes went wide, hungry with want.

  Cruz slipped between my lips again, on a long deep thrust, and he was gone.

  “Oh fuck, Hennessy!” His hands tightened in my hair as his body convulsed, jerking this way and that while his hot come slid down my throat. Every jerking thrust sending another salty drop down my throat.

  “Oh fuck, yes! Baby, fuck…yes!” He froze, his cock as deep in my throat as it could get. A growl tore through the air that told me he was well beyond the ability to control himself.

  I swallowed, teasing him and hungry to see more signs of him losing control.

  “Hen,” he growled as his fingertips tightened on my scalp, his cock sliding slowly in and out of my mouth like it was my pussy. His gaze seared through me, holding me in its grip, so I had no choice to but watch as his eyes darkened and his abs tightened when another, smaller spasm tore through him. I collapsed between his thighs, his cock still between my lips.

  I released him with a pop that made his body shudder. “Wow.”

  Cruz chuckled and propped up on his elbows so he could get a better look at me. I gripped his cock in my hand and licked the red, sensitized tip with a smile.

  “Makes me happy knowing how good I made you feel. Knowing it was my mouth making you crazy like that.”

  His gaze darkened and his hands reached for me, gripping my upper arms to pull me up the length of his body. And then his lips crashed against mine, kissing me long and hard until I was breathless. And wet again, pressing up against him like a dog in heat.

  “Good to know,” he said. His hand landed hard on my ass, and he smiled at the gasp that escaped.


  He nodded. “Oh yeah. Because I can’t wait to return the favor.” Then he kissed me and slowly slid me down the length of his cock. I rode him hard until we both passed out once again, in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Twenty


  I couldn’t stop smiling. It wasn’t normally something I would complain about, smiling too much wasn’t even in my five-year plan after spending almost a decade sleeping in a war zone, but here I was, married for just over a week, and I was smiling like a pussy-whipped fool. And it was all my wife’s fault. Specifically, it was her mouth that was to blame. Her sweet, plump lips and that warm tongue loved to cradle the weight of my cock. Yeah, her penchant for wake up blow jobs was definitely to blame for the stupid fucking smile on my face.

  “I guess marriage agrees with you.” Slayer’s appearance at my side and his words reminded me where I was. At The Barn Door, where I should be working, not fantasizing about my wife’s hot little mouth. I didn’t miss the amusement in Slayer’s voice, I simply ignored it.

  But I thought about his words and shrugged. “It’s not what I thought it would be, and not just because of the circumstances, but it’s not bad.” That was the fucking understatement of the year. I thought we’d pass the time in polite distance, trying hard not to get in each other’s way, not spending every night making each other come.

  “She insists on cooking, which I don’t mind because it’s damn nice to come home to a hot meal every damn day. Nothing against steak and potatoes but it’s nice to have enchiladas, burgers, mac & cheese. Hell, she even made curry if you can believe it.” And she’d served it in nothing but a deep blue negligee and no panties. But I wasn’t gonna tell him that.

  Slayer snorted a laugh and folded his arms over his chest, looking straight ahead at the crowd on the main floor, dancing and fucking like it was the end of the world. “My invite must’ve gotten lost in the mail,” he mused with a smile on his face. “Either that or you’re too busy keeping your wife barefoot and naked to think about your poor starving friend.”

  “Starving my ass. Didn’t I see you letting Beat choke on your dick a few days ago?” It was the perfect distraction because I didn’t want to talk about the fact that he was dead fucking on. I had done my best to keep Hennessy naked and sated and boneless from coming so much. When we were home together, I fucked her. I ate her pussy or licked her asshole. Finger fucked her while we watched TV or just play with her pussy while we watched the sun set. I was a man addicted to my new wife.

  “It’s like that, huh?” Slayer’s amusement had grown ten-fold which made me think I’d missed something daydreaming about Hennessy. “Well, I’m happy for you.”

  “You got a master class blowjob from a world class freak and you’re jealous of me?” I shook my head and let out a derisive snort. “It’s a marriage of convenience and it’s just sex,” I insisted even t
hough the words felt wrong on my tongue. Sometimes Hennessy got this look in her green eyes that made me wonder if she was starting to get ideas, but she hadn’t said anything so neither had I.

  “Whatever you say, man.”

  “It is,” I foolishly insisted, glaring hard at my brother, but it only made the fucker laugh harder.

  “Good. Then you won’t be bothered when I tell you that she went downstairs with a Caligula basket about two minutes ago.”

  The laughter in his voice was a living, breathing thing, and it followed me as I took off down the stairs to figure out which orgy room she was headed to. The basket was my own fucking brain child. Obsessed with history, I knew the rich members would get a kick out of a golden basket filled with booze, condoms, caramel, strawberry glaze, chocolate, whipped cream and other things perfect for licking off body parts.

  I found her in the leather orgy room, dressed up like a little redheaded cowgirl, sexy as fuck in the tiniest Daisy Dukes I’d ever seen. Hennessy laughed and flirted easily with the customers, always making sure they had a good time without becoming part of the good time.

  “Enjoy,” she offered with a smile and took a few steps back and out of sight.

  I watched Hennessy as she watched them, noting the way her breath hitched and her nipples hardened beneath that plain white tank top that did dangerous things for her luscious tits. Her mouth was open slightly and the pulse at the base of her neck raced faster as she got more and more turned on.

  “Who are you watching?” I whispered the words in her ear, satisfied when she let out another startled gasp.

  But then, Hennessy leaned into me and licked her lips. “The two women sharing a cock.”

  I found them easily, smiling at the way she couldn’t look away. “You want to share my cock with another woman?” The idea had me hard as a rock, and I wondered if she was that kind of girl.

  “No. Maybe. Maybe I just like the idea of turning it into a game, to see how much pleasure you can take or which of us can make you come first. That could be kind of hot.”


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