Asshole's Bride (Bad Boy Romance)

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Asshole's Bride (Bad Boy Romance) Page 3

by Amy Faye

  Troy sighed, leaning against the arm of the chair. Elle wanted to kick him right out of her house, and preferably kick his ass, too. The lawyer excused himself, leaving out the front door and driving away.

  “Grandma, my bills are getting out of control. I need some help.”

  Ina's eyes watched Troy's face, her expression stoic. Then a nod, and a smile. “I know that you've had a hard time since you got back. Once you two are married, all of your expenses will be taken care of for a year anyway. If you marry, I will make sure part of your trust goes to your medical bills.”

  Troy's face looked relieved, then went back to that same stoic expression he shared with his grandmother. Elle wondered exactly what kind of bills he had. Had something happened to him? He seemed perfectly healthy, but then he did have the papers for a therapy dog.

  Then reality set in. She was going to be forced to marry Troy. “I can't believe you're fine with this,” she hissed, crossing her thin arms across her chest. “This is ridiculous! Do you just have a hard time getting girlfriends or something? Find someone else to marry!”

  Troy turned to her, his eyes half-lidded and his lips thin. He wasn't showing it, but she could tell she had hit a nerve with him. “As a matter of fact, I do have a hard time getting girlfriends. And lady, you got no idea how many problems this solves for me.”

  “You have no idea how many problems this causes for me!” She cried, starting to grow flustered. If she wasn't careful about how emotional she got, she would break down crying. There would be nothing more humiliating at that point.

  Ina asked, “Oh, do you have a boyfriend?”

  Her face burned red, her eyes falling to the floor. “No, not right now.”

  “Then I don't see a problem here. Rosa, I think we ought to get to our hotel for the night.”

  “Grandma, wait, I only have my hotel room for one night. Where am I staying?”

  Ina huffed. “I told you not to get a hotel room. You're staying here. Cancel your reservation.”

  Rosa kissed Elle's cheek, and then both of the older women left. Elle stood perfectly still, watching the door as it closed. Troy went out and came back in, holding a backpack he had left on his motorcycle.

  “So, where do you want me to stay?” He asked.

  “Out in the streets would be preferable to me,” she answered, then turned and walked up the stairs. “I have a guest room up here.”


  On the outside, Troy was doing his damnedest to keep a calm mask on. He didn't want Elle to see him as weak. She might use it against him.

  Internally, however, Troy was shaking worse than ever before. Having to sleep in the same house as a strange woman could utterly destroy all the good that his psychiatrist had done for him, especially since he had no medication because he couldn't afford it. It was going to be a night of really bad nightmares, and he was not prepared for it.

  Roman followed them both up the stairs, whining quietly. The dog could sense Troy's emotions as if he were an empath or something. Having him nearby would at least make the night easier. If Roman wasn't there, he would have already been a sobbing mess on the ground.

  “Hey, I do have a night at the hotel that I already paid for. I can go back there, if this makes you uncomfortable. Or I can give you the keycard and let you stay there.” He rummaged in his pocket and pulled out the card, holding it out to her as she turned to face him.

  “No,” she huffed. Troy could see her throat tighten. “We have to listen to our grandmothers. Come on.”

  Troy was becoming very irritated by her attitude. He didn't sign up for this crap any more than she had. If this actually happened, and wasn't just some cruel joke by their grandmothers, he hoped that her bitter attitude would eventually go away. He didn't want to be married to some harpy, not even for just a year.

  Cocking an eyebrow up, he smiled. “So, gonna set me up in your bedroom then? I think I know something that could help us both relax.” He hoped that she would laugh.

  She didn't.

  “No, and don't expect a ring and fake marriage to change that. We are never, ever having sex. Got that?” She pointed a finger and shoved it into his chest. It hurt, a little.

  His mind started to race when she touched him, but he didn't curl up into a ball and fall into flashbacks. Elle was starting to seem less like a threat, and more like a challenge. He would take that over PTSD any day, so he went with it. He'd have his fun with her, and maybe convince her to fuck him. Yeah, that sounded good.

  “Is that so?” He stepped closer to her, purposefully invading her personal space. She reacted just how he wanted her to. The carefully crafted wall of anger she put up around herself started to crumble, and she showed just how fearful and small she really felt. She was beautiful with a slight wobble in her bottom lip.

  “I have to imagine that you have your own reasons for agreeing to this marriage. What is it? Bills? School? This house?” She let out a short gasp that told him that was his answer. “Ah. So you do have a weakness. Why all of this hostility? I'm not forcing this on you. In fact, don't you think you owe me, since I'm helping you keep this house?”

  “Owe you?!” She screamed, raising her hand to slap him. His withering look made her think twice about it. She stepped back again, crossing her arms. “You said something about medical bills. I think you are the one who actually owes me, dick!”

  He chuckled and stepped right into her space again, dropping his voice to a growling whisper. “Oh, so I owe you dick now, huh? I think I can agree to that.”

  “Oh my God!” She yelled, throwing up her hands as she spun away from him. “That's the guest room! You're staying there, and far away from me. Got it? I'm locking my bedroom door, so don't even try to come in.”

  “Wait, Elle,” he tried to stop her, but she was down the hallway and closing her door already.

  “Just leave me alone!” Her voice told him he had better listen.

  Troy felt bad for exactly thirty seconds before he had to laugh. She was going to be fun, but he hoped she wouldn't hate him forever. Maybe he shouldn't have been so hard on her.

  Still, if being a prick made it easier on him to live with a woman, he had to take it. He couldn't risk hurting himself, or even worse her, during a flashback.

  A flashback to that woman with the golden-brown skin, her blue scarf blowing in the night wind. The way she stepped closer to them haunted him, the slightly erotic, seductive nature of it. He remembered the sound of his friend's voice, speaking in Arabic, asking if she needed help. She only smiled as she cried.

  Troy fell to the floor, the breath completely gone from his lungs. Oh, fuck, he thought, crawling into the guest bedroom. He opened his backpack and pulled out the sleeping pills he hated taking. He hated how they made him feel the next morning, the way they blocked out any dreams at all, leaving him only with blackness.

  But blackness was better than red against yellow sand. Blackness was better than visions of a missing hand and a half-gone face. Blackness was better than the orange, yellow, white of the explosion. He would prefer blackness over the memories.

  Crawling up into his bed, Roman following closely behind, he kicked off the covers and wrapped his arms around the second pillow, shuddering into the lingering memories. The only thing that took his mind off of them, for just a moment, was thinking about Elle's face. She was the only distraction he had.

  “I think I like her, Roman,” he told his dog, running his fingers through the fur. Roman was asleep, his back pressed up against Troy's stomach. Troy clenched the pillow closer to his chest, shutting his eyes tight as the silent blackness finally overcame the sights and sound of the desert that were permanently etched into his mind.

  Chapter 4


  When Elle woke up, she set about her day as usual. It was Wednesday, which meant she didn't have class until 2, so she laid in bed for an hour watching Youtube videos before she got up to face the task of eating breakfast and taking a shower.

; She felt, vaguely, like she was forgetting something. Maybe it was a weird dream, but her mind just felt like something was wrong, but she could not quite figure out what it was.

  Stepping out into the hallway wearing nothing but a large t-shirt and panties, she scratched the back of her head and descended the stairs to the kitchen. That's when she heard it. Someone was cooking.

  Oh shit.

  Yesterday's shit-show suddenly flowed back to her as she pressed herself against the wall between her and her new roommate. He was up and cooking some meat. Looking around the corner, she saw that his dog was sitting patiently next to him, his bushy tail wagging. Roman was totally devoted to Troy.

  Okay, Elle, try to play it cool. Don't freak out on him. Don't act like your normal, neurotic self. She had spent the night trying to think of ways to make him miserable so he would leave, but she didn't have it in her to follow through on them. He was forced into the wedding as much as she was. What had her grandmother been thinking? Did her own parents know about that agreement with Ina?

  She had to admit, though, that he was nice on the eyes. A nice, tight ass in boxer briefs, muscular legs, fit arms that she wanted to wrap around her. Wait, what?

  Shaking her head, she stepped into the kitchen and opened the fridge, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. He was watching her, looking up and down her body. She wanted to yell at him, but at the same time she enjoyed his appreciation. No one had ever appreciated her body before.

  “Morning,” she said, still sounding groggy.

  He pushed around the hamburger meat in the skillet with a wooden spoon and nodded. “Good morning to you, too. So you're a bit of a late riser, huh? We've been up since 6.”

  “Yeah, I guess. I don't have a reason to be up early today.” She shrugged, taking the bread off of the top of the fridge and putting two slices into the toaster.

  “No work?” He asked. Roman sniffed the air, looking excite for his meal.

  “Nope, not today.” Elle watched as he drained the fat into the empty sauce jar he found below her sink and then put the ground beef on a plate.

  “I usually feed him raw, but I didn't know if your ground beef was fresh. Hope you don't mind. Not like we need to worry about the money for some ground beef anymore.”

  “Yeah, I guess not. I bought it yesterday so it would have probably been fine.”

  “Nah,” he shook his head. “I only feed him really, really fresh meat. Do you know of any butchers around here? I'll probably be out to see them multiple times a day.”

  Elle frowned, thinking. “I've never been to one, so I don't know. Sorry.”

  He waved off her apology and her toast popped up. She grabbed it and layered butter on it, then cinnamon and sugar. Admiring his chest with fleeting glances, she saw how ripped he was. Man, he really must care about his body. He looked tough, lean and sinewy.

  “Look,” he started, sitting at the table. It was next to a bright, south facing window, so he seemed to glow in the morning light. “I don't actually want to piss you off constantly. I'm sorry for how we started off. I have some… issues with new people, I guess. Do you think I could buy some pizza tonight, maybe some beers too, and we could get to know each other?”

  “I'm underage,” she said, munching on her toast.

  Chuckling, he looked at her with amusement. “What, like that's ever stopped anyone before?”

  “Well, I've never had a drink before.”

  His eyebrows went up and his mouth dropped open. “No way! Okay, I'll pick up some good stuff. I probably have enough in my account for that before the old bats give us our money.”

  “When are they going to do that, by the way?”

  He shrugged. “No clue. Soon, I hope. Are you busy today, or do you have the day off?”

  She wondered again why he needed the money so badly. He seemed like the kind of guy who had his life together, had a vision, knew where he was going and what he wanted.

  First impressions could be deceiving, she reasoned.

  “I've got classes until 9. I'll probably be home by 9:30. Sorry if that's too late for you, early bird,” she smiled.

  “Oh? What are you studying?”

  “I'm getting a bachelors in computer science before I get my masters in library science. I want to be a librarian. My mother was one, too.” She was at risk of tearing up if she talked about her mother too much, but Troy was thankfully more interested in other things.

  “That's really cool. Is college hard? I thought about going to school after I left the army.” He seemed like he had more to say, but he cut himself short.

  “No,” she answered tentatively. “It's not too hard, but I've always been good with computers.” Wait, he had been in the army? “Oh, thank you for your service!” She blurted out, too loudly.

  Troy laughed at her again, a throaty laugh that she hated herself for finding attractive. “So. Pizza at 9:30?”

  She thought about it. Could she really get along with Troy? Did she even want to? “Fine. I don't have class until 2 again tomorrow, so a late night will be fine for me.”

  “Perfect. I have to go look for a butcher and set up an appointment, so I'm going to be out for a while. I wrote down my cell number and put it on the fridge if you need me. Text me later so I get your number.”

  “Okay,” she said, taking the piece of paper off of the fridge. She texted him before he even left, so she wouldn't forget, and then Troy put a leash on Roman and they rode off on his motorcycle. It was funny to her, how the dog held on to Troy like a human would. She watched until they turned off of her street, smiling.

  Well, this is weird. I think I'm starting to like this guy. Maybe not romantically, but I could see him as a friend. Maybe Ina and Grandma were right?

  She shook her head. No way. What they're doing is wrong, and one day they'll understand that. She set her jaw, then realized she had been standing in front of Troy have naked the whole time. Blushing hard, she ran up the stairs and into the shower.

  A realization slowly came over her. What if he was just trying to get into her pants? She resolved not to drink at the same time as visions of him seducing her filled her head. She let her hands wander as she enjoyed them.

  No harm in thinking about what will never happen. This will make it easier for me to avoid actually sleeping with him.

  At least that's what she thought. For a while.


  Elle slammed the door as she came home, letting out a hot breath of air and stomping upstairs. Troy thought that he could hear a muffled scream, perhaps into a pillow, before the girl came back down and sat on the couch next to him. She touched Roman, who sniffed at her and licked her hand. The dog moved closer to her, leaning against her calves.

  “What's got you so hot?” He asked, leaning against the arm of the couch to face her. He had been waiting excitedly for her to come home, to his surprise. He was looking forward to chatting with a woman that didn't scare him to death.

  Which wasn't to say she didn't scare him. He just wasn't terrified of her anymore. It was a nice change of pace. Something about being forced to spend time with her for a year was helping him to deal with the bit of fear he had left.

  “Unreasonable teachers that think they can punish someone just for missing the first, useless damn class of the semester, as if they were going to learn anything in a stupid computer forensics class on the very first day when she even admitted she was just going over the stupid syllabus but that's no excuse!” She threw up her hands and let out a frustrated cry. “So now I'm on the list of people who can be removed if the class is too full, which it already is. I need to take at least three classes to keep my financial aid, too. This is so dumb.”

  He watched her pout, staring off into space with a glare aimed at nothing in particular, and he found her exceedingly cute. He couldn't help but grin, shaking his head. “That really sucks, but I'm sure some others will drop the class and you'll be fine.”

  “Yeah. Maybe. I just wish I could have exp
lained why, but what professor is going to believe that I missed the class because of the trauma of being told I was getting married to someone I don't even know?”

  “Heh. Yeah, that probably wouldn't have done you any favors.” He acted before he knew what he was doing, and pulled her into a tight hug. Her breath caught in her throat, and he froze once her body was pressed against his. She didn't fight him, but pulled away after a second. “Sorry. I don't know what came over me, I just wanted to comfort you.”

  “It's alright,” she admitted. Her face was bright red. “I do actually feel a little better now. Thanks for letting me vent at you.”

  “No problem. I'm pretty good at that, actually, and that's kind of what I wanted tonight to be. Just us talking, but I also noticed you had a gaming system. We could watch some Netflix on that if you want, and talk when the pizza gets here.”

  She looked puzzled. “I don't have a Netflix account. I couldn't really afford it.”

  “Yeah, I thought of that already.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “So I paid for an account. We're gonna have plenty of money soon, remember?”

  “We shouldn't be spending it before we have it. Don't be so free with money or you'll go through it all.”

  He shook his head. “Trust me. My parents were loaded. It would take three generations of people wasting it like I do. Anyway, it's only like ten dollars, so don't obsess over money so much.”

  She laughed. “I do that, unfortunately. You're just going to have to get used to it.”

  “I guess there are worse things to be neurotic about!”

  He looked at the clock. The pizza would be there in a half hour, which gave them enough time to watch a TV show. Troy let Elle choose what they would watch before they ate, and then they would choose a movie together. Surprisingly, she decided on a horror show instead of a drama.

  It was one he hadn't seen before, and it was definitely made for teens, but it was fun and had the perfect mix of mystery and gore. He thought he might enjoy watching that with her more often.


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