Break the Ice

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Break the Ice Page 3

by Piper Rayne

“It’s not just the bronze thing...I mean, it is...but not because I came in third. It just made me think, why am I sacrificing so much, only to be third best?”

  “What are you really sacrificing? You’re young. By the time your body tells you it’s time to retire, you’ll still be young enough to do whatever you want.”

  “Ben and Beth are living their lives—married, a baby on the way, probably a house. I rent my condo. I’m perpetually single. When or if I ever meet anyone, there’s dating—as if I ever have the time. Then plan a wedding, I’d only have a small opening of time to get pregnant and have the baby before I have to be back on the slope.” She shakes her head. “If I go back to the team, I’m looking at another four years at least before I can do any of that. Which makes me almost thirty.”

  “Which is young.” I pause between each word, hoping she’ll see my point.

  “That’s all if I ever meet anyone, which we both know is nearly impossible with our schedules. No male wants to take a back seat to his girlfriend’s career.”

  She’s right. I mean, I wouldn’t be following a girl around the world, but I’m not your typical male. I’ve never had real roots.

  “There’s something called a beta male. Maybe we need to score you one of those.”

  She giggles, breaking the tension and I wrap my arm around her shoulders. “You might have to be the one with the muscles in a relationship. The one to fight off a thief in a dark alley, but hey, you can ski and have a baby.”

  She jabs me in the ribs with her elbow. “Let’s go home, veg out with some junk food and watch movies for the rest of the night.”

  I take control of the cart, grabbing a container of mint chocolate chip ice cream and then we revisit the chip and cookie aisle. I know what you’re thinking and you’re right, I know how to let my girl deal with the fight inside of her. But that doesn’t make me a beta, I’m an alpha all the way to my bones.

  Chapter Five

  “You pick one, I pick one.” I click to the movie section of her television.

  She brings a tray over filled with popcorn, candy and drinks, setting it next to my feet. I hate feeling like a lazy bum who’s not helping her. I might be physically hurt, but she’s emotionally injured right now, and I honestly don’t know how to fix it.

  Any guy would be lucky to have her, but she wasn’t wrong in the store—our dreams don’t make it easy to make a relationship work. And I’m sure it’s even harder for female athletes because most men aren’t going to quit their job to follow. Two of the couples we know best are making it work because they share the same dream. Most average Joes aren’t going to throw their career aside to put her career first.

  She piles her hair on top of her head, and my eyes focus on the stretch of her long neck. When did that part of her start to look so lickable?

  I blink, bending forward and fisting a handful of popcorn.

  “Okay, but I go first.” She sits next to me and puts the bowl of popcorn in between us and hands me my drink.

  “Thanks. I promise once this is off, I’m repaying you for all this nice nurse catering.”

  She smiles and tilts her head. “You’ve done it for me. What are friends for?”


  It’s a hard thing for me—to feel helpless with someone. It’s easier with Skylar than anyone else, but I hate relying on anyone.

  I lean forward and place my drink on a coaster on the table and pass her the remote with my good hand. She immediately starts searching for a romantic comedy.

  “Ugh,” I groan. I had high hopes that she was in a horror film mood, but I should’ve guessed I’d be forced to endure some chick flick after the incident earlier today.

  Why torment herself? She’s depressed enough.

  She scrolls and scrolls while I pull out my phone, figuring this is going to be awhile.

  “Demi and Dax are coming back to the states next week,” I say, checking out their Instagram picture of whatever beach they’re at. Turning my phone, I show Skylar.

  She glances from the television to the picture on my phone where Demi is on Dax’s back with the ocean behind them. Wouldn’t mind changing places with them right about now.

  A smile tips her lips. “Nice.”

  It’s then I realize that was a dick move. I just showed her how happy in love her best friend is.

  “Oh!” She smacks my leg. “When Harry Met Sally.”

  I raise both eyebrows. “Isn’t that the eighties movie where she fakes an orgasm at a restaurant table?”

  She nods, her smile widening to the biggest one I’ve seen all day. “I’ve always wanted to watch it but never have. Come on.” She tilts her head, fluttering her dark eyelashes.

  “Sure.” I keep my phone out, scrolling through some more shit. All our teammates are off somewhere on vacation and my sorry ass is parked on a couch with poor Skylar next to me, forced to care for me. The least I can do is let her watch a movie.

  “Terminator might be my choice,” I warn her. She sits up straighter, pulling her legs up and crossing them on the couch. She doesn’t bother to give a reaction because we both know she’ll fall asleep during my movie. Though, I can’t carry her to bed like normal.

  The movie starts to play, and I continue messing on my phone, toying with playing a new game when she clears her throat.

  “Phone away.”

  I roll my eyes, and I could make the argument that she’ll be halfway to dreamland when Terminator starts, but after everything she’s done for me, I keep my mouth shut and place my phone on the side table next to me.

  By the time we’re halfway through the movie, the popcorn is long gone and a handful of peanut M&M’s rest in my hands. It’s actually not too bad for a chick flick. I’ve laughed more than usual. The only thing, and it’s a big thing for me, is that it’s about friends who obviously like one another. Which only brings all that shit Dax and Grady keep throwing my way to mind.

  I glance over at Sky—she’s laughing and smiling and that warms my heart more than it should. My speech to Dax when he messed up with Demi was heartfelt because it’s what I would do if I was a different person. I’d smash my lips to hers until we both saw stars. I’m not blind to the amazing woman she is. I hate to use the whole ‘it’s you not me,’ but it’s the truth.

  Everyone thinks I’m all laidback and full of forgiveness, but I come with baggage. Garbage bags full of trash and if we ever tiptoed over that line, I’d lose her in the end. So, I’ll let you in on a little secret, I want Skylar Walsh, but the hell if I’ll ever make a move because I’d rather have her in my life as a friend than not in my life at all.

  “Sorry.” She knocks me in the shoulder and swings back her way. “Bored, huh?”

  I’m not sure how long I was off in la-la land—thank God she didn’t force me to watch that movie—but the television is paused, and all her attention is on me.

  “No, it’s a pretty funny movie.”

  She pretends like she’s scrutinizing my answer, but quickly presses play and the movie begins again. Just like that, we’re back to two friends enjoying the movie and I try to push back my attraction to her. It’s only surfacing because of all the husband and baby talk today in the grocery store. I’m confident my unresolved feelings will pass, they always do.

  The movie ends and I’m back in control of myself once again. I’ve taken the blanket from our laps and given it to her. When I got up to take a piss, I sat far enough away when I returned that her perfume wasn’t intoxicating me. And when I looked in her direction, I looked over her shoulder and didn’t make direct eye contact. All of that worked and now I’m back to cool, calm and collected.

  “Do you ever think about dating?” Skylar asks me out of nowhere.

  A light sheen of sweat coats my forehead. So much for cool. “No.”

  She turns her body in my direction, but I don’t engage.

  “Beck.” She throws an M&M at me. “I never see you with a girl.”

  Because none of th
e girls are you.

  I shrug. “We’ve been over this. I’m not that into monogamy.”

  She huffs. “Have there been girls?”

  Why is she asking this? We keep our private affairs, private. How do you think I’ve been able to keep my self respect by not going all alpha on guys sniffing around her?

  “Do I need to go over our friendship pact again?” I ask with some humor.

  About a month after Skylar and I started spending so much time together, we made an agreement. No talking about the opposite sex. No engaging in overly affectionate behavior. Who knows where that stupid drunk list went.

  “You probably can’t remember three things from that stupid list. We were both half conked from a bottle of tequila.”

  “It’s been four years and we’re closer than ever, so we must be doing something right.”

  She smiles and leans her head against my shoulder. “I’m not sure what I would do without you.”

  Me either.

  “Good thing I’m not attracted to you then.”

  She balks, sits up straight and stares down at me. I’m not sure if she wants to cry or punch me in the balls.

  “Hey, you’re beautiful, but I just don’t see you like that,” I lie.

  She nods, a soft smile forming on her lips.

  Don’t be pissed off at me, I have to say those things once in awhile just to make sure she knows what side of the line we need to stay on.

  “Are blondes your type?”

  Fuck, she’s in her needy stage where she’s depressed and she wants reconfirmation that she’s a hot piece of ass guys watch as she walks by.

  I shrug. “You know you’re gorgeous, Sky.”

  “Then how come I don’t have anyone? You don’t find me attractive...”

  She continues but I drown her out before I grind my dick into her center to show her exactly how attracted I am to her.

  “I’m sure you don’t see me for the stud I am either,” I joke.

  I wiggle to the edge of the couch and stand, needing an out of this conversation.

  “No, you’re hot. I can acknowledge it.”

  “But?” I ask and disappear into the kitchen. I need a beer.

  “But nothing. I admire you at times.” She follows me.

  I hold the beer out in her direction and she twists off the cap for me, tossing it into the garbage. “I admire you too, but—”

  She holds up her hand. “I know, Beck, I’m not your type.” Rounding the counter, she disappears out of the kitchen. “I’m heading to bed.”

  Fuck me. Damn that shithead Ben from the grocery store. This is when being friends with a woman is so much harder than with a guy.

  “Sky.” I follow her down the hall and up the stairs. “You need...” I swallow down the bile burning my throat.

  She turns around when she reaches her childhood bedroom door. The same room that has pictures of Ben on her corkboard from some dance way back when. The room that holds all her memories of a happy childhood filled with fun, laughter and love. Doesn’t she realize, she has so much?


  “You need a date.”

  Did that really just come out of my mouth?

  “A date?”

  I grab her hand and take her into my room, which is really her brother’s childhood room, and sit her down on the bed.

  “Yeah, give me your phone.”

  She digs it out of her pocket and places it in my palm.

  I search the app store and select a dating app.



  “What about the more traditional ones?” she asks, leaning over to look at my phone. Her hair tickles my neck, and the scent of her perfume makes my dick twitch in my pants.

  “You need a beta, remember?”


  I go through her selfies and select one that doesn’t show how truly gorgeous she is. It’s hard to find one though because Skylar doesn’t have any bad pictures.

  “I’m not sure about this, Beck.”

  I fill out her form for her while she remains silent. Once I’m done, I hand it back over to her and she stares at the screen for a long time.

  Our thighs are pressed against one another and I’m fairly sure the electricity running through my body is buzzing through hers, but her gaze is still glued to her phone.

  “Okay,” she says, still sounding reluctant.

  “Perfect. Now, Terminator.”

  She smiles and her lips brush my cheek. “Sorry, for being so needy.”

  “It’s the hazard of having girl friends, I suppose.”


  “Friend,” I clarify, standing up before my hands and lips listen to the instructions from my dick.

  “You’ll help me pick someone out?” she asks.

  “Of course.”

  She walks out of my room, her gaze glued to her phone. I follow with my gaze glued to her ass. I know I’m playing with fire, but at least with GeekMatch, I can guarantee the guy will treat her right.

  Chapter Six

  Two nights later, the real test of my steadfastness happens.

  Skylar’s heels click on her parents’ linoleum floor. I’m standing in the living room and I force my gaze to stay locked on the television, my breath catching in my throat. After my internal pep talk for the past half hour, I should have this.

  “Zip me?” She turns her back to me and I swallow down the dry lump in my throat.

  The opening of her dress lands right at her panty line, showcasing her pink silk undies with lace along the top. I step back just to make sure my now bulging dick doesn’t end up poking her in the back.

  My shaking fingers grab a hold of the zipper and I slowly pull it up along her olive colored skin until it lands mid back.

  “There you go.” The tremble in my voice matches my heart rate.

  “Thanks.” She twirls around like a school girl getting ready for a dance. “What do you think?” The smile slowly fading from her lips. “What?”

  “Nothing. You look great.”

  She does. I’ve seen Skylar at her worst. Bedridden with the flu and smelling of puke. Three days into no sleep with a dry red nose from a head cold. Hungover with stringy hair and bad breath. Then there’s been the sponsor galas with her hair pinned up and red-colored lips. Tonight, she’s got her girl next door look perfected. Not too much makeup, a light gloss along her plump lips and a dress that shows her assets but isn’t inviting any takers.

  “Do I look fuckable?”

  I choke on the saliva in my throat. “What?” I ask when I’m done coughing. “I mean, you’re not...”

  She pushes me lightly in the shoulder and I lose my footing. “You know me better than that.”


  “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to look the part though.”

  “Well, then mission accomplished, but don’t make me give him the dad speech.”

  She giggles. A sound I love hearing but it’s not as sweet knowing it’s for another guy who’s going to be here any second.

  “Drink to make the nerves disappear?” I’m already on my way to the liquor cabinet to grab the hardest shit Skylar’s dad has on hand. Sadly, he seems to be a mixed drinker which means his choice of scotch isn’t one malt.

  “Sure. I’m not even sure why I’m nervous. It’s not like I haven’t dated before.” She follows me, her heels a constant reminder that she’s looking amazing for someone else.

  “When was the last time you were out on a date?” I ask, pulling two glasses out from her dad’s makeshift bar in the dining room.

  “Now that I think about it...other than Sam—”

  “Sam? Sam on the team Sam?”

  She accepts the glass and tentatively sips. “Yeah, we went out a few times in New Zealand during training this past summer.”


  “I didn’t know.”

  She waves her hand at me. “It was nothing.”

  He’s still a fu
cking traitor.

  The door opens and the sound of little footsteps racing through the hall echo out and seconds later Molly and Caiden are heading right for Skylar.

  She holds up her hands and they skid to a stop, freezing in place with wide eyes. Molly approaches slowly, and Caiden climbs into the chair at the bar.

  “Aunt Skylar, you look pretty.” Molly slides right up to the chair on the other side of Caiden.

  “What will you two troublemakers be having tonight?” I ask.

  Molly pretends to think while Caiden throws his hand on the bar. “A Miller.”

  Skylar laughs, but Zoe and Vin round the corner of the room as Zoe shoots Vin a what the fuck look.

  He holds his hands up in the air ready to defend himself when his gaze finds me and his arm extends. “Beckett, I hear you gave Molly quite the show.”

  Zoe slaps him in the stomach and he pretends her tiny slap could hurt him. The man is six three, two fifty at least.

  “Nice try,” I say.

  Zoe doesn’t do any more scolding to her husband though because her eyes light up and she smiles when she spots Skylar. Her gaze shifts to me and her smile dims.

  “Gotta hot date?” she asks.

  “Yeah,” Skylar says and nods her head toward the kitchen and the two sisters disappear.

  “Since the little guy is having a Miller, what will the lady have?” I ask Molly.

  “Kiddie Cocktail,” she answers, straightening her back and acting like she asked for tea and crumpets.

  “That’s an order I can handle.” I toss a glass in the air and catch it, two sets of little eyes on me the entire time.

  Vin walks up and pats me on the back, hard. I cough and manage to keep the Sprite pouring into the glass. “I’m one-armed here.”

  “You’re going to have a lot of lessons to learn when you and Sky have kids. The first one being always lock the bedroom and the bathroom doors.” He winks and walks around to take the third seat at the bar while I grab a Miller for him. Skylar’s parents must be the party house for fifty-somethings because the place is stocked.

  “You’ve got a few things wrong there,” I say.

  He raises an eyebrow.


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