Book Read Free

Break the Ice

Page 4

by Piper Rayne

“Marriage and kids are not for me.”

  “Not for you?” he questions.

  I shrug.

  Vin and I are usually drinking buddies when we see each other. We talk sports with Skylar’s brother, Mike, shoot the shit about politics and anything other than our philosophies on life.

  Setting down a pair of small napkins with a W embossed on them, I place the two kiddie cocktails down and the kids grin at each other.

  “Why not?” Vin asks.

  What I’m about to say will sound awful, but Vin’s biggest dream through high school was probably to get laid. Not that I wasn’t all for that, too, but we grew up differently and it shaped our views of the world. When he graduated he went to work with his dad. He’s always had a safety net.

  I shrug. Is it really his business? No.

  “Marrying Zoe and having these two rug rats was the best thing that ever happened to me.” He tousles each one of his kid’s heads and they give him an adoring smile. They love their dad and that’s great—for him.

  “They’re great kids and Zoe’s okay.”

  He laughs understanding the push/pull relationship I have with his wife.

  “So is Sky…”

  I nod, pouring myself another glass of scotch. “No denying that.”

  “Then why are you letting her go out on a date?” He guzzles some of his beer, leaning back into his chair.

  “Because Skylar wants what you guys have.”

  “She said that?” His forehead wrinkles.

  “I’m sure she’d rather not have her husband take her son to a bar so that he’s ordering Millers as a drink, but in so many words.”

  He shakes his head then downs his beer. “Are all snowboarders like you?”

  Vin’s met Grady and Dax and a few of the other snowboarders when the family came to visit Sky in Utah.

  “How’s that?” I rest my ass against the back counter of the bar, crossing my ankles.


  Little does he know, I’m doing the least selfish thing I can tonight. I’m watching the woman I want under me go out with another man. Hell, I’m encouraging it.

  “You think I’m selfish?”

  He nods. The kids slide out of their chairs and run off to the playroom.

  Vin leans forward, his muscular forearms from his labor-intensive job flexing under his weight. “You won’t put your own shit aside for a woman.”

  He just doesn’t understand.

  “That’s not it.”

  “Sure, it is.” He stands, downing the rest of his beer and placing the empty on the bar top.

  “It’s not.”

  He nods, heading toward the kitchen but the girls beat him to it.

  “Miss me?” Zoe asks, placing her arms around her husband’s shoulders.

  He dips her and kisses her making for an uncomfortable silence for the two of us not in the exchange. Skylar stares on with envy in her eyes, while annoyance wraps around me like a tight leash. When the doorbell rings Vin pops Zoe back up, leaving her breathless.

  “Maybe Beck should answer. Freak the poor guy out a little.” Zoe giggles, leaning into her husband’s strong arms.

  Yeah, thanks for that Zoe.

  “I doubt I’ll scare him with one usable arm.” I step out from behind the bar because the masochistic part of me needs to get a look at this guy.

  “Sky.” Vin dislodges himself from his wife, kissing Skylar on the cheek. “You look gorgeous, he’s one lucky guy.” He separates from her and shoots me an evil stare.

  What the hell did I do to these people?

  I say nothing because now that the moment is here, I’m thinking this was a shit brain idea. Opening the door, the guy stands there, sweat on his forehead, the flowers in his hand shaking more than my legs after a long day of riding.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “Hi.” He draws back looking at the address plaque beside the door. “Is Skylar here?” he asks, his voice shaking more than his hands.

  Poor schmuck. When was the last time he was on a date?

  “She is. Who are you?”

  “I’m Tad.”

  “Tad?” What kind of fucking name is that?

  “Yes, I’m her date for tonight.”

  “Ohhh...she mentioned something about that.” I usher him in with my hand. “Come in. Drink while you wait?”

  As he stands in Skylar’s parents’ foyer, I examine my competition. I guess he’s not really my competition since I’m not playing the game, but whatever.

  “What do you do?” I ask.

  He uses his free hand to push it through his short red hair, his cheeks so red I fear he’s having an allergic reaction.

  “Hi, Tad.” Skylar rounds the corner.

  I keep my eyes on her date. No need to see her energetic smile.

  Molly and Caiden run in, sliding to a stop on their socks.

  Tad’s eyes widen.

  “Honey, did you not tell him about the kids?”

  Skylar narrows her eyes at me.

  “Sorry, Tad, we were just leaving. It’s my weekend and all.” I grab their coats off the hooks near the door with my good hand.

  “Oh, your profile didn’t say—”

  “Forget him. This is my friend Beckett.” Skylar grabs her own coat from the hook and the nice guy Tad is, helps her get it on. What a gentleman.

  “Are you?” He tilts his head. “I recognize you from the Winter Classics, right?”

  “Yeah,” I answer and then he looks at Skylar.

  “And you?”

  She nods.

  “I’ve seen you guys on commercials!” His face lights up with excitement. “Whoa, my mom is going to be so impressed I’m going out with a Winter Classics athlete.” His hand moves to his pocket but then he stops. Good move, Tad.

  “We should probably go.” Skylar rolls up and down on her heels.

  “Yeah, oh, um.” He turns back to me, holding his hand out. “Could I just get one picture? My mom...”

  “Sure. You don’t mind, right, Sky?”

  “Not at all,” she says between clenched teeth.

  “Oh here.” Zoe saunters in, holding her hand out for his phone and the flowers. “I’ll take one of all three you.”

  Tad looks around the room.

  “Sister.” Zoe points to herself. “Brother-in-law.” She points to Vin and he gives a little wave. “Niece and nephew.” The two kids look up and smile.

  “But I thought…” Tad wiggles his finger between Molly and Caiden and then points to me and back to the kids.

  “I was kidding.”

  “Oh.” His head falls back like I just told the funniest joke he’s heard all year. When we went on GeekMatch I thought that would entail a date with someone who was highly intelligent. I think we got scammed.

  Skylar blows out a breath and Tad holds the phone out to Zoe.

  “Now, all of you get nice and close.”

  Vin steps forward and takes Molly and Caiden’s coats from my good hand. Tad gets in the middle, I have to switch spots with Skylar so that my bad arm is on the outside. We all smile big and a flash blinds us.

  “Looks good.” Zoe hands it back and Tad’s like a teenager checking it out before we all move in case we need to take another one.

  “Perfect, my mom—”

  “Is going to love it,” all three of us say in unison.

  Skylar opens the door, and has one foot outside before Tad has even processed it’s time to start his date. Totally clueless and I have to admit that a part of me is not disappointed about it. No way this guy is going to try to get in Sky’s pants tonight.

  “Have fun you two!” Zoe calls out the door like I’m assuming Tad’s mom might do. Hell, she might be in the car waiting to drive them to the restaurant.

  The door shuts and Zoe’s fun demeanor turns cold and icy in an instant. “Kids get your coats from your dad and put on your shoes, Daddy is taking us out.”

  “But I wanted to have game night. Uncle Beckett will play,” Moll
y whines.

  “I’m totally game for Monopoly, Life. Pick your poison, kid.” I wink.

  “No, Uncle Beckett likes to be alone. Alone and unattached.”

  “Zoe,” I sigh.

  She puts her hand up in the air. “Have a great night, Beckett.”

  The kids get ready, Vin shooting me a ‘I’m sorry’ expression. After hugs from the kids, Zoe peeks her head in the doorway one more time. “Don’t think about her with Tad too much. She’s had a dry spell so I’m fairly sure it won’t take much.”


  Mission accomplished, Zoe. Now all I can think about is that maybe I was wrong about that doofus Tad. What if he has what it takes to seduce Skylar...where would that leave me?

  Chapter Seven

  A lot of shit has been a pain in the ass since I broke my arm, but the worst is typing on my phone. My laptop collects dust in the corner and I lean my back on the headboard, scrolling through Instagram again.

  I like my alone time, but tonight, I’m bored as fuck because of this damn injury. Usually I’d be in Park City, hanging out at my go-to bars or messing around on my board.

  Clicking on my new notifications, my stomach drops when I see the name of the person who just started following me. Too curious for my own good, I click on her profile.

  Summer Gorges. Although she’s crossed my mind on occasion, usually as a reminder not to make the same mistake twice, I haven’t seen her in a long time.

  I click on her selfie profile pic. Her hair is still a light shade of purple and she has a grim look on her face like it would kill her to smile. She has an amazing smile, but hell if she’ll let anyone in. She’s still closed off from the world. I can’t say I blame her, I might have been abandoned, but Summer, she was the cases people talk about. Abused, neglected and finally abandoned at that pre-teen age when kids have no self-confidence. For a moment in time, she let me peek into that small world of hers.

  Sadness seeps in seeing it’s mostly her and her friends in all her pictures. Drinking and partying. Looks like she works as a barista in Coronado. She didn’t get that far from our hometown then.

  My thumb hovers over the message button. She followed me, so is that what she expects? She made the first move. Is she waiting to see if I’ll make the next one?

  A soft knock lands on my door and I press the home button, tucking my phone under my leg.

  “Come in,” I say.

  Skylar peeks her head into the room. “You’re still up?”

  “Well, you knocked on my door.”

  She opens the door all the way up, dropping the heels hanging from her fingers outside the door. Comfortable as always, she cozies up on the bed with me, careful not to flash me.

  “How was your date with Tad?”

  She shrugs. “A little too enamored over the fact I’m a professional skier.”

  Hazard of the job. Hell, girls have slept with me just to say they did. Dax has been plastered all over social media sleeping in bed with the girl’s face in the picture, pointing to him. It’s hard to find someone who wants you for you alone.

  “Sorry, but hey, you probably made his mom’s day.”

  She leans into me, ready to knock me in the shoulder with hers, but I wrap my good arm around her shoulders and keep her next to me. The scent of vanilla from her shampoo permeates the air around us, arousing me. As much as I hate to admit it, I missed her tonight, so much I need to get better and back to Park City ASAP. Because I cannot rely on Skylar any more than I already do. Nothing good can come of it.

  “After dinner, he FaceTimed his mom.” She cringes. “She was sweet though.”

  “Uh-huh.” I roll my eyes.

  “At least he treats his mom nice.”

  “True.” I pause for a moment before I ask my next question. “Did you kiss him goodnight?”

  It’s none of my business and goes against the rules we put into effect years ago.

  “On the cheek.”

  Good girl.

  “Here.” I hold my palm out for her phone.

  She shakes her head. “I think I’ll pick the next one on my own.”

  I can’t say that I blame her. Tad was my choice and he turned out to be a mama’s boy.

  We sit in silence, the sound of the movie I was half watching filling the empty space created by our silence.


  She turns to me, crossing her ankles and I can’t help but look at the smooth skin of her legs.

  “Is this all because you got bronze?”

  “What?” Does she really not realize how much she’s changed since we returned? How she’s turned away from the dreams we once shared and is now heading in a completely different direction.

  “The whole wanting a family and grad school thing. You thinking you’re missing out on something.”

  “No. I mean I’m pissed about getting bronze, but I’m still happy I medaled. I can’t in good faith complain, but I’ve been questioning what’s next for me for a while. Sooner or later it’s going to end, and I don’t want to be the old veteran still trying to keep up. The one people whisper about behind their back.”

  If she’d gotten silver or gold, she wouldn’t be saying this. The fact that the gold and silver medalists were far younger than her doesn’t help.

  “You’re an amazing skier,” I say with conviction.

  “I know.”

  “Look who’s cocky.” I chuckle.

  She laughs and throws her legs over the side of the bed to leave.

  “You don’t want the other stuff, so you wouldn’t understand. Skiing is only a chapter in my life, Beck, not the whole book, and I’m thinking my next chapter should be starting soon.”

  She walks toward the door and I deny the urge inside willing me to ask her to stay. “I’m here for you, whatever you decide,” I say instead.

  She smiles, the light from the hallway pouring over her body. “I guess it was bound to happen one day, right?”

  I tilt my head. “What?”

  “Us going in different directions.”

  My chest hurts, and I swear I hear the crack in my heart like it’s a gif that people send one another.

  She doesn’t wait for me to answer, instead shutting my door, leaving me in the dark with just the glow of the television.

  I examine my arm in the sling. I need to get healed and get the hell out of Dodge. I’ve clearly overstayed my welcome—even if I’m the only one who knows it.

  Chapter Eight

  Skylar breezes into her former high school, a friendly smile on her face as she greets the receptionist and office staff.

  “Oh, Skylar Walsh, you look even more beautiful than on television.” The elderly lady with permed hair says.

  “Everyone knows TV adds ten pounds.” Another woman approaches, taking Skylar into her arms. There should be a handout for age-appropriate clothes. This lady needs more layers.

  “And who’s this?” The first lady peeks over Skylar’s shoulder.

  Skylar backs up a step, placing her hand on my shoulder. “This is my friend Beckett Myers. He competed in the Classics in snowboarding.”

  The skimpy clothed lady narrows her eyes like she’s trying to place me. Should I tick off the commercials I’ve done or mention the press promo ads? For two weeks every four years, even I’m surprised how much my face shows up on national television. Then it’s a blackout until three months before the next Classics. Unless you’re my buddy, Grady Kale. That guy scored one hell of an agent.

  “Oh, I remember you. My grandson said you should have won,” the elderly lady says.

  I shrug like I could care less. I’m not ungrateful for my silver, but yeah, the judges kind of screwed me in my opinion. “Tell him hi and thanks for being a fan.”

  “You should speak, too. I mean how many times do we have two Classic medalists in our small little school.”

  “Nah, this is Skylar’s thing.” I wave them off.

  This school is nothing like the campuses where I grew up. I
t’s all enclosed. Our lockers were outside, and we could sneak off easily. Yeah, I wasn’t an A student.

  A bell rings and the older lady scurries behind her desk, staring into a camera and then clicks a button. “Your cousin is here,” she says to Skylar.

  “Chelsea?” I ask, looking over at Sky. “You didn’t tell me.”

  “You wouldn’t have come.” She shrugs.

  I nod. She’s got a point. There’s nothing wrong with Chelsea if you appreciate a girl with no filter. Think Dax with a set of tits and more attitude.

  “Oh, what’s not to love about Chelsea?” The woman who might be giving the freshman boys their wet dream material scoots to the door, never really picking up her high heels.

  Chelsea walks in, her blonde hair like a makeshift bird's nest from the Chicago wind. She unzips her coat and Skylar starts laughing while I shake my head. Skiers rule snowboarders drool is printed on her t-shirt.

  “That would hold more weight if you skied, Chelsea,” I say.

  She gives the lady a hug, they exchange a few words and then she pulls me into her clutches.

  “Oh, Beckett, I always love razzing you.” She kisses my cheek and then pushes me back.

  “Hello? Arm?” I hold up it up.

  “You haven’t been freed of that thing yet?” She moves on to Skylar, the two having a shared whisper conversation. I faintly hear something about balls and I step back.

  “Marge,” Chelsea coos, heading behind the desk and pulling the older lady to her. “I miss this place.”

  Chelsea and Skylar are cousins. Same age, so you can imagine how fun it is when the three of us are together. Usually they gossip about people I've never met in my fucking life. Good times.

  “What are you up to these days?” the other woman asks.

  My gaze flicks to the big clock wondering when this shindig gets started.

  “Yeah, Chels, have you found a job yet?” I ask, twisting the screwdriver she brought with her when she chose to wear that shirt.

  Her head swivels in my direction, a smug smile in place and then she looks back to Marge. “I did. I’m going to be head of marketing and PR for a new non-profit.”

  “Chels, that’s great!” Skylar hugs her from behind, Chelsea patting her cousin’s hand.


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