The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards
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Johnson, Virginia E., xvii, 174, 178, 183
and arthritis, 42–43, 132, 143
and healing, 140–43
injuries to, 122, 134
Jois, K. Pattabhi, xvii, 58–59, 99, 103, 235n
Jones, Franklin, The Spectra Suites, 210
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 66
Jung, Carl Gustav, 199, 221
on the dangers of yoga, 10, 187
and kundalini, xvii, xxvii, 187, 188
on the unconscious, 197
on yoga’s calming qualities, 197–98
Kali Yuga, 216
Kanphata yogis, 14–15
Kapalbhati, 131, 158, 175, 182, 183
Kapalbhati Pranayama (Shining Skull Breath), 129, 175, 183
Kennedy, John F., 117
Kepner, John, 151–52, 153
Keynes, John Maynard, 51
Keynes, Margaret Neville, 51
Khalsa, Sat Bir, xvii, 77–78, 80, 101–2, 218
Komisaruk, Barry, xvii, 190–92
The Science of Orgasm, 190
Kripalu center, Massachusetts, 1–2, 79–80, 101–2, 129, 165, 216
Kripalu yoga, xxiii, 99, 133, 134
Krishna, Gopi, xviii, 195, 209–10, 211, 212, 213
Krishnamacharya, Tirumalai, 89
influence of, xviii, xxvii, 30–31, 33, 58, 71, 99, 133
longevity of, 43
promotions of, 35, 126, 131
Yoga Makaranda, 30–31
Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (school), 155
Kumbhaka, 231n
Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence? (Sannella), 188
kundalini energy:
and creativity, 195–96, 208–14
Internet promotion of, xxx
Jung’s studies of, xvii, xxvi, xxvii, 187, 188
and sex, xxvi, xxvi, xxvii, 185–89, 212
and spiritual uplift, xxix
Kundalini Yoga, xxiii, 48, 77, 99, 133
Lavoisier, Antoine, 230n
Let’s Move, 2
letting go, 81–82
Levitate Yoga, 69
licensing, 149–53
lie detectors, 176–77
life expectancy, 43–44, 220
Life at the Limits (Wharton), 22
life suspension, 22
ligaments, injuries to, 123–24
lightning strike, 208–9
Light on Pranayama (Iyengar), 86
Light on Yoga (Iyengar), xvii, xxvi, xxvii, 37–39, 199
and Hatha yoga, 37–39
influence of, 137, 219
and injuries, 103, 115, 132, 133
and sex, 38–39, 172
limbic system, 179, 207, 209
live burial, xxvi, xxviii, 13–14, 18, 20–21, 22–23, 36–37, 220
Locust (Salabhasana), 37, 38, 96, 168, 183
LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability), 3
Lonavla Yoga Institute, 58
longevity, 43–44
Lotus, 71
Full Lotus, 133, 167
Loyola Marymount, Los Angeles, 160–61
Lululemon Athletica, 4
lungs, injuries to, 129–30
Mcenter1ear, Dawn, 133
macula, 143
magic, see miracles
mantras, 88
Masters, William H., xviii, 174, 178, 183
McCall, Timothy, xviii, 132, 136
meditation, 205
memory, long-term, 209
Menninger Foundation, 201
Menuhin, Yehudi, 198–99
metabolic chamber, 70
and breathing, 22, 50, 90, 158
and homeostasis, 221
hypermetabolism, 177
hypometabolism, 96, 158, 177
and moods, 96–97
reducing, 37
research on, 39–40, 96–97, 221
resting metabolic rate, 158
and weight, 96–98
Miles, Walter R., 245n
Millea, Holly, 123, 133
Millennial Exposition, Budapest, 23
mindfulness, 108, 205
Minvaleev, Rinad, xviii, 171
and health benefits, 40–41
investigations of, 22–24, 34, 35–37, 42–43
samadhi, 17–18
stopping the heart, 35, 40
supplanting myths with scientific evidence, 45
Monroe, Marilyn, 33
moods, 77–102
and breathing, 83–89
and depression, 79–80, 98–100
and emotions, 78–79, 89–90, 95, 102
and exercise, 100
and freedom from care, 80
and hormones, 169
and inversions, 91–95, 97–98
and metabolism, 96–97
and neurochemistry, 98–100
and relaxation, 81–82, 84, 90, 95–96, 101
and stage fright, 101–2
More University, California, 189–90, 192
Morgentaler, Abraham, Testosterone for Life, 166
Motilal, Agarwal, 233n
Mountain (Tadasana), 146, 146
muscles, healing, 141, 145
muscle spasm, 139
improvisation, 204
learning to play, 204
and lightning strike, 208–9
and yoga, 198–200, 219
Mysore, India, 29–31, 33, 58, 59
mystic fire, 196
mysticism, 185–86
My Stroke of Insight (Taylor), 204–5
Nagler, Willibald, xviii, 116–18, 119
Nair, P. Thankappan, 19
Namaste Institute for Holistic Studies, Maine, 152
Nash, John, 98
National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, 121–22
National Institutes of Health (NIH), xxix, 6, 70, 219–20
National Strength and Conditioning Association, 66
naturalism, 231n
Navy, U.S., 86
neck injuries, xxvii, 112–19, 122, 126–28, 133, 134, 143
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 25
Nehru, Motilal, 234n
Neo-Reichian massage, 201
Neotantra, 192
nerve damage, 110–11
neuroendocrine system, 179
neurons, 112
neurotransmitters, 99, 202, 219
New Age, 17, 105, 229n
Newberg, Andrew, xviii, 205–6
New York, yoga study in, 69–72
New York Times, The, 74
nitric oxide, 54
Novick, Linda, The Painting Path, 200
nystagmus, 249n
Obama, Michelle, 2, 217
occipital lobe, 114, 120
Olson, Mia, 200
Omega Institute, 105
One Taste, 192–93
Orcenter1e, The (Broad), 222
diversity of, 193
duration of, 190
la petite mort, 184–85
neurophysiology of, 190–92
research studies of, 183–86, 190–92
spontaneous, xxix, 184, 191
Ornish, Dean, xviii, 44, 170
osteoporosis, 142, 143
Owen, Liz, 100–101
oxidative stress, 40
and carbon dioxide, 85, 86
myth of, 85
research studies of, 52–53, 85, 96
oxygen uptake, 52, 53, 67, 157–59
Oxygen Yoga, 89
Pacific Western University, 156
Padahastasana (Hands to Feet), 71, 71
Painting Path, The (Novick), 200
parasympathetic system, 90, 183–84
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), 111, 111, 183
Passie, Torsten, 180
Patanjali, xviii, 16, 93
Yoga Sutras, xxv, 58
Patella, Rama Nina, 145–46, 153
Paul, N. C., xviii, 18–22, 45
und of, 19–20
on breathing, 21–22, 85, 157
on health benefits, 39, 166
and live burial, 20–21, 220
A Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy, xxviii, 7, 18, 20, 83
Payne, Larry, xviii, 154–61, 177
perineum, 16
personal appearance, 158
Peterson, Eugenie, 33
Philadelphia Orchestra, 198
Physiological Handbook for Teachers of Yogasana (Robin), 91
Pinch, William, 17
pineal body, 179
pituitary gland, 179
Pizer, Ann, 74
Plath, Sylvia, 98
Plow (Halasana), 126, 126, 136, 168, 183
pneumothorax, 129–30
poetry, 209
Pond, Dale, xix, 211, 212, 218
Pond, Paul, xix, 195–96, 209, 211, 212, 218
pons, 114, 120
Porcari, John P., xix, 68
poses, see asanas
Power Yoga, xxiii, 30, 50, 68, 99, 128
prana (energy), 18
pranayama (breathing), 21, 28, 51
in classes, 181
misstatements about, 157
in research studies, 60
see also breathing
prefrontal cortex, 179, 206
President’s Council on Physical Fitness, 54
Preventive Cardiology, 62
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 207
Progressive Relaxation (Jacobson), xvii, 82
proprioception, 203–4
PubMed, 6, 39, 218
Pune, India, 31
quadriplegia, 131
quietude, 84, 88, 96, 200, 202, 203
Quistgaard, Kaitlin, 125, 154
Rama, Swami, xix, xxviii, 90, 91, 164–65, 174, 201
Ramakrishna, xix, 185, 186
Ramaswami, Srivatsa, 99, 235n
Registered Yoga Therapist (RYT), 150–52
relaxation, 68
Corpse Pose (Savasana), 60, 71, 81, 81, 96, 183, 199, 205
and GABA, 99
and healing, 139
and inversion, 98
letting go, 81–82
and moods, 81–82, 84, 90, 95–96, 101
progressive muscle, 201
and sex, 167, 175–76
Relaxation Response (Benson), 95, 177, 200
Relief Is in the Stretch (Fishman), 139
Renshaw, Perry F., 100
experimental controls in, 55–56, 71
funding of, xxix, 219–20
peer-reviewed journals, 61–62
review articles in, 72
research studies:
Boston, 98–100, 202
Cal/Davis, 59–63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 74
Columbia College, 134–35, 143
Czechoslovakia, 173–75
Duke, 55–57, 64, 67, 73, 75
Hannover, 170
New York, 69–72
NIH, 219–20
Royal Society, 207–8
Rutgers, 184, 190
Saint Petersburg, 171–73
Sperry, 203–4
Stanford, 176–77, 221
Tanglewood, 101–2
Texas, 66–68, 72
University of Pennsylvania, 205–6
Wisconsin, 68, 69, 72
respiration, see breathing
respiratory alkalosis, 86, 87
resting metabolic rate, 158
revitalization, 169
rheumatoid arthritis, 42–43
Robin, Mel, xix, 8, 91–95, 102, 217, 218
and emotions, 200
and injuries, 104–5, 131
and inversions, 91–93, 97–98, 132, 133
Physiological Handbook for Teachers of Yogasana, 91
Rolfing, 201
Rosen, Richard, 132
rotator cuff, 140–42
Russell, W. Ritchie, xix, xxviii, 112–16, 119, 120, 128, 134
Rutgers University, 184, 190
Sacks, Oliver, Musicophilia, 209
Sacred Paths (Feuerstein), 45
Saint Petersburg State University, 171–73
Salabhasana (Locust pose), 37, 38, 96, 168, 183
samadhi (transcendent bliss), 17–18, 177, 178
Samata center, Los Angeles, 155
Sankalpah Yoga, New York, 105–6
Sannella, Lee, xix, xxix, 187–89
Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence?, 188
Sanskrit, poetry of, 17
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), 92
see also Shoulder Stand
Satchidananda, Swami, 164
Savasana (Corpse Pose), 81, 81, 205
see also Corpse Pose
scapula, 140–41
Science, 61
diffuse nature of, 217–18
as organized skepticism, 221–22
and red tape, 217
and research, see research; research studies
review articles in, 72–73
as systematized truth, 215
Science of Flexibility (Alter), 121
Science of Orgasm, The (Komisaruk), 190
Scudder, Rev. John, 188
Sears, Al, 171
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana), 111, 111, 183
Seated Forward Bend with Bent Leg (Janu Sirsasana), 206
Self-Realization Fellowship, 34, 35
sensuality, 189
serenity, 84, 89, 98
sex, 163–93
and abdominal contractions, 174
and autonomic stimulation, 176, 177
Better Sex Through Yoga (DVDs), 164
continuous arousal in, 176, 177
and creativity, 206–7, 208
and Dostálek, 173–75
ecstasy of, 15–16, 164, 176, 177, 185
extending the duration of lovemaking, 16, 39
and fast breathing, xxx, xxxi, 175, 179–81
focus on, 37
guru misconduct, 164–65
and hedonism, 189–90
and kundalini, xxvi, xvii, 185–89, 212
and la petite mort, 184–85
Masters and Johnson on, 174, 183
and mysticism, 185–86
and Neotantra, 192
and orgasm, 182–86, 190–93
and pharmaceuticals, 166
and relaxation, 167, 175–76
research studies on, 167–79, 182–92
status orgasmus, 183
and sympathetic arousal, 176–77, 183–84
and testosterone, xxviii, 166, 168–71, 172–73, 179
thinking off, xxix, 184, 190–92
and Udupa, 166–71
and yoga paradox, 177, 221
and yogasm, 182
Shakti (goddess), 186
Shape, 65
Sharma, Vijai P., 130
Shaw, Beth, xix, 65, 74
Sheth, Pratap, 232–33n
Shining Skull Breath (Kapalbhati Pranayama), 129, 175, 183
Shiva (god), 186
Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana), xvii, 91–93, 92, 96, 97
and Gune, 26, 29
and injuries, 104, 107, 115, 116, 118–19, 123, 126, 128, 133, 136
and research studies, 26
and sex, 168
siddhis (miracles), 35
Siegel, Lee, 23
Sinclair, Neil, 212–13
The Spirit Flies Free, 213
Singh, Ranjit, xix, xxvi, 13–14, 18
Sirsasana (Headstand), 27
see also Headstand
Sivananda, Swami, xix, 58, 103
Sivananda yoga, xxiii
skin conductance, 176–77, 178
Slim Calm Sexy Yoga (Stiles), 97, 158
Small, Eric L., 145
snake, coiled, 185–86
Spectra Suites, The (Jones), 210
Sperry, Roger, 203–4
spinal stenosis, 136, 144
Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana), 167, 167
spine, anti-aging therapies aimed at,
Spirit Flies Free: The Kundalini Poems (Sinclair), 213
spirituality, 18, 185
stage fright, 101–2
Stiles, Tara, xix, 97–98
Slim Calm Sexy Yoga, 97, 158
Sting (rock star), 199, 215
Stokowski, Leopold, 198, 199
Streeter, Chris C., xx, 98
and healing, 142
management of, 158, 168
and sex, 167, 168, 173
and telomeres, 43–44
and weight, 98
Stress and Its Management by Yoga (Udupa), 168
Stretch (New York Times), 2
and basilar artery, 114, 116, 120
and beauty-salon syndrome, 114–16, 127
and blood flow to the brain, 112–16, 120
and cryptogenic injuries, 116
and vertebral arteries, 113–14, 118, 119, 120–21, 127–28, 134
and Yoga Journal, 126
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar), 56–57, 58–59
aerobic benefits of, 74
and Krishnamacharya, 30
in research studies, 60–61, 63, 64, 66–68, 70, 71, 72
and sympathetic system, 94
supraspinatus, 141
survival, and adrenaline, 90
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), 56–57
see also Sun Salutation
Swanson, Gloria, 33
Swatmarama, and Hatha Yoga Pradipika, xxvi
Sweeney, Patrick, 129
sympathetic nervous system, 90, 176–77, 183–84
Tadasana (Mountain pose), 146, 146
Taimni, I. K., 4
Tanglewood, 101–2
and Ananda Marga, 176
as ecstatic union, 15–16
emergence of, xxv, 171, 174
enlightenment in, 16–17
evolution of, 15–16
and Hatha yoga, xxv, 16–17, 26, 49
and mysticism, 186
Neotantra, 192
and sex research, xxix, 177
worst behaviors associated with, 15–16
Tantric meditation, xxix
Taoism, 185
Tatz, Schmuel, 105
Taylor, James, 98
Taylor, Jill Bolte, xx, 204–5
Taylor, Patricia, xx, 190
Telles, Shirley, xx, 42
telomerase, xxx, 44
telomeres, 43–44, 219
tendons, 140
testosterone, xxviii, xxx, 166, 168–71, 172–73, 179
Testosterone for Life (Morgentaler), 166
Texas State University, 66–68, 72
thalamus, 114, 120, 205
Theosophist, The, 231n
therapist, use of term, 150–52
thinking off, xxix, 184, 190–92
thoracic outlet syndrome, 132
Thoreau, Henry David, xxvi, 80, 99
Thunderbolt (Vajrasana), 96, 110–11, 110
Tibetan yoga of Tummo, 171
Tiwari, O. P., 25
tonus, measurement of, 82
Török, Aurel von, xx, 23–24, 45
Tracey, Kevin J., xx, 42
Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy, A (Paul), xxvi, 7, 18, 20, 83