The Riss Proposal: Book II in the Riss Series (Volume 2)

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The Riss Proposal: Book II in the Riss Series (Volume 2) Page 21

by C. R. Daems

  * * * *

  I’d been at the Resort three weeks when notice came for me to return. The Riss and the detail had been allowed to remain. It had been a wonderful time for everyone involved. The escort had rotated five at a time, stomping through the mountains with the Riss. Ironically, they loved it almost as much as the resort. Scorpions were trained to operate in a variety of terrains, so snow and climbing didn’t bother them and roaming with the Riss was an exciting adventure. Of course, time at the resort was not only a luxury, but they had plenty of attention after it was discovered they’d captured a raider ship and destroyed one of their cruisers. Terril and I spent equal time in the mountains and the resort. In the mountains, we were Shira and Nadya. In both places, we were sisters.

  * * * *

  Terril accompanied me back to Eden. The next day, I reported to Admiral Plimson’s office. There I found Zann and Youell, again. Each time I entered Plimson’s office, I felt like a bug under an electron microscope. Being served kaffa did nothing to relax me.

  “Reese you’ve given us another problem, besides threatening to kill an Intel Commander.” He didn’t smile, which bothered me.



  “Intel believes the Vancil contains information that will lead us to the raiders. You were right. The raiders are a number of clans with a home planet. I thought they were individual raiders, and it would take years to find and destroy them. The SAS and I are grateful to you and the crew of the Mongoose and accept that the Riss will make good allies.” He looked at Zann and Youell.

  “We’re putting together a fleet capable of destroying the Raiders. We should leave you and the Riss here on Eden or on Saipha for a well-deserved rest. We will if that is your wish. However, it becomes a problem if you want to come along. You’re not senior enough to command a Hunter or Heavy Cruiser. It would be a demotion to assign you as an XO, and I believe it would be a poor use of you and the Riss’ skills if you were assigned to someone who doesn’t understand your unique abilities.”

  I wasn’t sure what he wanted. If I said yes to staying here or Saipha, it would solve the problem, and the Riss certainly deserved the rest.


  Her amusement settled my nerves but didn’t solve the problem.

  “Sir, I don’t have a solution, but the Riss want to go along.” I shrugged.

  “Vice Admiral Zann will be leading the assault. She will be on our newest Heavy, but not its Captain. That will go to our most senior Captain. The irony is that you have more combat experience with the raiders than any officer in the fleet.”

  “Sir, I’d like a Hunter manned with all Riss, but they won’t be ready for a couple of years,” I said, voicing my dreams rather than offering a solution or making a suggestion. Zann laughed.

  “I think all of us would like to see that day. You are, however, right. They’re not ready today,” Zann said.

  “I’d hoped you’d want to go to Saipha or had some clever solution. We’ll let you know our decision in the next couple of days. You’re welcome to return to the Ghats Range resort while you wait. You’ve earned it along with these awards for you, the Riss, and those in your escort. I’ll leave the ceremony to you.”

  * * * *

  I held three ceremonies: one at Demeter, Eden’s premier medical facility for those who’d been seriously injured. It felt good to see all were recovering and would soon be released. The medical staff set up a small stage next to the facility and a large audience appeared for the awards ceremony. In a way, it was far more personal than the usual award presentations. And friends and family were present to participate.

  For those back on active duty, I obtained permission from the reclamation facility to hold the ceremony on the Mongoose before it was dismantled. Everyone I talked to liked the idea of saying farewell to an old friend—the Mongoose.

  And the last ceremony, I decided to hold in the mountain. The Scorpions accompanying the Riss loved it. They felt it was somehow more personal and special. Everyone received a battle ribbon for his or her participation in the Yamhill action. The Scorpions who captured the Vancil were awarded the Silver Star, the Riss on the Bridge during the engagement and Terril the Distinguished Service Metal, everyone else the Legion of Merit. I received the Navy Cross.

  The Scorpions were pleased. It gave them bragging rights. The Riss thought it strange getting rewarded for doing their job. I didn’t care, except that it was another step towards getting the Riss recognition. It did amuse me that the senior personnel, like Terril and me, received greater recognition, although we did no more than the others. No one but me seemed to care.

  * * * *

  Two days later, Admiral Plimson’s aid arranged for a shuttle to pick me up for an appointment with the Admiral that evening. This was getting to be embarrassing, frustrating, and overwhelming. Embarrassing because too many people knew Plimson talked directly to me, which he did to few senior officers below the rank of Admiral. They thought I was being given special privileges because I was a Riss-human. Others thought that I needed to be treated differently because I had a direct line to Plimson. In truth, I guess I did, although I wasn’t sure that was a good thing. I actually had more pull with Zann or Youell, because they needed lab rats like me to stay so that they could evaluate the experiment. Speaking of lab rats, it was frustrating to be considered one by Youell and every superior officer I reported to. It was overwhelming because these three and the Riss expected me to be the future of the Riss. All I wanted was to be a navy officer and evaluated on my performance like Zann had enjoyed during her service.










  Amusement rippled through me, and I resigned myself to the way things were. I couldn’t change them anyway.


  * * * *

  That evening Zann and Youell were again present and the mood solemn.

  Plimson addressed me. “Nadya, we are divided in our opinions. Zann would like to order you to Saipha. She believes you are the future of the Riss and doesn’t want to risk you in an action with the raiders, which if you are right will be costly in terms of lives.

  “Youell would like you there because he feels it will be further proof of the Riss’ value to the SAS. My advisors have, therefore, been no help, since they are of opposite opinions. I see the decision as between experience and seniority—a terrible choice for many reasons. Seniority is the cornerstone of the military. Performance and experience provide the only a reason for a person to be on a fast or slow track to promotion.

  “Our most senior Captains will command the ships in our fleet, yet you have more combat experience against the raiders then any one of them, but you have little experience as a Captain. My dilemma is whether battle experience is different from command experience. Which determines a person’s level of responsibility?

  “If I put you as an XO, Tactical Officer, or Navigation Officer you will be subjected to the Captain and will not be able to use your judgment in action, which is what has proved the decisive factor in your engagements with the raiders. A Captain may ignore your judgment because he or she feels you are too junior. Reese—you are giving me headaches.” He paused and stared at me like the answer was written somewhere on my face.

  “I bet on you last time, and I’m a hero because you came through. This time you will not be the decisive factor. You’ll be one among many. But if I let you go along, you must be free to use your judgment. It may be the difference between living and dying. If you die, my advisors will never give me advice again and work to get me relieved of command. Besides, I hate being wrong.”


  Everyone had me confused: The Riss, the Admiral, and those who judged me by the tattoo on my face. I would be happy on Saipha.


  I laughed, which wasn’t appropriate with three Admirals watching me. Plimson looked at me and shook his head.

  “As I was saying, before Thalia interrupted me, battle experience versus Captain experience. If I choose you, everyone is going to be mad at me, but they will take it out on you. This is a war, not a routine cruise to deliver supplies and ferry VIPs; therefore, I choose battle experience. Like the Captain of a spaceship, it is my responsibility to make the decision, and like any other Captain, I’m responsible for that decision. I’m sorry, Nadya, since you’ll pay the price for my decision. But I believe you and the Riss need to be there. You’ll command the Lynx.”

  Chapter 30

  I immediately made an appointment with Commander Walen, who was responsible for filling the navy’s positions for the assembling fleet. To my surprise, I only had to wait while he finished with another Captain. When a Captain left Walen’s office, a tall Petty Officer led me into the room.

  “Commander, this is Captain Reese; she scheduled an appointment with you,” she said with emphasis on appointment. It was obvious that many of the Captains who wanted to see Walen considered themselves too important to need an appointment. Walen was an older man, his face sagging with age, thinning gray-white hair, and slightly overweight. He looked harassed and also in a bad mood.

  “Captain... Reese, what can I do for you?” he said with hesitation. I knew I had to be careful. He’d hesitated either because I was a Riss-human or because I looked so young or, more likely, both.


  “Commander, I hate to bother you. I know you must be overwhelmed with work. I’m a new, young captain and would like your help to understand how the selection process works.” I sat when he laughed and waved me to a chair.

  “You’re new and young but not stupid, Captain Reese. I’ve had senior captains shouting at me for two weeks. I’m only a Commander, but they have no leverage with me. By now, my superior will have so many complaints it would take a week to go through and respond to them. So, they’ll wind up in his garbage. You seem to understand that and are a breath of fresh air. Besides you are probably the most decorated captain I’ve seen and the only Riss-human I’ve ever met.” He leaned back and smiled. “You tell me a little about the Riss, and I’ll see if I can help you. If nothing else, you’ll give me a rest from the herd of captains trying to get by my guard-dog outside.”

  “I’d be delighted. It’s my favorite topic...”

  I spent an hour talking about the Riss and my experience with a Riss. He asked lots of questions and seemed genuinely interested.

  “Now Captain Reese, what can I do for you?” His eyes seemed to twinkle with devilish delight—a cat watching a mouse.

  “I know you have limited personnel available. Hopefully some of my previous crew will remain with me. Even if half do, I would need as many as two hundred forty navy and fifty army. I would only ask to be able to eliminate those who hate or are repulsed by the Riss or a Riss-human. I will have thirty plus Riss on board.”

  “First, judging from what my people tell me, the majority of your previous crew has requested whatever ship you were assigned. We didn’t know and, therefore, offered other assignments. The vast majority said they would wait and see. I estimate you will need only two hundred navy and twenty-five army.”

  “I don’t understand, Commander. If most plan to crew with me again, why do I need two hundred navy? I had a little over three hundred when we returned. That would leave only a hundred.”



  “You don’t know, do you?”



  “The Lynx is a Hunter. You will need five hundred navy and a hundred Scorpions.” He smiled, probably because my mouth was open. I’d been happy thinking it was a Light cruiser.

  A Hunter!

  My head reeled. I felt like running back to Plimson and kissing him.

  “You thought you’d been given a Light cruiser.” He laughed. “You must be a good Captain. The majority of your navy crew wants to stay with you, and I have a number of requests from people who’ve flown with you before. I’ll have little trouble filling your positions. I have three hundred Scorpion volunteers; of course, we all know they’re crazy. I’ll allow you to interview the new assignments because of the Riss, but please don’t take long.”

  “You’ve been most considerate, Commander, and I appreciate it. If I can ever do something for you, it would please me. I’ll interview any personnel you have for me the same day you have them available, and I’ll give you my decision within twenty-four hours.” I left pleased. The Commander looked more relaxed and ready for the next senior captain waiting to demand special privileges. I felt sorry for the captains—well, not really.



  I called Terril.

  “Sheri, I’ve been assigned a Hunter!” I shouted into my SID. “It’s the Lynx.”

  “I think you’re the last to know. I’ve been on the Comm all day besieged with requests to joint the Lynx. If you want my advice—”

  “Just pick them and give me the list—I hope you’re going.” Terril was the one person I wanted on the Lynx.

  “Of course, I’m going. The navy doesn’t understand the army. On a ship, we have nothing to do but train and train for the entire cruise. The navy has jobs. With you, the Scorpions have had something important to do. Everyone wants on the Lynx. I’d be a rich woman if I auctioned the slots.” Terril laughed.

  “The Lynx won’t be ready for a week. Stay up there until the Riss can board the ship.” I signed off feeling good.

  * * * *

  Selection had been easier than I thought. I accepted everyone on the Mongoose who applied. Counting the thirty-four Riss, that left less than two hundred. Terril already had a list of one hundred Scorpions. Reluctantly, I turned down a lot of senior commanders. I felt it would cause discord with my Mongoose officers, who were new to their grades. I did accept the most senior navy personnel I could find to supplement the current crew. In addition, Alena was available. I promoted her to Commander and put her in charge of the Environmental unit. Now I had three of the remaining four Riss-humans. Petra had requested to be returned to Saipha. I hoped he stayed with his Riss. Someday, he would fly on a Riss cruiser with us.

  * * * *

  I was hungry and decided to eat at the Officer’s club. It was that or go into town by myself. In full uniform with my battle Aguillettes from Ebe and Yamhill, I had encountered only minor incidents; however, I felt better when Terril or a few Scorpions were with me. Maybe some day that wouldn’t be necessary. I entered and stood looking around to see who I knew when four lieutenants came and stood facing me. They looked like clones. They were young, muscular, wavy brown hair, matching sneers, and a head taller than me.

  “Aliens aren’t wanted in here with humans,” the leader said with his face only inches from mine. I clicked on my SID to record but didn’t move. He had to strike first or I’d be on Eden facing an inquiry, while the fleet sailed off to meet the raiders. “You and your trash get off Eden. You are contaminating our land. You’re uglier than the Riss with that dirt on your face...” He raved on and on.


  Amusement tingled through me. I smiled at the warm feeling.

  “You think this is funny? What if I smash that smile off your face?” he slurred and weaved slightly.

  “You would face a court martial and be sent to prison.”


  “No one would court martial me for t
hrowing garbage out of here”

  “Enough Ensign!” a short Rear Admiral said.

  “Who do you think you—” the Lieutenant stopped in mid-sentence and snapped to attention when he saw the star on the officer’s shoulder board.

  “You and your friends will report to your commander and tell him that Rear Admiral Geralda wants a letter of reprimand placed in your file for insulting a Naval Captain without provocation. Tell your superior, that I’d like a copy. Dismissed,” Geralda said softly with no change of expression. “Captain Reese, would you like to join us?”

  After that greeting, what could I say but yes?

  “It would be my pleasure, Admiral Geralda. I thank you for your help.”

  He walked me over to a table of six senior officers. “Colonel Seng suggested I stop them before you put the four young men in the hospital. So you see, I was protecting them, not you.” He laughed. “Gentlemen and ladies. If there is no objection, I’ve invited Captain Reese to join us.”

  I recognized Colonel Seng but not the Brigadier General next to him or the three navy Captains, two of whom were women. Seng pulled up an extra chair, and I sat—intimidated as usual.


  I felt the tension ease as Thalia worked her magic.

  “The rumor is that you have been assigned the Lynx,” the woman Captain said, her voice neutral. I nodded.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” I said, not knowing what else to do. She was a good deal older than me. She laughed.

  “You’re young and I’m...older, but Ma’am won’t do. The four of us are Captains. I’m Nance, there’s Jose, Samuala, and Carla. Colonel Seng is Lee since he works for you. You can call the stars, sir.” She nodded towards each person as she named them.

  “Excuse me, I’ve applied for the position, but Captain Reese hasn’t made any selection that I know of.”

  “I’d be pleased to have you in Command of the Scorpions, Colonel Seng.” I hadn’t interviewed anyone for the position, but it didn’t matter. I liked Seng. He had protected me when I needed help, and I knew him to be a good leader. The fact that Terril liked him helped a lot.


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