Bound to the Prime (Bound to the Pack, #3)

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Bound to the Prime (Bound to the Pack, #3) Page 3

by Morelle, Sonja

  The pace was an easy one for me to maintain. Unfortunately that meant I had plenty of time to think. And worry.

  Jen had only been a part of my life for an amazingly brief time, but already she consumed me. She had shattered my views of the world and, in doing so, had made me a better shifter, a better person.

  She had simply made me better.

  And now she had been taken by a person who would cause serious injury to someone he had supposedly loved. Whatever he was putting Jen through, I had to see her safe. And if she wasn't safe, well... I would see that Troy suffered for each hurt he had done to the woman I loved.

  Lost in my thoughts I was surprised to find Ian in the trail before me, seated on his haunches and panting heavily. He looked to me as I approached, then shifted back to his human form.

  "Lad, I need to rest." He sat on the trail, chest heaving as he worked at catching his breath and stretched around to get rid of cramps.

  We had been running for the better part of a day and I didn't feel as if I had done anything more intense than walking across a small field. Ian obviously needed rest, he had pushed himself hard, and though he would hate to hear it he certainly wasn't as young as he used to be.

  But we couldn't afford to waste any time, Jen couldn't afford it. Crouching down I indicated that Ian should climb on and rest while I continued to run. He sighed, nodded, and climbed up onto my back. Soon we were off again.

  For the first time since my transformation to Prime I had a wide trail before me and I began to run, truly run. The darkness surrounding us hid nothing from my sight though it would hide us from any prying eyes. And, possibly the most fortunate of all, my dexterity had increased with my size.

  Every step was sure, firm.

  How fast I ran was impossible for me to tell. The trees had long since stopped blurring together and had simply become solid unchanging walls to my left and right. The air was a constant scream in my ears, so I flattened them down to cut the distraction. Ian clung to my back desperately, clearly concerned about falling off.

  I drew on a well of strength deep within and continued well past the point where I should have been as exhausted as Ian had been. I had to get to Jen, needed to ensure her safety if she hadn't already freed herself. She had an amazing strength.

  And Troy, well, he would be dealt with.

  Chapter Five


  The ride had continued for what felt like forever. The only small reprieve had come when Troy had taken us out onto a highway to find a truck stop to stretch out our legs.

  All the stores inside had been closed save for a single burger joint that we ordered from. I had thought briefly about trying to get the employees help, but I felt certain that Troy would have simply killed them and ran off with me again.

  That had been hours ago, though the food still sat like a stone in my stomach. Mental note: when I get out of this I'm never eating at a truck stop again.

  Troy's incessant muttering had become white noise and threatened to lull me to sleep as we continued further off the beaten path and deeper into the hills. He hadn't spoken to me since the explosion when I had first awoken and any attempts to get information were met with the same impenetrable muttering.

  He was either ignoring me or was just too crazy to reply.

  I nearly jumped out of my skin when his phone announced that we had arrived at our destination. Looking around all I could see were trees as Troy pulled to the side of the road, frowning at the map on his phone.

  Turning to look behind us he put the truck into reverse and a short distance later I saw a small gap in the trees. A narrow dirt road lead off into the deep woods. It was only completely nightmarish in the pitch black of night.

  Troy smiled to himself as he looked out my window at the road before turning us onto it and driving slowly onward. I suppressed a shiver, when he had been looking out my window it had felt like he was looking through me. As if I wasn't even there.

  The bare branches scraping the sides of the truck did little to ease my mood. It didn't help that the 'road' seemed to go on forever either, though it may have just been the need to drive slowly.

  Worst of all though was the exhaustion beginning to creep over me. With as on edge as I was I'd think the adrenaline would have kept me awake. It was a frustrating though as a yawn cracked my jaw.

  I thought I might pass out yet again, like I had when Liam had carried me down out of the mountains. Thinking of him lifted my spirits considerably. I knew, without the hint of a doubt, that he was doing any and everything possible to get to me.

  I was determined to free myself so that when we saw each other next it would be a reunion and not a rescue.

  But to do that I would need to focus and stay awake.

  Time dragged on, the view ahead an unchanging dirt road with too close trees for what felt like forever. And then, suddenly and without warning, the trees opened up as we drove out onto the top of a hill I hadn't realized we were on.

  A light coating of snow covered the scene. We were in a large clearing that encompassed the whole hilltop, a beautiful cabin resting in it's center at the highest point. The trees must have been cleared to give an uninterrupted view of the surrounding area.

  The silhouettes of mountains were off in the distance, visible only as massive shadows against the starry sky. I was impressed in spite of myself. In any other situation this would be paradise, a dream vacation.

  Right now it was just the end of the road.

  Troy parked in front of the broad stairs leading up to the front door and leapt out of the truck, startling me with his speed. But he simply turned around and grabbed most of the baggage behind his seat however. I silently gave thanks to that brief jolt as some of my tiredness receded.

  Getting out of the truck my self I took in the view. The cool night air felt good on my face as soft gusts of wind blew my hair every which way. It was warmer than I thought it would be, not warm by any stretch, but warmer.

  Troy came around the front of the truck and walked up the stairs with his hands full of the things he had packed. I followed, not bothering to carry anything myself and feeling a small rush at the tiny victory.

  I'd make him bring everything in himself.

  It was petty and small, but right then I knew it would be one of the ways I would fight back until I found an opportunity to escape. If he thought he would 'date' me I'd make sure I was the bitchiest little princess he had ever met.

  When I followed him into the main room and he turned on the lights I was again taken aback by the majesty of the place. The main room was enormous, larger than my entire apartment building, let alone my apartment.

  Troy left the bags by the door and made his way towards one of the multiple fireplaces where he knelt down and quickly had a fire roaring. The large space was soon filled with a soft warmth as he made his way around and had all of the fires crackling quietly on their hearths.

  The comfort of the room quickly got to me and I was yawning again as I stood where I had entered the cabin. My eyelids began to feel as if weights had been put on them, it was all I could do to squint. I slowly made my way towards one of the couches in front of the largest fire and sat down.

  I immediately regretted the decision.

  Sinking down into the plush couch my jaw cracked yet again in a wide yawn, strong enough that my body shook. I knew then that I wasn't going to be able to get back up from my seat.

  My stomach growled angrily and I thought it was odd for some reason, though I couldn't place why. My mind began to drift as I heard Troy going back outside, likely to get the rest of the bags.

  "Wake up!" Troy's yell was inches from my face and I felt him shaking me.

  My stomach roared as I sat up slowly on the couch. When had I laid down? Troy leaned away, watching me warily.

  "You wouldn't wake up." His voice held concern, but his eyes were still predatory and didn't match his tone.

  "Food," I whispered softly as my stomach gave another earth
shaking rumble. I felt unbelievably weak.

  "I will take care of you. I am your alpha now." Troy smiled his creepy smile but didn't move an inch.

  "If you're going to take care of me then get me some goddamn food! A lot of it! I'm having another episode, remember the first?" I was hoping my tone would have him off and running. I desperately needed food.

  He watched me for a stretched out moment before nodding and standing. I sat feebly and listened to him rummaging around in the bags before making his way back towards me.

  Terror filled me when he came around into view. He hadn't brought me food, he'd brought some bondage restraints.

  Too weak to put up much of a struggle I soon found myself trussed up and immobile on the couch, tears flowing uncontrollably as Troy looked into my eyes and stroked my hair. I shuddered endlessly at the vile touch and he just smiled.

  "Don't be sad love, we'll get plenty of use out of these after I get back. Plenty." His twisted mind had somehow taken my tears of revulsion and terror as tears of sadness that he had to leave. "I need to run down to the store and get our supplies. I know how much of an appetite you have."

  He caressed the restraints as he stood, looking down at me and smiling his creepy smile below his dead eyes. "And I know how hungry you get too." His wink at his horrible attempt at humor made the situation just that much worse.

  I listened to his footsteps as he strode away, leaving the cabin. Once the sounds of the pickup had receded as he drove away I began to struggle in earnest against my bonds. I was far too weak however.

  Panting with the exertion, weak with hunger, the exhaustion washed over me again in ever increasing waves. My last thought before blackness overwhelmed me was that I had to escape quickly. Time was short.

  Time was very short.

  Chapter Six


  My endless well of energy disappeared abruptly in the pre-dawn light. Suddenly every step was a monumental effort, every breath a desperate gasp for air, and Ian's weight on my back seemed to be dragging me down.

  And I was moving uncontrollably fast.

  Using every last bit of willpower and strength I could muster I kept myself upright as I managed to slow to a stop. Ian slid forward, nearly falling off, before I collapsed to the ground feeling as if I had done exactly what I had done.

  Run several hundred miles non-stop.

  Ian climbed down and stepped over my forelegs to look into my eyes. "Are you alright lad?" His face was painted with the concern he was obviously feeling.

  Breathing in deeply I braced myself and began to shift. The usual sounds of bones reforming came, but for the first time in my life the shift wasn't a comfortable stretch. It was nearly unbearable pain. Forcing my way through the torment a soft whimper escaped me, turning to grunts of pain as my wolfish maw became a human mouth.

  Transformation complete I rolled onto my back and lay on the snow beneath me, letting the cold sooth the pain. Everything hurt in ways I had never experienced, or even heard of. Even my eyes were watering in the faint starlight above.

  "Liam?" Ian's face blocked out the stars as he leaned in over me. "I don't see any injuries, but that shift was definitely wrong."

  "I'm fine," I hoped the words were true, they needed to be.

  "I highly doubt that," he snorted and stood back as I sat up slowly. "You're definitely stubborn though. Want to tell me what the hell just happened?"

  Shaking my head I stood, legs trembling slightly, and began to stretch out my muscles, much like Ian had done hours before. I was exhausted, hungry, and every inch of me felt as if I had taken it past the breaking point.

  And had kept going for hours.

  "I just need to rest a bit, I will be ready to continue shortly." And I would, whether or not I actually was.

  "A bit? You look like you need to rest for a week." Ian stood back, arms folded across his chest as he watched me stretch with a critical eye. "Nothing seems broken at least."

  "It is irrelevant, we will continue." I finished stretching and leaned down to pick up our bundled clothes, wincing at the movement.

  Ian watched me a moment before nodding and taking his own items from the bundle. In that brief moment I saw something in his eyes I had never expected to see from the old alpha.


  "So we continue," Ian spoke as he dressed. "What's the plan beyond that?"

  "We look for the next town and find a shifter." I finished tying my boots and stood, waiting for Ian to finish dressing.

  "We go to a town?" He spoke as he dressed, "Why?"

  "We both need food and rest, neither of us is in any condition to hunt, and searching for a suitably large shelter for me would take too long." I began walking down the trail, muscles screaming in protest at first, but quieting as they warmed from the exertion.

  "Huh. That's actually pretty solid reasoning, color me impressed." Ian said from just behind as we continued on down the trail.

  "As you said the other day, size and strength are good, but I need to start using my head."

  "I'm just glad to see your head on your shoulders instead of up your own ass." Ian chuckled, "I honestly thought you had it buried so far up there it was lost to the world." A few weeks ago those words would have enraged me, now I knew them for the truth.

  "I grew up," I spoke just loudly enough to be heard over the snow crunching beneath our feet. My mind filled with the image of Jen's smiling face and the unreal force of her raw emotions.

  I knew I wouldn't be able to protect her from everything, life was full of trials and tribulations, and she would definitely be angry at me if I tried. She was hardly a delicate flower needing a guard. We had only been together a few short weeks though and, come hell or high water, I would get her back.

  "She'll be fine lad," Ian spoke firmly, voice drifting across my thoughts. "Don't question that for a moment. This will all be over soon enough and be nothing more than a bad memory." I sighed but knew he was right, doubt would only make things worse and had no place here.

  We continued on in silence as the eastern sky began to lighten with the oncoming dawn. Shortly before the sun would show it's leading edge above the horizon fortune smiled upon us. Ahead and below we could see the steady brightness of street lights.

  A town was only a few short miles away.


  "Thank you," I said to our hostess as she cleared away the remnants of our meal.

  Finding a local shifter had been relievingly easy. Michael's house had been right up against the path leading down from the Appalachian Trail, he had even been awake and outside, having just returned from an early morning hunt. The venison had been delicious.

  Even more fortuitous was that Michael and his family were of our clan, wolves. They recognized Ian and I for what we were: two hungry and tired traveling alphas. I had never been treated with such reverence.

  In a frenzy of motion Michael, and his bond mate Rachel, had prepared us a meal and given us their own bed for a short nap. It was as if they felt there wasn't enough they could do to make us feel comfortable and welcome here.

  "Would you like more?" Michael asked for the fourth time, Rachel poised on the balls of her feet, eyes wide and ready to bolt in any direction to fetch whatever we asked them for.

  "No, we are quite well, thank you." I answered firmly, putting a smile on to show we really were fine. Ian glanced quickly at me, a slightly harried look in his eyes. He normally stayed away from even our own tribe, he was far from comfortable here.

  "Oh. Ok." Rachel seemed positively crestfallen for a moment before she lit up like the sun. "I'll go check on your phone!" I suppressed a sigh as she rushed into another room, Michael's smile following her as she left.

  "It's charged!" Her voice was high pitched in excitement from the other room and a moment later she ran back into the kitchen. She held the phone reverently as she handed it to me, her hands trembling slightly as I took it from her. She could barely meet my eyes.

  "Thank you." I lo
oked to Ian and stood. He followed my lead and stood as well, uncharacteristically quick and awkward.

  "Are you leaving so soon? Are you sure there isn't anything more we could get for you?" Michael asked, his wife again poised to run at our whims.

  "No, you have both been most hospitable, but our time is sadly limited and we must be on our way." I looked to Ian and cocked my head towards the door. He wasted no time and practically flew outside as I thanked our hosts one last time before moving to join him.

  "Wait!" Rachel's voice was on the verge of panic as she exploded into movement. Faster than I could process she had bundled up the remaining venison,b a sizeable portion, in a compact package and was attempting to hand it to me. Her eyes were averted again.

  "This is your kill, we do not need to take it from you." Rachel's arms began to shake slightly as I spoke.

  "Please! It's your! It's the least we can do!" Michael's voice was a bizarre combination of attempting to assure me and trying to calm his bond mate.

  Sighing inwardly yet again I took the bundle from the now quivering Rachel, who panted slightly as she stepped back quickly. Michael stepped nervously between her and I and smiled weakly, Rachel deflating in relief at what she probably saw as the bravest thing her mate had ever done. It might actually have been.

  "Thank you again." I nodded at the package and walked outside to join Ian. An awed 'We hosted alphas...' reached my ears as the door closed behind me. I could almost hear the tears in her voice.

  Shaking my head as I reached Ian I held up the bundle. "The rest of the deer." Ian looked at the package, then back at the house, eyes still a little wide and somewhat shaken.

  "Best we get out of sight before they come after us to give their home too." Ian began to hike back up the path, quickly. "I'm not entirely sure they were of our clan, regardless of the scent. They were far more deer than wolf."

  I held up the bundle again, "One of their cousins perhaps?"


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