The Princesses (Princess Series Book 5)

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The Princesses (Princess Series Book 5) Page 10

by Alexa Riley

  I smile and kiss my way down her body before I stop at her belly. I hate leaving her warmth, but some needs other than my own must be met.

  “I shall feed you,” I say to the tender skin just above her pussy.

  She wiggles under me, and I sit up and take a moment to look at the sight. My perfect, beautiful bride. I can’t wait to make her my queen.



  I turn and spin in the mirror, looking at myself. I watch the bottom of my dress flare out enough to see my little kitten heels.

  “It’s a bit much, don’t you think?” the woman who brought the dresses for me to try on says. She brought other ones than the one I asked for. I think she did it in hopes I would choose something else, but when the rack was wheeled into the room I went right to it. The smile drops from my face as I look in the mirror again. I thought it was perfect. The golden dress is made of silk, and two ribbons across my shoulders hold the dress in place. The top is tight, molding to me down to the waist, where it flares out and the fabric is interspersed with cute little bunches of material. I look like Belle going to the ball.

  I love that the bottom is so free and I would be able to move easily. I can dance and have fun in it. I lift my dress to look at my shoes. They look like glass, but the small heels are covered in diamonds. I thought it was perfect. I’ve always loved both the stories of Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella, and now I know why. I’m getting both in my king. The beast and the prince all rolled together into one.

  “I think it’s perfect.” I spin around at the sound of Heavenly’s, Karim’s sister’s, voice. I haven’t met her in person yet, but we talked on the phone a few times yesterday. I run towards her, almost knocking her over when I hug her. She laughs, hugging me back and laughing.

  “You can go,” I hear her say as I pull back. The stylist shuffles from the room. “Don’t listen to her. This is the dress we talked about you wanting, and that makes it perfect.” She reaches out, touching one of my brown curls. Her face breaks into a giant smile as her eyes fill with tears. You’re just perfect.” It feels like she’s talking about more than the dress.

  I blush a little.

  “I bet you knocked him right over when he saw you.”

  I bite my lip, unsure of what to say. I can’t tell her he actually pinned me to a wall.

  “I just came from his office. He’s different,” she says, coming farther into the room and sitting down in one of the comfy white chairs. “He was all smiles and…” She pauses and then shrugs. “A little regretful.”

  I take a step back. I feel like something is grabbing ahold of my throat.

  “No, no. Not like that.” She shakes her head, and I can still see the tears there. “I mean regretful at some of the distance that’s grown between us over the years. He wants to fix that. He said he wants to make us a close family again, like when we were young.”

  I smile at that. Karim talked to me about how he and his sister lost that closeness when his parents died. He took over the throne when she was still so young. I could see the regret in his eyes as he told me the story. I told him it wasn’t too late.

  “I like the sound of that. I love my sisters, but they are a lot older than me, and they would’ve agreed with the stylist about the dress.”

  “Well, you’ve got yourself a new sister now.”

  That really makes my eyes water. After Karim finally let me crawl out of bed yesterday, everything went into full swing, and the one person, besides him, who helped me the most was his sister. When she got news of the wedding she was blowing up the phone asking me everything from here to the moon to get the ball rolling. She really pulled most of this together and never once did she say one of my ideas was silly. In fact, when I said something about a cotton-candy machine she asked what my favorite colors were and made sure there would be enough cotton-candy machines to make them all.

  “Where do you live?” I ask. We hadn’t gotten the chance to talk much about anything other than the wedding yesterday. I knew she didn’t live here.

  “With my grandma a few hours from here. Karim actually asked me to come back home.”

  “Oh, that would be so nice,” I admit. I’ve only gotten to know her a little, and what I know, I already love.

  “That won’t be happening.” We both turn at the sound of a man’s voice. Standing in the doorway is a tall, broad man with dark hair. He’s in a suit but looks a little disheveled. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Why didn’t you tell me you left the country?” His words are tight, and I can tell he’s fighting to keep them calm.

  “Carlos.” Heavenly stands from the chair, rolling her eyes. “I’m fine. I took a guard, and it’s my freaking brother’s wedding. Of course I was coming.”

  “You didn’t tell me,” he says in disbelief.

  “Yeah, well, that’s because you had one of those stupid dinner things to go to.” She puts her hand on her hip. “Finally find a wife?” Her response is short, and I can’t stop myself from glancing back and forth between the two of them.

  Carlos’s whole body goes rigid. He takes a deep breath as if controlling himself. “I didn’t go to the dinner.” He says, a little calmer this time. “I was worried when you weren’t at the castle all day yesterday.”

  “I was helping my new sister plan a wedding and finding a dress myself.” She runs her hands down her body as if trying to make sure the dress is still nicely in place. It’s dark green and hugs her everywhere. It makes her red hair really pop. She’s so beautiful.

  “I’ll accompany you tonight,” he tells her, but she scrunches her face as if she isn’t sure she likes that idea.

  “Carlos, I don’t need a protector tonight. I’m sure I’ll be fine. Besides, there will be lots of eligible women here who would love to catch your eye tonight.”

  Carlos runs his hand through his hair, clearly frustrated.

  “Stop it with the picking a wife shit. I hear it enough from my mother. You’ll go with me and act as my date. Neither of us is looking for anyone. Now put something on to cover yourself.”

  Heavenly laughs, clearly not going obey.

  “I think I’m going to go check on something.” I slip past Carlos, leaving the two of them to argue. I don’t know what the heck is going on. They almost seem like brother or sister with the way they’re fighting, but I can feel some other type of tension in the room.

  I make my way down the hall and stop when I hear Karim’s voice. A guard is standing outside the door. I step towards it, and he bows his head, stepping out of my way. I crack it open and peek inside and see him sitting at his desk, a phone pressed to his ear.

  I slip into the room, heading straight for him. His eyes meet mine and widen. He pushes back his chair, and I do my best to crawl into his lap with the dress I have on. I bury my face in his neck, relaxing into him. I’m shocked we got so much done for this wedding, because it seemed like every time we were more than twenty minutes apart we would go looking for the other and end up like this.

  “Get it done. My queen and I are leaving tonight,” he snaps, and I hear the phone drop down onto the desk.

  “I thought it was bad luck to see the bride in her wedding dress?”

  “I don’t think you’d ever let anything bad happen to us,” I mumble into his neck, enjoying the smell of him. His arms wrap around me tightly.

  “I would never let anything happen to my little princess.” He kisses the top of my head. “You look beautiful. This is going to be the fastest wedding and reception anyone has ever seen. But I’ll make sure you dance.”

  I pull back and look at him, smiling. “You’re more perfect than any fairy tale I’ve ever read.”

  “I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure that holds true for you, my queen,” he says, and his mouth takes mine.



  “Where are we going?” Giselle asks excitedly, bouncing in the airline seat.

  “On our honeymoon,” I answer, kissing her li
ps and then buckling her in.

  The crew finish doing all the checks and offer us beverages as we get ready for takeoff. My plane is loaded and I’ve got a three-month vacation planned with my queen to celebrate our joining.

  “Yes, but where?” She sips her champagne and smiles so brightly I can’t deny her anything.

  “My gift to you, my queen.” I pull the map out of my suit and hand it over to her.

  She takes a second to look at it and then look at me before she opens it up.

  “What are all these red dots?” she asks, studying the countries.

  I lean in close and press my lips to her ear. “All the places I’m going to fuck my wife.”

  “Karim,” she says, blushing and looking around to see if anyone heard him.

  We are very much alone, as the crew is minimal and getting ready for takeoff.

  “Do you not like your present?” I ask, rubbing my nose against the shell of her ear.

  I breathe her in, and she smells like cotton candy and all the things I crave. I want to lick every inch of her and then make love to her all night. I don’t know if I can wait for the plane to take flight before I pull her into the bedroom in the back.

  “I love it,” she murmurs, her cheeks deepening with color.

  Our wedding was perfect and was everything Giselle dreamed of. And that was the most important part. I wanted her to be happy, and the smile I saw on her face was enough for me to know I succeeded.

  The ceremony was short, and so was the welcoming of guests. The reception was just what she asked for, and I danced with her for as long as she wanted. But when she said she was ready to be alone with me, I scooped her up in my arms and nearly ran out of the ballroom.

  “You told me how you wanted to see the world, and I wanted to make that happen. So you’ll see a lot of beds in a lot of countries for the next few weeks.”

  “Karim,” she chastises, rolling her eyes. But the smile there tells me she likes the idea just as much as I do.

  “You know, it’s a good thing I stole you and made you marry me,” I say, kissing her hand.

  “I don’t think you actually stole me. I went along willingly.” Her smile is teasing, but she leans up and kisses my cheek. “I’d gladly go along willingly again.”

  “I’d gladly hunt you again.” My smile turns predatory, and she licks her lips. “Maybe I should show you the rest of the plane.”

  “Maybe you should,” she says, her words filled with need.

  “You wish is my command, my queen,” I reply, and carry her to the back.



  Five years later…

  I lick the remaining cream cheese off my finger, moaning at the delicious taste. I’m remaking a pastry that the boys and Karim and I made while taking family cooking class in Paris two weeks ago while on vacation. Since that night I can’t stop eating cream cheese. I practically put it on everything now.

  “You two are just as addicted as me.” I smile down at my growing baby belly before going back to plating the pastries.

  We spent two weeks in Paris before coming home, knowing it would be our last trip for over a year. I wouldn’t be allowed to travel anymore, and I wouldn’t want to be far from home once the twins arrive.

  When Karim and I first married we traveled a ton until our first son, Evan, came. Then when he started crawling around we took a few trips, but I only ended up pregnant again. I didn’t mind. I once thought I could spend my life traveling and seeing the world, having been holed up in my father’s estate for so long, but being here with Karim and my boys, I see that wasn’t the case. I was lonely and I thought traveling would fill that void. While I still like to go places and see different cultures, I love home most of all. Where my family is. Everything I could ever want or need is within these walls.

  I pick up the plate and head for my king’s office to have my afternoon snack with him and maybe take a little nap on his sofa—something I do pretty often. But I stop when I see a man around my age waiting outside his door. He looks a little out of place. Most people coming to Karim’s office are in some kind of suit, but he’s in jeans and a polo shirt. I glance at the guard standing outside the door, and he gives me a small nod, letting me know it’s okay to talk to the man.

  “Hi,” I greet him, offering a friendly smile.

  “My queen.” He bows his head a little. Being called that still feels weird even after all these years.

  “Please call me Giselle,” I tell him, like I do most people. “Are you waiting for my husband?” I ask, hoping he isn’t. I wanted to lie down in his office for a little bit and eat my snack while the boys slept. We don’t get alone time much, and we like to enjoy it. I always come at the same time every day if he’s working, and he never schedules anything during that time, so I’m a little surprised.

  “I just needed to drop something off,” he tells me, and I nod.

  “Would you like a pastry?” I hold the plate out to him, but before I even see him, my husband is taking the plate from my hand and out of the other man’s reach.

  “Steven,” Karim half-growls, and I roll my eyes, reaching for my plate again.

  “Don’t take my food,” I snap at him, drawing his eyes back to me as a smile pulls at his lips. I narrow my eyes at him, but this only makes him smile more. He leans down, pressing his lips against mine in a soft kiss, and I go weak like I always do for him.

  “Come on, I’ll bring the plate in and feed you,” he tells me, nodding towards his office door.

  I lick my lips, still tasting him there, and go into his office. I don’t even make it halfway in and he’s already behind me, a sheet of paper in hand, his office door closed and the plate in another. He sets the paper down on the desk and pulls me over towards the sofa.

  “Lie down.”

  I do as he commands, wanting to be off my feet. He takes one of the pastries and feeds it to me, then hands me another. I moan around it as he takes a seat at the other end of the sofa, pulling my feet into his lap and sliding my shoes off my feet. He starts to rub them. I don’t know why, but the edge of bossiness he still has does things to me. It should annoy me, but it only seems to turn me on, and I think he knows it. That could also be because whenever he bosses me around it always ends with me being happy somehow.

  “I’m only four months along and they are already swollen,” I groan as his fingers sink into my feet. I don’t know what’s better, the pastry or the foot rub. Thank goodness I don’t have to pick and can enjoy both.

  “You’re carrying twins this time.” He stops rubbing for a moment and brings his palm up to my belly. “Two little boys at once.”

  “Girls,” I correct, making him narrow his eyes. “It is,” I tell him matter-of-factly.

  He lets out a deep breath, knowing I’m likely right. I guessed the two boys right when he was sure they were going to be girls. We never ask when we go to the sonograms. I love the surprise, and Karim lets me have it, no matter how much it drives him crazy not knowing.

  “We should name them Lily and Anne,” I tell him. He stops rubbing and looks at me. “They are both pretty names and, well, we had your dad’s name mixed in with the boys’ names, so…” I know how much he loves his mom and misses her. I wish I could have met his parents; they sound wonderful. At least our children will always have a part of them with them, because I know from the stories they would have been wonderful grandparents.

  “I’d like that very much.” He gives me a hard little squeeze and resumes rubbing.

  I pop another pastry in my mouth and go back to enjoying my utter bliss. When I look over, I see the paper he brought in lying on his desk.

  “What did the man you scared off bring you?”

  “He should’ve been scared, taking a pastry my wife made from her plate.”

  I roll my eyes again like I always do when his jealousy starts sparking. He makes it sound like the man tried to take something more than food.

  He tickles my foot and
makes me giggle. “Remember the crème brûlée we had the first night in Paris?”

  “And every night after,” I add. We ate at some wonderful restaurant where I’d gotten the best dessert of my life and then had it delivered to our hotel every night until we left the city.

  “I got the recipe for you.”

  “What!” I sit up in shock. I’d asked over and over again for it, but the chef wouldn’t hand it over.

  “Whatever my queen wants, she gets,” he says, a sexy smile spreading on his face.

  He slides his hand up my leg, and I look at him with so much love. This man would do anything for me. He does everything for me.

  “Now, how about since I got you your favorite dessert, you let me have mine.” My legs fall open for him as he slides his hands all the way under my dress, pulling my panties free and crawling between my thighs.

  I give him what he wants because he’s the love of my life, and also because no one denies King Karim. Not even me.



  Another seven years later…

  I feel Giselle come up behind me in the shower. She runs her small hand down my stomach as her breasts press against my back.

  “Hmmm. What are you up to?” I ask as her hand trails lower.

  “I woke up and you were already out of bed. I guess I was the one who had to hunt this morning.”

  “And did you have a hard time finding me?” I grunt as her hand circles my cock and starts to jack me off.

  “No, the sound of the shower gave you away. You should really hide better next time.”

  She brings her other hand around to rub my balls, and I have to brace both hands on the tile in front of me. “Fuck.”

  “I want to get you off like this, and then I want you to make love to me.”


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