Intentions of the Earl (Scandalous Sisters, Book 1)

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Intentions of the Earl (Scandalous Sisters, Book 1) Page 11

by Rose Gordon

  Lady Olivia’s smile faded a bit. “I did not realize there was another lady already holding your attention. I shall just have to play harder in order to win.” She rose and quickly swept from the room.

  Andrew picked up the chess pieces, wondering exactly how Lady Olivia thought to change her course of action in order to steal him from this other heiress she had created in her imagination.

  With a shake of his head, he left the drawing room in search of more stimulating entertainment.

  What he found waiting for him in the hallway was more stimulating, but not necessarily entertainment.

  Chapter 13

  “Mr. Banks, it’s nice to see you arrived safely,” Andrew said with a bow.

  “Townson, I didn’t expect to see you here,” John said with a little bit of curiosity in his voice.

  “I had not yet received my invitation when we last spoke,” Andrew said smoothly.

  “Indeed. I’m rather surprised Regina would not have sent yours sooner.” Interest showed on John’s face.

  “Ah, that is because I was actually invited personally by Alex. He is an old friend of mine.” It was true enough. No need to tell him that he'd gone so far as to seek Alex out and ask for an invitation.

  “My nephew has a friend?” John said in a half joking tone.

  Alex was a very nice man, but the truth was it was hard for him to make friends. He always had his nose in a book, wore spectacles, and attended a plethora of boring meetings that ranged from plants to bugs to what was dumped into the Thames, and everything in between. His unusual interests and pristine reputation had somehow garnered him the nickname Arid Alex.

  It was a common belief among the ton that he’d never marry unless the baron, Alex’s father, arranged a marriage for him. All of Alex's siblings had drastically different personalities that made them socialites, however, since Alex was the heir to the barony and would one day need to sire an heir himself, it was necessary for him to marry.

  “I certainly count myself one of his friends, sir.” Andrew didn’t mind the bizarre tendencies of Alex. To Andrew, that was what made his friend interesting.

  Besides, if Alex couldn't care less about what people thought about Andrew to be his friend, then why should Andrew care about what interests Alex held? The two of them had formed a friendship when neither had another friend in the world, and that friendship was nothing that Andrew would ever want to let go of.

  That was part of the trouble with going through with this scheme, and at this party for sure. Whatever happened, he would lose his friendship with Alex. He had to swallow a lump that formed in his throat every time he thought about it. He might have let Gateway believe that mattered naught, but in reality it mattered a great deal to Andrew. He didn’t want to lose Alex’s friendship, and just now he realized exactly how soon it would happen.

  John smiled at Andrew. “My lord, you are far less shallow than I originally thought. I am quite certain that Alex values your friendship as much as you value his.”

  “Thank you, sir. Alex may not be the most entertaining of men, but he is very loyal and sincere, and those are qualities I value much more than popularity and social polish.”

  “I am very glad to hear that.” John gave a sincere smile. “I always admired my older brother. He was different. He was always looking at anything scientific he could get his hands on. He always did experiments whenever he could find the funds and resources. The problem was that nobody but his family accepted this about him. Because of his unusual interests, he was considered an outcast to society. Yet, I admired him.

  “I admired him because he didn’t care what people said about him. I despaired when I got letters sent by my brother that young Alex had the same interests. I think Edward sees things differently now that it’s his son being cast out of society. However, I am very glad to know he has at least one sincere friend. I do believe in all honestly I can say I admire you now, too.”

  Andrew felt like a lead weight was being lowered unto his stomach. John Banks, the man he was about to disappoint on two accounts. First, through his daughter and now his nephew, was telling him that he admired him. It gave him a sick feeling inside. “Thank you again, sir,” Andrew said flatly, hoping his thoughts were not in his eyes.

  “John,” shouted a voice further down the hall, startling them both.

  Both men turned to see who the voice belonged to just as Edward Banks, Lord Watson came strolling toward them from down the hall. “I have someone here to meet you. I think you are going to like meeting him,” the baron said.

  “I shall be on my way post haste. I would not like to keep my guest in your house waiting,” John said with a brief smile for his brother. “We’ll talk more later, Townson.”

  As John walked away, Edward called out, “He’s in the yellow drawing room.”

  John raised a hand to indicate he heard his brother and strolled down the hall to greet his guest.


  Paul Grimes was the second son of Viscount Bonnington. Like other younger sons, without titles and very little family money, Paul wasn’t given many options: clergy or military. Having never been a very good shot, Paul chose to go into ministry instead.

  That wasn’t the only reason he’d chosen ministry. All his life he had always been groomed to do it. Just as his older brother had been groomed to be the viscount, Paul had been groomed to be a minister.

  Paul’s father was born a second son and had chosen a life in the clergy. He had served as a vicar until Paul was fifteen and Paul’s uncle died without an heir. After his uncle’s death, Paul’s father inherited the title. This wasn’t an unexpected event. With both Paul’s father and uncle being in their fifties before marrying, and the viscount being unable to sire an heir, it was always known that Paul’s father would inherit. Which meant, one day Paul’s brother, Sam, would inherit.

  Only three years after Paul’s father inherited, he passed away and Sam inherited the title, lands, and money. That’s when Paul seriously began to pursue a career as a minister.

  It was all very easy when he first started. He just did what he liked best: biblical research, preach, help others, and be spoiled by the all the ladies of the parish baking him bread and bringing him jam.

  At three-and-twenty, he was pleased with how his life turned out and was convinced he had made the right choice. But then he turned four-and-twenty and his life turned into a living hell.

  The problem was that he found himself as the target of gossip. He had a few troublemaking parishioners who liked to spin the rumor mill, especially at his expense. And these rumors seemed to be growing by the day.

  When he tried to solve the problem by himself, he was met with outrage by the members of the church.

  Unsuccessful with his attempts at his church, he had gone to the bishop. The bishop said he was too busy to help mediate small church squabbles and sent Paul back with only a little piece of advice: find yourself a mentor.

  After asking a few questions and paying calls to several of the village’s most notorious gossips, who of course he knew to be his principal parishioners, Paul learned that the local baron’s younger brother was a minister in the United States. And to Paul’s good fortune, he was in England visiting his brother just now.

  Paul only had this knowledge for under an hour before he arrived at the front door of the baron’s house. After being shown into a drawing room and waiting for a quarter hour, Paul met the baron. Now he was waiting for the arrival of the baron’s brother, who hopefully would agree to mentor him and be the answer to all his problems.

  He got up out of his chair, tossed his hat down and walked to the window where he began to wear a hole in the rug pacing back and forth. His mind was no longer trying to sort out what to do about the church, but thinking about how to ask a man he’d never met to be his mentor. He raked his hand through his blond hair, then took off his spectacles and rubbed his green eyes. This is a mistake. I shouldn’t have come. He may not even agree to do this and if he
does, he might change his mind when he finds out just how bad it is.

  He walked over to where his hat was sitting and was reaching down to pick it up when a creaking noise broke the silence. His fingers dropped his hat and he looked over to the door just in time to see John Banks walk into the room.

  “Good afternoon,” Mr. Banks said casually as his eyes searched Paul’s grim face.

  “Good afternoon, sir,” Paul replied with a slight bow.

  “How can I help you today?” Mr. Banks didn’t bother to bow.

  “I have a small request of you, sir,” Paul said timidly, then at John’s motion, took a seat.

  “Go on,” Mr. Banks encouraged him with a warm smile.

  “I understand you are a man of the cloth.” Paul swallowed. How was he supposed to phrase this? Should he just come out and say it or should he try to make light of it somehow?

  “Spit it out, boy,” Mr. Banks said, pulling Paul from his thoughts. “I have been a minister long enough to know the more someone hesitates, the worse the problem.”

  Paul’s eyes widened. He let out a deep breath and then the words began to tumble out before he could stop them. “You see, I am the local vicar here, and have been having some trouble at my church. I have spoken to the bishop, but he was of no help and he suggested I find a mentor. I just wondered if maybe, if you could find the time, that is, could you act as a mentor for me?” His face burned with embarrassment. It was awfully uncomfortable asking a favor of someone upon the first meeting, especially when he was asking John Banks to be his mentor because of problems he could not handle in his own vicarage, most of which were directly connected to him.

  John’s eyes lit up and he jumped to his feet. “I would be honored to do just that.” Wasting no time, he strolled to the door and swung it open. “Why don’t we go somewhere a little less public and you can tell me about the problems going on in your vicarage.”

  Paul’s body relaxed as they walked down to a private sitting room.

  Beside him, John talked excitedly all about his early experiences. Just before they entered the room, John looked him square in the eyes and said, “I remember my first few years as a minister. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, could make me want to go back and relive them. But I promise when you get it all figured out and know how to handle people it all gets easier.”

  “I surely hope so,” Paul said with a faint smile.

  Chapter 14

  A half hour before dinner was to be served, guests started to congregate in the drawing room to mingle while waiting to be shown in to dinner. Papa had introduced the family to Paul Grimes.

  “He doesn’t yet have all the finer points of the Lord’s work, but with a little help and direction he’ll be the best vicar in all of England,” Papa declared, beaming with pride.

  “I thank you kindly, sir. You will never know how much I appreciate what you have agreed to do,” Mr. Grimes said modestly.

  “Think nothing of it.” Papa waved his hand dismissively.

  “Good evening, Mr. Banks,” interrupted a voice from behind Brooke.

  “Good to see you again, Townson. I would like for you to meet Mr. Paul Grimes. He is the local vicar. He came to see me this afternoon. Mr. Grimes, this is Andrew Black, he is the Earl of Townson.”

  Andrew and Paul bowed to each other.

  “So this is the mysterious guest, then?” Andrew asked.

  “The very one.”

  Andrew turned and faced Brooke, her mother, and sisters. “Good evening, ladies,” he said with another bow.

  “Townson,” Mama said cordially.

  “Mrs. Banks, you are looking well. And as for all three of you, Miss Banks, Miss Madison, Miss Liberty. You all look very beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you,” they chorused in unison.

  “Would you like to take a turn of the room with me, Miss Banks, and allow me to introduce you to some of the other guests?” he asked as he held out is arm to Brooke.

  “I would like that very much,” Brooke said.

  When Andrew and Brooke had taken a few steps out of earshot of her parents Andrew leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I see those mineral baths agreed with you.”

  Brooke’s face flushed at his innuendo, but she was determined not to let him get the better of her tonight. At least not so early, anyway. “We had a splendid time in Bath. It was quite a wonderful experience,” she replied blandly

  “You’re rather fetching when you blush,” Andrew said, ignoring her meaningless comment.

  They walked around the room, but Andrew didn’t introduce her to anyone. He steered her around the room, avoiding everyone that might want to talk to them. The way he was guarding her, Brooke couldn’t help but feel like she was the only woman in the room.

  “Have you had an agreeable visit thus far?” Andrew asked.

  “Yes, I have. I saw some men out playing a lawn game earlier from my window. It looked like a lot of fun. Tomorrow, I plan to ask if I may join.”

  “Perhaps I can join you. I know the rules to most lawn games. I can help you learn them if you like,” he offered, his eyes dancing with amusement.

  “I just bet you do.” She did too. He seemed the sort. She’d also bet that him helping her learn the rules would involve their bodies being in close contact. She had an excited shiver at the thought.

  “Have you seen the conservatory?” he asked, breaking into her thoughts.

  “No,” Brooke said sadly. “I was hoping for a tour of the place, but when we arrived, my aunt and uncle were too busy accepting guests and neither of them could give a tour at the time.”

  “What of your father? He did grow up here, did he not?”

  “Yes, but he has been busy with Mr. Grimes, talking about the Bible and whatnot, since shortly after we arrived.”

  “Ah, what a pity,” Andrew said sympathetically. Then his eyes lit up as if he had a breakthrough of some sort. “I will be happy to give you a complete tour of the estate tomorrow if that would please you.”

  “How do you know your way around the estate well enough to give a tour?” she asked skeptically.

  “I’m rather close friends with your cousin, Alex. He and I attended school together. Then we went on our Grand Tour together. I’ve been here many times and know where everything of interest is.”

  She nodded. “Well, in that case, I should be delighted to go on a tour with you.” She looked at his smiling face and added, “We will require a chaperone, of course.”

  His smile didn’t falter. “Of course you require a chaperone.” He paused and twisted his lips as if he were thinking about something of great importance. “How about if we bring Alex? It’s acceptable for you to be accompanied by a male cousin. He is family, after all. Anyway, at these house parties the rules are more relaxed than they are in London. Nobody would think a thing of it.”

  “All right then,” Brooke said, agreeing to go but still not sure how Mama would react. Even though Alex was a cousin, he was still a man, and none of them actually knew him very well.

  As if fate was unhappy with Brooke, she could only revel in her excitement of the promise of a tour for a mere moment before they were accosted by the enemy: Lady Olivia Sinclair.

  “Good evening, my lord,” she said, curtsying to Andrew. Then she directed a brief, icy glance toward Brooke. “Miss Banks,” she murmured.

  Both Andrew and Brooke quickly greeted Lady Olivia.

  “I am so glad I found you, my lord. I was beginning to think you had reneged on your invitation to escort me in to dinner.” Lady Olivia’s accusation was said loud enough to turn heads in their direction.

  Brooke was so convinced of her words that her fingers acted on their own accord. They loosened their grip on his arm and lightly hovered on his coat, barely touching the fabric. Was it true? Had he promised to take Lady Olivia into dinner? If he had, why was he walking with her? Her mind raced with all sorts of questions she wanted to ask but knew she couldn’t. She stood still, waiting for Andrew t
o say something.

  When he finally did, it wasn’t what Brooke had hoped. “Please accept my humble apologies. I would be glad to escort you into dinner. Let me just return Miss Banks back to her family,” he said smoothly to Lady Olivia.

  Andrew nearly dragged Brooke back to where her parents were standing across the drawing room.

  “You shouldn’t be acting short with me. I’m not the one who was caught trying to get out of an earlier promise,” she said icily when they were almost to her parents.

  Andrew didn’t dignify that statement with an answer.

  When they reached her parents, he disengaged his arm, then turned and stalked across the room to Lady Olivia before any more words could be exchanged.

  Brooke stood by her parents. She tried to act as if she weren’t bothered with the evening’s change of events. She talked to a few of the gentlemen that were around and was escorted down to dinner by Mr. Cook.

  On the way to dinner, Mr. Cook tried to make small talk, but even that was too much for her to keep up with. Her mind was too busy thinking of Andrew and why he’d thrown her over like that. If he had previously asked Lady Olivia to dinner, then why did he seek her out? Was he really trying to renege on his earlier promise? As awful as it sounded, she almost hoped that was what had happened. Not that she liked that Lady Olivia had ended up with Andrew as her dinner companion after all, but she liked the idea that he had attempted to throw Lady Olivia over for her. She knew she was wrong for thinking, and relishing, such a thought, but at least she was honest.

  Mr. Cook led her to a pair of seats across from Liberty and Mr. Grimes. Once they were seated, Brooke murmured her greetings to the others then stared at the entrance waiting for Andrew. What was taking him so long? He was an earl, one of the highest ranks in attendance; he should be seated fairly close to the hostess. The Duke of Gateway with his escort, Lady Burbank, come in. She was shocked when they sat down right next to her and Mr. Cook.


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