Dino Island 2

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Dino Island 2 Page 10

by J R Hogan

  “Jessica, we need to stop right now or they’re going to kill us!” I shot back, my voice getting ever louder.

  She finally looked around, understanding what I was saying.

  Then she went straight back to bouncing on my dick. “There’s only three of them, and I’m not stopping for such a low number.”



  My brain felt like it was in a blender. “There are only two,” I gasped as she continued to fuck me. “But that’s still-”

  “You missed – oh – you missed the one hiding in the – fuck – bushes at ten o’clock,” she heaved as she bounced.

  I moved my head around her flying, golden locks and stared at empty space until I saw it: the faintest outline of a head was visible in the shadows.

  The other two were a sophisticated distraction.

  “Jessica, they have a plan to kill us,” I panted as I reached up to push her away again.

  She pushed my hands aside once again. “And what do we have, fucking water pistols?” she asked, bouncing higher.

  “No. Yes. You’re right, we need to fight back-”

  She yanked my hair and stopped on her downthrust, my dick completely embedded in her pussy, then pulled my head to face her. “If I shoot them, will you stop your bitching?”

  “YES!” I gasped. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, lifting her AR-15 and adjusting the aim.

  “Um. Jessica… aren’t you going to get off my dick?” I heaved.

  “No,” she snapped. “Keep your cock buried inside me until I’m finished. The deal was that I would shoot them and you wouldn’t complain anymore. We didn’t say you could stop fucking me.”

  “But those two are about to charge-”

  “Then you’d better get to work,” she responded while aiming at the Troodon in the shadows, “sex keeps me focused.”

  I froze.

  Then she rolled her hips and squeezed the trigger.

  The gun roared to life as Troodons screeched from every direction.

  “Got him!” she yelled as she swiveled to the first one I’d seen. She fired again.

  “Fuck, I missed! Get to work, Professor, if you want to keep my mind sharp!”

  I was beyond confused. But I started pumping my hips so fast that my legs threatened to lock in burning pain.


  “Got him, Professor! Now turn with me!”

  We pivoted awkwardly, my dick still deep inside of her, as she found the third dino.

  It was already sprinting toward us.


  And just like that, we were the only ones left. Jessica responded by bouncing furiously on my crotch.

  “I’m can’t hold on any more,” I huffed.

  Jessica dropped the assault rifle and reached under her skirt, rubbing furious circles around her clit. “Gunplay brings me to the edge,” she whispered. “Professor, finish with your cheek against mine.”

  We pressed our faces together, an act of simple intimacy amidst a scene of raw, carnal animalism. It was that gentle caress that sent me over the edge. I tried to stay balanced and strong, but I melted into a shambling mess of disorganized bliss as I filled her.

  “I’m cumming!” she whispered, her hand working faster than I’d thought possible. “Don’t slide out until I’ve finished cumming on your dick, Professor!”

  I could only moan.

  She screamed and bounced once more.

  Then she sprung up and let me slide out, leaping with energy as I rolled helplessly onto the ground.

  “Wait,” she called as she looked down at me, “hold still.”

  I was so drained that I couldn’t have denied her request, even if I wanted to. She knelt down and grabbed my dick with one hand, smiling up at me.

  “I want to taste myself on you.”

  I whimpered as she took all of me into her mouth at once, wrapping her full lips tightly around my shaft as she pulled slowly back, drinking in the slick flavor she’d left behind, her perfect teeth gently raking my skin.

  Then she rose up on her knees, swallowed, and looked to the treetops.

  I glanced from the slain dinos, to her discarded weapon, down to my exhausted legs, and finally into her immaculate, glowing face.

  “You win, Jessica,” I breathed, “you win.”



  “We can cuddle some other time, Professor. You need to stand up now.”

  My jaw hung low, but no words came out as she pulled her panties back on and slung the AR-15 around her shoulders.

  “Coming?” she asked, her head cocked.

  “Not again for a few hours at least,” I panted as I sat up. “How – how can you possibly have this much energy?”

  She smiled wide, revealing two rows of immaculate teeth. “Sex gives me energy. You’re going to have to keep up when the straws say it’s my turn for twenty-four hours.”

  My eyes bulged. Then another thought struck me.

  “Jessica, in the moment, I wasn’t thinking – I couldn’t think straight – but we didn’t use protection-”

  “The last pill I took is still good, but I needed to make sure I had you before it ran out.”

  I nodded dazedly.

  “Now stand up.”

  I felt like she was asking me to juggle bowling balls underwater.

  Then she hooked her arm underneath mine and lifted. Suddenly, I was standing.

  “Forgetting something?” she asked, eyebrow raised.

  “What? Oh, yes, the spear,” I answered, looking for where I’d left it on the ground.

  She laughed. “Your dick is hanging out.”

  I stared down at my crotch. “Ah, I see that you are correct.” I awkwardly stuffed my still-rigid cock back into my underwear and zipped it up, then stumbled forward.

  “Professor,” she laughed.

  I stopped and looked back at her.

  “This time, you did forget the spear.”

  I shuffled over to the place I’d left it and plucked it gingerly from the dirt. Bending over was difficult with my dick still hard.

  “And your knife,” she continued, fingertips resting on her lips.

  I sighed. “My thighs are burning, my dick can’t fit in my pants, and I’m drained of all energy. You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  She kissed me on the cheek, pick up my knife, and pressed it into my hand. “Yes.” She pinched my ass. “Now let’s go find some dinosaurs.”

  I followed in a daze while she picked up the trail as though we hadn’t stopped for jungle sex. The dinos’ surprise attack told me that we were on the right track, but Jessica saw a path that I couldn’t begin to understand.


  I continued to mark the trees so that we could find our way back. I had the knife raised high, about to strike another divot, when Jessica grabbed my wrist and put a finger to her lips.

  “I think we’ve found it,” she whispered.

  My marshmallow brain realized, in a distant sort of way, that I would forever feel different when she touched me, that we had crossed a line that would never be reversible. I was better for it, but weaker as well.

  I lifted the spear and held the knife in front of me.

  She shook her head. “Don’t bother. If they find out we’re here, there’s nothing that knife can do to save us.”



  I froze as she crouched next to a low rise in the ground. Paranoia swept over me as I considered how many rolling mounds were spread throughout the jungle, and how easily a small, intelligent dinosaur could hide behind one. I bent down next to her, keeping as quiet as I could, and lay flat against the dirt.

  Jessica placed the assault rifle by her side as she pushed herself upward, peeking over the edge.

  Her eyes bulged.

  I didn’t want to look. But no
t knowing what’s behind the door is almost always worse than facing it. So I held my breath and peeked over the edge.

  At least thirty Troodons faced the center of a small clearing, their focus on some sort of fervent activity. Their familiar shrieks masked a more terrified yelp.

  Then something flew through the air, and the source of the yelp became apparent.

  A tiny dinosaur the size of a small dog was tossed high before crashing to the ground. It yelped again, its little legs wiggling in the air. But before the dino could right itself, a Troodon sank its teeth into the victim’s green tail and pulled it back. The small dinosaur had no means to defend itself; its feet were designed for plodding and not fighting, its miniscule beak was made for munching greens, and its round, black eyes were meant to spot far-off enemies, not to focus on close combat.

  It screeched louder still as five sets of jaws descended at once, instantly silencing its terrified squeaking as they tore the creature to shreds.

  Jessica and I slid below the rim.

  “That poor baby didn’t stand a chance,” she moaned.

  “It wasn’t a baby,” I whispered. “I’m pretty sure that was a full-grown Chaoyangsaurus. They weighed twenty, thirty pounds tops.”

  Jessica looked like she was going to cry.

  “This isn’t good,” I explained in a shaky voice. “It’s yet another example of noncontemporary fauna co-existing here, and subsequent predatory behavior adapting quickly.”

  “You mean the fish-eyed ones are dangerous because they’ve never seen the baby dinos before, but figured out real quick that they make a tasty snack,” Jessica clarified.

  “Right,” I answered.

  She picked up the AR-15. “Well they’re not the only ones quickly adapting to predatory behavior.”

  “Wait,” I hissed, panic rising up. “We’ve got one gun and one pointy stick against dozens of hungry predators. Let’s try to stack the odds a little more in our favor.”

  She looked skeptical.

  “If we fail, and they eat us, then Sarah, Ling, and Daisy will end up just like that tiny dinosaur when they launch a surprise attack in the middle of the night,” I pressed. “We have to make the first move, and it has to be calculated.” I let out a long, low breath of air. “I don’t know what to think. These dinos might be getting bolder now that the Spinosaurus is dead, or they might just be honing their hunting skills. Either way, they’re learning pretty fast how to outmaneuver us.” I stared at her with a look that was half strategizing, half panic. “We need to move on them with every gun we’ve got if we don’t want to end up as a dino meal.”

  Jessica wrinkled her nose and nodded. “Fine. You’re right, we need to look out for the others.” She raised an eyebrow. “Now that we’ve been… well, now I can see what they were talking about.”

  Then she stood and stepped away, taking care to move with as little noise as possible.

  “Wait,” I called in a loud whisper, “you were about to say something?” I followed after her.

  Jessica looked back with a finger raised to her lips. I clenched my fists but kept quiet as we slowly moved away from the clearing.

  In the stillness, we could hear the distinct sounds of chewing.

  • • •

  “Hi Professor,” Ling greeted me with a warm smile as she slid more sticks into the fire.

  “Oh, hi, Ling-”

  “Hi Professor,” Sarah interrupted with a huge grin as she stood from organizing the pots and pans.

  “Um – hi, Sarah.” I fidgeted awkwardly with the knife before handing it back to Ling. She continued to smile at me, never breaking eye contact.

  I nearly walked into the fire, dropping my spear. I quickly grabbed it from the flames, winced at the heat, almost stepped into the pit a second time, then finally managed to get past it and place my spear with the others.

  I could feel Ling and Sarah watching me as I moved.

  “If I didn’t know any better, Mark, I’d swear you just had sex.”

  I whirled around and tripped on the spear I’d been using, stumbling and falling on my ass in the sand. I sprung up with a bruised ego and more sand in my underwear that I would have preferred before facing Chastity.

  Her arms were folded, and she looked disappointed.

  “What makes you say that?” I stammered.

  “Tell me you didn’t,” she pushed.

  My mouth danced like a worm on a fishhook, but I couldn’t make the words work the right way.

  “For fuck’s sake, Mark,” Chastity shot back, exasperated. She turned around and marched down the beach.

  I trotted after her. “Wait. Chastity – wait. Would you please-”

  I grabbed her arm and she wheeled around, chest heaving. “A word to the wise, Mark. Women can always tell.”

  I looked back at Sarah and Ling, who had caught Jessica’s attention and were approaching her. Vertigo gripped me.

  Squeezing her elbow, I pulled Chastity to the tree line, out of sight of the other women.

  But I still struggled to speak. It felt like I was once again fifteen, asking a girl out for the first time and feeling somehow guilty about it.

  “What are you going to say, Mark? That it’s fine, because she’s young and beautiful?”

  I opened my mouth.

  “Because if it is fine, then why did you pull me out of sight to explain yourself?”

  My stomach felt like it had turned to stone.

  She was right. Every time I thought I was okay with the dynamic that I shared with these women, I was once again overcome with doubt.

  Yet each time that feeling arose, another one of them would bulldoze my inhibitions.

  I had to stop this.



  “You’re right,” I sighed. “Chastity, you’re completely right.” I looked down at the line where the dirt met the sand, then back up at her. “Yes, Jessica and I had sex less than an hour ago. I’ve been with most of these women, and – as impossible as it seems – we’re all better for it.”

  She shook her head and wiped away a tear.

  I took a deep breath. “And you’re correct in saying that I’ve been uncomfortable admitting it. So here it goes.” I let out a long, low whoosh of air.

  “Don’t say it,” she heaved.

  “Chastity, I have nothing to be ashamed of.” I shook my head. “It’s not as though I’ve betrayed anyone, so why would you-”

  She closed her eyes and turned away from me.

  I had thought my speechlessness could not get any worse. I was wrong.

  “I just don’t understand why, Mark,” she explained in an uncharacteristically gentle voice. “I thought you were different. You are different.” Her breath quivered. “No matter how many times I’ve been published, regardless of the research I’ve completed or committee memberships I’ve held, I’m never taken as seriously as I deserve. Hell, the greatest professional opportunity I’ve ever received was from Melvin. That happened when I finally decided to embrace his view of me as a plaything, as eye candy who could never hope to hold a conversation with him on equal footing. And you,” she laughed sadly, stroking her hair, “I actually tried to get your attention for months, but you thought there was nobility in seeing me as nothing other than a professional colleague. You’re so brilliant, but so naïve.” She stared icily down the beach toward the other four women standing just out of sight. “And then you follow the most stereotypical path imaginable at the very first opportunity.”

  I kept my eyes locked on her, even as she peered into the distance. “You’re right, Chastity. I’m brilliant, but naïve.” I folded my arms. “These women taught me that almost immediately.”

  Her eyes snapped back to me.

  “They wore down my defenses. But nothing about them is stereotypical. If you got to know them, then-” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Then you never would have ripped them away from their homes as part of
an experiment.”


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