The Super Spies and the Pied Piper

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The Super Spies and the Pied Piper Page 21

by Lisa Orchard

  Her sister appeared, wearing a light blue blouse under a white sweater; her blonde hair brushed and shining. She had the same understated beauty that Alex’s sister had and Sarah felt a twinge of jealousy.

  “I’m ready,” Lacey announced.

  “Awesome, let’s go.” Sarah stifled her feelings and took a deep breath.

  “Beige is a great color for you,” Lacey said as if she could read her sister’s emotions and knew she needed a compliment.

  Sarah spun toward her, taken by surprise. “Uhh… thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  With renewed vigor, Sarah moved toward the door. “Let’s go.”

  Even though the sun was shining, the temperature was cold and the chill wind brisk. Sarah zipped up her jacket and braced herself against the gust. “What do you think? Should we ride our bikes?”

  “We’ll get there faster if we do. But it’s going to be a cold ride.” Lacey zipped her coat up to her chin.

  Sarah stepped off the porch and headed toward the garage. Lacey followed her and both girls retrieved their bikes.

  Sarah pointed her bike in the direction of Hinkle’s and grimaced as the first signs of winter blew its frigid breath in her face. She faced Lacey. “Let’s do it.”

  The girls pedaled silently toward the restaurant, too busy working against the wind to talk. When they arrived, they put their bikes in the rack just outside the diner and hustled inside.

  Sarah slapped her forehead. “We forgot to call Scoop.”

  Lacey groaned. “You’re right. You call him and I’ll get a table.”

  Sarah rushed back outside and huddled in the doorway. She blew on her fingers and then punched in Scoop’s number.

  “Hello,” he answered on the first ring.

  “Scoop. We’re down at Hinkle’s and we have so much to tell you,” Sarah said, dancing from one foot to the other to keep her blood flowing. “Come on down.”

  Scoop laughed. “All right. I’ll be down shortly.”

  Sarah disconnected the call and dashed inside, happy to be out of the cold. She found Lacey and the rest of the Super Spies gathered around a table in the center of the restaurant.

  “Everyone was already here,” Lacey said when she spied Sarah in the dining area.

  “Cool,” Sarah responded and grabbed a chair. “Scoop will be here soon.”

  She caught Alex’s eye and her insides melted, warming her from the inside out. She gave him a shy smile and he responded with his impish grin and a wink.

  The waitress appeared and handed out menus and took everyone’s drink order. She appeared frazzled to Sarah. Some of her frizzy hair had escaped her bun and her little hat sat askew on her head. She rushed off to get their drinks, tucking in her uniform and adjusting her apron.

  “Scott,” Sarah called out, trying to get his attention. He sat at the far end of the table engrossed in a conversation with her sister.

  He raised his head and his eyes found hers. “Yeah?”

  “Do you know anything about the OD that happened earlier this week?”

  Scott leaned forward. “Yes I do. Lacey asked me about it when she called earlier and I was able to catch my dad before he left this morning.”

  “So… what’d you find out?”

  “His name is Brian Miller and he OD’d on a drug called Myodine.”

  Sarah’s heart leapt in her chest and her fingers tingled. “Really? Is there any way we can get his medical information?”

  Scott shook his head. “Not from my dad. He wouldn’t have that.”

  “But the hospital would,” Alex interjected. “And my sister works at the hospital.” He gave Sarah a wide grin as if he hoped she’d see the connection.

  “Would she be able to get the info for us?” Sarah asked, breathless with excitement.

  “I don’t know. I’ll ask her though.”

  “Why don’t you call her now?” Sarah suggested.

  “Sure thing. I’ll just head outside where I’ll get a better signal.”

  Sarah watched him walk out. She enjoyed his jaunty step and the way it made his cowlick bounce. Alex passed Scoop on the way out, they exchanged hellos and Alex pointed out their table to him.

  The retired reporter approached them and sat down across from Sarah. “Hello, Super Spies.”

  “Hi, Scoop,” Sarah responded.

  “So what’s going on?” He asked, looking from one expectant face to the other.

  Sarah started to answer when she spotted Alex walking back into the restaurant with his sister in tow. He hustled up to the table and flashed Sarah a grin. “I was just calling Becky when she walked by with her friend. They were on their way to the library, so I dragged her in so you guys could ask her yourselves.”

  “Ask me what?” Becky asked, her eyes narrowing into suspicious slits.

  Alex grinned at her. “Sis, we need your help.”

  “With what?”

  Alex put his arm around her and told her about Brian Miller. The rest of the Super Spies listened as Alex asked her about his chart.

  Becky furrowed her brow and bit her lip. “Why do you need the info from his chart?”

  “Sarah?” Alex motioned toward her with his head.

  She cleared her throat and then told Becky everything. Alex’s sister stared at her with wide, shock filled eyes while Sarah told her story.

  “Holy cow! I don’t believe it,” Becky said with a shake of her head. “But I can’t help you.”

  Sarah’s spirits sank and their weight settled in her chest like a heavy stone. “Why not?”

  “I could get fired.” Becky shook her head and her eyes filled with regret. “I wish I could.”

  Sarah sighed and placed a comforting hand on her arm. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out. No one wants you to get fired.”

  Becky gave Sarah a sad smile. “Sorry, guys.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Sarah repeated and squeezed her arm.

  “Yeah, sis, we’ll figure something out.” Alex winked at Becky and gave her a smile.

  “Okay.” Becky took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’ve got to meet Mandy at the library. I’ll see you guys later.”

  “Bye,” everyone responded in unison.

  After Becky left, the Super Spies sat in dejected silence. Sarah glanced around the table and took in everyone’s glum expression. She slumped in her chair and exhaled a heavy breath. “What are we going to do now?”

  “We could hack into their computer system,” Scott suggested.

  “Can’t we get in trouble for that?” Lacey asked.

  “Only if we get caught,” Sarah answered. Her spirits lifted and her pulse raced at the idea. “Remember when we sent that e-mail to the Cat Lady Killer? We used the library computer to do it so he couldn’t identify us.” She glanced at Scoop before continuing. “We could do the same thing here.”

  Scoop eyed her with a wary expression. “You could… but if you get caught you’re in big trouble again.”

  Sarah groaned. “I know… but what other choice do we have? We can’t just go up and ask for it.”

  Scoop sighed and rubbed his face as if he were weary. His shoulders slumped and he stared at the table. “You really don’t have any other choice.”

  “We’d need an ID to do it, though,” Scott said, casting an apprehensive glance at Alex.

  Alex shrugged. “I can’t ask my sister for her ID.” He stopped as if a thought suddenly occurred to him. He raised his hand and pointed with his index finger. “But if I take it without her knowledge, she can’t get in trouble.”

  “True,” Sarah said as tingles of excitement raced through her system and seemed to exit her fingertips. She clenched her hands and hid them under the table. “Can you steal her ID?” She held her breath. We’re almost there.

  Alex furrowed his brow. “Yes. I know where she keeps her diary and all her ID’s are in it. You know, signing into the computer, and her e-mail ID. I bet her work ID is there too.”

  Sarah s
cowled. “Why is it younger siblings always know where your diary is?” She shot a disgusted look at her sister.

  Lacey met her gaze and snickered. “I don’t know.” She looked at Alex and they shared a conspiratorial smile.

  “I might want to talk to you about your sister’s diary,” Alex said with a wide grin.

  Lacey laughed. “I can be bribed.”

  “What?” Sarah protested. She stood and glared down the table at her sister. “Be careful there, little sister. That works both ways you know. I know where your diary is too.”

  Scott looked at Lacey and smiled. “Oh, really?”

  “Yep,” Sarah said as she sat back down.

  “Okay. Let’s get back on track here,” Scoop said, holding his hands up to stop the bickering. “So Alex, you think you can get your sister’s ID?”


  “Why don’t you run home and get it and then meet us at the library?” Scoop suggested. He looked at the rest of the Super Spies for confirmation.

  “That’s a good idea,” Sarah said and then gave the evil eye to her sister.

  Alex stood. “Okay, I’ll meet you at the library in about a half an hour.” He glanced at his watch and then waved to everyone.

  After Alex had gone outside, Sarah faced Scoop. “This is getting scary.”

  “It is.” The retired reporter gave her a grim nod. “How are you going to get into your dad’s office? Have you figured that out yet?”

  Sarah sighed. “No. I haven’t.” She furrowed her brow. “I’m thinking I could just sneak away at some point and get in there.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Scoop gave her a worried look. “We’ve got a few minutes to wait. Is anyone hungry?” He looked down the table at the other Super Spies.

  “I could go for a cinnamon roll,” Sarah said.

  “Me too,” Jackie agreed and nudged Sarah.

  Lacey and Scott nodded their agreement.

  “All right. Cinnamon rolls for everyone,” Scoop said and raised his hand to flag down the waitress.

  When their rolls arrived, Sarah took a minute and watched her companions as they took their first bites. Her heart swelled with gratitude for her friends. Scott and Lacey were deep into a conversation about something she couldn’t quite hear. Sarah took in how her sister listened to Scott and watched him with adoring eyes. Jackie’s curly head was bent over her roll., She swirled her finger through the icing and then licked it as if no one was watching. Jackie glanced up and caught Sarah’s eye. “What?”

  Sarah grinned at her. “Nothing. Just taking in the moment.”

  “What? Are you going Zen on me or something? You really ought to let a girl know if you’re doing that.”

  “I’m not going Zen on you, don’t worry.” Sarah rolled her eyes and picked up her roll.

  “Good thing. Because I would reeeeaaaalllly think something’s wrong with you if you were. I mean where would the Super Spies be without your dogged determination?”

  Sarah snickered. “Probably still hiding in the Cat Lady’s basement… or in jail.”

  “No doubt.” Jackie caught Sarah’s eye and the girls shared a laugh over the past.

  “Come on, you two. Your rolls are getting cold,” Scoop said.

  The girls didn’t answer but exchanged another look. Sarah read the warmth and compassion in her friend’s eyes and her heart swelled again with gratitude.

  Jackie winked at her and said, “Eat up. You’re going to need your strength.”

  Sarah nodded and poked at her roll with her finger. It must have just come out of the oven because it was warm and the icing hadn’t congealed yet. She picked it up and began eating with relish.

  After they finished and paid for their rolls, the Super Spies ambled outside. Sarah braced herself against the bitter wind and peered up and down the street. “I don’t see Alex’s car yet.”

  “Let’s head to the library,” Scoop said as he zipped his jacket up.

  Jackie let out an exaggerated groan. “Why do we always have to go to the library?”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “Because we need to use their computer.”

  “Why can’t we use my laptop?” Jackie asked in a belligerent tone.

  “Becau-au-ause… we don’t want anyone to be able to trace the hack back to us.”

  “Oh.” Jackie’s mouth twisted into an exaggerated frown. “Then I guess… we have to go to the library.”

  “Let’s go,” Scott said. He grabbed Lacey’s arm and guided her down the street. Sarah followed them. She huddled deeper into her jacket, hoping to escape the frigid wind. Jackie fell in step beside her and Scoop took up the rear.

  The Super Spies made it to the library and rushed inside to escape the cold wind. Sarah loved the library with its peaceful atmosphere and rows and rows of books. She always felt safe there, hidden among the bookshelves. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed and unzipped her coat.

  The whoosh of the door caught Sarah’s attention and she turned. She found Alex walking in behind them and her heart lifted. A warm glow started in her belly and flowed through her body. Her chilled condition disappeared as if she had just emerged from a freezer and had found sanctuary in front of a roaring fire.

  “I’ve got the ID,” Alex said, waving a slip of paper in the air.

  Sarah clapped her hands softly. “The computers are in the back.” She took a step forward and waved to Mrs. Parker, the librarian, as she walked past.

  “My hero,” Jackie muttered as she followed Sarah.

  Jackie’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on Sarah. “Shut up,” she said over her shoulder before she picked up her pace. Her stomach fluttered when they reached the computers. She knew they were about to do something illegal and she shifted her weight while she glanced around the room. Her thumb found its way to her mouth and she gnawed on her nail, hoping to ease some of her anxiety. The Super Spies were the only occupants in the room and Sarah took a deep breath and exhaled.

  Alex must have sensed her apprehension because he patted her shoulder and gave her a quick smile, before logging onto the computer.

  “You didn’t use your own personal ID did you?” Sarah whispered.

  Alex shook his head. “No. I used a library one. You know… a guest ID with a library password.” He gestured toward the computer. “You get about fifteen minutes before it’ll log you out… then you’ve got to log back in again.”

  “Cool. I just wanted to make sure we can’t be identified.”

  The rest of the gang huddled around the computer while Alex worked. Scott stooped next to him and they conferred with each other as Alex attempted to pull up Brian Miller’s chart.

  Lacey stood next to Sarah and clutched her arm. “Are you sure this is the safest way to get this information?”

  “Yep.” Sarah put her arm around her sister and gave her a squeeze. It struck her for the first time she wasn’t irritated with Lacey. In the past, whenever her sister whined, it had grated on Sarah’s nerves so much that Sarah would snap at her. Now, she just gave her a hug. Hmmm… I wonder what that’s all about? She shook her head, dispelling the thought and focused on the task at hand.

  Alex had pulled up Brian’s chart and made eye contact with Sarah. “Okay, what are we looking for?”

  Sarah shrugged. “I don’t know. Can we print it out and we’ll get it to my dad?”

  Alex nodded and spun back toward the keyboard. He typed and then appeared to be waiting. “Darn. It’s not letting me print.” He turned toward Sarah with a frustrated expression. “We’ll have to write the whole thing down.”

  Sarah groaned. “Major bummer.”

  “Wait, I can take a picture with my phone,” Scoop said. He held up his phone and showed it to them.

  “Modern technology is awesome!” Sarah exclaimed.

  “Cool beans!” Jackie trumpeted.

  Scott grinned. “That is pretty cool.”

  “Move over, and let me take the pictures.” Scoop gestured for Alex to move.

  Alex s
tood and motioned for Scoop to take his seat.

  “I’ll just take the pictures and then I can print them out on my printer at home,” Scoop said as he went about the task of taking the photos.

  When the last photo was taken, the retired reporter stood and motioned for Alex to log out of the system. “Okay. I’ll go print these out. Do you kids want to meet in front of my house in about twenty minutes?”

  “Sure,” Alex said.

  Sarah faced Alex. “Is your car fixed?”

  “Yep. I just had to replace the alternator. I’m in debt up to my eyeballs to my dad for that one.”

  “I’ll see you kids in twenty minutes,” Scoop repeated and then stepped toward the door.

  While Scoop rushed out of the library, the Super Spies hung back. An awkward silence filled the air and Sarah chewed her nail and then fidgeted with her hair. Finally, not able to stand the silence any longer she spoke. “What do you guys want to do?”

  Alex smirked at her. “You don’t like to wait, do you?”

  Sarah sighed and shook her head. “No. I’m definitely not good at waiting.”

  “Do you feel like cruising Main Street and then we’ll head over to Scoop’s?”

  “Yes. I feel like cruising Main Street.” Jackie grabbed Alex’s arm and pulled him toward the door. “Anything to get us out of this library.”

  With her long strides, Jackie made her way to the exit. The other Super Spies trailed behind her, chuckling at her enthusiasm to leave. The teens cruised Main Street once and then headed over to the retired reporter’s home.

  Scoop’s house sat at the end of a cul-de-sac. Its neat front yard surrounded the bungalow style home like a protective moat. Small shrubs grew in front of a large picture window and around his miniscule concrete porch. A white awning hung over the front door, protecting anyone who stood on the porch. Black shutters hugged the windows and contrasted with the white siding. It was a masculine home, no flowers adorned the yard and no welcome mat lay on the porch. Just by the absence of these items, Sarah would have known Scoop was a bachelor.

  He must have seen them pull up to the curb, because he stepped out of the front door and hurried down the steps. Clutched in his hand were papers that Sarah was sure she was anxious to see.

  “Are those the printouts?” she asked as she climbed out of the car.”


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