A Firefighter in Her Stocking

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A Firefighter in Her Stocking Page 11

by Janice Lynn

  Eyeing her like she was the sweetest piece of candy, he shook his head. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

  “You don’t think I have on too much make-up?” she asked, still not feeling comfortable with the creams and powders Cher had brushed onto her face.

  Subtly sexy, that’s what Cher had said, promising she was going for a natural, but gorgeous look. Sarah had stared at the finished product in the mirror for a long time, wavering between surprised pleasure and uncertainty at what stared back.

  “You are beautiful without the first speck of make-up,” Jude assured her. “Tonight you are absolutely stunning.”

  With the way he was looking at her, she couldn’t doubt him. He looked stunned in the best possible way.

  Sarah smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you.” He took her hand, spun her around, and whistled. “I’ll be the envy of every man there.”

  That he was verbalizing her thoughts from the night before made Sarah smile.

  “Doubtful, but thank you.”

  They chatted during the short taxi ride over to the fire hall. He paid the driver, and they went into the fire hall. Small groups of friendly people of all sizes and shapes milled around.

  “Hey, Davenport!” someone called when they stepped inside the large open area where normally their trucks would be parked, rather than just outside the building.

  Jude greeted the man and his wife, then introduced Sarah. “This is my girlfriend, Sarah Grayson.”

  Sarah couldn’t hide her surprise. His girlfriend? Was that what she was? Not just a date, but his girlfriend?

  She owed Cher big time.

  “Nice to meet you.” The man grabbed her hand. “We always suspected this one was holding out on us.”

  “Oh?” Sarah asked, smiling at the man as she shook his hand, then his wife’s. “Does Jude not usually bring someone to these things?”

  Shaking his head, the man looked at his wife for confirmation and she said, “Never.”

  The woman’s answer surprised Sarah and she glanced toward Jude, who looked as if he’d rather not be the topic of conversation.

  “We were hoping the calendar would help him out. Guess it did.”

  Expression terse, Jude made a slashing motion, trying to silence the man.

  Curiosity piqued, Sarah arched a brow. “The calendar?”

  “You don’t know?” The man slapped Jude on the back. “Hey, fellas, Davenport didn’t tell his girl about his modeling debut.”

  Jude winced.

  “What kind of modeling?” she asked the older man, who was all too eager to tell her.

  “Here,” another said, coming over to join them. “We’ll show you.”

  “Let’s not,” Jude interjected, sounding flustered.

  “Oh, let’s,” another added, laughing and joining in as the first flipped the pages of a calendar. “Check out Mr. December.”

  Jude did something Sarah had never seen him do.

  He blushed.

  Which made it difficult to look away from him to what the men were shoving in front of her. When she glanced down her eyes bulged at what she saw.

  Jude Davenport in his fire uniform pants, boots, helmet, and suspenders, but no shirt.

  She’d seen him shirtless.

  That week.

  She knew he boasted a major six pack.

  But seeing the visual reminder in print stole her breath. There was nothing subtle about Jude. He was sexy. Seriously sexy.

  Knowing his friends were waiting for a response from her, she glanced up and made a scolding noise with her tongue. “Now, honey, you know January is my favorite month, it being the beginning of a new year and all. December is so...commercialized.”

  Looking relieved at her teasing, Jude shrugged. “December was all they’d give me.”

  She flipped the calendar pages and let out a low wolf whistle when she got to January. “This guy from the Bronx fire department beat you out?” She gave a disappointed shake of her head, enjoying the men’s good-hearted laughter around her. “Clearly, you are way hotter than him. He must have paid off someone.”

  “Clearly.” He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  “You must have this one hoodwinked, Davenport,” the man who’d brought the calendar over accused with a big grin.

  “Nah, she’s a smart one. A doctor.”

  Sarah tried not to beam under Jude’s praise, but she puffed out a little at the pride she heard in his voice.

  “I think I feel sick,” a male voice said from somewhere in the crowd. “I need some mouth to mouth.”

  Wow. Sarah needed to go back to the mall and give Cher a bigger tip than the generous one she’d slipped into the girl’s hand. Obviously, she’d performed miracles.

  Subtly sexy.

  Sarah would take it.

  “Ha, ha.” Jude greeted the man, grabbing hands and leaning in toward him in what Sarah called a “bro shake”. “Sarah, I’d like you to meet my best friend. Roger, this is Sarah Grayson.”

  Sarah smiled at the handsome African American man standing next to Jude. “Nice to meet you.”

  Roger looked her over from top to bottom. Not in a sexual way, more a checking her out to see if she measured up to what his best friend deserved. He must have approved, because his face split with a big smile and he pulled her to him for a hug. “The pleasure is all mine.”

  “Quit hitting on my girl,” Jude warned in a stern voice.

  “If you aren’t man enough to keep your woman, then it’s your own fault if I steal her. Always wanted to date a doctor.”

  They verbally sparred back and forth a little, all in fun, then Sarah was grabbed by a couple of wives and girlfriends who pulled her over to where several more were uncovering food.

  “It’s about time he found himself a nice girl to bring with him. And did I hear right? A doctor?”

  Cheeks warm, Sarah nodded. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Obviously, the party was potluck. “I’m sorry I didn’t know to bring something. Jude failed to mention that.”

  Then again, after her burnt toast it was possible he had purposely not mentioned the party was potluck for fear she’d burn down their apartment building.

  The older woman waved her hand in a dismissive motion. “Jude does too much as it is. You just enjoy yourself and that sweet man tonight.”

  Jude did too much?

  “Jude sent food?”

  The woman nodded and motioned to where beverages were set up and the huge stack of canned and bottled drinks behind the drink table. “He has all that sent every year. And every year there’s always enough to last everyone for their Christmas party and halfway into the new year.”

  Sarah wasn’t crazy about sodas or sport drinks, but she supposed a bunch of people hanging out at a fire hall went through quite a few. Jude’s generosity probably saved the crew a pretty penny.

  “Plus, he springs for the turkey and ham, has it delivered,” another added.

  “And he always caters the fire hall Christmas party. He’s a good man,” one of the women praised.

  “I think so,” Sarah automatically replied, then realized what she’d said and that she’d meant her words.

  Despite her thoughts to the contrary just a few days previously, she did think Jude was a good man.

  She glanced toward him, realized he was looking at her, and just to throw him off kilter as much as he threw her off kilter, she winked.

  His grin won out on the off-kilter causing, though, because her knees wobbled at how he was looking at her.

  “You’re a lucky woman.”

  Sarah turned to the young blonde woman who’d spoken from behind her.

  “I’m Cassidy, Roger’s on again, off aga
in girlfriend.” She smiled and held out her hand. “Currently on again.”

  Okay. She smiled at the woman. For the next thirty minutes, Sarah talked with the women while the guys did their thing across the room. Every time she glanced Jude’s way, he was either looking at her or quickly did, as if he sensed her gaze. Or couldn’t go long between looks.

  They shared smiles and winks. Sarah was surprised at how comfortable she felt at the party with the group of women. Then again, they were a friendly bunch and all had wonderful things to say about Jude, praising him for his generosity, which apparently extended way beyond what he did at the holiday parties as one commented on how he’d saved him from losing his home when he’d fallen behind due to his wife’s medical expenses. Another commented on how Jude had saved the day when he volunteered at every community outreach event. Another went on and on about he’d started a scholarship program for kids of the NYFD.

  His crew and their significant others couldn’t say enough good things about him. Sarah took their praise in, marveling at just how deep Jude ran.

  When the chief called their attention to say grace, Jude made his way over to Sarah, took her hand into his as they bowed their heads.

  For the rest of the night he was by her side. Not once did Sarah feel out of place or awkward.

  She felt like she was right where she should be.

  With Jude.

  Her mother’s voice rang in her head, warning she was being taken in, but Sarah ignored the warning. Her mother had never known a man of the caliber of Jude, not by far. As long as Sarah kept in mind that neither she nor Jude wanted a long-term commitment, everything would be fine.

  For the second night in a row, Jude kissed her goodnight outside her apartment door, shoved her inside, and shut the door with him on the other side.

  It took her all of thirty seconds to come to terms with the fact that he’d done nothing more than kiss her goodnight again. If that’s what you could call it when she snapped out of her shock and flung her door open.

  To do what she wasn’t sure had he been out in the hallway still.

  He wasn’t.

  He had gone inside his apartment.

  For the briefest moment she considered beating on his door, demanding he let her in.

  Didn’t he know she was subtly sexy tonight for a reason? For him?

  Instead, she stared at his closed door a moment, then went back into her apartment, confused that she was the only woman Jude didn’t seem willing to sleep with despite her attempt at being irresistible. Go figure.

  He hadn’t bothered to make plans to see her again.

  But she knew he would, that they would see each other again, because they weren’t through with each other.

  Far, far from it.


  WAS JUDE WORKING? Sarah wondered for the hundredth time that day. Or was he at home? Or doing whatever it was he did on his days off from the fire department? Probably do-gooder things like helping the needy and starting scholarship programs for public servants or—

  “Dr. Grayson, the CT results are back on the abdominal pain in Trauma Six,” Shelley said, pulling Sarah’s thoughts back to the here and now.

  “Thanks. I’ll be right there.” She finished charting despite her distraction, then clicked open the CT results.

  Gallstones. Which was consistent with the man’s right upper quadrant pain radiating to his shoulder blade, nausea, vomiting, and significantly elevated liver enzymes.

  The rest of her shift passed in a busy blur. She didn’t have time to pull out her phone to check her messages until right before leaving the hospital.

  Excitement hit when she saw the message from Jude. Did she want to have dinner with him at his place?

  Yes. Yes, she did.

  At his place. Tonight must be the night.

  Only it wasn’t.

  Oh, she had an amazing time with him. First, she’d shared the wonderful meal he’d prepared. Then, snuggled up next to him on his sofa looking out at the city they loved, she’d told him a little about her childhood, about her determination to excel, and the academic scholarships that had funded much of her education.

  But when their sofa kisses had heated up to the point Sarah had wanted to rip off his shirt and get up close and personal with Mr. December, he’d pulled back. Quickly thereafter, he’d walked her to her apartment on the grounds they both had to work the following day.

  As if that had ever slowed him down in the past.

  The next night was similar, almost to the point Sarah found it humorous when she found herself yet again alone on the inside of her apartment door.

  * * *

  The next night Jude questioned his will power when Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands.


  They were kissing hot and heavy on his sofa and Sarah wanted more. Lots more.

  “Sarah.” He attempted to pull back when she fumbled with the snap of his jeans. “Do you like cheesecake?”

  “What?” She blinked at him as if he’d lost his mind.

  He had.

  “Do you like cheesecake?”

  “Is that a trick question? Some secret code for an amazing sexual act you want to introduce me to?”

  Jude fought groaning. He wanted to introduce Sarah to amazing sexual acts. Lots of them. Not doing so was getting more difficult, but the timing wasn’t right.

  He wasn’t sure what exactly it was that wasn’t right, but they should wait longer before having sex.

  “I bought dessert but forgot until just now,” he blurted out, sensing her frustration. She wasn’t the only one frustrated. He was tired of cold showers, but would be taking a murderously long one again tonight. “I wasn’t sure which topping you preferred so I got strawberry, blueberry, and cherry.”

  She frowned. “Are you for real?”

  “Last time I checked. Why don’t we try some of each topping and see which is best?”

  When he started to stand, Sarah grabbed his arm. “Am I doing something wrong?”

  She was doing everything right. Too right.

  Rather than stand, he leaned back, swept his fingers through his hair, then shook his head. “You couldn’t be further from the truth.”

  “I’m confused.”

  He felt confused, too, so it only made sense that she’d feel that way. She deserved an explanation. Maybe he could give one without muddling up things.

  “I want to take things slow with you,” he began.

  Her brows formed the V of a deep frown. “Because I’m slow?”

  He shook his head. “Because you’re different.”

  She took a few moments before asking, “Is that a bad thing?”

  He faced her, clasped her hand with his. “It feels as if it’s a good thing, a very good thing that’s worth taking our time and not rushing sex. Don’t you agree?”

  Gaze locked with his, she squeezed his hand. “You don’t have to go slow with me, Jude.”

  “You’re wrong. I need to take things slow.”

  He couldn’t explain it to himself so he sure couldn’t explain it to her, but he had to take things slow with Sarah. How much longer he’d have to wait, he wasn’t sure, just that sex too soon would ruin things with her.

  He’d ruined his relationship with Nina. The circumstances were different, but he wouldn’t risk doing the same with Sarah. When this was all said and done, she’d look back on their relationship with a smile, would know she’d been special, would still be his friend.

  Anything else was unthinkable.

  * * *

  The following week passed quickly. The emergency department had been crazily busy and Sarah doubted it would slow until after the holidays.

  She never knew what would be i
n the next bay. She’d even taken care of a person who’d been trapped in a collapsed subway. She and Jude spent their evenings together, sometimes late into the night, but he always said goodnight at her door.

  Her sexual frustration grew every time she saw him, kissed him, ran her fingers over his strong shoulders.

  Sunbeams of happiness sprang to life inside Sarah that he wanted to take things slow with her, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t above trying to speed him up.

  She worked a long shift on Thanksgiving, getting home much later than planned. Jude texted to come over to his place when she had showered after her shift.

  She wasn’t sure how he’d had time to prepare the scrumptious meal, but was appreciative of the traditional food he served. It had been years since she’d had turkey and dressing on the holidays. She’d gotten her non-existent cooking skills from her mother, unfortunately.

  Her mother. She’d called her earlier that day, but had had to leave a message, which hadn’t surprised Sarah. Her mother stayed busy with her women’s home.

  “You’re quiet,” Jude accused.

  Not wanting to talk about her mother, she said the first thing that popped into her head.

  “Everyone at the hospital was talking about the photo of Charles and Grace in the paper. Did you see it?”

  Not meeting her gaze, Jude fiddled with his fork and didn’t answer.

  “Apparently they’re an item,” she continued. “Did you know?”

  “No, neither do I care to talk about it.”

  Sara frowned. “Sorry, I didn’t know discussion of family was off limits.”

  He sighed. “I’d rather hear about your day.”

  “I was telling you about my day, that everyone was talking about how happy Charles looked in that photo. I had to sneak a peek at break and I agree. I’ve never seen him so happy.”

  * * *

  Why did Sarah want to talk about Charles so much? Not that she knew the reasons why Jude didn’t want to think of his cousin, but she seemed to bring him up way too often.

  “That’s good.”

  Sarah stared at him, an odd expression on her face. “You don’t sound as if it’s good.”


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