Love Unexpected

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Love Unexpected Page 7

by Raven K. Asher

Jace nods as he becomes serious. “I didn’t need your permission, Drake, but I’m going to pass. I have my sights set on someone far better.”

  He winks at me, and I internally groan.

  Of course, I would be the one in his crosshairs.

  “Anyway, I should get back to my desk before Mr. Henderson mistakes this for a group project.” Jace sighs.

  Without another word, he turns and then walks away.

  I shiver dramatically causing Drake to chuckle in response.

  “What’s wrong, Scarlett?” He asks with a hint of humor.

  “Please, tell me that not all of the guys here are as bad as him,” I reply.

  “There are a few good guys,” Drake reassures.

  I breathe out in relief. “Good.”

  And as if on cue one of those good guys stands up and then begins walking in our direction. A bright smile crosses Troy’s lips as he turns his attention to me.

  I smile until the images of him naked pop into my mind and then the reminder of what he had done in my bed after I had left the room. My smile falls as I inwardly groan while closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose.

  Troy wasn’t the nice guy that I had believed him to be.

  “Hey, Scarlett…” Troy greets.

  I reopen my eyes to look at him. “Hi, Troy…”

  He fidgets for a moment before bowing his head. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to say how sorry I am for what happened at the party.”

  I remain quiet as he scrubs his hand over his face. “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  My brow rises. “So, you’ve never had a threesome before?”

  Troy’s eyes widen with a mixture of shock and confusion while Drake nearly chokes on the water that he had been drinking.

  “Troy wasn’t the one who did the nasty in your bed, Scarlett,” Drake states once he stops choking.

  “Then who the hell was in my bed?” I ask.

  “It was Jace and two girls that I’ve never met before.” Drake answers. “Why else do you think I went out and replaced your bed? God only knows what kinds of diseases that boy is carrying…”

  “Oh…” I breathe out as my face heats with embarrassment.

  Troy chuckles lightly. “To answer your question, no, I haven’t had a threesome, ever. I stick to one girl and only one girl.”

  My face heats even more.

  Drake laughs while nudging me with his shoulder. “I think someone is a bit embarrassed.”

  “Shut it, Drake.” I bite out even though I was smiling.

  After a few moments, Troy speaks again. “Anyway, I was hoping that you’d forgive me and maybe give me another chance. Would you want to hang out after school?”

  I nod. “You know what, I would like that.”

  Even though my mother would hate the idea of me hanging out with Troy I honestly didn’t care at this point. Plus, I was hoping that some time away from her, Drake, and Ash would help clear my head.

  Being around Troy didn’t seem so bad either.

  He was sweet, and a part of me really wanted to know more about him. He seemed like the perfect person to let my guard down around.

  “Awesome…” Troy exclaims with a hint of surprise. “So, I’ll meet you in the parking lot after school.”

  “Sounds good…” I answer.

  With a bright smile, he nods and then turns to walk away.

  “You just made his day.” Drake snorts before he becomes serious. “What are you going to tell your mother?”

  I shrug in response. “It doesn’t matter. Either way, she’ll be angry with me. Nothing I do is ever good enough for her.”

  “I’ll cover for you.” He insists.

  “You don’t have to,” I reply.

  “Just call it a favor.” He replies with a smirk.

  Just like with Ash I had a feeling that his favor would require a favor in return.

  “And what is this favor going to cost me?” I ask.

  His smirk grows. “You catch on quickly.”

  “I already owe your brother a favor,” I admit.

  “That’s not a good thing.” He chuckles before he sighs. “All I’ll ask is that you come to the party at our old farmhouse this weekend; just not with Jace.”

  “I can deal with that.” I agree.

  “Good.” He breathes out.

  “But I want one more favor from you,” I add.

  His brow rises in question. “What other favor do you want from me?”

  “Just give me another favor for when the time comes that I need it.” I try.

  “Alright, but whatever the favor is it better not be something terrible,” Drake replies. “I’ll do a lot of things, but there are some things that I won’t do for anyone.”

  “I promise. I won’t ask for much.” I promise.

  Before Drake can respond Mr. Henderson clears his throat as he stops next to our desk. “I sure hope that is discussion is for a group project. I’d really like to see what the two of you could produce together.”

  “Yeah, we were talking about a group project.” Drake lies easily.

  Mr. Henderson claps joyfully. “Great, I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

  Without another word, he walks away.

  Drake groans out dramatically. “Damn it.”

  He then glances towards me. “I’m sorry, but he wouldn’t have left us alone until we agreed to do a project together. He loves stuff like that way too much.”

  I shrug. “It’s no big deal. I’m sure we can put our heads together to make something spectacular.”

  He grins. “I guess this means that the rules to stay away from each other are going to have to be broken.”

  “I guess so,” I reply with my own smile.

  Drake made it easy to want to break my own rules. He made it so easy to want to be around him too. It was times like this that I saw the sweet guy that he was.

  Actually, he reminded me a lot of my best friend.

  Ashley would have loved him in an instant. Of course, she would have liked Ash just as much, and that was the current position that I was in.

  I liked both of them.

  And there didn’t seem to be anything that I could do to keep my distance.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next few days pass too fast and before I realize it Friday has come and nearly gone.

  Each day I had spent most of my classes passing funny notes between Ash and Drake. At the end of the day, Drake and I had been working hard on our project for Mr. Henderson’s class.

  After school, I had gone out with Troy a few times.

  Each day had brought us all closer together.

  And it scared the hell out of me.

  Every rule that I had created for myself had been broken, and I couldn’t help feel as if things would come crashing down around me sooner rather than later.

  “Are you sure about using that color?” Drake questions me as I dab my paintbrush into the gold paint that I had found.

  “It will work, trust me.” I insist.

  He nods and remains quiet as I put the final touches to the masterpiece that we had been working on together.

  After a few minutes, I pull the brush away and smile.

  “That’s perfect,” Drake whispers.

  As if on cue Mr. Henderson stops at our desk to study the large painting in front of us.

  “This is absolutely amazing.” He states in awe. “You two complement each other very well with your work. The lights and darks…just stunning…”

  “And the gold…it’s brilliant.” He adds.

  I turn to look at Drake with a cocky smirk. “I told you.”

  Drake chuckles lightly. “Yes, you did.”

  “You must enter this into the school’s art festival. There will be representatives from colleges that might take an interest in this masterpiece. It’s even possible that they might offer scholarships if you’re lucky.” Mr. Henderson pushes.

  “That would be aw
esome.” I blurt.

  Getting a scholarship was something that I never thought would be possible. To think that this piece of art was my ticket away from my mother’s reach was shocking.

  My heart pounds with excitement as I think of the possibilities.

  “Get us the papers that we need, Mr. H,” Drake replies.

  Mr. Henderson nods and then turns to walk away.

  Drake sighs. “I’m going to give you full credit for this, Scar. It was your idea after all, and I don’t exactly need a scholarship since I’m not going to college.”

  “I can’t take full credit, Drake. You did half the work.” I argue.

  “Yes, you can, and you will.” He replies sternly.

  Instead of fighting with him about it I give up and nod my head. “Okay…”

  “Scarlett, just the girl I’ve been looking for.” Jace states suddenly. “You are a tough person to track down.”

  I roll my eyes in response. “I’ve been sitting right here every afternoon.”

  I may have been stuck at this desk every afternoon, but I had avoided him like the plague the rest of the day. I had gone way out of my way in order to keep my distance.

  “Anyway, you haven’t given me an answer about the party this weekend,” Jace replies.

  “She’s going with me.” Troy chimes in as he swoops in behind me before kissing my cheek. “Isn’t that right, Sweetheart?”

  I nod and grin. “Yes. I’m going with Troy.”

  Jace frowns. “Seriously…?”

  “Do you have a problem with Troy?” Drake bites out.

  “No, not at all…” Jace replies while raising his hands in surrender. “I’m just a little surprised, that’s all. I thought that she was more interested in me.”

  I bark out in laughter before slapping my hand over my mouth. I hadn’t meant to laugh out loud, but it was so hard not to.

  His brow rises as he studies me curiously. “What’s so funny?”

  Before I can stop myself, I answer him. “The thought of me being interested in you; it’s hilarious. Your dirty deeds are the reason I’m now the proud owner of a heart-shaped bed. You disgust me more than anything.”

  “You’re a bitch.” Jace snaps abruptly.

  Drake jumps up from his seat and pulls back his fist, but I grab his arm stopping him from taking a swing that would no doubt get him in some major trouble.

  “He’s not worth it.” I plead softly as he looks down at me.

  Of course with my attention on Drake, there’s no one to stop Troy from taking a swing. I gasp as his fist connects with Jace’s jaw.

  Seconds later he pulls back his fist to strike Jace again.

  This time blood flies through the air as Troy connects with Jace’s nose.

  Drake quickly pulls from my grasp to grab hold of Troy to stop him. Troy growls out loudly in frustration while Drake pulls him back as two others grab hold of Jace to keep him from falling down.

  “What the hell is going on?” Mr. Henderson shouts as he moves in between them.

  Before anyone can respond, he points towards the door. “Get out of my classroom, Jace.”

  Jace spits blood onto the floor before he pulls out of the other’s grasps. Without a word he turns and then walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Once Jace is gone Mr. Henderson turns his attention towards me, Drake, and Troy. “What happened?”

  “He called me a bitch,” I answer.

  “Why?” Mr. Henderson pushes.

  “I told him that I wasn’t interested in him,” I reply truthfully.

  Mr. Henderson sighs. “I’m going to have to report this with the principal. That means you will probably be suspended, Troy. You took the first swing.”

  “Do whatever you have to do, Mr. H,” Troy replies. “I’ll take whatever punishment comes my way, but I don’t regret punching him for even a second.”

  “Don’t say that to the principal.” Mr. Henderson stresses.

  He sighs again. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

  Together Troy and Mr. Henderson walk to the door before exiting the classroom.

  Drake and I sit back down in our seats.

  “That lucky bastard…” Drake breathes out. “You should have let me punch Jace. I’ve wanted to do it for a long time, but I needed a good reason.”

  “I didn’t want you to get into trouble,” I reply softly.

  “You don’t have to worry about me, Scar. I can handle myself.” Drake replies.

  Silence fills the space between Drake and I as we stare off absently, each of us lost in our own thoughts.

  Before long, the bell rings.

  Drake stands and then looks down at me. “Are you coming straight home or am I covering for you again?”

  “I’ll be home, but I might be a few minutes late,” I reply.

  He nods and then grabs his bag from the floor before walking away.

  I sigh and then gaze down at the project we had worked on. The demon side of the figure that we had created stares back at me with its red eye while the angel side looks back at me with the bluest eye that reminded me of Ash’s eyes.

  The figure described perfectly how I felt at this moment.

  I felt pulled in two directions, and I felt as if there were two sides of me warring with each other.

  Sighing again I gently touch the gold that I had painted to highlight both sides of their wings.

  It was just enough to pull the entire piece together. No matter how different each side was the gold was the one thing that they held in common.

  After a few moments, I stand and then pick up the art piece before I place it into a safe place. Once it’s put away, I grab my bag from beside the desk and then leave the room.

  I walk slowly to my locker to grab the books that I would need over the weekend and to grab the keys to my truck.

  With my keys in my hand, I shut my locker and then make my way outside.

  Leaning against my truck, I find Troy wearing a smug grin on his lips. He stands up while his smile grows as I move closer.

  “How much trouble did you get into?” I question while stopping in front of him.

  “Just two days suspension.” Troy answers. “Jace got three days for being an asshole. He cussed out Mr. Henderson for taking my side.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “That serves him right.”

  Troy nods and then sighs as he bows his head. “I’m sorry that happened though. I don’t want you to think that I’m a violent kind of person. I just couldn’t stand there after what he said.”

  “I saw red.” He adds.

  “You don’t have to prove yourself, Troy. I know that you’re a good guy.” I reply while reaching up to touch his cheek.

  He grins while looking at me through his thick lashes.

  After a moment he opens his mouth to speak before closing it again. It was obvious what he wanted to say, but he was too shy to take that next step forward.

  It was precisely what made him that much more charming in my eyes.

  “Just kiss me, Troy,” I whisper breathlessly.

  His smile grows as he reaches up to place his hand on my cheek. He searches my eyes before leaning in closer. A moment later he brushes his lips across mine.

  In seconds the kiss takes on a life of its own.

  Troy’s tongue tangles with mine as he spins us around to place my back against the truck’s cool metal exterior.

  I gasp as he lifts me into his arms abruptly before wrapping my legs around his waist.

  A horn honks abruptly, and Troy pulls away.

  “For god’s sake, Scarlett, come up for air,” Ash shouts from the driver’s seat of his car.

  I glare in his direction while Troy places my feet back down onto the pavement. My attention moves on to Drake sitting in the passenger seat. My glare disappears as he watches me with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

  “Troy, are you still coming over?” Ash calls out.

  Troy nods while glancing
in their direction. “Yeah, I’m coming.”

  “Do you want a ride?” Ash asks.

  He nods again. “Yeah, give me a second.”

  Turning his attention back to me, Troy smiles brightly. “We can continue this later if we get a chance to hide, okay.”

  “That sounds good to me,” I reply with a grin.

  I lean up and kiss him one last time before pushing him towards Ash and Drake’s car. I watch as he climbs into the backseat before I turn to get into my truck.

  Moments later I drive down the road towards home.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “What do you boys have planned for this weekend?” Benjamin asks as he glances towards Ash, Drake, and Troy.

  They pause with their forks in the air before Drake answers. “We were going to go to the farmhouse for the weekend. Is that alright with you?”

  Benjamin nods. “That’s fine. It’s been a while since you’ve spent time there.”

  “And what are you going to do, Scarlett?” Mom questions while looking at me.

  I gulp and then swallow the piece of chicken in my mouth before responding. “I didn’t really have any plans.”

  “She should join Ash and Drake at the farm. I’m sure she would enjoy the horses that we have there, and it would give us the weekend all alone here, Vivian.” Benjamin tries.

  “I don’t know, Ben. I don’t like the idea of her being all alone with the boys.” Mom replies.

  She just didn’t want me around Troy. She didn’t have to say it because it was loud and clearly written in her eyes. And I had been alone with Drake and Ash more times than I could count, so it wasn’t them that she was worried about.

  “Scarlett will be fine, Vivian. She’s been alone with my boys already, and they will take care of her, isn’t that right?” Benjamin replies as he looks towards Drake and Ash in question.

  “Well, make sure she stays safe,” Drake promises while Ash nods in agreement.

  Mom sighs dramatically. “Fine, she can go.”

  I try and fail to hide my smile as Troy taps his foot against mine under the table. At the same time, my heart was beating wildly with excitement.

  This weekend was going to be huge for us, and it would help move our relationship forward.

  All at once my anxiety skyrockets.


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