One Night Stand with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #1) (rockstar romance series)

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One Night Stand with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #1) (rockstar romance series) Page 5

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  Of course, Carrie didn’t believe that Jessica would be gone forever.

  Alex Slader was a rockstar. She knew how rockstars acted. She had some history with rockstars, including a couple of guys that played with Ashes in Vain. Again, these were all secrets Carrie had to keep. Her contractual obligations went far and with the last page of the contract looming... she just needed to hold on tight and wait.

  Bide her time.

  Finish this job first.

  Reap her rewards.

  Enjoy her life.

  A cab waited out front and Carrie climbed into the back. The arrangements were already made. Carrie didn’t have to say a word to the cab driver, nor did she have to tip the man when he dropped her at the restaurant. The cab would remain in the close vicinity for when Carrie would leave the restaurant accompanied by someone.

  She entered the restaurant and looked around. She spotted John and the client. That’s what John referred to everyone as. As though they were really important people. This guy much older than Carrie, that was the first thing she noticed. The second thing was the shirt. Top two buttons undone after a long day of work. The bags under his eyes suggesting to Carrie he worked long hours. Hours that he probably didn’t need to put in, but did out of his own sanity.

  Carrie loved it.

  The seduction of men. And what she got in return. The truest high of it all was listening to Jessica tell her stories of writing about rock bands. About tough rockstars. Bad boys. Wild men.

  Carrie knew it all and had seen it all.

  She sat at the bar and ordered a martini, gently sipping it, waiting for the sign from John. It came about five minutes later when John stepped up to the bar to order drinks for him and the client.

  “Hello,” John said with a wicked smile.

  Carrie had to play. She always had to play. Sometimes John - according to the contract - made her play this game at the apartment. Pretending they were different people... different voices, ways to flirt, fantasies...

  “How’s your night?” Carrie asked, sounding seductive.

  “Better now,” John said.

  He turned and leaned against the bar, facing the client.

  “Thomas,” John said. “Or just Mr. Thomas. That’s all that matters.”

  “I like a man that can unbutton his shirt after a long day of work,” Carrie said. “Hope he has some energy for me.”

  “I’m sure he does,” John said. “Why don’t I put a good word in for you?”

  “That would be great.”

  Carrie looked over her shoulder and smiled at Thomas. He smiled back. Typical businessman, worried about the thickness of the wad of cash in his pocket instead of his cock.

  But it worked.

  It always worked.

  John took money from his pocket and paid for the drinks. He gave Jessica money too, all part of the act. He then walked away. That was the signal for five minutes. In that time, he’d explain to Thomas that he’d paid for something extra for Thomas. After a long negotiation - one that went in Thomas’s favor - John would give one last peace offering.

  And a man like Thomas wouldn’t resist a woman like Carrie.

  Once the five minutes were up, Carrie stood from the bar and walked towards Thomas. John was standing at the table and patted Thomas on the shoulder.

  “Have a great night,” John said. “Keep me in mind if you ever change your mind.”

  “It’s a deal,” Thomas said.

  His eyes were on Carrie.

  Eyeing her body, the fantasies already alive.

  Carrie took a seat and reached for Thomas’s hand.

  “What’s her name?” she whispered.


  “Your wife,” Carrie said. “I need to know her name.”

  “Why?” Thomas asked.

  “So I know who to be jealous of... when you’re fucking me...”

  Thomas smiled and took a breath.

  “You’re something already,” he said.

  “Do you have a room anywhere nearby?”


  “No secret hideouts?”

  “My office,” Thomas said.

  “That’s okay,” Carrie said. “I come prepared. We can sneak away. After you buy me another drink.”

  “Of course, love. Anything you want.”

  And just like that Carrie had him. Love. She wondered if he called his wife that. If he did, it was probably out of necessity to keep the woman happy. That wasn’t Carrie’s worry or care, she had a job to do.

  She stood from the table, making sure to lean towards Thomas to show cleavage. She wished she had Jessica’s chest size but that was an investment neither she or John wanted to make.

  “Are you leaving me already?” Thomas said.

  “Just to powder my nose,” Carrie said. She smiled and Thomas nodded.

  She was sure that powder my nose meant something different to Thomas. Especially the way his own nose twitched. He could do that crazy shit on his own time. Right then, Carrie had to stay focused. She had a two drink maximum for her projects and the purpose of going to the bathroom was to get some water and prepare for what she needed to do.

  This was a simple night actually. She wouldn’t have to sleep with anyone. All she needed was her smile, charm, and her camera. Plus a drunk Thomas, ready to make a life changing decision.

  If I’ve ever feared, it’s for you. Our destiny, we know, we tempt. I’ll never try because there’s no attempt. There’s this. This moment. Can you feel it? Please... say that you can. Say that you can.


  Each time Jessica heard what she thought was the last song, her body warmed up and she stood from the piano stool. She wanted the best of both worlds right then. She wanted Slader touching her, looking at her, talking to her. But she also wanted to hear the music. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she’d never seen, well, heard a live Ashes in Vain concert before. The past few years, loving the band, thinking about the wild lead singer, she just never had the opportunity to actually see the band. They did what they wanted, when they wanted.

  More so, Slader did what he wanted, when he wanted. The band followed as ordered. The same for the fans.

  Jessica felt like the ultimate fan right then, handcuffed to a piano. She thought about Slader touching her body, his fingers on her fingers, touching the piano keys, creating music with her body. There was more meaning to that than Jessica could figure out right then.

  But he was a rockstar.

  This was how rockstars acted.

  It was just that Alex Slader was a rockstar times ten. He had the musical capabilities. He had the strength. He had the looks. He had the power. And he had the wealth. Jessica never met a rockstar who was rich before becoming a rockstar. With Slader, it showed. He didn’t care one bit about the knowledge of his wealth.

  Jessica pulled at her left wrist, hearing the sound of the cuffs hitting the leg of the piano. She felt the pressure against her wrist. The song Ashes in Vain played slowly faded out and it excited Jessica.

  Was this the last song?

  Was this it?

  Was Slader coming back to her?

  The guitars rang out, their heavy sound slowly switching to the screech of feedback. The drums beat - thud, thud, thud, thud - almost hypnotic beat, went deep into Jessica’s body as she started to nod her head.

  Then came Slader’s voice.

  “Thank you,” he said. He voice was heavy with reverb, echoing out to the crowd of fans that loved him. “What you feel right now is what I’ve given you. Never forget these moments. We’ll never get them back. They’ll be lost into the oblivion of everything we know. But I’ll remember, for you. I’ll always remember...”

  That was the last of Alex Slader’s voice on stage.

  It was poignant and it made Jessica’s heart race. There seemed to be a tender side to the rockstar. Addressing his fans like that. On stage. Hidden within the cloak of the stage and music.

  The music finally ended
. An almost terrifying silence on stage which was shattered by the sounds and screams of the fans. The cheering, the clapping, the chanting... it pounded against the walls of the building.

  Everyone wanted Alex Slader.

  Everyone wanted Ashes in Vain.

  The door handle then began to move and Jessica bit her lip.

  He was back.

  He was finally back.

  The door opened and Alex Slader stood with a crowd of people near him and walking by him. He was perfect and beautiful in the midst of the moving crowd. When he saw Jessica, he smiled.

  Slader closed the door and walked towards the piano. He stopped with little space between them. His eyes were deep and powerful. Jessica felt like she was supposed to say something but she wasn’t sure what. All she could do was just stare back at the rockstar.

  “Beautiful,” Slader whispered. “Everything around me right now. But then the memories come, Jessica, oh, they come. They’re like weights inside my mind. They fill up space I don’t want filled up. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes,” Jessica said. “I do.”

  “Then share one with me,” Slader said. “You’re in this room. You’re under my control right now. But the question is this... if I release my hold, will you stray?”

  Jessica shook her head without thinking.


  “No,” Jessica said. “I’m sorry I left before. I was...”

  “Were you afraid of me?”


  “Then tell me... share that memory with me.”

  “I was afraid of myself,” Jessica admitted. “I was afraid of what would happen. What I would do. What you would do.”

  “You fear my actions?” Slader asked.

  He stepped back. Jessica stepped forward and handcuffs restricted her. Slader stepped back and then sat on the couch. His eyes were distant and he looked hurt.

  “I’m sorry,” Jessica said. “I didn’t mean to say it like that. I just don’t want you to distrust me, Slader.”

  “Trust,” Slader whispered. “That’s what this is all about. I have to trust in the music, Jessica. I have to trust in everything that happens. I have to trust in the fans, my fans, that they will not only come, but they will experience the experience. And then you. I have to trust that you’ll capture the show and not the man behind the show.”

  “Tell me why,” Jessica said. She took a chance, slipping into her reporting mode. “Tell me why the shows are so important.”

  “Is this your story?” Slader asked.

  “It can be. I’m not going anywhere, Slader. I’m right here.”

  “You’re cuffed,” Slader said. “By me. I’m holding you here. Against your will.”

  Slader popped up from the couch and rushed to Jessica. He seemed to be shifting into his own world. When he grabbed the chain of the cuffs, pain shot through Jessica’s body. She cried out and then tried to play it off, not wanting to upset Slader. For the sake him and for the sake of herself.

  He twisted the cuffs, keeping the pain on Jessica’s wrist.

  “I’m going to let you go,” Slader said. “And see what you do. I’m sorry, Jessica, but I just needed you here with me.”

  “I’m here,” Jessica said. “Let’s talk to each other then.”

  Slader opened the cuffs. Jessica left her wrist in the same position, wanting to prove to Slader that the handcuffs didn’t need to be used to capture her. He’d already captured her with his eyes, his voice, his music. The handcuffs could be fun... really fun.

  “Go get us a drink,” Slader said with a small grin on his face. “Down the hall on the right. Open that door, Jessica, and you’ll find the story that’s living for days. The story of demons and hell. The story that never ends because of the music we play. It’s not easy to live, is it?”

  “I never said it was,” Jessica responded.

  She walked to the door and looked back at Slader. This was almost too good to be true. But this was going to happen. The interview would happen. Jessica would get her story... and her night with Slader.

  As she hurried down the hall, she tried not to get too lost in the moments waiting for her. At the door she assumed to be the right one, she opened it and then froze. Her breath was stolen for a few seconds by the intense sight before her eyes. The debauchery of rock n’ roll, living and breathing right there. She noticed most of the men in the room as various guys who have played with Slader and Ashes in Vain. That included the bassist, Bry, one of the biggest guys she’d ever seen in person. He looked at her, knowing she wasn’t part of the party.

  “I need a drink,” she said.

  Bry nodded and waved her in. Jessica crept into the room, in the midst of the sex, drinking, and drugs that were everywhere. There were people sleeping on the floor, sleeping in corners. There were people having sex right in the open, not caring about the sight, the sound, or even the smell of it all. As Jessica’s eyes absorbed it all, it almost turned her on. This was a lifestyle that she never got to experience before. And to be in the middle of it...

  “Take this,” Bry said and handed her a bottle of whiskey. “Slader will enjoy it.”

  “How’d you know it was for Slader?”

  Bry smiled, his eyes deep and dark, but not nearly as dark as Slader’s.

  “I’ve been with Alex Slader longer than you could imagine,” Bry said. “I can always tell when he has someone waiting for him. Take care of him. He’ll take care of you.”

  Jessica suddenly wanted to get out of the room. It was all too surreal for her. But the images and the feel would definitely become part of her story to share. Nothing in detail, just the aura and attraction of the room. What it meant. How it thrived. The release after the show.

  She walked back to the room to be with Slader and the story started coming to her faster and faster. By the time she walked into the room, she wanted to write. A sexy rockstar sat on a couch, waiting for her and she wanted to write.

  “Here,” she said to Slader and handed him the bottle.

  He took it and stared at her.

  “You came back,” he whispered.

  “I told you I would.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  Slader smiled and he twisted the top off the bottle. He started to drink and kept drinking. And drinking. Jessica had never seen someone drink whiskey like Alex Slader. He could drink it like it was a bottle of water. When he stopped, he handed the bottle to Jessica. She put the bottle to her lips, mentally said Cheers!, and enjoyed a small drink. Small but powerful, burning down her throat and into her stomach.

  “So tell me the story,” Slader said.

  “You first,” Jessica said. “What I wanted you to tell me. About the shows.”

  Slader nodded. He touched his face with his left hand. The sight of his long fingers made Jessica’s knees gently bend. Those were the same fingers that were between her legs. The same fingers that brought her to an intense orgasm just by touching her over her panties and jeans.

  “The shows prove the power,” Slader said. “That’s what it comes down to. It’s the power of the music. I sit alone for hours, painfully offering myself to instruments. Surrounded by guitars, pianos, and any other instrument I need... and I wait. I wait for something to happen inside me. Something I can then use to create and then share. Some go out and want to become a band. They want to be rockstars, right?”

  “Aren’t you a rockstar, Slader?”

  “I am the rockstar,” Slader said.

  His voice had enough conviction that it made Jessica shiver with excitement and fear.

  He continued.

  “I am the only one that matters because I am the truest. I play the shows to get it out. To get everything out that’s inside me. There’s nothing in this world that will ever stop me, Jessica. I thought there was once but that became no more.”

  Jessica drank from the bottle of whiskey and gave it to Slader. He drank like he did before. This time when he finished he leaned back against the couch and pu
t his head back. He almost looked relaxed, slipping away.

  “Come,” Slader ordered.

  He slammed his right hand to the open spot on the couch.

  Jessica sat next to Slader. He turned his head and looked at her.

  “Tell me something dark about yourself,” Slader said. “Open up to me, Jessica.”

  Jessica had plenty to share with Slader, but could she do it? Could she just start talking to someone like this? But this wasn’t someone, was it? This was... Alex Slader. The most powerful rockstar to ever breathe right then.

  Jessica considered everything she could share. Thankfully, more time was given to her when someone knocked at the door.

  It opened at Slader’s command and Jessica recognized the man.

  Jerry, Slader’s and Ashes in Vain’s manager.

  “Slader,” Jerry said. “I, uh, I’m sorry... you have company.”

  “This isn’t company,” Slader said. “This is going to be my everything.”

  The words shook Jessica. The more Slader spoke, the more he looked at her, the more Jessica could subtly feel things changing. Everything changing actually. From deep within herself. And it wasn’t all sexual, even though Jessica’s body felt extra tender... ever since Slader came back into the dressing room.

  “Are we done here?” Jerry asked. “I mean with the tour...”

  “No more,” Slader said.

  “No more here? No more anywhere?”

  Slader looked at Jessica. “I have other arrangements now. I’ll need my suite prepared within the hour, Jerry. And I’ll need this entire place cleaned up within three days. Let everyone enjoy themselves some more. I know I will...”

  Slader’s right hand crept towards Jessica’s hand. His fingers touched hers and he began to tease her, moving his fingers along hers. The way he looked at her made her feel like she was the only person in the world right then.

  “Sounds good,” Jerry said. “I’ll make the arrangements. A car will be waiting for you out back, Slader. Okay?”

  “As if I expected anything less,” Slader said.

  His eyes were still on Jessica.

  The door shut. Jessica wanted to feel a little bad for Jerry for being pushed around, bossed around by Slader, ignored by her, but what did she honestly have to care? She didn’t know Jerry. Jerry didn’t know her. As far as her mind and body cared, she had the sexiest man she’d ever encountered staring at her, touching her hand, wanting to know more about her.


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