One Night Stand with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #1) (rockstar romance series)

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One Night Stand with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #1) (rockstar romance series) Page 9

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  “Jessica,” he said when she answered, not giving her a chance to say hello.

  “Mr. Plink.”

  “I have your story here,” he said. “Raw words, yes. But I also have something else interesting here.”

  “Something else?” Jessica asked. “Did I...”

  Jessica started to worry. She deleted everything else she wrote, right? She hoped she didn’t accidentally send something over.

  “Yes,” Mr. Plink said. “You sent me a story about Alex Slader... and Jessica, he’s standing in my office. Looking for you.”

  see me i know you can see me i know you can see me i know you can see me i know you can see me i know you can see me i know you can see me i know you can see me


  Everywhere Slader went everyone wanted him. At his hotel he had been served an endless breakfast. He had to smile, thinking about his band, who, according to Jerry, were all alive and well, sleeping in various rooms throughout the hotel.

  That’s where they were meant to be. Contained and alive. They’d wake and they’d start the party again. The only thing that would be different is that they’d shower to freshen up and then look for different women. Because the same woman more than one night was just... odd.

  Odd as it may have been, Slader sat in a leather chair staring at a skinny man with glasses who battled the deepest intention to ask Slader for an autograph. But he couldn’t ask Slader because not only would it be unprofessional, it may chase Slader away. And face it, when Alex Slader was in your office, you sat, shut up, and listened to what he needed.

  Slader made it simple for Henry Plink at PL Sound. He wanted Jessica. He wanted her there, in the office, as soon as possible. The second thing he wanted, once the sound of the email came through on Henry Plink’s cell phone, was to read the article Jessica had written and submitted. Nobody would have given that away... but what Slader wanted Slader got.

  He read it and smiled the entire time. It was the top layer of an amazing night. A night that captivated him in a way that he was changed forever. A woman like Jessica, who just stepped out of nowhere and stole everything he knew. And that included his pain, which was an odd feeling because pain had become part of his normal life. Pain made living a little more desperate and maybe even worth more of his effort and care.

  “I’m sure she’ll be here soon,” Henry Plink said.

  “Of course she will. I want her here.”

  Henry Plink smiled. A shaky smile. “I hope everything went well last night.”

  Slader raised an eyebrow. The guy sitting across from him was as fake as everything on the walls in the office. The framed autographs and magazine covers. A couple guitars. It was like cliché rock n’ roll took a shit in the office.

  It bothered Slader.

  He saw an acoustic guitar hanging near a corner and stood to go get it. That’s when Henry Plink stood and looked ready to speak his mind.

  “I’m going to play this,” Slader said.

  “Okay,” Henry Plink said. “That’s, uh, a very expensive guitar...”

  “How long have you been playing?”

  “Well, I don’t,” Henry Plink said.

  “That’s what I thought,” Slader said.

  He started plucking notes, grabbing different riffs from various Ashes in Vain songs, enjoying the cool, smooth sound of the acoustic guitar. The strings were a little rough and smelled to death of old metal. They needed to be changed. A fresh set of strings would make the neck like butter and the strings move with an even smoother harmony.

  “That’s really awesome,” Henry Plink said.

  “I know it is,” Slader said. “That’s why I wrote it.”

  Slader continued to play, looking at his hands and the way they moved. Normally he’d stare at his own technique, wondering if there was a way to perfect it even more. But when he looked at his hands this time all he could see was Jessica. He thought of the places his hands had touched on her body. Where he had held her. Guided her. Where he had moved her. Positioned her.

  Slader opened his hands at the same time and turned the guitar around and hung it back up on the wall. He then set his attention back to Henry Plink.

  “Tell me more about Jessica,” Slader commanded.

  “Such as?”

  “How many stories a month does she cover? A week? I want to know everything I can.”

  “She’s not really a full-time writer here,” Henry Plink said. “She’s more administrative for the moment. That is, until I get this story run. Then we’ll bring her over as a writer for sure. She covers bands, traveling at her own expense to do whatever she does.”

  And that was the true beauty and magic of Jessica. Her passion for music was real. It was alive.

  “Someone like her and you put her at a desk,” Slader said. “And you wonder why your magazine is garbage. I should buy the company and fire you.”

  “No, Slader, listen...”

  “Listen?” Slader said with a growl in his voice. “I don’t listen. You’re lucky I’m even here. Imagine how many people are talking about this right now. That Alex Slader is in the offices of PL Sound. You should be paying me for this.”

  “Let me get you something to eat,” Henry Plink said. “Anything you want. Okay?’

  “I’ll get what I want,” Slader said. “Soon enough.”

  And Slader meant it. And he believed it.

  Sure enough, a short while later, he saw Henry Plink point from his office. Through the open blinds Slader was able to see everything he had been waiting for.

  It was Jessica.

  She had come.

  For him.

  A man can wait as long as the sun warms the ground enough for her to walk on. And if the time comes and the sun can’t warm that ground enough for her to walk on, then a man will stand on that frozen ground, let his desires freeze to death on that ground, because if it isn’t enough for her, it isn’t enough for him. Ever.


  Carrie dressed herself and stood in the doorway to her bedroom. Her mind was lost and deep in serious thought. Not only had John pushed her harder than ever with this contract, he’d put her in a position she never thought she’d be in. John considered it luck but Carrie considered it cruel fate.

  Her mind thought back to that first night of meeting John. She had been a cocktail waitress at a party he was hosting at a hotel. It was a hotel that she later found out he wanted to buy but the process fell apart when talks with the owner turned sour. John had the party anyway, to celebrate whatever he needed to make him feel special and powerful still. Carrie had been paid to walk around with a tray of drinks and take orders. The job wasn’t that great; having a bunch of horny businessmen slap her ass and flirt with her all night wasn’t a real dream of hers. That was until she saw John.

  Just standing at the bar, scanning the room.

  She thought it was fate then, seeing him, having the nerve to talk to him.

  But now - and lately - it had been like a slap of bad luck.

  Carrie had been sucked into John’s world instantly. He made her put her tray down. He made her put her hair down. He whispered into her ear. He paid her in cash for the rest of the night to stop working right then. He took her to one of the fancy hotel rooms and ordered her to strip. Ordered her to the bed. Ordered her to touch herself. And then he ordered her to obey him for the night. It was all so fast and so erotic, like nothing Carrie had ever experienced before.

  And she liked it.

  She really liked it.

  That next morning she woke to an empty bed except the contract next to her. She had one week to make her decision. She could live her life without John. That meant struggling, worrying, fearing the world. She could bounce job to job, gig to gig, hoping something would happen. Or she could sign the contract. That meant she’d be paid for her services to work for him on special projects but it also meant full sexual submission to John. Again, reading it and thinking about it turned Carrie on. She wanted it. She wanted to be
wanted. To be touched, held, and yes, she wanted to be fucked.

  Reality came back to Carrie when the door to the apartment opened and John walked in.

  “Anyone home?” he asked.

  “No,” Carrie said. “She’s gone again. For now.”

  “Where to?”

  “She said she had to get to work,” Carrie said.

  “And what are you doing?” John asked.

  “Standing here. Thinking.”

  “Planning, I hope,” John said. “This is important for me. Well, for us, Carrie. This is one that I cannot allow to fail.”

  “It’s not going to be easy,” Carrie said.

  John walked to her and reached for hand. He took it and suddenly had the gentle, caring eyes that he had that first night they met. He was smooth when he wanted to be. And Carrie was broken enough to believe him time and time again.

  “Life isn’t easy,” John said. “I think you and I both know that.”

  Carrie nodded.

  “This is life. This is business. Nothing’s committed, Carrie.”

  “The way she looked this morning...”

  “She hadn’t had a guy in months,” John said. “Are you getting soft? If so, we can terminate the contract. Of course, I’ll need all payments issued back. Do you have that for me?”

  Carrie shook her head. Of course she didn’t have any of the money John paid her. That’s how she survived. That’s how she split the bills with Jessica. How she bought food, clothes, things to try to make herself feel better.

  “I understand,” Carrie said.

  “Good,” John said. “Now... let’s get this ball rolling. The second I grab some of these hotels, we’re going to spend a weekend in each one. Just you and me. And some toys maybe.”

  John smiled.

  Carrie forced herself to smile.

  John’s phone rang and he took the call, leaving Carrie alone again. She walked to Jessica’s room and opened the door. She looked inside and pain and regret came over her. All this time being near Jessica she never thought she’d care about the woman.

  But she did.

  For now at least.

  But like John said... this was business.

  And business - dictated by the contract - ordered Carrie’s next job.

  She had to seduce, sleep with, and convince someone to sell their hotels to John and his company... and that someone?

  Carrie closed her eyes and whispered the name.

  “Alex Slader...”

  This is the time. It’s all about time. Time is everything. I am everything. I am time. I have come.


  If Alex Slader wasn’t in the office, Jessica would have thought she was getting fired. The way everyone looked at her, their eyes trailing as she walked towards Mr. Plink’s office. She knocked and opened the door, her breath still stolen by Alex Slader even though she knew he was waiting for her.

  Mr. Plink looked like hell. He appeared ready to lose his mind, something he probably wasn’t used to. Being around such a powerful person like Alex Slader wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. That was something Jessica found out the night before. She had been handcuffed to a piano. She had been sexually teased in a dressing room. And she had been commanded around a hotel room... with her hand, her mouth, her body.

  “Jessica, hello,” Mr. Plink said.

  “Yes, Jessica,” Slader said in a whisper.

  “We’ve been talking,” Mr. Plink said. “Slader has read your article.”

  “Okay,” Jessica said.

  She was never so nervous in her life. Her boss. Her lover.

  Her lover.

  What a thing to call Slader.

  He wasn’t her lover, was he?

  He had been someone to fuck the night before. That was it. That’s all Jessica had wanted, or so she told Slader. A one night stand with the rockstar. But looking at him, that passionate look in his eyes, it did something to Jessica again. Something that suggested a one night stand wasn’t good enough. Ever.

  “It’s a good article,” Slader said. “Captures the show and the band.”

  Slader smiled and Jessica blushed. Only the two of them knew the truth of the night.

  “Needless to say,” Mr. Plink cut in, “I’m running the story. Definitely. And Jessica...”

  “Let’s just wait,” Slader said. “I have to talk to Jessica in private first.”

  “I’m sorry?” Mr. Plink asked.

  Slader looked at him with burning eyes. “That means get the fuck out of this office. For five minutes. Come back and I’ll tell you what else I want.”

  Jessica put a hand to her mouth to keep her jaw from crashing to the floor. Nobody ever talked to Mr. Plink like that. Ever. And yet, to Jessica’s shock, Mr. Plink listened. He touched his shirt and then moved from his desk. He didn’t speak another word to Slader or Jessica. He left his own office and shut the door behind him.

  Slader moved to the window and closed the blinds.

  Jessica’s heart started to jump.

  He then came to Jessica and put his lips right to her ear.

  “Lock the door, Jessica,” he whispered.

  Jessica shivered and her body began to melt. She could barely walk the five steps to the door to lock it. When she did, she turned and put her back to the door. Slader looked at her with lust filled eyes.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you,” Slader said. “The second you left, the bed was cold. My room was solemn and empty. My heart...”

  “Slader,” Jessica said. “I don’t know what to do right now.”

  “That’s because I haven’t told you what to do yet,” he said and smiled.

  Jessica bent her knees.

  It was supposed to be a one night stand. That was her plan. To sleep with Alex Slader, send her story to Mr. Plink, and have her own personal memory. That was it. Then she could get the job she wanted with PL Sound, live her life, follow bands, and just be normal.

  Slader put a hand out and Jessica knew if she took his hand, nothing would ever be normal again. Such a small gesture, but it would change her life forever. It wouldn’t just be about a memory or memories then, it would be about reality. A reality that she was going to jump into.

  Jessica took Slader’s hand.

  He pulled her, hard and fast, bringing Jessica to his body. His hands were around her, holding her. He took deep breaths, smelling her. Jessica did the same thing to him. She couldn’t get enough of Slader’s scent and touch.

  She looked up and he was already looking down at her.

  “We have about four minutes,” Slader said.


  “Hurry and undress,” Slader said. “Unless you want your boss to see me fucking you.”

  Jessica gasped.



  “I’m telling you what to do,” Slader said. “Now hurry.”

  Jessica looked around the office. Of all the things that could ever run through her head - erotic or not - she never thought she’d have this chance. She thought about all the things Mr. Plink had done. The empty promises. The nonsense work. The way he treated her.

  Jessica smiled and started to lose herself not only in Slader but in the moment.

  She turned around and walked to the desk. Her fingers shook as she hurried to unbutton her jeans. She couldn’t believe how fast her hands moved when she wanted something so bad. They moved faster than her mind, which tried to be more realistic. But she couldn’t deny Slader.

  Her pants and panties moved down and Slader’s big, strong hands crashed to her hips.

  Jessica cried out.

  “Be careful with that,” Slader said. “We’re not soundproof...”

  Jessica closed her mouth and tried to hold it all back. Slader helped Jessica with her pants and panties, taking them down to her ankles. She wouldn’t be able to step out of her pants and panties because of her shoes, but that only meant she would be extra tight for Slader.

  The sound of Slader’
s zipper made Jessica’s entire body shake with desire. She never thought this was going to happen again. It was like another dream coming true. A dream that seemed so good... and felt...

  “Oh,” Jessica moaned as quiet as she could.

  Slader put himself to her tender hole. He was so hard. His hands were still on her hips. He thrust forward, forcing Jessica to open. She felt her wet folds peeling away and clinging to Slader’s shaft. The tip of his cock was inside her and he stopped. He let out a small groan and took a deep breath.

  “Yes,” Jessica whispered. “Please, Slader. Yes.”

  The thought finally came to her... she was having sex with Alex Slader - the lead singer of Ashes in Vain - in her boss’s office. Jessica looked around the office again and tried to smile. The smile was stolen when Slader thrust at her again, fully entering her.

  All feeling left Jessica’s body for a few seconds. She thought she was floating and then it all came crashing down to her. The intense pressure, mild pain, and all of it leading to pleasure. A lot of pleasure. With her legs still mostly closed, it left no room for Slader... but he made his own room. He slid out and thrust again, not giving Jessica a chance to relax at all.

  This was about sex.

  This was about fucking.

  This was about obeying Slader’s needs and wondering about her future with him.

  If there was a future.

  Unless Slader just wanted to fuck her once in a while.

  But none of that mattered right then.

  Alex Slader was fucking her.

  Fucking her hard and fast against Mr. Plink’s desk.

  His hands held her tight and as he thrust at Jessica, Slader started to move her too. Jessica ached and throbbed against him, already starting to come. She had to bite on her lip to keep from screaming. The last thing she wanted was Mr. Plink to rush in and find this... or maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing at all.

  What did it matter?

  Slader’s hands moved from her hips to her ass. He cupped her cheeks and pushed. Jessica was against the desk as hard as she could. The desk was slowly becoming a huge mess. Her mind wondered how much time they had left before Mr. Plink was going to come back in.


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