By Your Side

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By Your Side Page 4

by Brenda Ford

  “Hello, Millie.” Lance’s smile is much too wide. He has nerves zig zagging through my entire body. “How are you today? I hope you have a vase to put these flowers in because I forgot to bring one…”

  “Erm…” I start to panic. I grab a beer glass and put some water in it on instinct. “This should do until I can get them home.” I take the flowers from him, noticing that my hands are shaking as I do. “What are these for?”

  “A beautiful woman deserves beautiful flowers,” he replies quite seriously. “And since you serve me drinks all the time, I thought that it was time I did something for you. I hope that you like them.”

  “Right, sure.” I nod as if I know what’s going on even though I really have no idea. “Thank you. It’s nice to be appreciated even though I am just doing my job here. Shall I get you a drink?”

  He nods and I begin pouring, but I dart suspicious eyes his way the entire time. When I see the flowers once more, I feel a well of emotion flooding through me. This is nicer than anyone has done for me in a very long time. And it feels genuine as well. Not like Dante in the beginning which was too over the top and constant. That would definitely be a red flag to me now. I would never make the same mistake again.

  “Sorry, have I done something to upset you?” Lance eyes me curiously as I hand the drink over. “You look…”

  “No, nothing.” I shake my head hard. Lance hasn’t ever seen this side of me before, no one has. Not here anyway. “It’s just…” I offer him a one shouldered shrug. “Thank you for the flowers. They are really nice.”

  “Sure, no worries.” He takes a giant swig before he talks once more. “So, you aren’t annoyed about the story?”

  “Story?” Oh God, I start to freak out. I might puke my guts up. “About what? About who?”

  “About me.” My blood pressure lowers considerably at those words. “About me and Ashley. There is something leaked saying that we’re dating which isn’t the case at all. I hardly even know her.”

  “So, the flowers are some kind of guilt thing?” I don’t know how to feel about that. “Why?”

  “Not a guilt thing,” he reassures me quickly. “It just made me sad to think of you reading the story and assuming that I’m with Ashley when you know how much I want to take you out on a date.”

  “Oh!” Now I really am stumped. This time, him asking me out on a date feels a lot more natural and real as well. I almost was to turn around and say yes for the first time ever which is unexpected. “Right, I see.”

  “So, as I’m sure you can imagine, today was a nightmare at work.” As he seamlessly changes the subject like he always does when he can sense that I’m uncomfortable which I normally love, but today I’m disappointed. I kinda want him to talk about the fact that he wants to date me some more. I kinda need to hear it. But he continues on as if this is the right thing to do which normally it is, so I can’t blame him. “Ashley was a nightmare, making snide comments all day, basically suggesting that we should act like we’re together for the media.”

  “Right, I see.” I furrow my eyebrows at him. “That’s normal in the media, isn’t it?”

  “To pretend to be with someone? Sure, but that’s not me. I’m much more authentic than that. I’m never going to be the guy who tries to get famous for anything other than my skill set.”

  God, he’s so different to anyone I have ever met before. Especially Dante. He’s such a wonderfully sweet guy who lays everything out in front of me honestly. I can feel his genuine nature shining through with every single word, and while my judgement might not have been the best in the past, I can feel like I know much better now.

  If I was to go on a date with Lance, if he was to become my boyfriend one day, then I just know he wouldn’t treat me badly. My gut tells me as much. But I’m still too scared to step over that line. I’m frightened of what will happen if I’m wrong again. I’m even more scared about being right. Since I have had to run once before I know how much harder that is to do that once roots have been planted…

  But the way that Lance is looking at me now has my heart racing faster. And it isn’t even because he’s a movie star and I am in a place where millions of other girls would love to be. I don’t see him that way at all. He’s just the Lance on the other side of the bar who keeps trying to let me know that he likes me.

  “I’m going, Molly,” Bob finally slurs, as he staggers up from his seat, reminding me that there is a time when this bar needs to close. He usually leaves towards the end of the night which drags my eyes to the clock. “See you tomorrow when…” He pauses to hiccup. “When you’re open. Have fun with Luke.”

  All we can do is ignore his comments and laugh together. Especially when he gets both of our names wrong. I mean, he sees me every single day, he might as well live here, so he should know me. But he doesn’t, and it tickles Lance that his name is incorrect when everyone knows who he is.

  “Well, that was something else, wasn’t it?” Lance sucks back the rest of his beer. “Bob is hilarious.”

  “Hilarious when he isn’t ranting, sure.” I roll my eyes. “But he isn’t the worst drunk I’ve had in here.”

  I start cleaning up, waiting for Lance to say his goodbye, but he doesn’t. Instead, he grabs the chairs and places them on top of the table for me as if he’s my assistant rather than a movie star. I give him a curious look but decide not to say anything about it. I don’t know what is going on with him but this story with Ashley has given him a kick up the ass. I don’t know where tonight is going to lead but I don’t want to halt it. I kinda need to see what’s happening, where he’s going to take me, even if it’s slightly terrifying.

  “So, anything else that needs doing?” he asks me with a smile. “Anything I can do to help?”

  “Are you trying to live out your bar tender dream?” I press my hands on my hips and stare at him curiously.

  “Something like that.” When he sees that I’m not buying it, he decides to be more honest with me. “Actually, I was hoping that you would let me walk you home? If you don’t mind…”

  “You want to check that I take the flowers home?” I feel like I have to make a joke, so I don’t get all uncomfortable. “Because I wasn’t planning on leaving them in the beer mug.”

  I feel a serious intensity coming from Lance along with a silence that speaks volumes. He isn’t taking my joke because he really does want to walk me home. I think that’s the only reason I find myself nodding.

  My heart races as I finish up my work under the knowledge that I won’t be walking home today in my usual bubble of silence. It continues to pound as me and Lance leave the bar and I lock it up behind me. I’m not sure what to say as we walk briskly together through the streets, barely even talking to one another.

  I know that I need to say something, I really should try and make this less strange, but I’m all raw and muddy inside. I feel all confused and I don’t know what way this is going to end up.

  “Well, this is me.” I let out a little laugh because it doesn’t take us long to get to my place. “Now you can see that it only takes me a couple of moments, so if you were worried about my safety…”

  “This wasn’t so much about your safety.” He steps a little closer to me and causes any other words to fall out of my mouth before I can even think about saying them. There is an intense desire dancing behind his eyes which I simply melt under. “It was about spending some more time with you, because I don’t know if you know this, Millie, but I like you a lot. I think you are wonderful, and I still want to take you out on a date.”

  Before I can respond, his hand has surprised me by hooking around the back of my neck, his lips are edging closer to mine, and that chemistry which has always sizzled between us explodes in an eruption of fireworks like nothing I have ever felt before. I find myself leaning in to him, finally connecting so we are a part of one another, rather than just breathing one another in, forgetting about all the reasons why this shouldn’t be happening. Instead, I lose myself
in the magic of this fantasy moment coming to life at long last and I have to admit that kissing Lance in real life is so much better than I ever could have pictured. It’s phenomenal, he’s everything.

  Chapter 7 – Lance

  If I brush my fingers over my lips, I can still feel Millie’s lips there, I can still sense how incredible it was to have her body rolling against mine, to know that she wanted me just as much as I did her. If I close my eyes, I am back at the end of last night, outside of Millie’s home, holding her in my arms and kissing her with all of the pent-up passion that I have been compelled to keep locked away inside for months on end. Ever since I first laid eyes on her which was well over a year ago now.

  God, kissing Millie was something else. I haven’t ever felt like that when kissing someone before. It really was just as intense as I imagined, just as sensual and exciting, maybe even more so than I fantasized. I could have spent the entire night kissing her, I didn’t want to go home, but a point came where we had to pull apart and I needed to allow Millie to go inside. But she watched me and walked backwards in to the building which I’m sure is a wonderful sign, and I even caught her peeping out the window at me as I walked away.

  She is falling for me, finally letting her emotions out, and it feels incredible. Knowing that after all of this time, Millie has finally let me in just like I knew she would and we’re on the right path I just know it. The kiss was the first step, the date will come next, and then it will be a happy ever after. I can’t wait.

  Tonight… tonight I will get the date with her, I’m sure of it. Tonight, I will ask her out and I’m pretty sure that this time around she will say yes. She will agree and everything will be perfect. Then I can show her who I really am, and I can let her see that while me and her are different, we can make it work. I really believe that me and her can go the distance and I’m excited for that to start. Right now.

  “Lance, where are you?” Michael yells at me, shaking me from my thoughts. “We need to film.”

  Oh God, he’s right. I need to get my head back in the game, don’t I? I need to stop day dreaming about Millie and become Jayden for a little while longer. We have a few more shots to get done before I’m free once more. So, as soon as Ashley is on set, I leap up and follow her to get this done. Even as she makes another sarcastic comment at me about me and her being together, I just let it roll off my shoulders today. I’m not bothered.

  It’s amazing what a kiss with Millie Jones can do. It can make me tolerate everything. Even Ashley. Even Michael and his orders that sometimes seem irrational. It’s all okay because of Millie...


  I’m on cloud nine as I wander in to The Scarlet Lounge. I’m so thrilled to see Millie once more, and the second that my eyes connect with hers, my heart absolutely stops beating. Is it just me or does she look even more beautiful than normal? Has she made an extra effort for me or is it just because I know how wonderful it feels to kiss her? Either way my smile stretches from ear to ear because I’m so excited to see her.

  “Hello there.” Immediately there is a brand-new air between us as I walk towards her. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to be regret on her end because I was a little worried that would be an issue today. “How are you?”

  My usual drink is in front of me before I even sit down and Millie leans on her elbow to smile at me. Her beautiful lips look so kissable it takes every scrap of will power inside of me not to lean over and claim her as my own right now. I do find my tongue dragging along my bottom lip in anticipation though.

  “I’m good, thank you.” She winks at me, making my stomach flip flop. “How are you?”

  “It’s been a long day but I’m glad to be here. It’s really good to see you, as always.”

  Something crosses her face and I think it might be joy. Thank goodness. I have wanted her to be happy with me ever since I first started talking her. Now I seem to be on the way to achieving that.

  “So, Millie…” I lean in a little close to her and much to my surprise she does the same thing. Usually she remains where she is, but I suppose she’s more used to me now and she wants to be close to me all the time. “I’m thinking that I might ask you my question early today, since I’m hoping the answer will be different this time.”

  Millie cocks an eyebrow at me. “Oh yeah? Well, I’m not going to stop you from giving it a try.”

  “So…” Ooh, this is exciting. I can feel the anticipation flooding me. “Millie Jones, would you perhaps, maybe, like to go on a date with me some time? I promise that’s something we can do in private.”

  “I see.” She taps her chin acting all thoughtful. “Well, I don’t know about going out on a date…” My heart starts to sink but she quickly stops it from fully falling. “But how about tonight after I finish work, I walk you home? Turn things around a bit. Plus, I would love to see the inside of a movie star’s house.”

  Hmm, I think I might know what she’s saying here. If she wants to see the inside of my house, then maybe that’s because she wants to get to know me better. If that isn’t perfect, then I don’t know what is. I can’t stop smiling. There is a tingle racing through my body as anticipation builds.

  “Sounds good to me.” I nod my head hard. “Although it might not be as impressive as you expect.”

  “No?” She cocks an eyebrow at me. “So, it isn’t some flashy gold-plated wonder? Well, you are a surprise. Now I’m definitely going to have to see your place. I’m very excited. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Oh my God, there is something serious buzzing through the air, something clinging to me and keeping me in place. I haven’t ever had such an intensity surrounding me before, it’s a freaking nightmare.

  The chemistry remains. If anything, it grows while she works. It increases with every passing second, almost as if it’s foreplay. There are other people surrounding us, and sometimes we’re forced to interact with them, but me and her remain in this tight bubble and I love it. I don’t care about any of them only the beautiful woman sitting in front of me. The woman who I desperately want to wrap my hands around and hold.

  The minutes tick past, albeit much too slowly, but eventually the end of the night comes around. I help Millie pack up and take her hand in mine as we leave the bar and we walk towards my home. There isn’t a scrap of awkwardness surrounding us tonight. We talk happily and with ease, we chat about everything and anything, covering the silliest of topics and laughing as we do. But the laughter isn’t the best part. My favorite moments are the ones where we pause to kiss because we can’t seem to stop doing that now, it’s amazing. Every kiss feels romantic. Under the street lamps, by the bushes, outside the homes of other people… we’re like giggling teenagers who need to touch each other all the time. This is how it’s supposed to be, isn’t it? This is how it should feel. Love, I mean. I really think that this is the start of something incredible and I’m utterly thrilled about it.

  “So, this is my place.” I let out a silly giddy laugh as I pull out my keys. “I hope you like it.”

  I take her inside, and she coos as if it’s the most amazing house that she has ever seen. I don’t see it that way because I really have seen the homes of movie stars who go all out, but it’s still sweet to see Millie impressed.

  “Wow, this is nothing impressive, huh?” She rushes from room to room, not needing an invite to look around. “This is incredible, and oh my God…” She claps her hands to her mouth in shock. “Is that a pool?”

  “Oh, right.” A heat floods my cheeks. “Yes, I do have an indoor swimming pool, but that’s my only luxury. I need that because I love swimming and it’s a great way to stay fit. Plus, I always wanted one.”

  Millie stares at me in shock and mutters under hear breath something about this home being much too big for just one person. I have to admit that seeing her within my house makes me feel the same way. I wouldn’t mind another person living in this home with me, if it was Millie because she lights the place up. Even more than the swimming pool whi
ch I always thought was the best feature in my house until now.

  I get so lost in the fantasy of me and her that I barely notice her wandering around the pool, admiring it as if it’s the most amazing thing ever… mostly because I’m staring at her in the same way. Like she’s stunning and wonderful, like she’s the best thing to ever be put on the planet and I’m lucky to even be with her.

  At least, I get lost in watching her until there is a giant splash which makes me jump. The water from the pool bursts in to the air, surrounding the body which has just cascaded in to it. I would never expect any woman to do such a rash thing, especially not when we’re supposed to be on our first date. Usually women want to present their best face but not Millie, she is authentically herself always, take it or leave it, which I love.

  “What are you doing?” I call out loudly. “You did not just get in the pool fully clothed. Are you mad, Millie?”

  She laughs as her head bursts above the water and she runs her fingers through her soaking wet hair. “I did!”

  Her make up is pouring down her face, her hair sticks to her head, her clothes are clinging to her hard, but she looks absolutely stunning all the same. She’s endlessly gorgeous in every single way. I can’t resist racing towards her and jumping in the water as well. I might never have been in it fully clothed before, but why the hell not? Plus, it’s nice and warm which is seriously welcome, only making this incredible night better…

  “I can’t believe you have made me do this,” I gurgle and giggle as the water splashes out of me. “It’s crazy.”

  Millie doesn’t answer me. Not with words anyway, she swims over to me and wraps her arms around my neck, clinging to me like she needs me to stop her from drowning. I hold her too, my heart racing as I do, especially as she rises herself out of the water a little and rests her forehead to mine. I can feel the intense feelings circling around us, buzzing between us, growing as her lips come slowly towards mine.


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