Fame & Consequences

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Fame & Consequences Page 6

by Reese A. Stephens

  I cup his face in my hands. “Of course we are. This is nothing. I wouldn’t have worried about it if that photo wasn’t taken from inside the dressing room.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Stop. Don’t get all broody about this. I’m not running. I don’t like it, but you’re stuck with me.”

  He chuckles. “I like being stuck with you.” He presses a kiss to my lips. “If your family hates me, will you still keep me?”

  “They won’t hate you.” I run my fingers through his hair to the base of his neck, scratching. He closes his eyes and sighs. He’s like a puppy. He loves this. “They’ll love you because I do.”

  “Will your brothers try to intimidate me?”

  I laugh. “I have no clue what they’ll do. The only boyfriend I’ve had other than you was Carter, and he was like their annoying little brother, so …”

  “Great. He’ll be there too.”

  “Baby.” He holds his hand up to stop me.

  “It’s fine. I haven’t even met the guy. I have no reason to feel jealous.”

  I run my fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. “I don’t want Carter. I only want you.”

  He kisses me, but when he pulls back, he looks as if he might say something, unfortunately our flight is called and our bubble bursts. He kisses me once more, then grabs our bags before heading to the door that will take us to our plane.


  All things considered, I think I did rather well on the flight, and now that we are in the car driving to my childhood home, I feel a peace settle over me. I’ve been nervous about this trip, but now I feel excited to see my family. My main concern at the moment is Clarissa. My cousin and I have never gotten along, even as babies. She tormented me my whole life. I had no friends in school other than Carter because he refused to let her intimidate him. She constantly brought up the fact that I had no parents. She belittled me until the day I left. This trip will be no different where she is concerned. I worry how it will affect Elijah.


  I stare out at the scenery, which hasn’t changed a bit in the past four years, not that I’m surprised, small towns don’t exactly change often. They remain the time capsule of our youth.

  “Sophie.” Elijah gives me a shake.

  I shake my head. “Huh? Sorry. What did you say?”

  Elijah gives me a crocked grin. “You need to tell Brody where to turn. The GPS isn’t registering.”

  I quickly glance around at my surroundings. “I’m sorry. Um, you see that huge red barn shaped mail box on the right?”

  “Yup,” Brody answers.

  “Turn there.” I find myself gazing almost unseeingly out of my window as we bypass tress and fields, many of which I ran through as a child. My chest tightens and my eyes burn with unshed tears.

  “Babe, are you okay?” Elijah asks.

  I nod, shaking off my guilt and nostalgia “I shouldn’t have waited so long to come back.”

  “I’m sure your family will be happy to see you.”

  “I hope so. I’ve been a terrible sister and granddaughter lately.”

  Elijah pulls a monogrammed handkerchief out of his pocket and hands it to me. I smile. “My grandmother sent it to me. She made it.” He shrugs.

  It’s cute how at random times there’s a bit of insecurity that flashes through him. “I love it. It’s very you.”

  He kisses my cheek. “Keep it.”

  “Is that your place?” Brody asks.

  I can’t wipe the smile off my face as the excitement builds and the trepidation starts to ease. “Yes!”

  “Do you think something is wrong?” Hutch asks.

  I snort. There’s two police cars with their lights flashing. “No, I’m sure it’s my idiot brothers. They are both state troopers. They’re probably trying to intimidate Eli.”

  Elijah puffs up. “I ain’t skeered,” he says in a fake southern accent. It’s pretty good, and he could probably pass from the area if he tried.

  I giggle and kiss his cheek. “I’ll protect you, baby.”

  He wraps his arm around me as he laughs. Sighing, I stare back at the house where I grew up. It’s beautiful. A large farmhouse which sits right in the middle of a vast open field. It’s almost five miles back from the main road. It’s secluded from reality and makes me feel so protected and safe. I don’t know why I waited so long to come home.

  “That’s a huge house,” Hutch says.

  “It is. It was originally the main two-story part, but they’ve added on as the years have passed. My mom, dad, brothers, uncle, and I all lived here with them. They needed the extra room as we grew up.”

  “Why didn’t your parents find their own place?” Elijah asks.

  “They were sixteen when my brothers were born, and twenty when I came along. They were trying to get through college before, and after they graduated it was easier to stay. My grandparents loved having everyone in one place.”

  “Looks like there’s a porch full of people here to see you,” Brody mentions as he starts to pull into the little driveway to the house.

  I take several deep slow breaths. “Are you okay?” Elijah asks.

  I nod. “I just didn’t expect everyone to be here when we arrived. It’s a bit overwhelming.” I blow out another breath. “Clarissa is here.”

  “If your cousin gives you a hard time, I’ll sic my guys on her.” Elijah winks. I realize he’s kidding, but it’s a nice thought. I’d like to see Hutch or Brody throw her down the hill to the creek.

  “Here goes nothing,” I say as we park the car.

  “I’m always here for you,” Elijah tells me, pressing a kiss behind my ear. I know he is, and that alone helps me drag myself out of the backseat of the car.

  5 Home

  M y grandmother is up and out of her rocker, flying down the porch stairs toward me before I can even register who all is on the porch. I didn’t realize she could move so quickly. She wraps her arms around me and the dam bursts. We’re both sobbing into each other.

  “I’ve missed you, Sophia Elizabeth. Oh, so much.” She wipes my tears away in that loving motherly slash grandmotherly way.

  “I’m so s … s… orry,” I stutter, full on ugly crying, as she pulls me back into her embrace.

  “Oh, baby-cakes. You have no reason to be sorry. You are making something great of yourself. I couldn’t be more proud of you!”

  “Get off her, woman. I need to see my Sophie.” My grandpa Bill says.

  Gran pulls away from me and turns to him. “Oh, you old coot. Go ahead and have your turn, we all know you have the patience of a squirrel.” She swats my grandfather on the chest as he walks past her to scoop me up into his arms.

  “Poppy! I’ve missed you.”

  Where my grandma is short and petite, he’s tall and lanky. He’s aged since I last saw him. His hair is mostly white, and his face looks a little more weathered from working out in the sun, but he’s as handsome as ever, and I’m so happy to be home.

  “Looks to me that ya ain’t been feeding yerself. I’ve seen toothpicks bigger than you,” he gripes, but hugs me tightly. He kisses my forehead, then whispers, “It’s good to have you home, baby girl.”

  “My turn, move over, you old fool. Come here, flower,” my grandpa Cliff says, shoving his twin brother out of his way. He and Poppy are identical, even now in their seventies.

  “Missed you, Pops,” I whisper. Cliff may not be my grandpa, but we kids have always called him Pops.

  “Oh, my flower. I’ve missed you more than words. So proud of you, honey.” He kisses my cheek. “I reckon Bill is right. You’re way too thin, but you look as beautiful as always.”

  “Got a hug for your favorite brother?” I peer to my left and smile. My brother Liam hasn’t change a bit. He’s as handsome as ever, his dark hair is a little longer than normal, as it’s grown out past his ears, but he still looks great.

  “Of course, where’s Jared?” I ask looking around for his twin.

  “Oh, hardy har har. Come here, you stinkin’ brat!” Liam says as he holds his arms open wide for me.

  I run the short distance and jump into his embrace. He picks me up off the ground and swings me around. “Missed you, Wiwum,” I whisper in his ear.

  “I missed you too, Soph.”

  “Hey! Why didn’t anyone tell me she was here?” Jared a spitting image of Liam, but surprisingly longer hair, says as he thrusts his half eaten sandwich at our uncle Brick, Grandpa Cliff’s son-in-law. Jared jumps off the side of the porch and grabs me into a firm embrace.

  “Can’t breathe,” I mumble. He loosens his grip but doesn’t let me go.

  “I’m furious with you,” he tells me in a voice so low that I almost can’t hear him. He sets me down and studies me. It’s a little freaky.

  “Why?” I ask hesitantly.

  He cocks an eyebrow. “You know why.”

  “No, I really don’t. Remind me what I could have possibly done. I’ve talked to you on the phone every week, you’ve not mentioned anything.” I’m a little worried since the photos.

  “Oh, this has nothing to do with anything recent. This goes back to a few nights before you left.”

  My eyes grow wide as he smirks, lunging at me. “No! No!’ I shout, taking off running away from him.

  He guffaws. “Come back here. You can’t out run me!”

  When I’m a good hundred feet from him I turn back. “I can get back in my car and leave!”

  “No, you won’t. I told you I’d get you back. Come take it like a woman!”

  He cracks his neck and knuckles before coming off after me. I’m afraid to look at Elijah. He is going to dump me after this spectacle. I can hear the laughter from my family as they are used to our crazy antics. I also make out the huff and mumble of a rude comment from Clarissa. I’m sure she’s only here to make eyes at my man, or embarrass me in front of him. Probably both. Why am I running from my stupid brother, you ask? You see, my dear brother and I have had a long standing prank war and right before I left town over four years ago, I pulled a prank on him. I honestly didn’t think the sheriff would have locked him up, but he did. I guess he didn’t take to kindly to finding my bother with his daughter, pants around their ankles, in his barn, even though they are both consenting adults.

  “I can’t!” I squeal, turning to run up the road.

  “It’s gonna be worse when I catch ya.” I can hear my family yelling at him to leave me alone. He was marrying the girl after all, it couldn’t have been that horrible.

  I turn to head toward the wall of bodyguards that have accompanied us on our trip. I grab onto the back of Hutch’s shirt and peek around him. “Leave me alone!”

  “You think these three pansies are gonna take me down? You did the crime, now face your time, little sister.”

  “Jared, I’m serious. Leave me alone. I didn’t physically harm you!”

  He blows out an exasperated breath. “You think Chief let me off with a night in jail? He made my life a living hell for weeks! I work for him! Just get this over with, Soph. Face the music.” I take a deep breath and side eye Elijah. He looks completely lost.

  I mouth. “Sorry,” to him.

  “Hey,” Elijah wraps his hand around my bicep. “If you’re really scared. I don’t mind beating his butt. He’s a little obnoxious,” Elijah tells me.

  I giggle, relaxing some. “This is not what I wanted to do on your first day here. I haven’t even introduced you to my family, and now I have to go give my stupid brother a beat down.”

  “Soph, let’s go!” Jared yells as he stretches out in the front yard, getting ready for a fight.

  “You can’t fight him. He’s bigger than Hutch!” Elijah says, running his hand through his hair confused.

  I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. “I can handle my brother. I just didn’t want to, besides he won’t really hurt me.”

  “If he … Sophie, I’m serious. If he hurts you, I will sick all three of my guys on him faster than you can blink.”

  I lean up to whisper in his ear. “Jared has a weakness, plus he has no idea I’ve been taking Krav Maga.” I wink.

  Elijah throws his head back and laughs. I’m sure he remembers me surprising him by throwing him on his back a few weeks ago. “Yeah, okay,” he concedes. I start to walk off toward my brother when Elijah yells, “You got this, baby!” I turn and throw him a kiss, which he dramatically pockets with a smirk on his face.

  “Finally! What were you two talking about?” Jared asks.

  “Shut up, Nancy. Let’s do this.” I shake out my legs and arms, then stretch a little before I walk closer to him. “If I win, no more pranks for life.”

  “If I win, I get to tell the sheriff what you did with his daughter!” He retaliates.

  “I’m sure your fiancé will reward you for that one.” He grimaces, but holds to his stance.

  “Deal?” He asks, sticking his hand out to me.

  “Deal.” I shake his hand.

  “You two are idiots.” Pop says. We both shrug. “All right, here’s the rules. If I whistle, you stop no matter what. Jared, no hitting. Sophia, no biting!” Understand?”

  I roll my eyes, but respond “Yes.” I bit him once, and I’ve never heard the end of it.

  “You are both morons.” He throws in before saying, “GO!”

  We circle each other in our crouched stances. He fakes left then right as he lunges at me. I meet him head on, grabbing his beefy arm and using it to swing my body around his back so that my feet are planted on either side of his waist and my arms around his neck. I squeeze. He can’t breathe and tries to pull me off him. I use the force of my body to swing forward, dropping him to his knees, then face first on the ground. He uses his arms to push himself to his back, but I’m too quick for him and have his arms pinned before he can make another move.

  “Freaking she beast!” I don’t give him a chance to move, making sure my hold is tight. I have his massive arms pinned down with my shins, digging my feet into the ground for a little extra stability. “That was so not fair.”

  “It wasn’t against the rules.” I snap my teeth at him and he cringes. He grunts. Catching me off guard, he swiftly flips me to my back, pinning me to the ground.

  “Ha! I win. No way you can push me off of you.” He looks so triumphant.

  I smile evilly, leaning in close to his face and whisper, “Jare, guess what?”

  He laughs. “What?”

  “I have a va-gi-na,” I sound the word out in syllables, holding them out a beat or two for each. Then I lick the side of his face.

  “EWWWW!” He screams, jumping off me as he rubs the side of his face. He mutters to himself as he walks away. “You’re a cheater, Sophia Elizabeth! This isn’t over!”

  “Oh, it’s so over!” I yell in laughter from my spot, still lying on the ground.

  Elijah appears in my line of vision and holds his hand out for me. As soon as I take it, he helps me up.

  “What did you say to him?”

  I shake my head. “I can’t say, but I told you I’d be fine.”

  “That jump move was awesome, Parker!” Josh tells me, holding out his fist for me to bump. “Krav Maga is really paying off.”

  “I learned from the best.” I wink at him, and he blushes at the compliment.

  I lead the guys up on the porch and greet the rest of my family, except for Clarissa, of course. I introduce all the guys to everyone while Gran brings out a huge platter of sandwiches and chips for everyone to eat as we catch up.

  “So, this feller here treating you good?” My uncle Brick asks, nodding his head towards Elijah.

  “Yes, he’s wonderful.”

  “Good. I’d hate to have to hunt him down, but my gators sure would like a nice meaty snack,” he teases.

  “Oh, stop,” I chastise, smacking his arm lightly. Elijah looks slightly worried, but laughs it off easy enough.

  “We’re mighty proud of you, Sophie. You’ve made something of yer
self, not many of us can say that,” Brick tells me sincerely. “I know yer Daddy would have been mighty proud of you.” My eyes tear a little. Brick and my dad were only a couple of months apart and best of friends.

  “She made a name by sluttin’ it up with famous people,” Clarissa mumbles, but we all hear.

  “Clarissa!” Bonnie, her mother, exclaims.

  “Now, Clary, don’t you go startin’. I warned ya before we came out here,” Brick chastises his daughter.

  I gaze down at my hands and try to calm myself. I really don’t want to make a fool out of myself in front of Elijah, but she makes my blood boil. I don’t know why she’s even here.

  She holds her hands up in surrender. “All right, fine. I’m just speaking the truth. I mean, seriously, why in the world would someone like him want a nobody like her?” I can see her gesturing between Elijah and me, but I don’t look up, because I can feel the tears burning my eyes.

  Elijah rips his hands out of mine and jumps up. His fist clinched by his sides tightly. “Don’t talk about her like that! You don’t know her, and you definitely don’t know me. Don’t think because you’ve read some piddly article, you know what I want or who I am. I love her more than anything else in this world. She’s everything to me. I’ll be damned if I’ll sit here and listen to you belittling her. She’s a good person, and would never do anything immoral to better herself.” Elijah draws a deep breath to say more, but I clamp his hand not his wrist. He looks down at me. I can see the hurt for me in his eyes, and it makes me love him that much more. He’s just a tenderhearted good man.

  “Baby, please. Just stop. Thank you, but stop. It won’t help.” I twine our fingers together as he nods his head.

  Brick turns to his daughter. “Take little Brick and go home. I don’t want to see you up here again until they’ve gone. You’re not going to ruin her visit home. Why you can’t act right around her, I’ll never understand. I’ll be calling Kyle, so don’t even think of twisting this story. Go!” Clarissa opens her mouth to speak but Brick raises his hand. “No, I don’t want to hear another word. Get your son and go home. I’ll stop by later.”


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