Wild Heat

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Wild Heat Page 19

by Bella Blake

  My head falls back, nearly off the bed the moment Hugh licks a long, firm line through the folds of my pussy before flicking his tongue against my clit. Having his talented mouth between my legs feels so damn good I can barely breathe.

  I clutch the soft duvet on the bed, writhing under his touch.

  Hugh’s tongue is driving me insane, all I can do is mewl helplessly as pleasure sweeps through my body. My whimpers turn to moans when Chase slides next to me and turns his attention to my breasts, licking and sucking my nipples, biting hard enough to be on the right side of painful.

  Then... oh God… then Hugh slides two fingers into me, stroking me in that come-here motion, hitting that sweet spot inside me while he sucks my swollen clit.

  Within moments I’m gone, launched into orbit as I come against his mouth, my climax rocking through me with such fierce intensity I feel like I might black out.

  Before I can recover, my body still clenching and twisting, Hugh moves over top of me, pushing his thick cock into me. I scratch his chest as a clash of heady sensations rip through me. I need more of him, and yet I’m so sensitive it’s almost painful.

  I can’t talk, can’t even form cohesive thoughts as he thrusts into me deep and hard, like he’s been starved and he’s desperate to be inside me.

  Already, I’m on the edge of another orgasm.

  I never thought of myself as a screamer, but I can’t help the primal noises coming from me as Hugh fucks me with the most relentless drive I’ve ever experienced.

  Chase’s fingers slide between us, caressing my stomach, but I push his hand down, guiding it to where my greedy clit is once again demanding attention. He presses against the mound of my pelvic bone with his palm while two fingers reach down to circle my clit.

  Hugh’s arms hook under my legs, lifting me enough to switch the angle, making his cock rub against that same sensitive spot inside me that he stroked with his fingers earlier.

  Chase doubles down on his effects, his fingers deftly teasing my aching clit while the heel of his hand presses just above it, increasing the pressure building there.

  I come so hard I can’t make a sound, my mouth drawn into a silent O.

  So hard that I feel a rush of liquid release against Hugh’s cock.

  So hard my vision goes black and I feel like I’m being swallowed by darkness—a delicious soul-shattering void of nothing but sheer, mind-numbing pleasure.

  Hugh is fucking me still, never slowing his pace, dragging my orgasm out until I’m nothing but a wretched, whimpering mess beneath him.

  Chase is still there, too, his fingers resting gently over my clit. He leans over me, kissing my lips tenderly as I pant for breath.

  “One more?” Chase’s voice is deep and thrumming with a carnal need.

  I can’t respond with words as I stare into his gorgeous blue eyes, so I just nod.

  I don’t know if I have another orgasm in me, but they damn sure can try. I’ll give everything I have to them, they can take it all. He must sense it, because he hums with satisfaction and his fingers are stroking my clit again.

  Hugh slows his rhythm, thrusting into me with powerful, long strokes, rocking us both. I almost sob as my legs quiver and my back arches, every part of my being focused on where the pleasure they’re giving me.

  I let my eyes close and roll my head to the side, my breath quickening as the familiar tension builds between my legs once again. My thighs are shaking with each thrust and Chase’s touch is so light and teasing that he has me arching into his hand.

  Hugh’s thrusts grow shallower, his breathing heavier, and somehow it breaks through my haze that he’s close.

  He lets out another long, low groan, his cock becoming hard as steel inside me, and it sends me over the edge once more. I press my elbows into the mattress as the orgasm seizes me in its tight grasp.

  My back is a quivering bow as I throw my head back, a cry tearing from my throat.

  Then Hugh lets out a deep guttural sound that sends shivers up my spine as he buries himself inside me, his body twitching as he rides out his climax.

  I collapse back onto the bed, blissed out and completely spent, my body still trembling with the aftershocks of more orgasms than I’ve ever known. It’s as if the last one hit the power-off button, though, because suddenly my limbs feel heavy and my eyelids won’t stay open.

  I’m drifting into an exhausted sleep, even as I hear the guys talking quietly and feel the mattress compress with their movements.

  One of them tenderly lifts me up and tucks me under the blanket. The cold rim of a glass is pressed against my lips, and I drink a few swallows of icy water before letting my head sink into a soft pillow.

  Then they’re in bed with me, sandwiching me between their warm bodies. I roll on my side and snuggle my back against Hugh while laying my leg over Chase’s hip.

  “I love you,” Hugh whispers, his breath soft against my ear.

  I reach back for him, and he presses a kiss against my palm. “Love you, too,” I murmur. “Both of you.”

  I slip into sleep, nestled between the two men who’ve claimed every piece of my heart, and the last thought I have is how this backpacking trip is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.



  “You need to settle the fuck down,” Hugh says as he turns his truck down Third Street. “If you don’t stop bouncing your goddamn knee, I’m going to kick you out and go have dinner with Megan and Vanessa by myself.”

  “You can kiss my ass, right where the sun doesn’t shine. Don’t act like you’re not worried about this evening just as much as I am,” I say, shooting him a don’t bullshit me look.

  Hugh’s expression is one of exasperating superiority. “Do you see me vibrating in my seat like a wind-up toy? If I’d known you were going to fidget this damn much, I’d have strapped you to the bed of the truck.”

  “Yeah, okay, Mr. Cool. You think I can’t tell you’re nervous as hell because you get all quiet and stoic, but you’re not fooling me. This is a big fucking deal.”

  We’ve been like two cagey bears all day, poking and grumbling at each other. There isn’t much that gets us this worked up, but the thought of disappointing Megan tonight has us both on edge.

  “It’s just dinner and drinks,” he says nonchalantly, as though he’s going out for a night of nachos and beer with his smokejumper crew, but I know he’s full of shit. He changed his shirt three times before we left. “As long as we don’t spill our food on Vanessa’s lap or chew with our mouths open, I think we’ll survive.”

  “You’re a damn idiot if you think that’s all we need to do tonight,” I scoff, rolling my eyes. “This is the best friend we’re talking about—they can make or break relationships. You’d know that if you pulled your head out of your ass and stopped acting like a caveman once in a while.”

  We’re in the city, on our way to meet Megan’s best friend—the woman who was supposed to have been on the camping trip with her. It’s only been two weeks since we got plucked out of the river by the rescue crew, and it’s passed in a haze.

  Megan was given a week off work to rest and recover, and so was Hugh. I ended up with time off, too, since clients cancelled left and right because of the wildfire.

  The forest service has temporarily closed most of my favorite trails, anyway. There was no point in trying to go hiking in the forest when the whole damn place was up in smoke.

  Fortunately, our small town was spared thanks to Hugh’s hard-working crew, the hot shots who helped subdue the fire line from advancing, and the other firefighters who came to help from across the country. We were able to return to our house after we left the hotel.

  We didn’t have room service or a fancy bathroom, but it damn sure was good to be home, especially with Megan beside us.

  That first week, we alternated between her apartment in the city and our house nestled in the mountains. Other than a couple grocery runs to restock essentials, we mostly just sequestered
ourselves and barely left the bedroom.

  I hike every week and lift weights regularly, but none of those things compare to the workout I got from round after round of mind-blowing sex.

  My appetite for Megan is insatiable and our steamy escapades pushed me to the limit. I was sore for days—I think we all were—and I’m not the least bit sorry about it.

  It wasn’t all sex, though.

  Some of my favorite moments from that week are the simple ones.

  When she would lay beside me, her fingers tracing imaginary lines across my chest as we talked about everything under the sun. Or when we’d read together, taking turns voicing the characters and laughing at each other’s terrible accents.

  We watched movies, made plans for the future, and ate breakfast in bed every morning. It felt like we were trying to make up for lost time, even though we’d been together since the first moment we all met.

  Hugh and I don’t always agree on everything, but we do when it comes to Megan. We both feel like she’s been missing from our lives for years, we just didn’t know it until we met her. And now that we do, we’re damn sure not going to let her go.

  By the end of the week, however, things were getting back to normal with our schedules and the demands of our everyday lives. The problem is, it’s become clear none of us want our old normal anymore.

  Megan had to go back to work, and it’s as if they punished her for having time off by piling a year’s worth of work in her lap. We’ve barely seen her this past week, and that’s gotta change. Hugh and I are already plotting ways to kidnap her from her corporate job and whisk her away to the wilderness again.

  My days just don’t feel right unless I get to kiss those beautiful lips of hers when I wake up and wrap my arms around her at night.

  And sleeping in my bed, alone, is hell.

  From the bags under Hugh’s eyes, he’s not getting much more rest than me. We’ve grown too used to having her snuggled between us to go back to the way things were before.

  Texts and video chats aren’t nearly enough, and we’ve only been able to steal one night with her this week. But now it’s Friday, thank fuck, and we’re about to have the whole weekend together, just the three of us.

  After this all-important ‘meet the best friend’ dinner, that is.

  My stomach rolls with more nerves than when I saw the damn burning tree over the river a few weeks ago. Sure, we could have died then. There were a million ways we could have met our end out there in the burning forest.

  But this? This could be much worse—this could break our hearts.

  “What if,” I begin, a twinge of anxiety tugging at my stomach as we pull into a little parking lot next to the downtown restaurant, “Vanessa’s talked some sense into Megan and convinced her this whole thing is just batshit crazy?”

  He sends a glance my way before throwing the gearshift into park and turning the truck off. “And what if the fucking Easter bunny sprouts out of my ass? For a guy who has as much experience with women as you do, I’d think you’d be holding it together better than this.”

  I narrow my eyes and shoot him an eat shit look. “None of them were Megan, asshole. This is different.”

  He gives me a stare of amused irritation. “But… you have talked to people before, right? And ate dinner like a civilized human being with a fork and plate?”

  “Actually, I was just planning to grunt through the conversation and shovel food in my mouth, you know, like you do.”

  A sting of pain lances the back of my head where Hugh slaps me.

  “Sometimes, I wonder if we’re actually brothers,” he says, already opening the door. “How I’m related to someone as high-maintenance as you is beyond me.”

  “Jackass,” I grumble, rubbing my head as I get out of the truck, too.

  I don’t have more time to respond because suddenly my arms are full of a very excited, very enthusiastic Megan. Her embrace instantly soothes my nerves and I lean down to capture her lips with mine, kissing her like no one is watching.

  “Hi,” she says breathily, giving me a cheeky grin when she pulls away.

  Then Hugh’s next to us and she’s pressing a quick but passionate kiss against his lips before grabbing both of our hands. She drags us to the restaurant entrance, looking over her shoulder. “Vanessa is so excited to meet you. She’s ordering a pitcher of beer for us.”

  “Perfect,” Hugh says, reaching around her to open the door.

  The restaurant is apparently one of Vanessa’s favorite places, and it gets my approval the moment we walk in.

  From Megan’s warnings, Vanessa struck me as a woman with high-end tastes, so I was worried it’d be too posh and stuffy for us, that we’d stick out like sore thumbs amongst the glitz and glamour. But the place is more of a small, cozy pub than the sleek sophistication of a fine-dining establishment I was picturing.

  There are jazz memorabilia hanging on the wall, good tunes playing over the speakers, and a cool vintage vibe going on with how they’ve preserved the original architecture of the building.

  They’ve got a few flat screens dotting the wall above the bar, and one of them is set to the news where the reporter is covering the ongoing wildfire. It’s mostly contained now, and fortunately there have been no fatal injuries.

  Hugh’s elation at finding out his team was safe was only rivaled by their relief of learning he made it out alive.

  He’d immediately tried to join the front lines, but his Chief told him in no uncertain terms that he was sitting this one out. Hugh didn’t fight him too hard on it, especially since it meant more time with Megan.

  My old beater truck and Megan’s newer Jeep were a complete loss, turned into nothing more than hollowed-out blackened shells as the fire made its way through the forest.

  Listening to her argue with the insurance adjuster was great. I never knew someone could be so completely ruthless while being utterly polite and charming.

  Truth be told, I’m slightly terrified of her now.

  “So, these are the fabled Wilson twins.”

  Vanessa’s voice hits my ears a second before my eyes land on her. Jet black hair, a slender, delicate frame, and stormy blue eyes. I blink, thrown by her appearance. In my head, I’d expected another Megan—strong, curvy, and lush.

  Taking her in, I try to imagine what it might have been like if she’d made it out to the mountains for the hiking trip. I just can’t picture her there, roughing it in the wilderness day after day, especially not when things took a turn for the worse.

  Maybe I’m not being fair to her, though.

  Megan did tell us most people underestimate her because of her classic Miss America beauty. But according to Megan, Vanessa’s learned to wield her good looks the same way Hugh wields his favorite fire axe—she’s tough and sharp when she needs to be.

  “I’m Chase, and this is Hugh. It’s nice to finally meet you,” I tell her with a warm smile.

  “Likewise,” she’s says, holding out a perfectly manicured hand to me.

  I shake it with a friendly grip, then she turns to Hugh, and he does the same. A moment later, we’re making our way to a big booth along the back wall.

  My nerves return as Megan slides in next to Vanessa, both of them looking at Hugh and me like we’re in the hot seat and they’re about to put us through a grueling interview.

  “So,” Vanessa begins, pouring the pitcher of dark amber beer into pint glasses.

  I eagerly reach for one, needing to wet my dry throat.

  Beside me, Hugh is doing his calm expression of infinite coolness, but out of the corner of my eye I see his fingers rubbing the hem of his shirt. The ladies can’t see it, but it’s a dead giveaway to me, because he always has to fiddle with something in his hands when he’s nervous.

  “Megan’s told me about your adventures, but I get the feeling I’m missing a few details,” Vanessa says with a wicked curve to her lips. “Maybe you guys can bring me up to speed?”

  “Sure, of course,” I t
ell her with a nod, and rub my palms against my thighs. “What do you want to know?”

  She clears her throat and leans forward with both elbows on the table and a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Well, for starters, do you two make a habit of sleeping with the same woman at the same time? Is that like, a twin thing?”

  Both Hugh and I choke on a mouthful of beer as Megan lets out a guffaw of surprise and elbows Vanessa in the side. “I told you to behave!” she hisses.

  I manage to recover well enough to give Vanessa a wide, cocky grin. “Only during dangerous wildfires—we like a good challenge. But, for the record, she started it with that dirty book of hers.”

  “Liar!” Megan says, her mouth falling open in astonishment.

  “I totally believe it,” Vanessa says with a nod, holding in a laugh as she purses her lips. “Let me guess, she held you hostage until you agreed to act out one of the scenes, didn’t she? Sounds like her.”

  Megan gasps with faux indignation. “I did not.”

  “True story,” Hugh confirms, giving Vanessa a solemn nod, doing his best to look like he’s been beaten into submission. “We were just two poor, helpless men, lost and alone in the woods, trying our best to survive nature’s wrath, and she took advantage of us.”

  Vanessa cackles, clapping her hands together and throwing her head back as she laughs, while Megan buries her face in her hands with a groan.

  I reach for a napkin to wipe up the beer that I’ve dribbled on my shirt just as Megan’s foot sneaks between my legs and presses against my thighs. There’s a blush of color on her cheeks, but her smile is infectious, and I can tell we’re off to a good start with winning her best friend over.

  I give her a playful wink, feeling at ease for the first time all evening.

  Relaxing back against the booth as I reach for my beer, I take in the view—Megan’s excited glow and the smile of approval on her friend’s lips. I take a big swig of beer, listening as Hugh talks to Vanessa about smokejumping, and a deep, calm confidence comes over me.


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