Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 16

by Dawn Forrest

  Joanna began to think about what would happen tomorrow night. Until now she had been wrapped up in the immediate concerns of her mother and her mates. She decided that she had better ask a few questions. She could honestly do without more surprises.

  “What will happen tomorrow night?” She tried to keep the nervousness out of her voice but suspected that she was fooling no one.

  Vlad seemed to carefully consider his words before answering. “You are different from most females, but to make simple, we will find you, and mate.”

  “Yeah, well about that.” She felt a bit embarrassed to broach the subject, but then she had just had his cock up her ass, which beat everything on the blushing stakes. She needed details. “Who will mate with me first?”

  “I will,” they both said at the same time.

  Oh dear. She reminded herself that this must all be new for them, too. They looked at each other with determined faces.

  “I am oldest,” Yuri stated arrogantly.

  Vlad snorted. “By nine minutes, it matters not. The first to reach, the first to fuck.”

  Yuri stared hard at his brother and was about to speak when Joanna interrupted.

  “Angela said something to me today that I don’t understand.” She repeated the conversation she’d had with her friend, and her mates listened with rapt attention. They had hungry, lusty expressions on their faces, and their cocks lengthened again. She didn’t quite get it. “So what did Angela mean by saying they mated at the same time?”

  Vlad licked his lips and cleared his throat, but it was Yuri who spoke in that authoritative way if his. “We will show you.”

  Vlad lay on his back on the bed, and she was instructed to mount him. They both groaned as he slid home. He pulled her into an embrace, his strong muscular arms around her, his big hands lightly caressing her back. His face was close to hers, and he placed delicate fluttering butterfly-like kisses along her jawline.

  “I don’t see how…” she began to say but then felt the bed dip as Yuri moved between their spread legs and gently stroked a lubricated finger on the puckered opening to her ass.

  No, surely not. Is that physically possible? She knew that her eyes widened in surprise.

  “Shhh, is all fine, is all good,” Vlad cooed as he tucked a strand of her hair that had escaped from her braid behind her ear.

  “Have you done this before?” she asked in a small nervous voice.

  There was a worrying pause. “Nyet.”

  “W–what?” She thought that she was in experienced hands. “Er…do you know what you’re doing?”

  Vlad had the cheek to laugh. “We have very much experience but never share one woman before. This is only for you.”

  When he put it like that she felt concerned but also pleased that this was new for them, too.

  “We want there being honesty and truth between us. We have not fucked front and back in same woman at same time before.”

  Phew, perhaps they weren’t the kings of kink she’d taken them for, but she would appreciate a little experience right about now.

  He continued to explain. “Alone I never fucked just one woman, always two or more. Same is true for Vlad. We share many woman in many ways, but never one at same time that way.”

  Ah, well that put a different spin on it. They just hadn’t needed to share. Kinky, they were definitely kinky. She couldn’t help visualizing them in a tangle of many limbs, surrounded by soft, yielding female flesh. Jealously pricked her heart. She admonished herself. None of that green-eyed monster. There will be no others for them after tomorrow night.

  “This is another very big gift you give to us. The bond between the three of us cannot be failing to get stronger.” Vlad stroked her face. “We will very much love you well, our mate.”

  Love? Will love? May love? Do love? Then he kissed her, the world fell away, and nothing but the three of them mattered.

  Yuri’s warm, smooth cockhead pushed against her tight, slightly tender rosette.

  “Relax,” he groaned. “Let out deep breath.”

  She did, sighing, relaxing and giving herself over to them both. The elasticity of her tight muscle gave a little easier this time, but he had to work harder to push farther into her.

  “Fuck, fighting for every inch,” he ground out as he forged forward. “You are big and take up much space, my brother.”

  “I–I was thinking same thing,” Vlad half chuckled, half moaned.

  So am I! She’d never felt so utterly possessed as she did in that moment with both mates very snug inside.

  “Okay?” Vlad asked.

  She nodded. “Yeah.”

  They began to move.

  The information highway of her nerves became jammed with signals. Eventually she didn’t know which action caused which response.

  “Oh my God, I feel…I feel…I just fucking feel!” she shrieked, hardly able to express herself through the overload of sensations.

  “How are you feeling, Joanna? Tell us,” Yuri demanded with a voice rough and passion frayed.

  How? She struggled to answer through the overload of pure bliss jangling her nerves. She gave up and simply groaned as Yuri began to slowly pump deeper into her ass. As he pulled out, Vlad pushed in, and vice-versa, over and over, establishing a rhythm guaranteed to drive her wild. She experienced fractal pleasure as sensation layered upon sensation, replicated and repeated until she lost track of where exactly it came from. Her pussy? Her ass? Her lips? Her skin? Her mind? It didn’t matter as she lost herself in the act and lost herself in her mates. The fierce joy of their possession, passion, lust, and tenderness, all their emotions, everything that they were feeling, she experienced as her own. It was as much a spiritual connection as a physical one. Altogether it felt a lot like what she thought was love

  “Ooo,” she wailed, “yes, oh God yes. I want you, need you, love you both so much, so much I could die from it.”

  She howled as her climax hit and she was swept away, aware that her mates followed closely. “Oh Lord above, I’ll never survive the full moon,” she gasped as she collapsed, boneless and limp, like a well-loved rag doll.

  * * * *

  “Is she okay?” Yuri finally managed to ask after a few minutes passed.

  “Da, I think so. She is still breathing.”

  “Mmm,” she moaned. “Can’t…move, can’t…speak. Sleep.”

  He carefully slipped out of her body and almost staggered over to the bathroom to get clean. When he came back to the bed she was still sprawled on top of Vlad, still impaled on his dick. He gave her bottom a quick wipe with a tissue. There was little evidence of his cum. Good, it was locked within that tight ass, doing its job of marking her along with Vlad’s first deposit. Vlad’s dick was plugging her pussy so that precious load was going nowhere, and neither was the wad he’d earlier blown down her throat. With a grunt of satisfaction, he lay next to his brother and stroked their mate’s back.

  “She says she loves us,” Vlad whispered in Russian with an awed voice. He was pulling on her braid, running his fingers through it and releasing her long dark-brown-and-red tresses.

  He swallowed. All this emotion was distracting. “She is our mate and that is enough.”

  “It is everything, my brother. I expected to be feeling very big physical attraction, but this is more, much more. This is love.”

  He wanted to dismiss the idea because he had always thought of love as a too-soft and sentimental human emotion. What he had for Joanna was fierce and strong but tempered with a tenderness he hadn’t felt before, and he couldn’t think of any other way to explain what it was. He realized that his definition of love needed to be revised and that Vlad was right.

  He sighed. “Da.”

  He heard his brother’s soft snores. The lucky dog had fallen asleep with his cock still deep inside their mate. Yuri looked at her with a tenderness plucking his heartstrings, and it worried him because now he had a weakness. If anything happened to her he did not think he would remain s
ane, and a mad werewolf was a dead werewolf, to be put down by the Pack. How had Hawke survived and endured the loss of his mate without falling into madness? He had to remind himself that she was a werewolf herself and less vulnerable than other females. Regardless, Yuri knew that he would feel more relaxed once they forged the unbreakable bond that for all of them would last a lifetime and beyond. He honestly didn’t know how it would go tomorrow night. Maybe they would take her together, maybe not. They would have to let instinct dictate and the moon rule.

  Chapter 13

  It was eight o’clock in the morning, and the whole Were Council was assembled in the great Hall. A very aggravated Ashok Khan stood in the center between Kil Hunt and Greg Winters and addressed the assembled Council.

  “What is the meaning of this? Why am I brought before the Council in this manner? Why am I treated as a prisoner?” Khan demanded. His eyes narrowed and a cold, severe, calculated frown etched his face.

  “We’ve some disturbing news, Prime Khan. Tell this Council why you left The Den and what happened to you.” Will kept his tone neutral and his face emotionless.

  “I already told you I went fishing.” Irritation laced his words. As Prime of the whole of India, he clearly was unaccustomed to explaining his actions.

  “What exactly were you fishing for?”

  There were a few snorts from other Council members and a slow, wily smile developed on Khan’s face.

  “Why, I went fishing for fish, of course, as one does. I nearly made a rare catch, but unfortunately it got away.”

  “That can happen when they fight back. Where were you when the Scots Pack massacre occurred?” Will asked, changing the subject with a hope of unsettling Khan.

  “I–I don’t understand why you are asking this question,” Khan blustered, clearly caught off guard.

  “So Daniel Watts was lying, then?”

  Khan stilled before quietly asking, “Who?”

  “Your memory is not what it should be. I think most people would recall the name of the man they’ve been…using.”

  “Using?” Khan choked out in shock.

  Will felt a little tingle of triumph at ruffling the features of the normally smooth operator.

  “Please, do I have to give sordid details?”

  Khan bristled. “You are not my Prime. None of you have any authority over me.” He looked around the room at the serious, brooding faces of the other Alphas.

  “You are in my territory. I did not give you permission to hunt for Katherine Akara, yet you did, and it is not the first time you have come close to catching her, is it?”

  “You have no proof of anything. This is an outrage. I am leaving.”

  Khan made a gesture to turn, but Kil and Greg gripped his upper arms. On a signal from Will, several guns were conspicuously cocked and pointed in Khan’s direction. He froze, and worry flickered briefly across his haughty features.

  “Facts and circumstantial evidence suggest that you were responsible for the Scots Pack massacre because you wanted Katherine Akara. You are obsessed with finding the woman. Two days ago you attacked and tried to kidnap Katherine and her daughter Joanna. Joanna escaped and came to me. Katherine clearly bested you again and went into hiding.”

  Khan dropped all pretense of not understanding what Will was talking about.

  “The other female is her daughter, and she is here?” He sounded surprised.

  “Yes, about to join us in a few minutes.”

  Khan looked angry and spoke through gritted teeth. “Katherine Akara is mine! You cannot have her, none of you.” He looked wildly around at the other Alphas. “I killed McDonald in a fair challenge fight, and so she is mine to claim. I am entitled. The rest of the Scots Pack did not accept it, and some wanted her for their own selves. They tried to shoot and kill my men while I chased the female, Akara. There was a battle, and it was unfortunate that so many died. Take the daughter if you must, but Katherine Akara belongs to me!”

  At that moment the Russians arrived with Joanna walking between them. Immediately more than fifty noses sniffed to catch her fragrance. Hell, she was soaked in the scent of the two males and reeked of sex. It made him rock hard just thinking of how that had been achieved. Hell, I can do without a raging erection just now. He judged that he wasn’t the only one from the way that every other male in the room squirmed and fidgeted.

  The twins had obviously heard the words, and they growled menacingly at Khan, who looked astounded.

  “You!” Joanna exclaimed, pointing at Khan. “You’re the man who tried to abduct my mom. She recognized you because she’d seen your picture years ago and then saw you in the flesh at Craigmuir Castle. You probably killed my father.”

  “Silence, bitch, you know nothing.”

  Yuri moved faster than lightning. One minute he was standing by Joanna, the next he was at Khan. He would have clawed the Prime’s throat if Kil hadn’t yanked Khan back first. Others quickly moved in to keep the two apart. Yuri only calmed down when Joanna touched him.

  For a brief moment, Khan’s jaw was slack with shock before he carefully schooled his features. Ever the politician and clearly not wishing to alienate himself from such powerful werewolves, Khan apologized to the Russians.

  “Forgive me, Alphas Volkov, I did not know of your mating. Congratulations to you all.” His mobile face became contrite and sincere. “Young lady, I fought your father fairly for your mother. I only want to keep, cherish, and protect her. She has been on my mind and in my heart for many years.”

  More like in your ambitions and your balls. Will marveled at Khan’s performance. It was as if he hadn’t just called Joanna a bitch, admitted to killing her father, or claimed her mother in a predatory, possessive way. More and more he thought the man had slipped from sociopath to psychopath.

  “She doesn’t want you, and you are not her true-mate,” Joanna replied. She turned and appealed to the other Alphas. “All she wants is to live in peace and to find her true-mate. Isn’t that what all of us really want? How can she do that if beasts like this continue to hunt her?”

  “Beast? Yes, I suppose I am, but no more than many here, child. Look around. You honestly think that any one of these civilized unmated Alpha males wouldn’t claim you or your mother if given the opportunity?” He nodded slowly as if imparting some great wisdom. “Yes, not a one would turn down a chance with Katherine Akara, but I would fight to the death for her. I have fought to the death for her.”

  “She is not a thing to be fought over!” Joanna cried. “You should be careful what you wish for. She’ll slice off your balls, carve them with her very sharp claws, and serve them to you on a platter.”

  There’s a vividly colorful image to cheer and encourage a courting. However, Will noticed that while more than a few males winced at her comment, Khan’s nostrils flared, and he scented of desire.

  Khan smiled. “I admire her spirit.”

  Yet you intend to break it.

  Khan turned his attention toward him, his voice the epitome of reason. “Will, I tell you Prime to Prime, I have won the right to have the female werewolf Katherine Akara. Let me go after her and claim that which is mine.”

  “No.” Will’s voice was strong and clear.

  “Nyet,” echoed Vladimir and Yuri.

  “No bloody way, fella. You can’t have her against her will,” Paul Kaiteke, the Maori Pack Alpha, growled.

  “Ye did nay win her in a fair fight against the McDonald, I’m sure,” Bruce shouted angrily. “Oot side now, I challenge ye!” He shot up from his seat in a rage that his fierce Highlander nature did not wish to contain.

  The Prime of all the Celtic Packs, Charles Knight, grabbed the angry Scot’s arm, shook his head, and calmly advised him to settle down. “You know it is against protocol to challenge at a Council Gathering or within twelve hours of the meeting being dissolved. We’ve waited twenty-four years for justice, and a few more hours or days will not matter.”

  Khan gritted his teeth. He must have know
n what a precarious position he was in. He was outnumbered and outmaneuvered.

  “I do not believe what I am hearing. You sound like puny humans. I am leaving,” Khan announced, but Kil and Greg would not release their hold until their Chief said so.

  “Ye must answer fer the brutal slaying o’ many a good Were o’ the Scots Pack.” Sean Bruce growled.

  “You cannot hold me here, Bruce. Yes, I went after Akara, but I did not personally kill anyone other than Connor McDonald in a fair challenge fight. I won easily, if you must know. Connor was slow.”

  “Liar!” roared Bruce.

  Will knew that the Scots Pack massacre wasn’t within his or the Council’s jurisdiction. No matter what his own opinion was, such matters were between the individuals and the Packs concerned. It was up to Charles Knight and Sean Bruce to deal with the issue, and they didn’t have to prove to anyone whether or not Khan was lying. It was the Were way, and the strongest would survive. Knight and Bruce would have to wait for their revenge, but not much longer.

  “You can leave immediately.” He said to Ashok Khan, who looked relieved and satisfied. Bruce snorted but held his tongue.

  “You will not make it back to India in time for the full moon tonight if you travel east, therefore you must travel west, away from the approaching night.”

  Will had already made the calculations. Fortunately Khan owned a very fast Gulfstream G650 private jet. He would arrive home with enough time before the full moon to make the change in a suitable location.

  “I have already spoken on the phone to Vikram, your pilot. Your jet is fully fueled and waiting on the tarmac. You must begin your journey post haste.”

  Will wanted the man gone as fast as possible, and he didn’t think that Khan would want to stay. After all, it was not as if he knew where Katherine was.

  Khan nodded and had half turned when Will added, “I advised your pilot to make for Tokyo to refuel, but, of course, once you are off my territory, where you go is your decision. Do not stop anywhere in the USA or Canada. Do not return without my permission, unless it is to issue a challenge.”


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