Seven Sisters

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Seven Sisters Page 6

by Eileen Troemel

  He snorted, “On my world, the women turn their children over to others to raise. They are too involved in other things to be parents.”

  “Is that what your mother did,” Lydia asked.

  “No,” he admitted.

  “Why do you expect me to,” Lydia said. “It’s important to me to continue to raise them.”

  “I see this,” Mycos said. “We could try compromising.”

  “We could,” Lydia said but she offered no compromise.

  “We could have most of our meals with the children, but have a few with just us,” Mycos said. His eyes watched as she moved around the room, noted the nervous energy, and the hint of fear.

  “Are you negotiating with me,” Lydia asked.

  “Yes,” Mycos said. “I want you to accept my offer. I am willing to work out the details.”

  “I don’t want to negotiate for the rest of my life. I want to live it,” Lydia said. “We’re very different.”

  “Your people negotiate all the time,” Mycos said. “Not everything is as simple as just living.”

  “It isn’t a matter of my people and your people,” Lydia said. “You want me to make life-changing decisions in a matter of days. I don’t know if I can.”

  He saw the struggle she had with their conversation. “You do not have to struggle to survive,” he assured her. “I will provide for all of you.”

  “For how long,” Lydia said. Her arms crossed protectively in front of her. “I’ll sleep with you. It’s you or the brothels for me to earn enough to keep the girls off the street. I’ll sleep with you but once you’re bored with me, what happens then?”

  “You will never go to the brothels,” he growled at her. “No man will touch you but me.”

  “Can I make the same demand of you,” she asked meeting his eyes, watching his face as she assessed his words.

  He came to her, took her in his arms. “Yes. I will be faithful. It will be a lifelong commitment,” he said.

  “Don’t make promises which can’t be kept,” Lydia said. Pain flared in her eyes, she looked away from him, tried to hide it from him. “Things happen. Things happen and people are gone in a second.”

  “I know,” he said. “This is why we have to make the most of what time we have.”

  “There’s one thing we agree on,” she said. She wanted to lean on him. She hadn’t leaned on anyone in so long. She wanted to trust him but doubt gnawed at her.

  Hugging her to him, he felt her pain as if it were his own. His connection with her grew with each moment. The more time he spent with her, the more he felt connected to her. His large hands molded her slim body to his, soothed her as he touched the body he wanted to explore. He asked, “Let’s see if we can build on this one point, shall we?”

  Guiding her to a chair, he pulled it out for her, waited for her to sit, watched bafflement and pleasure cross her face as he tended to her. He brought their first course to the table, placed a plate in front of her.

  “We can see,” she said cautiously. The food on the plate was different. Small stars of orange and red scattered across the plate topped with a light whipped cream.

  “This is measan orins a fruit from home,” he said picking up one from the plate, he dipped it in whipped cream and held it for her to bite. Frowning at him, she leaned away from him and his offering.

  Randomly, she picked up one, dipped it in whipped cream getting some on her fingers and held it up for him to eat. “You first,” she said.

  “Still so distrusting,” he said but he took the fruit into his mouth, held her hand as he licked the whipped cream off her fingers. The feel of his tongue on her hand made her stomach tighten and her mind blur.

  She watched as he savored the delight. She leaned forward, took the offering he held. One bite gave a burst of sweet and tart juice invading her mouth. “Mmmmm,” she said appreciatively.

  He picked up another to feed her but she waved him away. “I can feed myself,” she said.

  “I like to do things for you,” he murmured leaning in to kiss the corner of her mouth, to lick a small dab of whipped cream off.

  “You’re trying to seduce me,” she said, hands on his shoulders, uncertain whether she was pushing him away or pulling him in.

  “No,” Mycos said. “I am feeding my mate. This is a common practice for my kind.”

  “This is why you want meals alone with me,” Lydia said, she took the piece of fruit from his fingers, nipping his fingers and making him laugh.

  “Food can be very sensual,” he purred as he nibbled on her neck. Unconsciously, she tipped her head for him, letting him nip at her earlobe, suck on the pulse point, taste her. “On my world, the couple does not share a meal with anyone until after the first year.”

  She swallowed as his lips and tongue wandered. She trembled, felt an ache low in her belly. “Stop,” she begged breathlessly. She started to push back, fear of the unknown filling her.

  “You could feed me,” he said. “Explore me.” His low voice rumbled deep inside her, settled in her heart and somewhere much more primal.

  She picked up a fruit, dipped it in the whipped cream, and held it out to him. He took it gently from her hand, sucking in her fingers, watched as desire reddened her face. She touched him, touched his face with her free hand. Ran her hand through his thick hair, she liked the feel of it. Leaning in, she kissed his cheek, a chaste little kiss. Tentatively, she touched his shoulders, felt the heat of him, and watched him like he was a wild animal about to strike. She saw the heat in his eyes, the need, and something she wasn’t sure how to define.

  Picking up another piece of fruit, she held it for him again. He pulled her onto his lap, nibbled his way down her hand, kissed the pulse point in her wrist. She brought his face to hers, stared into his eyes, lost herself in them. She wanted to know him, to know if she could trust him. He was gentle but would it last?

  He let her look, let her explore at her pace. He wanted to lift her onto the table and take her, thrust into her, and make her his but he knew the moment he did, he would lose her. She expected violence and pain. He’d give her softness and gentleness.

  “Maybe we could have a few meals all to ourselves,” she murmured, brushed her lips experimentally against his. Little more than a touch of a feather, her lips ignited fire through his veins.

  “We can do some as a whole family,” he agreed waiting, hoping she came back for more of her light kisses.

  Pleased he compromised, she brushed her lips against his, tasted him, and liked the feel of him under her lips and in her hands. She came back again and again. She took his breath away with her tentative kisses, light, and hopeful. She sighed, hugged him close to her. “Can I trust you,” she murmured.

  “Only you can answer that,” he said waiting to see what she did.

  “You scare me,” she said, she slipped off his lap and back on her chair. With a shudder, she said, “Are all the courses from your homeworld?”

  He looked at the empty plate, smiled. Her kisses made him forget the food. She set a boundary. He intended to push his way slyly past it to see if she minded. “Some of them,” he said rising he brought a second plate. “Why do I scare you,” he asked as he brushed his lips against hers.

  She trembled but didn’t back away from him. “Sex doesn’t take long,” she said. “What will you do with me once the sex is done?”

  “I do not want to have sex with you,” he murmured. “I want to make love to you until you know no one will feel more for you than I do.”

  Her breath caught but she pushed him back. “What’s this,” she asked.

  “This is Cumbria cactus,” he said. “It’s spicy and said to increase passion.”

  “Another dish from your homeworld,” Lydia asked as he lifted a small white square off the plate.

  Mycos wanted her to take it without feeding him first. He hoped she trusted him. She leaned in, watched him for several long moments. Nipping it from his fingers, she sucked in his fingers before biting
down on the cactus. She choked. His eyes widened in alarm. She grabbed for a glass of water. She drank as tears came to her eyes.

  “Are you all right,” he asked touching her, rubbing her back.

  “Spicy,” she said coughing and clearing her throat. “Too spicy.”

  He lifted the plate away, brought back some whipped cream from the previous course. “Try this,” he said. “It should soothe.”

  She licked some off the spoon, sighed as it eased some of the heat in her mouth. “Thank you,” she said.

  “I am sorry,” he said. “It is a popular delicacy for our world.”

  “You can eat it,” she said. “I could feed it to you.”

  “No,” he said. He leaned in. “You trusted me and I…”

  “I’ve not eaten a lot of spicy,” she said seeing his genuine concern. “Our food was often not …”

  “I should have considered this,” he said. She saw anger and annoyance at causing her discomfort. She leaned into him, raised her mouth to his. She pulled him to her, stared into his eyes until the last second, and kissed him. Her lips lingered as her hands held him to her. He deepened the kiss, slipped his tongue between her lips, tasted her. He sighed as he gathered her into his arms.

  “Mycos,” she said as she pulled away. His mouth dropped little kisses down her neck.

  “Lydia,” he murmured against her neck. His mouth slipped lower. His tongue lashed out to taste the curve of her breast. His hands caressed her curve, cupped her breast.

  She trembled, felt an ache start in her. His thumb brushed against her nipple. “Wait,” she said fear bubbling up as desire clouded her mind.

  He looked at her, saw need and fear in her eyes. “Too fast,” he asked coming back to gently taste her lips again.

  “Yes,” she said.

  He pulled her in, hugged her close to him. “Shall we try another course,” he asked softly.

  “Why do I always end up in your lap,” she murmured.

  “You are meant to be near me,” he murmured but let her slide back to her own seat. He rose. “This is something from here. I could not resist.”

  Setting a plate in front of her, she stared at him so long he had to kiss her. When he raised his head, she sighed and looked at the plate. “A cheeseburger,” she smiled and hummed her pleasure.

  An unexpected joy washed through him, seeing her joy. “They are wholly unhealthy,” he said. “But I was hooked from the first time I ate one.”

  She took a bite and hummed her enjoyment of it. He wanted to make her hum for him. “Delicious,” she said around the bite she’d taken. “The girls love these.”

  “We will have them for lunch tomorrow,” he said.

  Mycos brought her course after course. Some he fed her. His hands strayed to her hair, her cheek, her leg. He needed to touch her.

  “It’s getting late,” she said. “I should go back to the girls.”

  “We have an early morning,” he conceded though he didn’t want her to leave.

  “Will you…” she shook her head and stood to go.

  “What would you like,” he asked holding her hand, drawing her close to him.

  “Will you walk me back,” she asked shyly.

  “It will be my pleasure,” he asked hope soaring through him as she requested he spend time with her.

  He held her hand as they strolled back towards the wing where the girls slept. He twined his fingers with hers. She didn’t pull away. “What are we doing tomorrow,” she asked.

  “You wanted to go back to the warehouse,” he said. “I thought we’d do that first and then I have an outing planned for the girls.”

  “What,” Lydia asked.

  “Have you been to the aquarium,” Mycos asked.

  “No,” Lydia said.

  “I thought we could take them,” he said. “I have been several times and find it fascinating.”

  “I’m sure they’ll like it,” Lydia said. “Every new experience is good for them. It expands their knowledge.”

  She stopped outside the doors to the wing. He pulled her close to him, leaned down. “I hope to offer all of you new experiences,” he said. His mouth hovered a breath away from hers. She closed the gap, rubbed her hands around his waist as his mouth teased and tantalized hers. Giggling and shushing made Mycos smile. “We have an audience,” he murmured.

  Lydia flushed but didn’t pull away. “Monsters,” she muttered with so much love and humor, Mycos held her tighter. Their lips touching. “Come say goodnight,” she asked.

  He raised his eyebrows but agreed.

  Lydia turned but held his hand as she led him into the first bedroom. In the large king-size bed, five of the girls pretended to sleep. “You aren’t sleeping,” Lydia scolded.

  Nic, who sat in a chair by the window, said, “I told them.”

  “Mycos is here to say goodnight,” Lydia told them. She sat on the edge of the bed, pulled the covers up.

  “Abby couldn’t sleep,” Hannah said. “We were worried about you.”

  “How long does one meal take,” Heidi asked.

  “I got to try some new food,” Lydia said settling them down. Mycos stood at the end of the bed watching her tend to the girls. He realized she was already mothering. He watched intently as she settled them, soothed them as she talked about the food.

  “Mycos, can we try the fruit,” Abby whispered putting her arms up to Mycos.

  He leaned down, she kissed his cheek. “I will see to it they are on the table for breakfast,” he murmured.

  “You’re nice,” Abby said. “Not mean. You’d never throw me in a trash can.”

  “Never,” Mycos said softly, brushing her hair back from her face. In that moment, his heart took in all of them.

  Chapter 3

  “What is here,” Mycos asked as he walked through the warehouse. He carried Abby, who cuddled into him. She trembled in his arms. His men spread out to make sure no one threatened them.

  “We’ve got stuff,” Nic said. She marched away from him. Looking over her shoulder, she bumped into one of his men. His arms snaked out, grabbed her so she didn’t fall. Nic went rigid.

  “I am sorry,” he said staring into her eyes. He made sure she was steady on her feet and released her.

  “My fault,” Nic said stepping back from him and rubbing her arms.

  “Landros,” Mycos said drawing the guard’s attention away from Nic.

  “Yes, sir,” Landros said. He tore his eyes away from her, returning his watchful gaze to their surroundings.

  Lydia said, “We have a few belongings stashed.”

  “Things we want,” Nic said over her shoulder.

  “Are you gonna leave us here,” Abby asked.

  “No,” Mycos said. He cuddled her close. “We will gather your belongings before we go to the aquarium.”

  “What’s an aqrum,” Abby asked.

  “They have a lot of fish there,” Mycos said. Hannah hurried to a nook, knelt down to move debris aside. Underneath, she pulled out a bag. Gregor stood near her.

  “Would you like me to carry this for you,” Gregor asked.

  “It isn’t heavy,” Hannah said but she stepped near him.

  “Would you like me to carry you,” he squatted down next to her. She looked to Lydia and looked back. She took a tentative step towards Gregor.

  “Go on,” Lydia encouraged. “Get what you want.”

  The girls scattered around the warehouse. Mycos growled as he had a hard time tracking where each of them went. “This won’t take long,” Lydia said.

  “Do you have things,” Mycos asked.

  “I’ve got them,” Nic said. She returned from the far wall carrying two small bags.

  “Sir,” one of the guards called to him. Mycos strode away from Lydia and Nic. He looked back to see Nic hand Lydia a bag. A sudden crack and creak warned them.

  Lydia looked up, saw part of the ceiling fracture. She saw Mycos directly underneath it. She ran, pushed him as the heavy material fell. “Oo
oooof,” she cried out as the chunk of ceiling fell on her.

  “No,” Mycos said. When she pushed him, he took a long step to keep his balance. “Gregor.” Gregor and the other men rushed to them. Gregor took Abby, who cried.

  The girls ran to Lydia, knelt on the floor.

  Landros said, “The ceiling is unstable, sir.”

  Mycos knelt next to her, lifted the heavy chunk of ceiling off her. His heart in his throat, he thought her dead. She moaned but didn’t move.

  “Get Justinian,” Mycos said. He looked at Nic, “Will you go back?”

  “We stay together,” Nic whispered as she fought tears.

  Landros spoke into his com. “Less than ten,” he said. “The ceiling is unstable. More may come down.”

  “We can’t move her,” Nic said. “She’s probably got a broken back. You’ll sever her spine.”

  “Keep watch,” Mycos said as he brushed the hair away from Lydia’s face. The time ticked by. The girls hovered, crying, holding each other. Gregor gathered them close. He had three guards stand near them to protect them if more of the ceiling crashed down. They refused to leave Lydia.

  Justinian arrived, hurried across the warehouse. “Oh,” he said seeing Lydia lying face down on the floor. “I need some room.” Using a small palm-shaped device, he walked around her, scanned her from head to toe.

  “We need to move her,” Mycos growled.

  “A moment,” Justinian said as he completed his examination. “Her spine is intact. She has a concussion, broken shoulder and ribs, and severe bruising.”

  They heard another groan from above. Gregor and the men crowded the girls together. Another chunk fell only feet from where they stood. “Milord,” Gregor said urgently.

  “Can we move her,” Mycos asked.

  “It will be painful,” Justinian said. He looked up as another groan echoed. “Yes, pick her up gently.” Mycos turned Lydia into his arms. She cried out even though she was unconscious.

  “To the transports,” Mycos ordered. Nic walked next to him, taking in the sick pallor of his face. He looked over his shoulder, barked orders in their language and the guards lifted the five other girls to carry them out of the warehouse. “Did everything get collected,” he asked.


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