Seven Sisters

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Seven Sisters Page 8

by Eileen Troemel

  "Mycos, will the programs help with this issue," Lydia asked.

  "To some extent," he said. "With many empty buildings, our security technology can easily create a safe home for teachers."

  “If we get permission from the city,” Lydia said rolling her eyes.

  “Yes,” Mycos said smiling at her annoyance.

  "What does your school programming entail," Emily Winston asked.

  "Elaxus will explain," Mycos said introducing. "This is Elaxus Molinium, from the Molini family. His family developed the programs many centuries ago. He will train your teachers in how to use them."

  "How do you do," Elaxus said bending over Emily Winston's hand, brushing his lips across her fingers. Emily raised her eyebrows.

  "It's nice to meet you," she said her hand lingered in his. "Please explain how these programs work."

  Elaxus gazed into her eyes for several long moments before Mycos cleared his throat. "A central computer holds the programs and feeds the levels out to the devices," he said. Handing her a small device which fit in her palm, Emily took it from him. "There is a holographic feature which allows the children to enter virtual situations where they can interact with each other if they are studying the same lesson. Or they can work individually if they wish."

  "What grade levels are these programs for," Emily asked. She frowned as she turned the innocuous square in her hand.

  "They don't use grade levels like we do," Lydia said.

  "In our system, children start learning as young as two," Elaxus said. "The programs for the younger children are meant to teach while they play."

  "You have programming for toddlers to how old," Emily asked eyebrows raised.

  "The programming would go as high as what you consider an advanced degree," Elaxus said. "Teachers can interact, tuning in to the lesson each child studies. There is a help feature which offers assistance within the program as well as getting external assistance from teachers."

  "I’d like my teachers to receive training on this," Emily said.

  "It will be my honor to work with your teachers," Elaxus said. "Will you attend this training?"

  "Yes, I think it best," Emily said even though she hadn't planned to.

  "Perhaps bigger classrooms," Mycos suggested. "To give them more room to move."

  "We have no funds for building remodels," Emily said.

  "This is where I come in," Mycos said. "Your school is adjacent to an old industrial section."

  "We are," Emily said.

  "Show her," Mycos ordered Elaxus.

  Elaxus pressed a button on the device she held. Around her, she saw an old warehouse, the warehouse Lydia and the girls stayed in. "I know this building," Emily said. "It's a block east of here."

  "Continue," Elaxus said and the scene around them shifted. "This is how we suggest organizing the building." Around them, large rooms with all the comforts formed.

  "These rooms have to be three times larger than our current classrooms," Emily said. "It would increase the number of students one teacher has to oversee."

  "No," Elaxus said. "One room houses approximately sixty students with four instructors who, through collaboration, assist the students. This gives the students an opportunity to explore more topics as there will be curriculum experts in the room."

  "It's a lovely idea," Emily said. "It takes years to get the permits and permissions as well as the board's approvals."

  "We have the approval from the board," Mycos said. "We received the permits and permissions you speak of. Before you object, we have contractors there today working on clearing the current building. By end of day, it should be removed. Tomorrow they will start building. We will not be building to your code. Our codes are stricter and I insist on the highest levels of safety for the children."

  "How long will it take for the building," Emily asked.

  "Two weeks," Mycos said.

  "Perhaps this building could be remodeled for secure housing," Lydia said.

  "I will put our people on it," Mycos said smiling at her, squeezing her hand.

  "How long to get all of this set up," Emily asked.

  "The training will take a few days," Elaxus said. "I will come every day to work with the teachers and you."

  "Within a month, we’d like to have children in the new facility," Mycos said. "I will have to check with my people but converting this building wouldn't take much longer than the other facility."

  "What will the outside of the facility look like," Emily said. "Children need places to play."

  "We discussed this," Elaxus said. "We have an inner courtyard planned. Lady Lydia said crime might interfere with the children. We designed the building to have an inner courtyard completely surrounded by the building. It will have a roof from a material we make which allows light and air into the area but prevents rain and snow from entering. Children will play all year in the courtyard without the need for winter gear."

  He pressed another button and the scene around them shifted to show the courtyard. "Abby particularly likes swings," Mycos said. "She is Lydia's youngest sister. She and her sisters assisted us in designing the play equipment. However, you are an expert on children. Your task will be to work with our people to make sure the courtyard and the school have everything you need."

  Emily turned around, felt foolish because she knew she turned circles in the middle of her hall. Yet around her, she saw a playing field for sports, play equipment, and space – actual safe space for the children to play. "Tell me what you need me to do," Emily said. "These children deserve this sort of opportunity."

  "Excellent," Mycos said. "Elaxus will be your contact person. You tell him what you want and need, and we will see to it you receive it."

  With a nod, Elaxus pressed another button. "Perhaps we could return to your office so I can give you a tour of the facilities as we have them laid out," Elaxus suggested.

  "It's the first step," Emily said. "I'll take your tour, but I want our teachers to have a tour as well."

  "I will arrange it," Elaxus said.

  "One more thing," Mycos said. "Your teachers will no longer need to buy supplies. All supplies down to the last tissue will be provided by the fund set up for this plan."

  "This is... I'm speechless," Emily said. "We estimate our teachers spend a quarter of their income providing for their classrooms. This is another reason why we can't hire teachers."

  "Because it's a higher percentage since the parents of the children coming here can't afford to provide them with the school supplies," Lydia said.

  "Yes," Emily said. "We have some of the most dedicated people, but it is a strain for them."

  "No longer," Mycos said. One of his men touched his arm, murmured something in his ear. "Forgive me, Administrator Winston. We have another appointment. Elaxus and his team are here for you. They will be with you through the training and implementation. Additionally once the school is set up, they will provide any and all support you need."

  "Thank you," Emily said. She shook hands with Lord Mycos and Lady Lydia. "This is more than generous."

  Mycos and Lydia retreated, leaving Elaxus and his men to assist Administrator Winston.

  As they settled in the transport, Lydia asked, "Why did Elaxus get that look?"

  "What look," Mycos asked as he put his arm around her, pulled her close to him.

  "I don't know how to describe it. Like he found something precious and he's determined to protect it with his life," Lydia said slowly.

  Mycos smiled, tipped her chin up to brush his lips over hers. "He found his mate," he said.

  "Oh. Your people know that quickly," Lydia asked.

  "I knew in the three seconds you were in my arms on the street," Mycos said.

  Chapter 4

  Mycos found her huddling with a blanket wrapped around her. The girls played on the equipment. Nic looked up, nodded, and said something to Lydia. Lydia turned and smiled. His gut tightened and his heart leapt with joy.

  "I have some pape
rwork you need to sign," Mycos said. "May I steal her away from you for a little while?"

  "You're bringing her back," Nic asked.

  "We are all having supper together tonight," Mycos said.

  "Are we having sgetti," Abby asked hopefully.

  "It is a surprise," Mycos said. "Gregor knows so you may be able to wheedle it out of him."

  "I have been sworn to secrecy," Gregor said. "It would take much persuasion."

  "You can take Lydia, but we're keeping Gregor as a hostage," Hannah said.

  "Don't torture him too much," Lydia said as she stood.

  Mycos offered his arm but she took his hand, wound her fingers in with his. They walked in silence back into the house. He opened the door for her, she paused before stepping through. "You know the seven days are up," she said.

  "Are you ready to come to my bed," Mycos said.

  "Sure," Lydia said though she frowned.

  He laughed, "Such enthusiasm."

  "You were firm," Lydia said. "Have you lost interest already?" Fear and sadness crept into her question.

  Out of sight of the girls, he pulled her hard into his arms, pressed her body against his. His mouth took, demanded, invaded her mouth, her senses. She leaned heavily on him when he raised his head. "I have not lost interest," he growled. "I am attempting to be patient and show you our lives would be about more than sex."

  "Oh," Lydia said. "This feels very much like sex."

  "This is a tease, a small taste of you so I don't go completely insane with needing you," he growled. His mouth took hers again, demanded more from her. She sighed, wrapped her arms around him, and held him close to her.

  "Mycos," she begged when he stopped kissing her. She wanted more, needed him to keep kissing her, needed more but she wasn't sure what.

  He pressed her to his chest. "I almost lost you," he said into her hair. "When I saw you lying there… I…"

  She pressed her body against him. "Sex has been rape," she whispered. "I'm afraid of it. Don't pull away from me." Her demand surprised him. "When you kiss me, hold me, it doesn't feel like what I've seen."

  He tipped her chin up, looked deep into her green eyes. "You want more of the holding and kissing," he asked.

  "Yes," she admitted, pulling him down to kiss again and again. Her light kisses made his heart melt.

  "Our custom is seven days," he said when they started walking again. "I have noticed here on earth you have different customs. Several of my business associates talk about engagements which are longer."

  "You want to marry me," she asked frowning.

  "I am trying to relate our mates to what you have on earth," Mycos said. "Nic asked me if it was …"

  "Fucking," Lydia said smiling. "She's got a crude way."

  "Yes," Mycos said. "It is not. There is an intimate part of it but it is more than the sexual encounter."

  "Then why negotiate for children," Lydia asked.

  "Again, this is the custom of my homeworld," Mycos said. "I think initially it started to allow the couple to come to an agreement of how large their family would be."

  "How can you do that if you don't know how a pregnancy would go," Lydia asked.

  "There is always a clause in the contract concerning the health and safety of the woman," Mycos said. He walked her into his office where they had met the first night. He picked up the folder on his desk. "I admit I was aroused and anxious for us to begin our relationship. This made me determined in our first meeting."

  "I've said I'm willing to have your children," Lydia said blushing even as she said it.

  "But your reason for coming to me would be your sisters, not because you want to," he said. "I find I would rather you want to be with me. We will date and become better acquainted. I will work on my patience. We will spend time as a family."

  "I’d like that," Lydia said. "I think the girls would as well."

  "Now, this paperwork cannot wait," Mycos said pleased to hear she wanted to spend time with him. "These are guardianship papers for the girls."

  "Who's adopting them," Lydia said worry replacing the pleasure on her face.

  "We are," Mycos said. "You and I are becoming their guardians."

  "It's … oh," Lydia said. She turned away from him, closed her eyes, and breathed slowly.

  "Lydia," Mycos said coming to her side, pulling her into his arms. "I thought you wanted to have legal rights to them."

  "I do," she said. "I didn't think you … I mean.. your people don't keep their children."

  "We keep our children," he said. "The men tend to them because the women have to prepare for the next child and oversee the household and businesses."

  "This is.. so sweet," she whispered hugging him, holding him close to her. "I didn't expect you to do this."

  "But it is what you need and what is best for them," Mycos said. "Do you want to hear what we have to do?"

  "Yes," she said smiling brightly.

  "We have to sign these papers," Mycos said. "Then a social worker has to inspect their living arrangements."

  "We should probably get them in separate rooms," Lydia said.

  "They are not ready for separate rooms," Mycos said frowning as a protectiveness raged through him. "They need each other and you until they feel safe here."

  "Do you think we can make the social worker see that," Lydia asked.

  "We will do our best," Mycos said.

  "How long," Lydia asked.

  "If all goes well," he said. "A month. If we get objections, it might be a legal fight."

  "Let's get them signed and hope for no objections," Lydia said. She signed the papers and smiled when he signed the papers. "You realize this makes you father and brother."

  "Yes but I don't think we should tell Abby about the father part," Mycos said.

  "She does not like mother and father," Lydia said. "I hope she outgrows it."

  "I want to find the man," Mycos fisted his hands. "On my world to abuse a child is unthinkable. We have severe punishments."

  "Good," Lydia said. "I'm glad to hear it." She pushed him into his chair and snuggled into his lap. She reached up, touched his face, and saw the protectiveness he felt towards her sisters. She pressed another light kiss to his lips. Leaning closer, she slipped her tongue between his lips, making him hum with pleasure. She pressed against him, held him in a long slow kiss.

  "Lovely," he murmured against her lips. He waited to see if she came back for more.

  She rubbed her hands down his chest, felt his hard muscles, his nipples, and realized hers were as taut as his. She leaned in again, took his mouth, and claimed him as she had never done before. His hands explored her curves, cupped her breasts, and made her hum as he repeated her own hand motions. "Mycos," she murmured his name before taking his mouth again.

  His fingers toyed with the buttons on her shirt, freed three of them without her objecting. Three more popped free as he slid his hands to touch her soft skin. She moaned as his thumbs rubbed against her breasts. Her hands slid inside his shirt, found his nipples, slid her fingers over them. He pulled her legs on either side of him. He wanted to stand and take her against his desk. He ached to join with her but knew she wasn't ready. Her mouth stayed on his, devoured his, and demanded he respond to her.

  Long minutes slipped by, silence filled the room except for her little hums and his groans of deep pleasure each time she touched him. "Mycos," she said breathing heavily as she rested her forehead against his.

  "Lydia, mo chroin," he murmured moving to her neck, nibbling his way down her neck to her breasts. He licked along the curve. She trembled. He unhooked the front clasp, pushed aside the silk and sucked in her nipple.

  "Oh," she said her trembling increased. She cupped his face, held him in place. Keeping his caresses light, he slipped his tongue around her taut nipple, sucked it in. Her hips pushed hard against him.

  "Lovely," he murmured. "Beautiful."

  "Oh, Mycos, I … I …" Lydia flushed, didn't know what she wanted.
br />   His lips came back to hers, feather light kisses teased her. He pulled her close to him, pressed her bare breasts against his bare chest. The skin to skin contact eased some of his needs. He knew she needed more time, more experiences like this. "After the girls go to sleep tonight," he murmured. "Will you watch a movie with me?"

  "A movie," she said breathing hard, trying to think what he asked her.

  "Hmmm hmmm," he asked, his thumb rubbing the side of her breast.

  "Mycos, I can't think when you do this," Lydia said.

  He pulled back, looked at her. His gray eyes darkened with desire and need. "I want to pull you into my bedroom and make love to you," he said. He pressed his hips against her. "I want you as my mate, but I know you need time."

  "No bedroom," she said looking at him, fear and confusion overruled the desire he saw there.

  "Look at how beautiful you are," he said. "If we can not make love yet, I want to be near you. I want to get to know what you like. I want to touch you."

  "A movie and more touching," she asked.

  "Yes," Mycos said. He cupped her breasts, buried his face in them, kissed them. Then he pulled her bra back together, closed it for her.

  "I'll watch a movie with you," she said not making any effort to close her shirt.

  He smiled, his teeth flashing white. "Lovely," he said. "May I help you put the girls to bed?"

  "Yes," Lydia said smiling. "We'll have family time and then private time."

  "We need both," Mycos said.

  She finished buttoning her shirt, leaned forward, and kissed his chest right above his heart. "I think we do," she said. She walked to the door. Stopping halfway there, she turned back. Her face blushing red, she asked, "I want to see a female doctor."

  "Did I hurt you," his head snapped up, alarmed by her request.

  "I have female questions I want answered," Lydia said.

  "Oh," Mycos said. "Justinian.."

  "Is a male," Lydia said. "He's also not human. It's important to me."

  "Of course," Mycos crossed the room to take her in his arms. "I will find one tomorrow."


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