Seven Sisters

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Seven Sisters Page 11

by Eileen Troemel

  "I’d like an answer on how you managed to get this upgrade," he said.

  "It was a donation to our school," Emily said. "As I've told you multiple times."

  "But how did you convince these newcomers," Terence Bradley looked at the alien men surrounding the small group. "To be so generous."

  "It wasn't them," Lydia said stepping forward. "As you know, donations to the government from outside entities are not allowed per the federal mandates. I donated the funds for this project."

  "And you are," Terence Bradley looked her up and down. He adjusted his belt.

  "This is my mate," Mycos growled.

  "I'm Lydia Witter," she said linking hands with Mycos, moving closer to him.

  "There’s speculation about you," Terence Bradley said. Lydia wore a soft yellow dress under her coffee colored winter jacket. Her shoes were practical but matched her jacket.

  "People will always talk," Lydia said but Mycos felt her tremble.

  "This area has been abandoned for a number of years," Terence Bradley said. "Why choose this location?"

  "All of the permits and permissions were given," Elaxus said. "The records have been meticulously kept."

  "Yes but those records don't answer my question," Terence Bradley said. "If you wanted to update a school, there are better areas in our city and better schools."

  "Those schools already have a leg up on life," Lydia said quietly. "The parents have the money to contribute. The neighborhoods are safer and they attract more teachers. This school was the lowest performing school. This school had the most violence even though it was a primary school. These children have the least chance to make their lives better."

  "We have a number of programs," Terence Bradley started to defend.

  "All of which were underfunded and understaffed," Lydia said. "I wanted the credits to go where it would benefit the most people. This is the place."

  "Mr. Mayor," Emily said proud of the answer Lydia gave. "It’s time for the presentation and dedication."

  "Of course," Terence Bradley said.

  They stood in the cold, huddled together. Mycos held Abby while Lydia stepped forward to cut the ribbon for the new school. The mayor tried to intrude on the ceremony but Lydia side stepped the issue by picking up the oversized scissors and having several of the neighborhood children come forward to cut the ribbon. The media took pictures and video. The reporters threw a volley of questions requesting information about the schools and other possible donations to Mycos' sexual prowess to some nasty innuendos. Lydia answered none of them. With the formalities complete, she turned to Abby, saw her white face and shivering hands and walked away.

  After shaking hands with Emily, Lydia continued away from the chaos of the gathering. Mycos' men formed a barrier around them. Gregor directed them over his coms. "Alien cocksucker," a voice in the crowd grumbled. Nic turned towards the voice but Lydia took her hand.

  "Keep walking," Lydia said.

  "Are you gonna let the fucker get away with that," Nic growled softly.

  "Language," Lydia said. "I'm not giving them a picture which will take away from the good Mycos has done."

  "You don't have to," Nic said. "I'll go out there."

  "Which will mean Gregor will send a contingent after you to protect you," Lydia said nudging her forward. "Do you think once they're in the crowd someone won't make a point of provoking a violent response?"

  "How do you think of these things," Nic asked looking back over her shoulder.

  "I talked to Gregor and Mycos," Lydia said. "I read a lot. You’re smart enough to follow the programs I took."

  "I want to learn to fight," Nic said. "Will you let me?" She directed this at Mycos.

  "Yes," he said. "Landros is our best trainer. You can start tomorrow."

  Nic looked at Landros, considered. "Fine," she said.

  Back in the transport, Mycos ordered the heat turned up and tucked a blanket around Abby. "You are not to wiggle out of this until you are completely toasty," he said kissing her head.

  "Yes, dearhar," Abby said.

  "Do not forget Defur," Gregor said tucking the bear under the blanket in Abby's arms.

  "Thanks," Abby said.


  Lydia rushed into the med room. Rounding the corner, she saw Justinian scanning Nic. "What happened," she asked.

  Landros bowed to her. "Milady," he said. "I am sorry. We were training. I am afraid she fell awkwardly."

  "It's nothing," Nic said.

  "It is not nothing," Justinian said. "You have a broken wrist and bruising on your left hip and left side ribs."

  "Landros," Mycos said as he entered the room. "Did you do this to her?"

  "Floren," Landros said scowling. "He overestimated the amount of force needed to execute the maneuver. He will not join us again."

  "I'm not stopping," Nic said wincing as she tried to sit up.

  "Nic," Lydia said. "Please sit still so Justinian can heal your injuries."

  "She shows an aptitude for fighting," Landros said pride gleaming out of his deep brown eyes.

  "Which maneuver were you doing," Mycos asked.

  "The Upton fly," Landros said.

  "Is it not a bit early in her training for such an advanced move," Mycos said.

  "He was telling me how to get out of it," Nic said. "I moved wrong and Floren smashed me."

  "Please lie back and allow me to heal your injuries," Justinian said.

  "She has shown a lot of skill," Landros said. "She has some moves our men have never seen."

  "She's a good fighter," Lydia said moving to hold Nic's hand.

  "She needs more strength," Landros said. "Her endurance is excellent. It will take time for her to build up her strength properly."

  "I read I need protein," Nic said sighing as Justinian placed healing devices. They looked like a miniature blanket or cloth. The one on her ribs lay across her side and her breast. Nic flushed when Justinian put it on.

  "You will not be able to train for at least a week," Justinian said. "Depending on how well the ribs heal, it may take longer."

  "But…" Nic started to object.

  "Damaged ribs take time to heal. I know from experience," Landros said stepping closer to her. "If it is under two weeks, you are doing well."

  "I don't want to forget anything I've learned." Nic said.

  "There are a number of books on strategy which may hold your interest," Landros said.

  "Reading isn't as fun as doing," Nic complained.

  "We can set up scenarios in the holo to demonstrate how the different strategies work and determine the best defense against them," Landros said. "We can watch them play out."

  "Okay," Nic said her voice going tired as the healing started to set in. "Justinian, that feels great."

  "Yes," Justinian said watching her readings. "You rest. I will make it better."

  "You always do," Nic said.

  "I will stay with her," Landros offered.

  "We have the meeting," Mycos said.

  "Justinian," Lydia asked.

  "She will sleep for several hours," he said. "The healing is progressing well."

  "All right," Lydia said reluctantly. "We should get Doctor Giese to come in and see how this works. She was interested."

  "Why don't you contact her," Mycos said. "Landros, I expect you to see Nic back to her room safely."

  "Yes, sir," Landros said smiling.

  They walked together towards the foyer. "How old is Landros," Lydia asked.

  "Twenty," Mycos said. "Why?"

  "Is Nic his mate," she looked over her shoulder as he helped her on with her jacket.

  "She is," Mycos said.

  "He won't.. of course not. He's got a long wait ahead of him," Lydia said.

  "The training helps," Mycos said.

  "Because he can touch her," Lydia asked as they stepped out the door.

  "Touching and watching," Mycos said.

  "What age do women usually take on mates," Lydia asked.

  "It varies," Mycos said. "Some as young as Nic but more frequently in their twenties."

  "But she's not," Lydia started to object, stopping before stepping into the transport.

  "In case you had not noticed, my men have learned to take more time with the human mates," Mycos said. "Some aspects of this are very pleasant."

  "She needs to get on birth control," Lydia said. "I'll talk to her about it."

  "You will not tell her about Landros," Mycos said. "He will declare himself when he feels the time is right."

  "When we return to your home, there will be a lot more going with us," Lydia said stepping into the transport.

  "I believe there will be," Mycos said smiling. "I have plans for you while we fly."

  "It's only a twenty-minute flight," Lydia said but she leaned towards him.

  "I think I will spend the entire flight kissing you," Mycos said. Leaning in, he hesitated before touching his lips to hers. "Unless you object?"

  Lydia smiled, leaned in, and took his lips.


  “Welcome,” Lydia said nervously.

  “I brought my daughter, Trinity,” Carol Giese said. “As we discussed. She works at Saint Catherine’s.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Lydia said reaching forward to shake Trinity’s hand, her blond hair tucked neatly into a bun at the back of her head as her blue eyes assessed Lydia. “Let’s go through to our healing room. Justinian is there.”

  “I thought Lord Mycos was joining us,” Carol said.

  “He’s running late,” Lydia said making an excuse for him. In actual fact, Mycos was helping Dani and Rachel with some of their studies. “Trinity, how do you like working at St. Catherine’s?”

  “It’s challenging,” Trinity said. “Unlike the newer hospitals in the newer sections, there’s an air of hopelessness.”

  “It’s part of the neighborhood,” Carol said. “That area of the city is run down and…”

  “Hopeless,” Lydia said. She led them around the corner and into the healing room.

  “Milady,” Justinian bowed as she entered.

  “Justinian, this is Carol Giese and Trinity Giese,” Lydia said. “They're doctors. This is Justinian Lagama, our healer.”

  “It's a pleasure to meet you,” Carol said.

  “I am honored,” Justinian bowed over her hand. “Is your family a family of healers?”

  “We do have a number of them going back through the generations,” Carol said. “Is that how it works on your world?”

  “Only the gifted are healers,” Justinian said. “The sciences are taught but only those with the sight are allowed to study healing. You are fortunate to have a gifted and beautiful daughter.”

  Trinity flushed red. “Thank you,” she said. He bowed over her hand and kissed it.

  “They want to know more about your medical equipment,” Lydia said. “Can I leave them with you?”

  “It will be my honor,” Justinian said.

  “Don’t forget,” Carol said. “You wanted me to talk to your girls.”

  “Yes,” Lydia said. “I’m a little worried about Abby.”

  “Send her to me,” Justinian said. “She insists Defur is injured.”

  “Have you explained your scanner cannot pick up anything from her,” Lydia said.

  “I’m sorry. Who is Defur,” Trinity asked.

  “Abby is six,” Lydia explained. “Defur is her teddy bear.”

  “Oh, how sweet,” Trinity said. “Perhaps a bandage would help.”

  “But if there is no injury,” Justinian said.

  “She wants a reason to tend her baby,” Trinity said.

  “She’s learning to nurture,” Carol said.

  “Which is why she comes to you,” Lydia said. “You’ve fixed her injuries so she wants you to teach her.”

  “Intriguing,” Justinian said. “Putting a bandage will allow her to grow.”

  “Yes,” Trinity said.

  “Send her and we will bandage the bear,” Justinian said.


  Lydia watched as Mycos, Dani, and Rachel discussed battle strategies. He helped them see different points of view as they worked through different scenarios. It aroused her, made her love him. She stood up suddenly. When had she started thinking in those terms? Arousal yes, but love?

  His eyes swept across the room and trapped her. Gray met green, his questioned. “You forgot to meet the doctors,” she said. She loved him. It soothed her. It explained why he always felt safe. Like Abby, safety was everything apparently.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “He showed us the different battles from the different wars on his world and our world,” Rachel said. “It’s interesting to see why the different people lost.”

  “Did you know a group can do everything right and still lose,” Dani asked.

  “Can they,” Lydia asked.

  “Mycos calls it the dumb luck factor,” Rachel said.

  “Luck is tricky,” Mycos said.

  “Doctor Giese is here with her daughter,” Lydia said.

  “Both of them being Doctor Giese,” Mycos said his eyes holding her in place.

  “Yes,” she said. “The girls and I will be having a different lesson later.”

  “Do we gotta,” Dani said. “I don’t wanna know about babies and crap.”

  “Did you think you wanted to know about battle strategies,” Mycos said.

  “But it’s about the yucky stuff,” Dani said.

  “It is about growing up,” Mycos said. “You will not always be eleven.”

  “We aren’t gonna be mushy face like you and Lydia,” Dani said. “It’s too gross.”

  “At your age,” Lydia said. “It isn’t at my age.”

  “Why do you kiss,” Rachel asked.

  “It makes us feel connected,” Mycos said. Lydia walked into his arms, tilted her head and drew him down to give him some of her feather light kisses.

  “Definitely connected,” she said.

  “So why isn’t your belly getting big,” Dani asked.

  “You do not get pregnant from kissing,” Mycos said keeping her pressed to his body. “This is why you need the information. You will know what to expect from your body as you grow.”

  “Maybe it wouldn’t be horrible,” Rachel said.


  “Do you think they understood,” Lydia asked.

  “Dani and Rachel are resistant but they understood,” Carol said.

  “Heidi’s thirteen,” Lydia said. “Shouldn’t she have gotten her monthly?”

  “All of you are underweight,” Carol asked.

  “We lived on the streets,” Lydia confirmed. Mycos entered the main lounge to see what kept Lydia. She smiled glad of his presence.

  “It can delay development,” Carol said. “Has Justinian looked at her with his devices?”

  “He’s scanned her,” Lydia said.

  “If he’s willing to share the files, I could see if there are any anomalies,” Carol said.

  “In who,” Mycos said suddenly tense.

  “Heidi,” Lydia said. “She hasn’t gotten her monthly.”

  “Is she not too young,” Mycos said.

  “I started at twelve,’ Lydia said blushing.

  “It’s not a concern at this point,” Carol said. “Girls can start at any time from ten to fifteen. There are the rare cases of them starting later. Nutrition plays a part of this. If you were living on the street, food was sporadic at best.”

  “Yes,” Lydia said leaning on Mycos as he rubbed soothing hands over her shoulders.

  “It can cause delays,” Carol said.

  “Justinian has her scans,” Mycos said. “If you are worried, he can share with Doctor Giese.”

  Lydia sighed, uncertain. “I don’t want her to think something is wrong. Nic and I started earlier. I thought, we thought,” she stumbled to a halt.

  “Do you know her parentage,” Carol asked.

  “They’re dead,” Lydia

  “It helps to know how old the mother or paternal grandmother were when they started,” Carol said. “I don’t think there’s a concern here.”

  “Lydia,” Mycos said. “What do you want to do?”

  “She’s afraid,” Lydia said. “She thinks she’s defective.”

  “Should we take her for a scan,” Mycos said. “It will either ease her fears or discover a problem.”

  “I’ll go talk to her,” Lydia said.

  “Do you want me to come with,” Mycos asked.

  “It might embarrass her,” Carol said. “Girls of this age can be shy about this.”

  Heidi stepped through the door. “Excuse me,” she said. “Lydia…”

  “Come here,” Mycos said holding out his hand to her.

  Heidi took his hand, leaned on him. “I have a question,” she said curling into Mycos and reaching for Lydia.

  “It’s why I came today,” Carol said.

  “How come I haven’t gotten my monthly,” Heidi asked. “Nic said I should ask if I was worried. I mean, I see what they go through and I don’t know if I want to but is something wrong with me if I don’t have it?”

  Carol explained how girls get it at different ages. Mycos felt her grip his shirt tightly as she listened. He rubbed her back, held her close to him. He felt her distress and wanted to ease it.

  “Can Justinian tell,” Heidi asked looking at Mycos.

  “Let us go find out,” Mycos said.

  “I guess I’m not supposed to talk about it with males,” Heidi said. “Mycos and Gregor feel safe. I feel they will take care of everything, anything.”

  “You can talk to anyone about it,” Carol said. “Being males means they don’t get a monthly. It doesn’t mean they can’t help.”

  “They always do,” Heidi said hiding her face in Mycos’ chest. Mycos hugged her, wrapped her in his arms and held her.

  “Whatever you need,” he murmured.

  “Can we go to Justinian,” Heidi asked. “Will you come with me?”

  “Yes,” Mycos said holding her near him as they walked to the healing room.

  Abby skipped out of the healing room as they approached. “Lyd, Justinian said he had done his best on Defur, but I had to take good care of her. Can I get a bed for her so she can sleep,” she asked.


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