Burning For Her Kiss

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Burning For Her Kiss Page 15

by Sherri Hayes

  Apparently, she didn’t have to ask twice. As soon as the words left her mouth, he was there between her legs. He spread her open further and ran his nose along the inside of her thigh before slowly licking up her slit. Beth knew she was wet, but she hadn’t realized just how wet she was until he reached the top of her cleft and met her gaze. Already his lips were glistening with moisture.

  He swirled his tongue around her clit, and her body responded in earnest. The pulsing in her belly began building into a pressure she knew would eventually explode into the most wonderful orgasm.

  Cupping his head, she let his tongue work its magic. Beth hadn’t had many lovers, but she’d had a few. The best one at cunnilingus had been Ben. That, however, was after lots of practice. Drew wasn’t as skilled, but he showed great promise. That and he seemed to love having his mouth on her pussy.

  As she got closer, she dug her hands into his scalp and began grinding her pussy against Drew’s face. He held tight to her hips, securing himself, and kept licking as if his life depended on it.

  Beth felt her orgasm coming and embraced it completely. She tossed her head back and let out a strangled cry.

  For a few moments, she felt as if she were floating. It was heavenly.

  A gentle pressure drew her attention as she came back down to earth. Drew was still between her legs, his tongue massaging her still swollen flesh. She reached down and ran her fingers through his hair. “Thank you.”

  Only then did he look up and meet her gaze. The entire lower half of his face was covered in her juices. “No, thank you. Just say the word and I’ll do it again.”

  Beth grinned. “Good to know.”

  Pushing herself up on her elbows, she looked down at the erection he had pressing aggressively against his pants.

  He followed her gaze.

  “That seems to be a habit when I’m around,” she said, smirking.

  Drew chuckled. “What can I say? He likes you.”

  “Mmm. Well, let’s do something about that, shall we?” She sat up, and he followed suit.

  Without giving him time to process what was going on, Beth straddled his lap, took his face between her hands, and drove her tongue into his mouth. Her scent was everywhere. Not only could she taste herself, but she could also smell her heady odor as her nose brushed against the side of his face. She loved that she’d marked him. Whether she liked it or not, she wanted him. Not just his body. She wanted to mark him as hers and watch him lose himself in his submission to her.

  He clutched at her hips, holding tight to her ass.

  “Do you like my ass?” she asked, having noticed he went for it every chance he got.

  “Yes. I love your ass. Then again, I can’t think of any part of you I don’t love. You have a fantastic body.”

  She ran a hand down his chest. “Trying to suck up, are you?”

  Drew shook his head. “Not at all. I could touch you for hours and it wouldn’t be enough.”

  “Yes, well, you’ve done a fair amount of touching tonight. I’d say it’s my turn.”

  Scooting back, she took hold of the hem of his shirt and lifted. He leaned forward to make it easier for her to get it up his torso and over his head. Once removed, she threw it over to join her discarded shirt.

  She backed herself up further until she could place her feet on the ground. He looked a bit disappointed that she was no longer within his reach, but that would soon be remedied. Placing her hands on his knees, she knelt down in front of him and went for the button of his pants.

  It didn’t take long before Drew figured out that the evening’s tryst wasn’t over yet. He helped her shimmy his pants down his hips and legs, and then watched intently as she laid them nearby.

  Beth placed her hands on his knees again, and this time she pushed them wide apart. Looking him straight in the eye, she ran her palms up his legs until they were settled on either side of his erection. “I’m going to suck your cock now. You’ll have to let me know if I do better than your hand.”


  He watched as Beth lowered her mouth to his cock. The anticipation of her lips made it feel as if it were happening in slow motion. When she finally made contact, he sucked in a sharp breath.

  She ran her tongue along the slit in the top of his cock, and then along the ridge of its head. Even when she did finally take him into her mouth, it was only the very tip. She seemed perfectly content to take her time.

  His palms itched with the want to touch her, but he didn’t know if he should. They hadn’t talked about anything yet. Hell, at the moment he was doing good to think, period.

  Beth snaked one hand between them and began playing with his balls. It was just like what she’d had him do when they were talking on the phone. The difference, however, wasn’t lost on him. This time it wasn’t his hand milking his cock. It was her very warm, and very wet, mouth.

  When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he placed one hand on top of her head and tangled his fingers in her hair. She didn’t object, but she did take him in a little farther and scraped her teeth along his length. He got the message loud and clear. Even though it might seem as if she was in a subservient position, she was still in charge. It was crazy how much knowing that turned him on.

  Drew closed his eyes as she worked his cock and balls. He didn’t even care as she gradually increased the pressure and the suction. Everything felt right.

  She bobbed her head up and down taking him in until he felt the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. He knew he should feel a sense of power knowing all it would take would be a quick thrust of his hips to plunge his erection down her throat, but instead he felt vulnerable. Beth held his cock in her mouth. She could cause him pain or pleasure. It was completely up to her.

  He moaned as he felt his orgasm building. “Beth . . .”

  She didn’t let up. If anything, she increased her efforts.

  Within a few moments, he was no longer able to hold back. “I’m coming. Beth, I’m . . .”

  She gave a gentle tug to his balls, and he felt a burst of energy shoot straight up his cock. He groaned as he released into her mouth, letting go of all the pent-up sexual frustration he’d been experiencing since seeing her walk into the club over a month ago.

  Beth glanced up at him from her spot between his legs and grinned. “Well?”

  He huffed out a laugh. “Oh yeah. Definitely better.”

  Pushing herself up onto her feet, she sashayed across the room to get her clothes. Drew’s eyes went right to her behind. He’d had that ass in his hands, and it felt as good as it looked.

  She bent over and wiggled her backside. “Enjoying the view?”

  “You have no idea. I’ve been trying to picture what you’d look like naked for weeks now.”

  Slipping her panties up her long legs, she pulled them over her hips before walking back to where he sat on the couch. She placed one knee on the cushion beside his thigh, and then the other, straddling his lap. Her breasts were inches from his face before she lowered herself down onto his legs. Drew couldn’t help himself. His hands went immediately to grab that perfect ass of hers.

  She grinned and leaned in to brush her lips against his.

  He pulled her to him, enjoying the closeness. It was strange. In some ways he already felt closer to Beth than he had his last girlfriend. He attributed that to the fact that he didn’t have to try to hide what he liked, or at least that he preferred the submissive side of things. Being able to let go and know that she would lead was liberating and arousing at the same time.

  “We should get dressed,” she whispered. “We have things to talk about.”

  Drew wasn’t quite ready to let her go. “Why can’t we talk like this?”

  Beth chuckled and sat up. “As appealing as that sounds, we do need to talk about our lists and doing so when we’re in a sexualized state isn’t wise. Being aroused alters your thought processes. We both need to be thinking rationally.”

  As much as he hated to admit i
t, what she said made sense. When she’d had her mouth on his cock earlier, he would have agreed to just about anything.

  He let his hands drop to the couch, releasing his hold on her. Beth ran a hand down the side of his face and placed one last kiss on his lips before backing off his lap and standing up. She went back to gathering her clothes and getting dressed. He reluctantly did the same.

  Once they were fully clothed again, he followed her into her kitchen.

  “Have a seat, and I’ll get us both some water,” she said.

  Drew pulled out a chair and took a seat. While she busied herself getting their drinks, he realized that not once had he pondered what the inside of Beth’s house would look like. All his dreams about Beth had revolved solely around her and maybe a single piece of furniture such as a bed or a couch . . . or even a table. And even now, as he sat in the middle of it, he was trying to mesh what he was seeing with the woman he’d gotten to know over the last month.

  She set a glass of ice water in front of him, and sat down on the opposite side o the table. “You seem to be thinking hard about something.”

  He took a drink and shook his head. “Just looking around. Your house is very . . .”

  “Normal?” she offered.

  While that wasn’t exactly what he’d been trying to say, he supposed it was as good a word as any. “I guess you could say that. It doesn’t look that much different from my mom’s. She has a similar setup. The table is even in the same location.”

  “Ah. I thought maybe you were thinking I’d have floggers on the wall for decoration or something.”

  Her tone was lighthearted, joking, and he found himself smiling at how relaxed he was with her. “Not exactly. Although I am curious. I mean, you did say you played in your house, right?”

  She took a sip of her water before answering. “I keep a chest in my bedroom with the majority of my toys. Most are portable, though.”

  There was that glint in her eye again. He was feeling himself becoming worked up again despite the distance between them. “That’s . . . good.”

  Beth stood and strolled over to the refrigerator. She poked her head inside and returned to the table with a container of fruit and cheese. “We might as well have a snack while we talk.”

  He swallowed and nodded. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was a little on edge.

  “Did you bring your list with you?” she asked.

  “Yes. It’s out in the car.” He should have thought to bring it in with him, but he’d been distracted at the time. The only thing he’d been able to think about the entire way back to her house was how long he’d have to wait before he would get to touch her.

  “Why don’t you go get it? I’ll grab mine, and we can sit here and go over everything.”

  She smiled down at him, and then walked out of the room, leaving him sitting at the table. He wondered if it was intentional.

  Taking a huge gulp of his water, he placed the empty glass back on the table and stood. This was what he wanted. Now all he had to do was hope he didn’t chicken out when they both laid all their cards out on the table.

  Chapter 15

  Beth had printed her list out the night before, so all she had to do was retrieve it from the drawer where she’d stashed it. She heard the front door open and close as she pulled the sheets of paper out of their hiding place. Drew had presumably gone out to get his list.

  She took her time as she made her way back downstairs to the kitchen. Setting the papers on the table, Beth picked up both their glasses and refilled them. They might as well be comfortable while they discussed things.

  It was hard to believe that she wasn’t more nervous. Leading up to their date, she’d nearly driven herself crazy with all the what-ifs. Sure, they were still there, but they weren’t nagging at her as much as they had been. Okay, that wasn’t true. She was still worried. About the future. About whether they could make things work between them. But what they were about to talk about—their limit lists—that wasn’t worrying her so much. Given their fun on the couch, she guessed they’d be able to figure out how to make a sexual relationship work pretty easily. It was the rest that was questionable.

  Drew walked back into the room as she was returning their glasses to the table. She could tell he was more anxious than he’d been before, but he also looked resolute.

  “Have a seat,” she said.

  He released a heavy breath and lowered himself into the chair he’d been in earlier.

  Beth joined him at the table. “I know you’ve never done this before, but I have to say this is one of the things about this lifestyle that I like the most. Honestly, I think if more vanilla couples did this, they would be much happier.”

  Drew smiled and relaxed his shoulders a little. “I’m trying not to stress too much about it, but it’s strange putting all your wants and desires out there even though I know you’re already aware of some of them.”

  “The first time is always the hardest. It will get easier.” She picked up her list and scanned the first page. “Let’s start with something simple. As far as the D/s dynamic is concerned, what are you interested in? Given what I know about you so far, I can’t see you wanting something 24/7.”

  He grinned. “No. Not only would that be difficult with my job, I just can’t see myself being submissive all the time. I’m not even sure I could be that way most of the time. My fantasies usually revolve around bedroom activities, so I think I’d like to confine it to that. For now, at least.”

  Beth nodded. “So bedroom only. That works for me, although I would be interested in expanding that some in the future if that is something you want. A 24/7 relationship doesn’t appeal to me either. Frankly, it’s too much work. But I do like the idea of you kneeling at my feet while we watch a movie, or maybe even having you do things around the house while I keep you in line with my crop.”

  “That could be interesting.”

  “Very.” Beth couldn’t help but picture Drew on his hands and knees cleaning up some mess she’d intentionally made for the sole purpose of watching him do her bidding. He’d be naked, of course, and she’d have fun playing with him while he was busy trying to get her floor spotless.

  Drew cleared his throat. “If I’m working, we can’t play. I can’t jeopardize my job.”

  “I would never want to put your career in danger, Drew. Nor would I want you distracted when you’re working. Your job is dangerous enough as it is.”

  He frowned. “My job still worries you.”

  Beth sighed. “I’m not sure that will ever change. I mean, if I were rushing into a burning building as part of my job, wouldn’t you be concerned about me on some level?”

  “You’re right. I would.”

  She grinned, trying to lighten the mood a little. “Let’s get back to our discussion. We’ve figured out when we don’t want to play, so now we need to figure out when we do. I know your schedule is . . . well, for lack of a better word . . . strange.”

  He chuckled.

  Beth rolled her eyes. “It’s the truth. I’m going to need a calendar to keep track.”

  “You get used to it.”

  “I suppose I will.” She reached for a couple of grapes and popped them into her mouth. “But that still leaves the question as to when. Between your schedule and mine, it could get a little hairy.”

  Drew picked up a cheese square and took a bite. “My single days off can be hectic. Also, I have to be at work by seven in the morning.”

  “So I’d say those days are out.”

  He frowned again.

  “What?” she asked, not understanding his reaction.

  “I want . . .”


  “Beth, I want a relationship with you. I want the other stuff, too, but I want us to date and . . . and be together as a couple.”

  She knew this. If all he’d wanted to do was play, she was sure he would have been able to find another Domme at the club to experiment with. The man was easy on the eyes
and she’d seen more than one Femdom looking him over. She wasn’t sure what his wanting a relationship had to do with their playtime, though. “I know.”

  He grinned. “Good.”

  “So it’s agreed that we only play during the stretches when you have at least four days off, and during the rest of the time we’re just a regular couple.”

  “Agreed.” He paused. “That means we can still do normal couple things during the non-play times, correct?”

  It took her only a moment to get what he was asking. She burst out laughing. “Are you asking if we can still have sex if we’re not playing?”

  Drew’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.

  Beth shook her head. “You are such a guy.”

  He puffed his chest out. “I would hope so.”

  This only made her laugh harder.

  Drew joined her.

  It took them several minutes to regain their composure. When they did, it was Beth who spoke first. “I think tonight we proved that we can have perfectly good sex without getting kinky.”

  His eyes widened. “Good?”

  “What? You didn’t think what we did tonight was good?” she asked.

  He snorted. “Tonight is probably up in my top five sexual experiences ever, and I didn’t even get my cock inside you. Plus, it still felt as if you were in control, and I liked that. I don’t want that to change.”

  “Good. Me either.” She looked down at her papers and tried to hide how much his words thrilled her. One of his top five. She wouldn’t deny she was feeling pretty pleased with herself. “So we’ve talked about the when. We should probably talk about the what.”

  Drew pushed his list across the table in her direction. “Being that I work mostly with guys, I figured there wouldn’t be any sexual term I hadn’t heard before. This proved me wrong.”

  She chuckled and did a quick scan of what he’d marked. It was what she’d expected for the most part. He was interested in bondage, although he had no personal experience with it. Impact play was also on his want to try list as well as sensation play. She was happy to see that humiliation and degradation were listed as ‘not interested’. The one thing she was surprised to see, however, was that he’d marked ‘maybe’ beside CBT. She hadn’t pegged him for an interest in cock and ball torture.


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