Burning For Her Kiss

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Burning For Her Kiss Page 20

by Sherri Hayes

  Beth cupped the side of his face with one hand and looked into his eyes. She must have seen whatever it was she was looking for because she nodded, released her hold on him, and took a step back. “On your knees.”

  Lowering himself to the floor, he waited to see what she’d do next.

  Nothing happened for several moments. All he could hear was his own breathing. Her scent was all around him, though, and as she moved closer to him, he could smell it even more. She was aroused and his mouth moistened in anticipation of being able to taste her again.

  Placing a hand on the top of his head, she began to move. Beth combed her fingers through his hair and then down his back as she walked to stand behind him. Her touch felt so good. It was exactly what he needed after everything that had been going on with Shawn and work and . . .

  He must have tensed or something, because the next thing he knew she was whispering in his ear. “Shh. Whatever’s going through your mind, let it go. Tonight you are mine. You’re here to serve me. Nothing outside this room matters. It will still be there later to worry about.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”


  It sounded as if she was pleased with his answer. He wondered if she was smiling.

  She went to her dresser and retrieved something before returning to stand behind him. “Raise your chin.”

  He did as he was told. Seconds later he felt something wrap around his neck. A collar.

  “This is a training collar. I thought it might help you get into your submissive mindset. To remind you that your body belongs to me tonight.”

  She waited.

  Drew realized she wanted him to answer. He decided to try out her new title. They’d talked about it. She was going to be his mistress, after all. Still, this would be the first time he’d actually called her that. “Thank you, Mistress.”

  A moment later, he felt something slide against the back of the collar followed by a click. He realized it was a lock.

  Taking several slow deep breaths, he relaxed and let and what she’d said sink in. As he did so, he felt the stress of his day begin to fade. This was their time and he was going to savor it.

  Beth stood before him and he was able to get his first good look at her. She was stunning. The corset she was wearing hugged her curves and lifted her tits. He wanted to bury his face in her cleavage. Then there were her panties. The tiny scrap of material that covered her front made him salivate for a view of the back. Drew could only imagine how her ass would look.

  “Had a good enough look?” she asked.

  He met her gaze and saw that she was amused by his perusal. “I could stare at you all day.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Looping a finger in the O-ring he hadn’t noticed on the front of his collar, she pulled up. “Stand.”

  There was a part of him that fought against her ordering him around, but there was a larger part that wanted this.

  She led him over to the wall. It was then he noticed the large X with cuffs attached to it. “Stand facing the wall with your arms raised and your legs spread.”

  He got into position and held still as she secured his arms and legs. There was still plenty of room between him and the wall. Beth took advantage of the space by grasping his cock. “Did you touch yourself today?”

  “No, Mistress.”

  She ran her hand from base to tip three times, making his cock swell even more.

  He had to bite back a groan when she took her hand away.

  “Tonight we are going to do some experimenting,” she said.

  Drew had no idea what that meant, but he’d told her that he was up for trying anything he’d marked on his list and he’d meant it. There was a lot he’d seen at Serpent’s Kiss that he was curious about. This was his opportunity. He had what he wanted—a relationship with a woman willing to dominate him.

  A sting to his behind brought him back to the present. It didn’t hurt exactly, but it had returned his focus.

  The first sting was followed by several others in various places on his ass and thighs. Only when Beth trailed the flat leather tip along his spine before landing another blow to his butt cheek did he realize she was using a crop on him. It felt different than he’d expected. As she continued to hit different places on his body, he felt his skin warming.

  Beth pressed herself against him from behind and ran her nails over his ass. It wasn’t the first time she’d touched him like this, but it felt different after she’d used the crop. Everything was very sensitive. He could feel every movement—every scratch.

  “Did you like that?”


  Beth allowed her hands to drift lower. She raked her nails along the inside of his thighs, and he sucked in a breath.

  He felt her lips against his back. “Don’t worry. We’re just getting started.”

  To his great disappointment, she removed her warmth from him and went to grab something else. This time he knew what she was using with the first strike—a flogger. The falls licked at his flesh, making his already sensitive skin tingle. She mixed soft, almost tickling caresses with hard blows that thudded soundly against his back, ass, and legs. He felt the stress of the day leaving his body completely as he became lost in the sensation.

  Drew was so caught up in what he was experiencing that the feel of something much firmer hitting his backside caused him to snap his head up.

  Beth laughed. “That got your attention.”

  She hit him with it again and he felt the bite of the leather. It hurt, but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant. His body was singing at that point and whatever she was using only added another note to the symphony.

  After ten strokes with whatever she was using, something soft caressed his overly sensitive backside. He closed his eyes and let the feeling take over.

  Right when he was getting used to the gentle touch of whatever she was using, the flogger was back. Then, moments later, the softness returned. It was a game trying to anticipate which he would feel as she moved back and forth between the two. He found that he yearned for the feel of both.

  Hands splayed across his chest and trailed down over his abs to wrap around his cock. Lips pressed against his back as the hands pumped his erection. It felt wonderful, but it wasn’t enough. He needed more. In that vein, Drew flexed his hips into the hands.

  Almost instantly, the hands were gone.

  “Uh-uh. None of that.” Beth’s voice grounded him.

  “Sorry, Mistress.”

  “Hmm. It’s just as well. I have other plans for you this evening.” She bent down and released his ankle cuffs, and then stood to free his wrists as well. “How are you feeling?”

  “I think every nerve ending I have has been awakened.”

  “Does that mean you’re ready to continue?” she asked.

  “Yes. Please.”

  Beth smiled. “Remove my panties.”

  He eagerly dropped to his knees and looped his fingers in the sides of the purple underwear he’d been admiring earlier. Inching them down her legs, he worked them over her boots, and deposited them on the floor.

  She lifted her leg, resting it on the blanket chest at the end of the bed. The new position opened her up to him and her pussy was staring him right in the face.

  No words were spoken as she laced her fingers through his hair and guided his mouth to where she wanted it to be. He’d been dreaming since their date about the next time he’d get to taste her. Drew would be happy to do this for her every day if she’d let him.

  Beth rested her hand at the base of his neck and began grinding her pussy against his tongue. Her wetness coated his face as he licked and sucked her, drawing out her pleasure.

  He knew she was close when she shifted her hips, placing his tongue directly over her clit. Drew flicked his tongue rapidly, edging her closer. Her grip on his neck tightened and her hips jerked moments before her breath hitched and he felt a flood of moisture on his chin. There was such a sense of satisfaction in serving her t
his way. And when he gazed up into her eyes, he knew he was exactly where he wanted to be—on his knees serving her.

  Chapter 20

  Beth tried to catch her breath as her orgasm faded. Drew’s head was still in between her legs, licking and nuzzling her pussy. She had half a mind to let him get her off a second time. But as much as she wanted to come by his mouth again, she wanted him inside her more. Reaching behind her, Beth retrieved the leash she’d placed on the end of the bed, and attached it to his collar.

  Drew froze and looked up.

  She smiled down at him and gave the leash a firm tug. “Get on the bed and lie down with your hands behind your head.”

  He hesitated briefly and then did as she’d instructed. This was going to be a test to see how well he obeyed without being bound.

  Beth climbed onto the bed and straddled his waist. The end of the leash was wrapped around her hand. She kept enough of a pull on it to remind him it was there.

  She brushed her mouth against his before running her tongue along the seam. He groaned and parted his lips. Beth took the offering and dipped her tongue inside his mouth. The taste of her arousal filled her senses. Drew was hers and tonight she was going to claim him.

  Their kiss continued. She was in no hurry. They had hours to play, and she planned to enjoy every minute of the time they had.

  After a while, though, he became impatient and started to reach for her. Beth broke the kiss and jerked on the leash. “Did I tell you to move your hands?”

  Drew blinked up at her as if waking from a daze.

  She knew the moment her words sank in. He placed his hands back into position and lowered his gaze. Beth remained where she was, waiting to see what he’d do. It was almost as if she could see the words forming in his mind as he centered himself once again.

  Releasing her hold on the leash, she got up off the bed, and went to fetch the items she’d placed on the dresser. Drew’s eyes followed her movement. Normally for sensation play, she’d blindfold her partner, but since this was his first time, she decided that she wanted him to see what she was doing to him. Tonight’s exercise was about obedience.

  Beth set the cooler, flogger, nipple clamps, and cock ring next to the bed. She made sure to lay each item down slowly so he could see them. Other than furrowing his forehead some when she opened the cooler, he didn’t react.

  The end of the leash laid flat against his stomach. She left it there and chose to grasp the leather about a foot from where it connected to the collar around his neck. Pulling his head up away from his hands an inch or so, Beth gave him a hard kiss before releasing him. She left the leash in place, however, just in case.

  “Keep your hands where they are. If you move them again, I will have to punish you.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Satisfied, she placed her palm on the inside of his thigh. “Spread your legs.”

  She stood by the bed while he moved his legs. Once he was where she wanted him, she took his cock and worked the silicone ring down the length of his erection. The constriction caused him to harden further and she dipped her head down to lick the tip of his penis.

  He sucked in a breath as she ran the tip of her tongue through his slit. “Like that?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Beth covered the head of his cock with her mouth and circled it with her tongue before releasing him. “If you’re a good boy, maybe I’ll use my mouth on you more later.”

  Drew nodded, and she could tell he was trying very hard not to move. He wanted more and he was used to calling the shots in the bedroom. She had to remember that this was all new to him.

  With the cock ring in place, Beth reached for the nipple clamps. Although he’d seen them used many times, this would be his first experience with them. She placed them both on his chest so he knew exactly what was coming next, and then began rolling his nipples between her fingers. He didn’t react much when she gave a gentle tug, so she decided to increase the pressure. Beth wanted to see how much pain it took for him to respond.

  She got her answer on her third try. Based on his responses she knew she’d have to tighten the tweezer clamps almost completely. If he liked them, she might try something stronger next time.

  Pinching his nipple, she placed one of the clamps on either side, and then slid the band of metal up the two arms until she saw him wince. Then she did the same on the other side. With both clamps in place, she noticed he had a look of total concentration on his face.

  Beth placed a hand on his cheek, drawing his attention. “You doing all right?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Remember you have your safewords if it becomes too much.”

  He nodded.

  She reached for the small flogger. Unlike the larger one she’d used on him earlier against the wall, this had more of a stinging sensation. With the ring driving all the blood to his cock, it would be fun to see how he reacted to the flogger on that part of his anatomy.

  Glancing up at his face to make sure he was still okay, Beth began working the flogger in random movements over his chest and legs before she took aim at his erection. With the snap of her wrist, she struck his cock right above the silicone ring.

  He flinched, but then settled himself.

  Beth took that as the green light to continue and began a series of blows on his cock, balls, and inner thighs. By the time she was done, the entire area had a nice pink hue to it. She tossed the flogger onto the floor and took hold of his balls in her left hand while lowering her mouth to lick and sooth the flesh she’d just abused. He moaned as her tongue made contact and widened his legs even more to give her better access. Beth saw his chest begin to rise and fall faster as she continued. His cock was hard and pulsing.

  Before she moved on, Beth placed a wet kiss on the tip of his cock. It bobbed a little, which made her smile. He seemed to be enjoying what she was doing to him.

  She stood, stuck her hand in the cooler, and removed an ice cube. Drew had his eyes closed. He seemed lost in everything he was feeling, so he startled a little when she brought the cold object to his lips.

  He opened his eyes and looked up at her.

  Beth rubbed the ice along his lips, and he slid his tongue out to lick the cool liquid. She held it there, letting him drink. When the ice melted enough, Beth allowed him to suck it into his mouth while she went to retrieve another cube. This one she ran along his forehead and then down his neck and collarbone. As she moved lower, she followed the path of the ice with her mouth—licking and biting—warming the skin she’d cooled moments before.

  As she worked her way to his chest, she circled his nipples with the ice, and then one by one removed the clamps. Drew arched his back. He breathed through his nose as she eased the hurt with her tongue.

  She palmed what remained of the ice cube and wrapped her hand around his cock while she continued to kiss her way across his abdomen. He gasped and tensed. Beth knew keeping still had to be killing him, but he was doing it.

  Slowly she ran her hand up and down his length letting the warmth melt the ice. She looked up to watch his reaction and was pleased to see that he had his eyes closed and his head tilted back.

  When she arrived at her destination, Beth straddled his hips. She waited until the ice was completely melted, and then guided his cock to the entrance of her pussy.

  His eyes flew open as he felt her heat envelope his cock.


  Drew had entered into the night with no illusions. He was giving up control to Beth and he knew what that meant. Because of that, Drew didn’t know if he’d get to be inside her.

  She lowered herself down onto his erection with excruciating slowness. Watching his cock disappear inch by inch into her pussy and not being able to touch her was torture—but he couldn’t look away.

  If that weren’t enough of a visual, Beth released the hooks that held her corset together. He held his breath as she shed the garment and threw it down beside the bed.

  “Give me your

  He moved quicker than he thought possible. She laced their fingers together, using their connection as leverage. When she moaned, he transferred his attention from where she was grinding away on his cock to her face. Beth’s eyes were closed and her head was thrown back. She was totally assured in what she was doing. It was amazing to watch.

  Her breathing became more labored. She picked up her paced, slamming down onto him as she chased toward her goal.

  The fevered pace had all the blood rushing to his groin. He felt his balls tightening, readying for climax. But he didn’t know if that was going to happen. Again, that decision belonged entirely to Beth.

  He didn’t want to look away from her. Them. But he had to. If he didn’t concentrate, he was going to come whether he wanted to or not. It was right there—he could feel it beckoning.

  Suddenly, Beth tore her right hand from his, and reached between them. A second later, he felt the vibrations. “Shit!”

  Her only response was to place both his hands on her tits. Drew was so thrilled to be touching her that he began playing with them in earnest. From their previous encounters, he knew what she liked. It amazed him how focused he was on her considering his body was so close to betraying him.

  “More,” she said. “Pinch my nipples.”

  Drew did as she asked, doing his best to give her what she needed.

  The intensity continued to build as she rode him. He was sweating but it was the least of his worries. Like it or not, he was going to come if she kept up the way she was. Between the feeling of her wet pussy pulling and squeezing him and the vibrations at the base of his cock, he was seconds away from losing it.

  Beth must have realized how close he was because she leaned down, bringing their foreheads to rest against each other. Her mouth hovered only centimeters from his—so close their breath mingled together. Their eyes met and held as Beth matched her breathing with his. Everything outside the two of them fell away.

  Her breath hitched in her throat and he felt it deep in his core. Beth caressed the side of his face as she continued to move against him. He could feel every intake of breath, every exhale.


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