Say Yes, Senator: A Best Friend's Little Sister Political Romance

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Say Yes, Senator: A Best Friend's Little Sister Political Romance Page 15

by Nicole Elliot

  “Get up. Stop whining!” he’d barked at me, as I looked up at him from behind watery eyes. The metallic taste of blood was on my lips, as it dripped down my nose.

  He had picked me up by my shoulders like a rag doll and pinned me to the wall.

  “You don’t get to question me. Not while you have food on your plate and clothes to fucking wear,” he had growled.

  And early the next morning, while I packed my boxes in silence; I tried to pick out all the stuff he had given me over the years and carefully kept them aside. I’d somehow missed this scarf and it had found its way to the bottom of this pile of clothes.

  That was five days ago. Charity was my closest friend and the only person I could turn to in my hour of need. My two part time jobs had to be dropped because I was afraid of Blaine finding me there.

  Thankfully Charity lived in a different part of town, and he didn’t know much about her but I was always afraid these days, always looking over my shoulder. I had seen a side of Blaine I had never anticipated and it had scared me.

  “What about this?” Charity’s chirpy voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned to her with a deathly pallor on my face, like I had seen a ghost. When she looked at me, she knew immediately what I’d been thinking about and she came rushing towards me.

  “Ava, you don’t have to worry. You know you can stay here with me as long as you need to,” she said, in her most affectionate voice and I nodded my head, battling back the hot tears that pricked the back of my eyelids. It was sweet of her to offer, and I appreciated her generosity, but I wasn’t going to accept any more hand outs from anyone.

  I hadn’t realized that was what I was doing all those years with Blaine, and therefore he had so much control over me.

  “Thanks, I found something else,” I smiled at Charity and pulled out a white shirt from one of the boxes and started putting it on. She watched me in silence and I could see the sympathy return to her eyes. I forced a smile on my face and stood up. No way was I going to let anyone feel sorry for me.

  “Gotta go,” I said, as cheerfully as I could and I left for the interview.

  Chapter 3


  Girth and King were with me when we entered Mr. Hill’s pawn shop. Over the years, our MC had formed a perfectly peaceful working relationship with most of the local businesses. They gave us money and we provided them with protection.

  “Commando!” Mr. Hill was behind the counter, polishing a pocket watch which definitely didn’t look vintage. He had his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and pulled them off when I walked towards him.

  “Mr. Hill,” I said and placed my hands on the glass counter, peering down to look at his latest wares. The kinds of things people pawned for cash was fucking nuts.

  “You have the cash?” Girth spoke up. He had no patience for small talk and Mr. Hill nodded his head vigorously.

  “How is business?” I asked him instead, as he wiped his grimy hands on a rag before walking around to his desk, where we all knew there was a secret compartment he used to stash money.

  “I can’t complain about business, but the Black Skulls are something else,” Mr. Hill replied, stuffing dollar bills into a plastic bag. King was going to count them when he handed it over to us.

  “What are those numbskulls up to?” I asked with a laugh, and I heard King and Girth give out a little laugh behind me as well. Mr. Hill however, didn’t appreciate my use of that choice word.

  “They’ve visited me twice this past week,” he said, with a sour expression on his face as he handed over the thick wad of cash to King, who started counting it.

  “This isn’t their territory,” I snapped and Mr. Hill sighed.

  “They scared my shopgirl shitless yesterday,” he said and I was surprised to hear him use that word. I’d always considered Mr. Hill to be a gentleman.

  “Lancey, over at Mahoney’s pub told me the same thing. The Black Skulls paid them a visit recently as well,” Girth said and I turned to him with narrowed eyes.

  “They’ve been trying to shake down a lot of us in the area,” Mr. Hill complained and when I looked at him, I could see that he was more than just annoyed.

  “What did they do?” I asked him and I noticed how he was refusing to meet my eye.

  “They took some stuff,” he replied in a smaller voice and my fists banged down on his glass counter instinctively. The fact that the Black Skulls were on my territory, harassing our businesses; was not something I was going to tolerate.

  “Why didn’t you get in touch with me?” I barked at Mr. Hill and he seemed to cower and I cleared my throat.

  “We’ll keep an eye on this street,” I added in a gruff voice and he nodded his head.

  “I wasn’t sure what to do,” he replied and I reached over the counter and grabbed his shoulder and gave it a shake.

  “Girth will stick around and watch over the shop,” I said to him and he nodded his head again.

  “It’s all there,” King told me. He was done counting the cash and I gave Mr. Hill a quick nod.

  “You don’t have to worry about the Black Skulls,” I reassured him again and then turned around and walked out of the shop with Girth and King behind me.

  Outside, I slipped a cigarette out of the box and stuck it to my lips. King brought out his zippo and presented the burning flame to me which I used to light up. I took in a deep drag, allowing the smoke to fill my lungs.

  “Fuck em,” I said, while King lit Girth’s cigarette and then his own.

  “What gave them the balls to start doing this shit?” Girth said, pulling on the smoke of his own cigarette. I flicked ash from mine onto the pavement and shook my head.

  “Does Elwood know about this? You should have told us about Mahoney’s the moment you heard about it,” I clenched my jaw.

  “Yeah,” Girth replied.

  “Things can get out of hand if they start encroaching. They need to be kicked back into their caves,” I said, King and Girth nodded their heads aware that this was a serious matter.

  The Black Skulls and the Rogue Rebels had a long history of rivalry, but when Dad took over as President, a very clear boundary of territory had been set up between us. We had emerged victors of our last major war which meant that our territory was larger. Our rules applied, and the local businesses operated under us. No trade took place in the area without our knowledge and without us getting an appropriate cut.

  In the last couple of years, there hadn’t been any major outbreaks and the Black Skulls seemed to keep a low profile, keeping out of our way. But if they were beginning to shake down local businesses, it meant that they were planning on making an appearance again.

  “You guys stick around here,” I said to them and decided that I needed to speak to Dad. I walked over to my Harley and started the bike with the last inches of my cigarette dangling from my mouth.

  I knew where he would be, The Lucky Lady.

  My mind was still occupied by the Black Skulls when I pushed open the doors of the bar and walked in. We needed to figure out what the fuckers had been up to and which other businesses they were trying to steal from and shake down. We needed to amp up our man power at these places and if there was no other choice, another war would have to be declared.

  That was when I saw her behind the counter, where Big D always stood. She was polishing glasses with her head bent low over them and looked up at me when I walked towards her.

  Chapter 4



  It was like my limbs had stopped moving and my head was going to explode.

  She could be the most delicious piece of ass I’d seen in a long time. The Lucky Lady was full of people at this point, but my eyes were fixed on her.

  That hair!

  Fiery red and it fell like a shiny silk curtain around her shoulders, covering her ears and framing her face. It was long too and immediately my brain went to what it would feel like to wrap some of that hair around my fist and pull her head ba
ck as I drove into her from behind. It swayed now, as she moved, brushing her hips gently.

  She was wearing a crop top, black, and a slim section of her belly flashed every time she moved her arms a little. Her skin was pale and milky, and I felt my cock move in my pants. I wondered how pink her skin would look if I gripped her with my fingers, tightening my grip on her arm to hold her in position as I slammed into her.

  From where I was standing, I could tell that she was wearing a denim skirt and her hips protruded out under them. She was petite and had curves in the right places. Like every time she turned a little to the side, I saw how tight the denim material stretched over her ass. I wanted to feel the softness of the insides of her thighs.

  Her green eyes had met mine for a moment, before she quickly looked away. In them I saw glimpses of a good girl who was capable of doing bad things. Green sparkling eyes like gemstones, strikingly bright against the paleness of her cheeks. A lock of her shining red hair fell over her face, while she continued to polish some more glasses.

  I couldn’t look away from her body. The way her bare arms quivered when she moved them. I could wrap my entire palm around her arm, squeeze the flesh if I wanted to. Her breasts would fit perfectly in the palms of my hands too and in my mouth.

  Big D had come over behind her and was talking to her, and I’d forgotten all about looking for Dad. Elwood was the last thing on my mind, now that I’d set my eyes on what I had to have.

  I could feel my cock protesting in my pants. What was taking me so long? When I saw something I liked, something my cock approved of too, I took it. This time, something was holding me back.

  I noticed the tattoo on her shoulder when she moved her arms to reach for a bottle of whisky behind her. Her ass was on display, now that she had her back turned to me. She was on tiptoes, stretching her body. Her crop top rode up and I saw the pale flesh of her back. Her waist small enough to be pinned down with one hand, the gentle dip in the middle of her back where her spine was. I could trace the line with my tongue and blow on it. She’d like that. I had a feeling she’d like that.

  Her tattoo was a pink delicate flower, something like a branch of cherry blossom winding around her shoulder. It suited her perfectly and I wondered what made her get that. When was the last time I had looked at a woman like this? When had I looked past the tits and the ass? She had both and of excellent quality, but there was more to her than just that. It was about the way she moved, the way she was shy and looked away from me, the glimmer of rebellion I’d seen in those green eyes.

  This girl was already tame, but I wanted to see how bad she could be in bed.

  My cock was throbbing in my pants now and I clenched my jaw. Few more minutes of looking at her, and I was going to explode. I’d turn into a machine, bend her over the counter and fuck her ass till she screamed at me to stop. If I didn’t have her in the next few minutes, I’d drag her to the back of the bar and she’d like it.

  Then Big D came into view again. He was speaking with her and she was standing with one delicate hand on her hip. It struck me. She was working here.

  She was the outsider who’d been hired to help Big D behind the bar!

  For a moment, I narrowed my eyes at her and my mouth ran dry. I ran a hand through my hair and growled under my breath. How did it not strike me that she was working the moment I saw her? She was polishing glasses, Big D was showing her the ropes! She was an employee.

  I looked around at the bar that was bursting with people and loud thumping music now. A few of the regular groupies were around, sitting on laps, draping themselves over their favorite men. All red lips and exposed cleavage and tight pussies. Makeup done just right, matching our varied tastes. These girls were fair game. I could bang as many of them as I wanted. They practically begged us for it. What about Barb? I could call her again. I could screw any of these girls to get my angry animal need for this new girl out of my system.

  I clenched my fists and looked back at her.

  She was smiling now, intently listening to what Big D was telling her, nodding her head and she looked over at me again.

  Our eyes met and I drank in the shape of her lips. She had a pale pink gloss on, which made her lips look shiny and slippery. That mouth would have to open very wide to accommodate the cock in my pants. I had to steady myself from lunging at her. She turned away from me again, to look at Big D and I knew Barb wouldn’t do. None of these whores would do. I had to have her.

  Her pussy would be just tight enough, her hips just slender enough, her legs long enough around my neck. I wanted to hear her scream. I wanted to taste the creaminess of her skin.

  But Elwood had set a strict rule for the Rogue Rebels. We weren’t allowed to touch any of the employees. Which was probably why we never hired too many female employees and why we kept so many groupies around. They usually satisfied all of our needs, and kept us from fraternizing with any female employees. But no other female employee looked like this one.

  I could feel electric waves searing through my veins. It took actual physical energy to remain standing where I was and not make a grab for her. I couldn’t go against the Club. I couldn’t go against the rules that my father had set and the ones I helped him enforce. I would have kicked the shit out of Girth or Slade or any of the others if they touched an employee, not because I cared, but because we operated on following orders. And this was an order that Elwood had established.

  And yet, here I was, practically drooling over this girl who I had no idea was hired.

  I took in a deep breath trying to steady myself. I had to do something, anything, to distract myself from her. I could sense someone walking towards me. It was Candy, one of the groupies who purred like a cat when she was getting fucked.

  “I was wondering when you’d stop by,” she said in my ear in a suggestive voice, and leaned in to gently lap at my earlobe like a kitten drinking milk. I was still glaring in the direction of the counter, watching the new girl move like a dream as she served drinks under the watchful eye of Big D.

  “Fuck off!” I barked at Candy, turning to her with bloodshot enraged eyes. She cowered for a moment, and then furrowed her eyebrows when she gathered herself.

  “I was just checking to see if you needed me. You look tense,” she said in a cooing voice and then she whipped around and walked away from me. I looked at her ass in those tight leather pants she was wearing, a thick belt with spikes was at her waist which I’d used several times to tie her wrists to the bed when I fucked her. But tonight, she did nothing for me. Tonight, I wanted to feel the velvety softness of this girl’s pussy and she was off limits.

  Maybe that was what made me want her more. Or maybe it wasn’t that at all, and it was because she was just so damn gorgeous.

  Chapter 5


  First night on the job, and already I could feel my life beginning to fall into place. Or was I just kidding myself? Well, at least I had a job now! Which meant that I wouldn’t have to be a burden to Charity anymore. I could get my own apartment and begin moving on with my life.

  The Lucky Lady was a busy bar, and I’d gathered a pretty good idea of the place within the past hour that I was here. For starters, it was nothing like any of the other places I had worked at. Tatted up men in leather jackets, drinking like fish and yet not drunk enough, their manners were rowdy and gruff and the handful of girls who were at the bar were clearly there as wallflowers - decoration for the room, to serve as walking boobs and asses. A couple of weeks ago, I would have steered clear from a place like this, cowering at the very sound of one of their voices. But the lack of a livelihood had driven me to do crazy things, like take a job in this place.

  The bar was packed with people, loud music deafening me as I strained my ears to try and catch everything Bid D was telling me.

  In fairness, both the older man who had interviewed me for the position and Big D who was showing me the ropes…seemed to treat me respectfully. Their ways were obviously different, less polite
and more rough around the edges compared to what I had been used to, but I hadn’t felt threatened yet. It seemed like they were treating me differently to the other girls at this place. Like my job here was different to theirs and for that, I was grateful.

  Big D, despite his “bigness” and the tattoos he had on display; was more like a gentle giant. His voice was softer than the others and he was patient with me, as he showed me around the place.

  It was a Thursday night and according to him, the discounts brought a lot of their customers in on this night. He had pointed to his own leather vest, and the vests that some of the other guys were wearing. Without giving me much of an explanation, he said that anybody with a vest on got their drinks for free. The rest of the people would have to pay. I made mental notes of the variety of drinks that Big D said the guys liked to drink and I figured I would have to eventually learn them up. It seemed like these guys were the kinds of people who wouldn’t have the patience to give out detailed orders every time they came up to the bar. I would eventually just have to know and pour as soon as I saw them.

  “You’ll be fine, kid,” Big D told me with a grin on his face and I smiled back, appreciating the encouragement. This is what I needed right now. I needed encouragement and a means of make a living. As good as Charity’s intentions were, her sympathizing was only ending up enraging me more than encouraging me. It wasn’t her fault of course, I was just pissed at the situation I had allowed myself to get into.

  Big D had given me the initial task of polishing and arranging some of the clean glasses, when the guy walked in.

  I’d looked up, expecting to see another group of muscular men walk in, but my eyes fixed on this figure with a jolt. I had taken approximately five-seconds, before I pulled my gaze away from him. A feeling like panting, rising up my chest. This guy, though similar in a lot of ways to the others, looked nothing like the rest of them.


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